How to convert byte[] back to Barcode in ZXing - zxing

ZXing.Result obtained from ZXing.BarcodeReader provides a property of RawBytes of byte[]. However, I have tried but been unable to find a function in ZXing.BarcodeWriter which accepts byte[] as its argument.
I want to have a barcode from ZXing.BarcodeWriter which is exactly the same as that ZXing.BarcodeReader reads.
say, a barcode is known as Code 128,
BarcodeReader gives RawBytes starts with 3 bytes, 105, 102, 42,
which means [Start Code C], [FNC 1], [42] in Code 128,
which means the barcode starts with 2 digits 4, 2.
The major reason to find such a function is that meta-data is lost if a barcode is converted to string and converted back.
string only represents 4 and 2, and [Start Code C] and [FNC 1] are lost.
Is there a function for that? You may assume the barcode format is known.
I am using ZXing.NET, but I suppose the functions are similar across different platforms.

It dependents on the barcode type, if a encode method with a byte array parameter is available. For the Aztec-Barcode you can use the class which provides the method:
public static AztecCode encode(byte[] data)
The Encoder class of the QR-Code for example doesn't provide a encode method with a byte[].

No, there is not BarcodeWriter which accepts a byte array.
But you can set an option which interprets the GS1 symbology.
var reader = new BarcodeReader { Options = new DecodingOptions { AssumeGS1 = true } };
The barcode reader will now convert the FNC1 codeword to a string representation in the result, in your case "]C142". The FNC1 representation "]C1" isn't very intuitive but it is defined in the GS1 spec for Code 128 Every following FNC1 codeword is translated to the group separator character (GS / 0x1D / (char)29).
The barcode writer on the other hand uses only the group separator character.
That means if you want to generate the same barcode from the result string you have to replace the leading "]C1" with "(char)29".


How to convert String to UTF-8 to Integer in Swift

I'm trying to take each character (individual number, letter, or symbol) from a string file name without the extension and put each one into an array index as an integer of the utf-8 code (i.e. if the file name is "A1" without the extension, I would want "A" as an int "41" in first index, and "1" as int "31" in second index)
Here is the code I have but I'm getting this error "No exact matches in call to instance method 'append'", my guess is because .utf8 still keeps it as a string type:
for i in allNoteFiles {
var CharacterArray : [Int] = []
for character in i {
var utf8Character = String(character).utf8
CharacterArray.append(utf8Character) //error is here
....`//more code down here within the for in loop using CharacterArray indexes`
I'm sure the answer is probably simple, but I'm very new to Swift.
I've tried appending var number instead with:
var number = Int(utf8Character)
var number = (utf8Character).IntegerValue
but I get errors "No exact matches in call to initializer" and "Value of type 'String.UTF8View' has no member 'IntegerValue'"
Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
The reason
var utf8Character = String(character).utf8
doesn't work for you is because utf8Character is not a single integer, but a UTF8View: a lightweight way to iterate over the UTF-8 codepoints in a string. Every Character in a String can be made up of any number of UTF-8 bytes (individual integers) — while ASCII characters like "A" and "1" map to a single UTF-8 byte, the vast majority of characters do not: every UTF-8 code point maps to between 1 and 4 individual bytes. The Encoding section of UTF-8 on Wikipedia has a few very illustrative examples of how this works.
Now, assuming that you do want to split a string into individual UTF-8 bytes (either because you can guarantee your original string is ASCII-only, so the assumption that "character = byte" holds, or because you actually care about the bytes [though this is rarely the case]), there's a short and idiomatic solution to what you're looking for.
String.UTF8View is a Sequence of UInt8 values (individual bytes), and as such, you can use the Array initializer which takes a Sequence:
let characterArray: [UInt8] = Array(i.utf8)
If you need an array of Int values instead of UInt8, you can map the individual bytes ahead of time:
let characterArray: [Int] = Array( { Int($0) })
(The .lazy avoids creating and storing an array of values in the middle of the operation.)
However, do note that if you aren't careful (e.g., your original string is not ASCII), you're bound to get very unexpected results from this operation, so keep that in mind.

convert ByteArray to String to ByteArray

I want to convert ByteArray to string and then convert the string to ByteArray,But while converting values changed. someone help to solve this problem.
syntax = "proto3";
message Person{
string name = 1;
int32 age = 2;
After sbt compile it gives case class Person (created by google protobuf while compiling)
My MainClass:
val newPerson = Person(
name = "John Cena",
age = 44 //output
println(newPerson.toByteArray) //[B#50da041d
val l = newPerson.toByteArray.toString
println(l) //[B#7709e969
val l1 = l.getBytes
println(l1) //[B#f44b405
why the values changed?? how to convert correctly??
[B#... is the format that a JVM byte array's .toString returns, and is just [B (which means "byte array") and a hex-string which is analogous to the memory address at which the array resides (I'm deliberately not calling it a pointer but it's similar; the precise mapping of that hex-string to a memory address is JVM-dependent and could be affected by things like which garbage collector is in use). The important thing is that two different arrays with the same bytes in them will have different .toStrings. Note that in some places (e.g. the REPL), Scala will instead print something like Array(-127, 0, 0, 1) instead of calling .toString: this may cause confusion.
It appears that toByteArray emits a new array each time it's called. So the first time you call newPerson.toByteArray, you get an array at a location corresponding to 50da041d. The second time you call it you get a byte array with the same contents at a location corresponding to 7709e969 and you save the string [B#7709e969 into the variable l. When you then call getBytes on that string (saving it in l1), you get a byte array which is an encoding of the string "[B#7709e969" at the location corresponding to f44b405.
So at the locations corresponding to 50da041d and 7709e969 you have two different byte arrays which happen to contain the same elements (those elements being the bytes in the proto representation of newPerson). At the location corresponding to f44b405 you have a byte array where the bytes encode (in some character set, probably UTF-16?) [B#7709e969.
Because a proto isn't really a string, there's no general way to get a useful string (depending on what definition of useful you're dealing with). You could try interpreting a byte array from toByteArray as a string with a given character encoding, but there's no guarantee that any given proto will be valid in an arbitrary character encoding.
An encoding which is purely 8-bit, like ISO-8859-1 is guaranteed to at least be decodable from a byte array, but there could be non-printable or control characters, so it's not likely to that useful:
val iso88591Representation = new String(newPerson.toByteArray, java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1)
Alternatively, you might want a representation like how the Scala REPL will (sometimes) render it:
"Array(" + newPerson.toByteArray.mkString(", ") + ")"

Get UTF-16 code unit at a given index in ABAP

I want to get the UTF-16 code unit at a given index in ABAP.
Same can be done in JavaScript with charCodeAt().
For example "d".charCodeAt(); will give back 100.
Is there a similar functionality in ABAP?
This can be done with class CL_ABAP_CONV_OUT_CE
DATA(lo_converter) = cl_abap_conv_out_ce=>create( encoding = '4103' ). "Litte Endian
CALL METHOD lo_converter->convert
data = 'a'
n = 1
buffer = DATA(lv_buffer). "lv_buffer will 0061
Codepage 4102 is for UTF-16 Big endian.
It is possible to encode not just a single character, but a string as well:
data = 'abc'
n = 3
"n" always stands for the length of the string you want to be encoded. It could be less, than the actual length of the string.
When you say you "want to get the UTF-16 code unit",
either you mean the Unicode code point, e.g. the character d is always U+0064 (official "name" of Unicode character, the two bytes 0x0064 being the hexadecimal representation of decimal 100),
or you mean you want to encode d to UTF-16 little endian (SAP code page 4103) or big endian (SAP code page 4102) which gives respectively 2 bytes 0x4400 or 2 bytes 0x0044.
For the second case, see József answer.
For the first case, you may get it using the method UCCP (UniCode Code Point) or UCCPI (UniCode Code Point Integer) of class CL_ABAP_CONV_OUT_CE:
DATA: l_unicode_point_hex TYPE x LENGTH 2,
l_unicode_point_int TYPE i.
l_unicode_point_hex = cl_abap_conv_out_ce=>UCCP( 'd' ).
ASSERT l_unicode_point_hex = '0064'.
l_unicode_point_int = cl_abap_conv_out_ce=>UCCPI( 'd' ).
ASSERT l_unicode_point_int = 100.
EDIT: Note that the two methods return always the same values whatever the SAP system code page is (4102, 4103 or whatever).

I was wondering if someone could explain to me .decode and .encode in hashlib?

I understand that you have a hex string and perform SHA256 on it twice and then byte-swap the final hex string. The goal of this code is to find a Merkle Root by concatenating two transactions. I would like to understand what's going on in the background a bit more. What exactly are you decoding and encoding?
import hashlib
transaction_hex = "93a05cac6ae03dd55172534c53be0738a50257bb3be69fff2c7595d677ad53666e344634584d07b8d8bc017680f342bc6aad523da31bc2b19e1ec0921078e872"
transaction_bin = transaction_hex.decode('hex')
hash = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(transaction_bin).digest()).digest()
header_hex is a regular string of lower case ASCII characters and the decode() method with 'hex' argument changes it to a (binary) string (or bytes object in Python 3) with bytes 0x93 0xa0 etc. In C it would be an array of unsigned char of length 64 in this case.
This array/byte string of length 64 is then hashed with SHA256 and its result (another binary string of size 32) is again hashed. So hash is a string of length 32, or a bytes object of that length in Python 3. Then encode('hex_codec') is a synomym for encode('hex') (in Python 2); in Python 3, it replaces it (so maybe this code is meant to work in both versions). It outputs an ASCII (lower hex) string again that replaces each raw byte (which is just a small integer) with a two character string that is its hexadecimal representation. So the final bit reverses the double hash and outputs it as hexadecimal, to a form which I usually call "lowercase hex ASCII".

Calculate UTF8 bytesize of string [duplicate]

How can I get the length (not number of bytes) of a string in its UTF-8 encoded form (PHP's mb_strlen(.., 'UTF-8') equivalent)?
I tried string.characters.count but it does not return the correct length for certain characters like an emoji.
let s = "✌🏿️"
print(s.characters.count) // prints 2, but should print 3.
You can access the UTF-8 encoding of a string with the .utf8 property. Use count on that to get the number of UTF-8 code units in the string:
let string = "\u{1f603}" // One of the smiley face emojis...
print(string.utf8.count) // prints "4"
Based on your edited question, what you are probably looking for is the number of UnicodeScalars used to encode the string. You access that with the unicodeScalars property:
let s = "✌🏿️"
print(s.unicodeScalars.count) // prints 3
The reason everyone is confused is because your original question asks for the length of the string in its UTF-8 encoded form. The answer that you actually wanted had nothing to do with the length of the string in its UTF-8 encoded form.
I think you are confused about the difference between Unicode "extended grapheme clusters", Unicode code points, and the various encodings (like UTF-8) that can be used to encode a Unicode code point.
A Character in Swift represents what Unicode calls an "extended grapheme cluster". That is to say, it is a single visual character, even if it is made up of multiple Unicode code points.
A Unicode code point is a single linguistic symbol that is given a 32-bit value. Two or more Unicode code points can combine to create a single Character. In Swift, the Unicode code point is represented by the UnicodeScalar type.
When it comes time to store a string, or send it over the internet, or otherwise turn it into data that is represented by bytes, you have to decide how to encode it. There are all kinds of encodings, the most common is probably UTF-8, which encodes the string as a series of UInt8 values.
That's just a brief snippet of the difference between the three concepts. It is actually a really interesting subject and if you Google some of those terms, you will find a lot more good information.
let str = "ačŘ"
print("str has \(str.characters.count) characters") // 3
print("and \(str.utf8.count) bytes as encoded in UTF-8") // 5
update (based on your notes)
let s = "✌🏿️"
let arr:[UInt8] = [226, 156, 140, 240, 159, 143, 191, 239, 184, 143]
var arrCchar = { (uint8) -> Int8 in
Int8(bitPattern: uint8)
arrCchar += [0] // to be null terminated
let str = String.fromCString(&arrCchar)
print(str) // Optional("✌🏿️")
s == str // TRUE !!!!
by characters
s.characters.forEach { (c) -> () in
let str = String(c)
print({$0}, "which represents character: ", c)
str.unicodeScalars.forEach({ (u) -> () in
print("composed from unicode scalar(s): ", u.debugDescription)
[226, 156, 140] which represents character: ✌
composed from unicode scalar(s): "\u{270C}"
[240, 159, 143, 191, 239, 184, 143] which represents character: 🏿️
composed from unicode scalar(s): "\u{0001F3FF}"
composed from unicode scalar(s): "\u{FE0F}"
Every character in Unicode can be represented by one or more unicode scalars. A unicode scalar is a unique 21-bit number (and name) for a character or modifier, such as U+0061 for LOWERCASE LATIN LETTER A("a"), or U+1F425 for FRONT-FACING BABY CHICK ("\U0001f425").
When a Unicode string is written to a text file or some other storage, these unicode scalars are encoded in one of several Unicode-defined formats. Each format encodes the string in small chunks known as code units. These include the UTF-8 format (which encodes a string as 8-bit code units) and the UTF-16 format (which encodes a string as 16-bit code units).
//copy from Apple Developer swift programming guide