Find dimensions of object in 3D - matlab

I have a irregular shaped round object(blue) in 3D that lies on a straight plane(purple).
The object consists of a 3xn matrix which contains its x, y and z-coordinates. The plane is constructed using 2 vectors and a point it passes through.
I want to know the perimeter and cross-sectional the object encloses. I know how to obtain these dimensions in binary 2D images using the regionprops function from the image processing toolbox, but I don't know how to do this for 3D objects. Can anybody help me? Thank you very much!

I've solved the problem by creating a new 2D coordinate system. Thereafter I used drawPolyline to create a polyline and calculate the area using polyarea.


Crop 3D Mesh with plane Cut in Matlab

I have made 3D analysis code and I want to split or crop 3D mesh into 2 parts with 2D plane, what i expected: the final result I need is to find out what are the nodes on the left side and the right side, what you see on the image below is the nodes of the 3D object (bumpy), Do you know what method or library I need to use to solve this problem?
my problem
Here is my data structure from the 2D plane:
Column 1: Face
Column 2: X coordinate
Column 3: Y coordinate
column 4: Z coordinate
Column 5: Finite Element Value
data structure
The data structure from the 3D mesh is containing the same data as the table above, Thanks so much!
We can know the plane XYZ Coordinates, so I tried to find by using <= to find the axis value is larger or smaller than the plane coordinates:
find x,y,z 3D model coordinate is smaller than x,y,z cut plane coordinate
[r] = find((Name_OT(:,1)>=x) & (Name_OT(:,2)>=y) & Name_OT(:,3)>=z);
the blue line is the plane, and the coloured one is the result from my code, the ideal result is the coloured nodes full, but what happened here the colour node has a big hole or gap
not good result
You need to first decide whether you want to segment your data by a (linear) plane or not. If you prefer to keep a curved surface, please follow my earlier comment and edit your question.
To get a plane fit to the data for your cut, you can use fit.
Base on the plane, you can get a normal vector of the plane. That is reading coefficients of fit results and is in the documentation. Using that normal vector, you can rotate all your data so that the plane is normal to z axis. The rotation is matrix multiplication. From there, you can use logical indexing to segment your data set.
You can ofc also get the normal component of the data points relative to the plane cut and decide on a direction that way. You still need fit. From that point, it's basic matrix manipulation. An nx1 vector can multiply a 1xn vector in Matlab. So projectors can also be constructed from basic matrix manipulation. At a glance, this method is computationally inefficient.

Generate 3D surface from scattered or data points

Can anyone tell me how to generate a 3D surface model like CAD in Matlab ?
1.Input: Input is a collection of points with (x,y,z) where surface is present for an object(I'm using this for a 3D scanner where my inputs are (x,y,z) of surface)
2.Points should be displayed as a surface using some smooth interpolation.
3.More like surface generation from data points.
Thanks you.
In order to plot surfaces, you can use patch function. However, you need along with the points the faces information. In patch a surface consists of polygons that is specified using 3 point, which is the face information.
Since it seems like you will be inputting discrete points located on the surface of the object, you will first want to create a Nonconvex Polygon based on the data using Matlab's boundary function.
You can then use the trimesh function to create the figure
This question shows the input data and what was produced using this method: How do I create a 3D polygon/mesh over data points?

plotting 3D edge in matlab

I have a 3D matrix of a MRI image and used matlab edge function and it gave me a 3D matrix as follow which some of the points are 1 (means edges).
I want to show this surface in matlab but I don't know that how I should do this. I know that I should use surf.
As #bdecaf said, you can use find to determine the height of the points, or in other words, in which of the 100 layers does the point lie. You can do that as follows:
for i=1:size(x,1)
You can get an image as follows:

Minimizing area of a triangle containing data points in 3D plane

I have a set of data in 3D which are in the same plane. I have a Triangle containing those data points in the same plane. But the Area of the Triangle is much larger. I want to find the smallest area triangle (co-ordinate of its 3 points) containing all the data point inside it. There are some concepts available for 2D data points, but I need to find this in 3D dimension.
It looks like Matlab has a function for this, convhull. You want to find the convex hull of the data set. This function works for points in 2d or 3d space.

matlab: how do create a projection

I want to create a perspective projection of a 3D image onto the x,y plane with a focal length of 10 and a principal point (-1, -5).
I found:
But I do not get how to tell matlab that I want to use the x,y plane nor how to set the focal length? Can someone explain me how to do that?
I'm afraid you are not looking for the right functions.
The view function does only change the point of view on the current axis, while viewmtxreturn a transformation matrix.
You may want to do something similar to what it is discussed on this post How do I draw a texture-mapped triangle in MATLAB?, where maketform and imtransform are the key functions to get a plane image reprojected into another certain 3d plane.