TFS Server plugin fails after upgrade from TFS2012 to TFS2015 RC - plugins

We have just upgraded one of our servers from TFS2012.2 to TFS2015RC. Everything went "smooth", but we are encountering an issue:
A while ago we wrote a server side plugin for TFS, which listens to the WorkitemChangedEvent. It implements the ISubscriber interface. The following piece of code was working fine before the update:
void ITfsService.UpdateState(int workItemId, string newState)
var wi = store.GetWorkItem(workItemId);
wi.State = newState;
After the update, and after recompiling against the TFS2015 dlls, the following error occured:
Failed to process notification: TF237124: Work Item is not ready to save.
Note that none of the workitemtypes has changed, it is the same data.
I tried getting more information out of the error by calling Validate() before saving, this is the output:
Status: InvalidListValue
State: "Resolved, To Be Reviewed"
WIT: Task
Id: 5842
Field: State
However, the state "Resolved, To Be Reviewed" does exists in the list of available states. In the GUI it is perfectly possible to change the state of the item to "Resolved, To Be Reviewed":
What is causing the Save() to fail?

Finally found the cause of this:
Apparently, the Validate() call validates against the whole ProcessConfiguration.xml. Because in TFS2012 there were both AgileProcessConfiguration and CommonProcessConfiguration, there were underlying problems with the workitem states.
After resolving those issues in the correct ProcessConfiguration file, the plugin was working again (and, TFS could also upgrade the Backlog\IterationPlanning features.)


Github pages Deploy Error: Error: Error: Request failed with status code 400 [duplicate]

This error is popping-up intermittently while trying to deploy my github webpages. I have no clue what to do, I already deleted and recreated the repository but the error persists. I have the same problem for all my github pages repositories.
Here is one repository example:
Run actions/deploy-pages#v1
Actor: github-pages[bot]
Action ID: 1998855719
Artifact URL:
Creating deployment with payload:
"artifact_url": "",
"pages_build_version": "bf8f96d22c5dd116a5d94ee24cd398bdda60035f",
"oidc_token": "***"
Failed to create deployment for bf8f96d22c5dd116a5d94ee24cd398bdda60035f.
{"message":"Deployment request failed for bf8f96d22c5dd116a5d94ee24cd398bdda60035f due to in progress deployment. Please cancel e92de3f483b775a12d4f784d7cc661ff2847fa62 first or wait for it to complete.","documentation_url":""}
Error: Error: Request failed with status code 400
Error: Error: Request failed with status code 400
Sending telemetry for run id 1998855719
GitHub Actions is currently experiencing degraded performance and published this on their status page. Therefore, you are most likely experiencing a side effect of the current problems. Other users are reporting the same issue as well. Try again later when the issue has been resolved by GitHub.
Update: More products are now affected and experience degraded performance. Check their status page for more details:
[It was a bug of GitHub, happens to all its users---date: 18/03/2022]
It happens to me today too.. :(
Maybe is a bug of GitHub pages:

Grails afterInsert hook issue with Hibernate 5.1 and PostgreSQL

In an existing Grails 3.1.15 application, recently upgraded to Hibernate 5.1, an odd issue with afterInsert (or other) hooks started to appear. After some hours of testing, I could track this down to Hibernate 5.1 + PostgreSQL combination - issue is not reproducible with H2. To reproduce, create a simple application consisting of 2 domain objects - an Audit trail and a User, as shown here:
class Audit {
Date dateCreated
String auditData
class User {
String name
String email
def afterInsert() {
new Audit(auditData: "User created: $this").save()
The code above works OK with Hibernate 4, however, if the application is upgraded to Hibernate5 plugin + Hibernate 5.1.x (tested with 5.1.0.Final and 5.1.5.Final) the above scenario will always lead to a ConcurrentModificationException when you attempt to save a new User instance. You can just use a scaffold controller to reproduce. Note this only happens with PostgreSQL as the data source - with H2 it would still work OK.
Now, according to GORM Docs (see chapter 8.1.3) one should use a new session when attempting to save other objects in beforeUpdate or afterInsert hooks anyway:
def afterInsert() {
Audit.withNewSession() {
new Audit(auditData: "User created: $this").save()
/* no exception logged, but Audit instance not preserved */
But this wouldn't really resolve the issue with PSQL. The exception is gone, the User instance is persisted, but the Audit instance is not saved. Again, this code would work OK with H2. To really avoid the issue with PSQL, you would have to manually flush the session in afterInsert:
def afterInsert() {
Audit.withNewSession() { session ->
new Audit(auditData: "User created: $this").save()
/* finally no exceptions, both User and Audit saved */
Question: is this a bug, or is this expected? I find it a bit suspicious that the manual flush is required in order for the Audit instance to be persisted - and even more so when I see it works without a flush with H2 and only seems to affect PostgreSQL. But I couldn't really find any reports - any pointers are appreciated!
For the sake of completeness, I tested with the following JDBC driver versions for PostgreSQL:
runtime 'org.postgresql:postgresql:9.3-1101-jdbc41'
runtime 'org.postgresql:postgresql:9.4.1208.jre7'
runtime 'org.postgresql:postgresql:42.0.0'
And for the upgrade to Hibernate 5.1, the following dependencies were used:
classpath "org.grails.plugins:hibernate5:5.0.13"
compile "org.grails.plugins:hibernate5:5.0.13"
compile "org.hibernate:hibernate-core:5.1.5.Final"
compile "org.hibernate:hibernate-ehcache:5.1.5.Final"

howt o fix protractor that started failing on alerts all of a sudden

I have a project that has been running well for a long time now.
Recently (couple of weeks) the system tests are failing.
After a lot of investigation we concluded that protractor fails to identify and close an alert.
The code that used to work
exports.removeFaq = function( index ){
console.log('deleting item at',index);
exports.getContent(index).$( '[ng-click="removeFAQ($index)"]').click();
return browser.sleep(2000);
is now throwing errors:
WebDriverError: unknown error: cannot determine loading status
from unexpected alert open
(Session info: chrome=52.0.2743.116)
(Driver info: chromedriver=2.21.371461 (633e689b520b25f3e264a2ede6b74ccc23cb636a),platform=Linux 4.2.0-38-generic x86_64) (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)
and (using element explorer):
> browser.switchTo().alert().accept();
UnexpectedAlertOpenError: unexpected alert open: {Alert text : are you sure you want to remove this helper content?}
(Session info: chrome=52.0.2743.116)
(Driver info: chromedriver=2.21.371461 (633e689b520b25f3e264a2ede6b74ccc23cb636a),platform=Linux 4.2.0-38-generic x86_64) (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)
We've tried
- waiting instead of sleeping.
- sleeping for a long period
- ignoring angular.
nothing seems to make any difference whatsoever.
how can I fix this?
We had the same issue for a couple of days. Looks like we were on chromedriver 2.21. I updated to the latest version (2.23) and that seems to have fixed the issue.
The command webdriver-manager update --chrome did not work for me so I had to download the zip and extract it to my selenium directory. Under protractor.
Note there is a new protractor major version with updated versions. So updating protractor might fix the problem too.
for protractor version 3.x
You can also modify the file node_modules/protractor/config.json with the correct version and then run webdriver-manager update
for protractor version 4.x
You should modify the file ./node_modules/protractor/node_modules/webdriver-manager/config.json instead.
How can we say for sure that sleep of 2000ms is good enough? Exactly for this reason sleeps are not recommended in tests. Instead you can use proper waits and poll for alert. This way you would know that after a certain agreed timeout, alert never showed up and test rightfully failed
//wait maximum up to lets 5s before giving up
browser.wait(protractor.ExpectedConditions.alertIsPresent(), 5000);

LOAD Runner Internal server 500 issue (REST API)

I am trying to run REST API from Load Runner but unable to do it. Every times its throws below exception
Action.c(4): Error -26612: HTTP Status-Code=500 (Internal Server Error) for "http://ipaddress/LoyaltyApi/api1/loyaltycard/linkcard", Snapshot Info [MSH 1 1] [MsgId: MERR-26612]
My code :
return 0;
I have tested the same URL with POST parameter in POSTMAN and it's working fine without any issue.
I am very new in this technology so unable to solved the issue. Please help.
I am very new in this technology....
Assuming your management has moved you to this role, have they provided you with training on the tool and a mentor for a period of time. If not they have set you up for failure.

InteropServices.COMException when running WatiN tests

When I run WatiN tests on our build server they all throw this InteropServices.COMException:
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException : Creating an instance of the COM component with CLSID {0002DF01-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} from the IClassFactory failed due to the following error: 80004005.
I get the same result wether I run them through TeamCity or I run them manually on the server as an administrator using NUnit GUI (2.5).
This is some sample code:
public class MyTestClassName
private string pageUrl;
public void TestFixtureSetUp()
pageUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SiteURL"] + "/Pages/MyPage.aspx";
Settings.MakeNewIeInstanceVisible = false;
public void MyTestMethodName()
using (var ie = new IE(pageUrl))
ie.SelectList(new Regex(#"^*DropDownList1*$")).Option("TheOption").Select();
ie.SelectList(new Regex(#"^*DropDownList2*$")).Option("AnOption").Select();
ie.SelectList(new Regex(#"^*DropDownList3*$")).Option("OtherOption").Select();
Any ideas what it can be?
Try running Visual Studio as Administrator.
I also meet the same problem but more strange for me.
I've got a server only for "UI testing" and for many application de WatiN test runs without any problem.
This error only happens for one application and only in CruiseControl (with nant) but not when runing the test with NUnitGUI...
I Finnaly found a solution this morning: I replaced all my call new IE(); to new IE(true) WatiN release note And didn't get the error anymore.
Another fix is to "Enable Protected mode in IE" like described here
Every time IE.Quit was called by WatiN IE would stop responding and then try to recover. Run as admin fixed the problem for me.
Another comment says:
Try running Visual Studio as Administrator
It is actually NUnit that needs to be run as administrator (at least in Windows 7), but the thinking is correct.
I think that the select list is not yet fully loaded and ready, and this is another symptom of the same problem described in this question:
Access denied error ( Visual Studio and WatiN )