MongoDB and using DBRef with Spatial Data - mongodb

I have a collection with 100 million documents of geometry.
I have a second collection with time data associated to each of the other geometries. This will be 365 * 96 * 100 million or 3.5 trillion documents.
Rather than store the 100 million entries (365*96) times more than needed, I want to keep them in separate collections and do a type of JOIN/DBRef/Whatever I can in MongoDB.
First and foremost, I want to get a list of GUIDs from the geometry collection by using a geoIntersection. This will filter it down to 100 million to 5000. Then using those 5000 geometries guids I want to filter the 3.5 trillion documents based on the 5000 goemetries and additional date criteria I specify and aggregate the data and find the average. You are left with 5000 geometries and 5000 averages for the date criteria you specified.
This is basically a JOIN as I know it in SQL, is this possible in MongoDB and can it be done optimally in say less than 10 seconds.
Clarify: as I understand, this is what DBrefs is used for, but I read that it is not efficient at all, and with dealing with this much data that it wouldn't be a good fit.

If you're going to be dealing with a geometry and its time series data together, it makes sense to store them in the same doc. A years worth of data in 15 minute increments isn't killer - and you definitely don't want a document for every time-series entry! Since you can retrieve everything you want to operate on as a single geometry document, it's a big win. Note that this also let's you sparse things up for missing data. You can encode the data differently if it's sparse rather than indexing into a 35040 slot array.
A $geoIntersects on a big pile of geometry data will be a performance issue though. Make sure you have some indexing on (like 2dsphere) to speed things up.
If there is any way you can build additional qualifiers into the query that could cheaply eliminate members from the more expensive search, you may make things zippier. Like, say the search will hit states in the US. You could first intersect the search with state boundaries to find the states containing the geodata and use something like a postal code to qualify the documents. That would be a really quick pre-search against 50 documents. If a search boundary was first determined to hit 2 states, and the geo-data records included a state field, you just winnowed away 96 million records (all things being equal) before the more expensive geo part of the query. If you intersect against smallish grid coordinates, you may be able to winnow it further before the geo data is considered.
Of course, going too far adds overhead. If you can correctly tune the system to the density of the 100 million geometries, you may be able to get the times down pretty low. But without actually working with the specifics of the problem, it's hard to know. That much data probably requires some specific experimentation rather than relying on a general solution.


Athena/DDB to condense millions of data points for plotting them on a graph

I need to plot trend charts on the react app based on user inputs such as timestamps, devices, etc. I have related time series data in DynamoDB and S3 (which I can query using Athena).
Returning all those millions of data points for a graph seems unreasonable and is super laggy.
I guess one option is "binning" where I decide the number of bins based on how big the time range is and take averages of the readings in that bin. However, concerned about how well it will show the drops and high we need to show them accurately.
Athena queries and DDB queries (due to the 1MB limit) - both seem fairly slow so far.
Of course the size of the response payload is another concern as API and Lambda both limit it to 10 and 6Mb respectively.
Any ideas?
I can't suggest anything smarter than "binning", but if you are concerned that the bucket interval might become too wide and performance might suffer, you can fixate the interval. Then create more than one table. For example, the interval can be 1 hour and you can have a new table for each week.
This is what we did when we had to deal with time series in dynamo. At some point, we decided to switch to Amazon Timestream

Database solution to store and aggregate vectors?

I'm looking for a way to solve a data storage problem for a project.
The Data:
We have a batch process that generates 6000 vectors of size 3000 each daily. Each element in the vectors is a DOUBLE. For each of the vectors, we also generate tags like "Country", "Sector", "Asset Type" and so on (It's financial data).
The Queries:
What we want to be able to do is see aggregates by tag of each of these vectors. So for example if we want to see the vectors by sector, we want to get back a response that gives us all the unique sectors and a 3000x1 vector that is the sum of all the vectors of each element tagged by that sector.
What we've tried:
It's easy enough to implement a normalized star schema with 2 tables, one with the tagging information and an ID and a second table that has "VectorDate, ID, ElementNumber, Value" which will have a row to represent each element for each vector. Unfortunately, given the size of the data, it means we add 18 million records to this second table daily. And since our queries need to read (and add up) all 18 million of these records, it's not the most efficient of operations when it comes to disk reads.
Sample query:
SELECT, T2.ElementNumber, SUM(T2.Value)
WHERE VectorDate = 20140101
GROUP BY, T2.ElementNumber
I've looked into NoSQL solutions (which I don't have experience with) but seen that some, like MongoDB allow for storing entire vectors as part of a single document - but I'm unsure if they would allow aggregations like we're trying efficiently (adding each element of the vector in a document to the corresponding element of other documents' vectors). I read the $unwind operation required isn't that efficient either?
It would be great if someone could point me in the direction of a database solution that can help us solve our problem efficiently.

What is a better approach of storing and querying a big dataset of meteorological data

I am looking for a convenient way to store and to query huge amount of meteorological data (few TB). More information about the type of data in the middle of the question.
Previously I was looking in the direction of MongoDB (I was using it for many of my own previous projects and feel comfortable dealing with it), but recently I found out about HDF5 data format. Reading about it, I found some similarities with Mongo:
HDF5 simplifies the file structure to include only two major types of
object: Datasets, which are multidimensional arrays of a homogenous
type Groups, which are container structures which can hold datasets
and other groups This results in a truly hierarchical, filesystem-like
data format. Metadata is stored in the form of user-defined, named
attributes attached to groups and datasets.
Which looks like arrays and embedded objects in Mongo and also it supports indices for querying the data.
Because it uses B-trees to index table objects, HDF5 works well for
time series data such as stock price series, network monitoring data,
and 3D meteorological data.
The data:
Specific region is divided into smaller squares. On the intersection of each one of the the sensor is located (a dot).
This sensor collects the following information every X minutes:
solar luminosity
wind location and speed
and so on (this information is mostly the same, sometimes a sensor does not collect all the information)
It also collects this for different height (0m, 10m, 25m). Not always the height will be the same. Also each sensor has some sort of metainformation:
lat, lng
is it in water, and many others
Giving this, I do not expect the size of one element to be bigger than 1Mb.
Also I have enough storage at one place to save all the data (so as far as I understood no sharding is required)
Operations with the data.
There are several ways I am going to interact with a data:
convert as store big amount of it: Few TB of data will be given to me as some point of time in netcdf format and I will need to store them (and it is relatively easy to convert it HDF5). Then, periodically smaller parts of data (1 Gb per week) will be provided and I have to add them to the storage. Just to highlight: I have enough storage to save all this data on one machine.
query the data. Often there is a need to query the data in a real-time. The most of often queries are: tell me the temperature of sensors from the specific region for a specific time, show me the data from a specific sensor for specific time, show me the wind for some region for a given time-range. Aggregated queries (what is the average temperature over the last two months) are highly unlikely. Here I think that Mongo is nicely suitable, but hdf5+pytables is an alternative.
perform some statistical analysis. Currently I do not know what exactly it would be, but I know that this should not be in a real time. So I was thinking that using hadoop with mongo might be a nice idea but hdf5 with R is a reasonable alternative.
I know that the questions about better approach are not encouraged, but I am looking for an advice of experienced users. If you have any questions, I would be glad to answer them and will appreciate your help.
P.S I reviewed some interesting discussions, similar to mine: hdf-forum, searching in hdf5, storing meteorological data
It's a difficult question and I am not sure if I can give a definite answer but I have experience with both HDF5/pyTables and some NoSQL databases.
Here are some thoughts.
HDF5 per se has no notion of index. It's only a hierarchical storage format that is well suited for multidimensional numeric data. It's possible to extend on top of HDF5 to implement an index (i.e. PyTables, HDF5 FastQuery) for the data.
HDF5 (unless you are using the MPI version) does not support concurrent write access (read access is possible).
HDF5 supports compression filters which can - unlike popular belief - make data access actually faster (however you have to think about proper chunk size which depends on the way you access the data).
HDF5 is no database. MongoDB has ACID properties, HDF5 doesn't (might be important).
There is a package (SciHadoop) that combines Hadoop and HDF5.
HDF5 makes it relatively easy to do out core computation (i.e. if the data is too big to fit into memory).
PyTables supports some fast "in kernel" computations directly in HDF5 using numexpr
I think your data generally is a good fit for storing in HDF5. You can also do statistical analysis either in R or via Numpy/Scipy.
But you can also think about a hybdrid aproach. Store the raw bulk data in HDF5 and use MongoDB for the meta-data or for caching specific values that are often used.
You can try SciDB if loading NetCDF/HDF5 into this array database is not a problem for you. Note that if your dataset is extremely large, the data loading phase will be very time consuming. I'm afraid this is a problem for all the databases. Anyway, SciDB also provides an R package, which should be able to support the analysis you need.
Alternatively, if you want to perform queries without transforming HDF5 into something else, you can use the product here:
Moreover, if you want to perform a selection query efficiently, you should use index; if you want to perform aggregation query in real time (in seconds), you can consider approximate aggregation. Our group has developed some products to support those functions.
In terms of statistical analysis, I think the answer depends on the complexity of your analysis. If all you need is to compute something like entropy or correlation coefficient, we have products to do it in real time. If the analysis is very complex and ad-hoc, you may consider SciHadoop or SciMATE, which can process scientific data in the MapReduce framework. However, I am not sure if SciHadoop currently can support HDF5 directly.

Reducing Large Datasets with MongoDB and D3

I'm working on a D3 visualization and luckily have made some progress. However, I've run into an issue... and to be honest, I'm not sure if its a MongoDB issue, or a D3 issue. You see, I'm trying to make a series of graphs from a set of sensor points (my JSON object contains timestamps, light, temperature, humidity, and motion detection levels or each datapoint). However, my sensors are uploading data to my MongoDB database every 8 seconds. So, if I query the MongoDB database for just one days worth of data... I get 10,800 datapoints. Worse, if I were to ask for one month of data, I'd be swamped with 324,000 datapoints. My issue is that my d3 visualization slows to a crawl when dealing with more than about 1000 points (I'm visualizing the data on four different graphs each which use a single brush to select a certain domain on the graph. Is there a way to limit the amount of data I'm trying to visualize? Is this better done using MongoDB (so basically filter the data I'm querying and only getting every nth data point based on how big of a time value I'm trying to query). Or is there a better way? Should I try to filter the data using D3 once I've retrieved the entire dataset? What is the best way to go about reducing the amount of points I need to deal with? Thanks in advance.
Mongodb is great at filtering. If you really only need a subset of the data, specify that in a find query -- this could limit to a subset of time, or if you're clever only get data for the first minute of every hour or similar.
Or you can literally reduce the amount of data coming out of mongodb using the aggregation framework. This could be used to get partial sums or averages or similar.

Algorithm for returning similar documents represented in Vector space model

I have a DB containing tf-idf vectors of about 30,000 documents.
I would like to return for a given document a set of similar documents - about 4 or so.
I thought about implementing a K-Means (clustering algorithm) on the data (with cosine similarity), but I don't know whether it's the best choice because of many uncertainties: I'm not sure what to put in my initial clusters, I don't know how many clusters to create, I fear the clusters will be too unbalanced, I'm not sure the results quality will be good, etc.
Any advice and help from experienced users will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
I would like to return for a given document a set of similar documents - about 4 or so.
Then don't do k-means. Just return the four closest documents by tf-idf similarity, as any search engine would do. You can implement this as a k-nearest neighbor search, or more easily by installing a search engine library and using the initial document as a query. Lucene comes to mind.
If I understand, you
read 30k records from a bigger db to a cache file / to memory
cosine similarity, 10 terms * 30k records -> best 4.
Can you estimate the runtimes of these phases separately ?
read or cache: how often will this be done,
how big are the 30k vectors all together ?
10 * 30k multiply-adds: in your c / java / ... or in some opaque db ?
In c or java, that should take < 1 second.
In general, make some back-of-the-envelope estimates
before getting fancy.
(By the way,
I find best-4 faster and simpler in straight-up c than std::partial_sort; ymmv.)