Change the color of legends in Charts in power View - powerview

Is it possible to change the color of the legends in Power View charts? i have been googling for some time now but could find a way.
I could make use of KPIs to have an indicator as in this link:
I want to add similar range for legend colors in charts.

If you are using Power View charts within Excel 2013 you can change the Theme from the Power View menu. For Power View on SharePoint this is under the Styles menu. These give you a little control over the range of colours used for legends and charts but still no control over what precise colour you want to use for what legend item.
This is by design ... Power View is designed for simplicity.


Is it possible to add a tooltip when hovering over a drawing (annotation) using stock charts of Anychart

I would like to know if there is anyway to add a tool-tip while hovering over an annotation or a drawing using stock charts i anychart.
for example, if i draw a rectangle, i would like to show a tool-tip to with the values of the rectangle(start and end dates, and upper and lower price).
if there aren't any built-in functions to do so, are there any event listeners for hovering over an annotation? then maybe when the event of hovering the mouse-in i could create an html element and then hide it on the even of mouse-out.
another solution might be by creating labels on the xAxis and on the yAxis. but i could not find anything to add labels in a specific location.
any suggestion is appreciated.
Unfortunately, the current version of the library 8.7.0 doesn't support tooltip or events to implement custom interactivity with Stock chart annotations.
If you want to add labels on the axes, you can use text axis markers. The article is about basic charts, but it will work for Stock charts. The difference is that you should call API not from a chart, but from Stock chart plot.
For example chart.textMarker() should be replaced with chart.plot(0).textMarker(), and that's it.

How to position legend chart labels?

Is it possible to change the default positions of the legend labels around the jasper reports charts? Currently I have a following kind of chart being created:
I would like to move this [hoursNormal, hoursTravel, hoursOvertime]-box from under the chart to the right side of the chart. Another thing I would like to do is to replace this [hoursNormal, hoursTravel, hoursOvertime]-box by label "month". I just don't see any tools for moving these positions in Jasper studio chart creation wizard, and to me also the xml looks like so static that I don't believe tinkering it would help me.
Hopefully I'm wrong and there is a easy solution?
Move the legend to the right and other option of the chart can be find in the Properties View.
Click the chart, to view Properties for the chart. Navigate the different properties tabs to set what you need.
If you need more advanced feature on the chart you need to use a customizer class see this as example: How to put benchmark line on barchart?

Background Image not Aligning with Bubble Chart in SSRS

I have a background image for my bubble chart in SSRS (2008).
On the Design tab, the background image stays behind the bubble chart.
When I run the report (preview), the background image appears below the bubble chart - not behind it. I've set the background image as 'Send to Back'.
I assumed it should always stay as back of bubble chart.
How do I ensure that it stays fixed behind the bubble chart?
From the bubble chart graph, I have no option of filling the background with the embedded image.
According to this SSRS documentation, overlapping report items are not supported in preview mode, nor are they supported in HTML, Word, Excel, and several other important export formats. They are, however, supported in .pdf, and I've tested this to make sure that it works - even when the preview bumps the items so that they do not overlap, an exported .pdf will show them overlapping. So depending on the format you need, having overlapping report items may or may not be possible. If it is not possible for your required format, start looking into alternatives, like cropping your image into four separate images that surround your chart, and then keeping the chart as a fixed size in your report.
Oh, and I'm not sure what you mean by saying "From the bubble chart graph, I have no option of filling the background with the embedded image," if you are saying it won't work for your design purposes, that's fine. But I am able to set a background image in a bubble chart using the Fill section of the properties tab for the bubble chart to select a background image.
Edit: I am using Visual Studio 2008 as well. The properties window for the bubble chart looks like this:
Since it sounds like you already have the image you want uploaded to your project, you can choose "Embedded" for your source and then find the image in the Value dropdown.

How may I force a redraw of all Vaadin charts in a dashboard to toggle dataLabels on or off?

How may I force a redraw of All Vaadin charts in a dashboard to toggle dataLabels on or off?
I would like to allow my app user to add/remove chart dataLabels for All charts on their dashboard; forcing a redraw similar to when changing themes say from VaadinTheme to GridTheme.
How may I achieve this?
How does changing themes work under the hood, what is the source code that does this?
I know I could redraw a single chart individually by resetting its plot options and then redrawing it:
PlotOptionsColumnRange columnRange = new PlotOptionsColumnRange();
columnRange.setDataLabels(new Labels(true));
columnRange.setDataLabels.setFormatter(/* some javascript about this.y */);
But I want to do it for All charts on a dashboard; like having a Listener that does
ChartOptions.get().setTheme(new VaadinTheme())
ChartOptions.get().setTheme(new GridTheme())
and viceversa
Maybe I can reset the plotOption dataLabels then reset the theme to force a redraw with the new dataLabel state?
Please advise...
I don't want to make changes to my user saved data in my database, i.e., I don't want this label toggle to be persistent. I want to toggle dataLabels just like a toggling themes.
Please look at:
to see what I mean.
Ok, two solutions:
A coworker of mine that worked on the Dashboards helped me with the first answer to this question.
Basically, you have to clear all charts, then iterate through ea. chart in a particular dashboard (stored in the DB), and rebuild ea. chart w/ your decision to have or not have a dataLabel, placing it back in that dashboard; but I wanted to avoid this as it might take a performance hit.
Also I later got a response from Pekka of the Vadding team, as follows:
'You can easily hide the dataLabels with basic css. For example, if you can apply a stylename "dataLabelsHidden" to you UI, then you could write in your stylesheet a specific enough rule for hiding the labels. I quickly tested the demo with this:
.v-ui.dataLabelsHidden g.highcharts-data-labels {
display: none;
This way you won't have to update all your charts when the labels on/off is triggered.'

Fusion charts dynamic clickable

I have a scenario where in I am using fusion chart which has a multiple line chart in one fusion chart. I want to create a clickable line chart where in clicking on label that particular attribute will be displayed in graph. So basically each line chart in graph is dynamically displayed with click of button for each line chart. I hope you get my requirement. Any help will be really appreciated.
I hope I have understood your requirement correctly.
As far as I know, FusionCharts v3.2 has something similar to what you require.
From the documentation,
Interactive legends in charts that allow for selective showing/hiding of data series (or slicing, in case of pie charts)
You can see a demo of this at FusionCharts gallery