javax.jcr.ItemNotFoundException: node /content/my/live/copy has no child node with name someNode - aem

I created a live copy in Adobe CQ. It all works fine, but suddenly I get an error when I try to do a rollout of a page that has an node representing a page property. The error is the following:
ItemNotFoundException: node /content/my/live/copy has no child node with name someNode
at org.apache.jackrabbit.core.NodeImpl.orderBefore(
at org.apache.jackrabbit.core.NodeImpl.orderBefore(
... 110 more
"someNode" does not exist in the live copy, as the error says...but rollout fails in the contentCopy phase, so I don't understand why the node is not just simply created. It's not a problem with the indexes as I had rebuilt the index already and I get the same result.
I am using Adobe CQ version 5.6.1.
Some indication on how to debug this would also be helpful.


ECS Task definition App Mesh Virtual node name does not get set through console

I am creating a task definition that uses App Mesh. I am trying to set the Virtual name using the console.
The UI clearly shows that I can select the virtual node name.
However, after I create the new revision, if I create a revision off of that, I see that the virtual node name has blanked out.
This is problematic as my container does not pass ELB health checks since the sidecar isn’t behaving properly.
As it turns out, for some reason hitting Create does not apply the virtual node name change.
Once you manually hit apply, the problem goes away.

Service Fabric - Cannot do Config upgrade to add or remove nodes

I've got an on-premise Service Fabric consisting of 18 nodes (9 are seed nodes) - secured via gMSA windows security. Cluster code version 6.4.622.9590
Unfortunately I have to rebuild 6 of these nodes (3 Seed nodes). They all live in one data center (cluster spans 3 DCs). As such, I wish to remove these 6 nodes, rebuild them and then re-add them.
As per MSDOCs, adding/removing of nodes is performed via config upgrades. Note: I've already used this process recently to add 12 nodes so understand the concept of SF config upgrades well.
Unfortunately, I'm unable to do ANY config upgrades on this cluster until I remove the nodes - this is due to ValidationExceptions reported by the Start-ServiceFabricClusterConfigurationUpgradepowershell command:
If I don't add the 6 nodes to the "NodesToBeRemoved" section, I get validation error that not all removed nodes are in this field
If I do add the 6 nodes, I get the following validation error:
Start-ServiceFabricClusterConfigurationUpgrade :
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (-2147017627)
ValidationException: Model validation error. Removing a non-seed node and changing reliability level in the same
upgrade is not supported. Initiate an upgrade to remove node first and then change the reliability level.
At line:1 char:1
+ Start-ServiceFabricClusterConfigurationUpgrade -ClusterConfigPath "AL ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (Microsoft.Servi...usterConnection:ClusterConnection) [Start-ServiceFa
...gurationUpgrade], FabricException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : StartClusterConfigurationUpgradeErrorId,Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Powershell.StartClusterC
So, we're stuck! I've also already removed node states, thus leaving all 6 nodes in the "Invalid State". The Get-ServiceFabricClusterConfiguration does not return these 6 nodes, but they are still shown in SF Explorer and listed in the cluster manifest XML file.
As far as reliability level is concerned - I'm pretty sure one can no longer change this in SF; i.e. older versions of SF allowed you to configure bronze/silver/gold in config file, but in recent versions (+6.0??) - this is a calculated field and managed internally by SF. In any case - because the seed nodes will be decreased from 9 to 6, I suspect the internal calculated reliability level will drop (presumably from Gold to silver).
I've also come across a hack that someone has used to remove nodes in a cluster... but in my scenario, nodes are still listed in manifest file... Nonetheless, the words hack and production should never meet!
So, how do I get our production cluster out of this situation? Rebuilding the cluster is not an option (that's the whole reason for clusters...high availability!).
I discovered that the above errors are primarily a symptom of lack of clearly documented procedures as well as bad/misleading error messages when doing service fabric configuration upgrades.
I performed quite a bit of my own testing to make sure I can confidently add/remove several nodes from a cluster. I also removed enough nodes to drop the Seed nodes from 9 to 6.
So, to resolve the above issue, here's what I had to do to remove nodes:
Use the SF explorer to remove node state - this changed node state from Error to Invalid
Get latest json config via Get-ServiceFabricClusterConfiguration
Remove the node from Nodes section
Completely remove the NodesToBeRemoved json section (i.e. you'll get the inconsistent error if you have an empty list of nodes to be removed - so just remove the containing json block
Do a config update
Note: Initially I tried just doing 2-5 above - but it didn't work and the node remained in error state.
That said, from my experience, please also note the following when removing nodes (this info is not clear in MSDOC:
You can remove multiple Seed nodes at once (I wanted to do this to try and replicate above scenario)
You can add multiple nodes at once too - just be aware you may not see any activity/indication via SF config upgrade status tooling that
anything is happening... be prepared to wait at least +15 minutes
(depends on how many nodes you're adding...afterall, SF is copying
installation files to the nodes)
Sometimes, when removing one or more nodes, the node won't be successfully removed - but left in an Error status. If this is the
case, use the SF Explorer (or powershell) to remove node state. Status
will change to Invalid. At this point, do another config upgrade
ensuring that:
The removed node(s) are not in Nodes section
The removed node(s) are not in the NodesToBeRemoved list
As per above, if the value of NodesToBeRemoved is (or should be) empty, remove this whole JSON block otherwise you'll get a misleading/vague warning about NodesToBeRemoved parameter contains inconsistent information.
The latter part really is the confusing part that tripped me up last time. The thing to also remember is that, once you successfully remove nodes, the Get-ServiceFabricClusterConfiguration will STILL return the removed nodes in the NodesToBeRemoved parameter. This will likely confuse/trip you up with any subsequent attempts to do a config upgrade. As such, I recommend you do another final config upgrade with this section completely removed.
As a final note: If you re-add a node that has previously been removed, it may come back in a Deactivated status. Simply activate this node and all should be fine.

Node-RED on bluemix giving 404 for http input node

I've put three http input nodes onto a tab in Node-RED on Bluemix. I've tried naming them various things, and I can only get one of them to actually work. The others give a 404. I've put the name from an iteration that worked on the failing nodes and they still fail. I've put the name from a failing node on the working node and it still works. I've tried deleting the nodes, re-adding them, stopping/restarting Node-RED. Is there something obvious that I should try?

how to update cluster status in dataproc

I changed my initialization script after creating a cluster with 2 worker nodes for spark. Then I changed the script a bit and tried to update the cluster with 2 more worker nodes. The script failed because I simply forgot to apt-get update before apt-get install, so dataproc reports error and the cluster's status changed to ERROR. When I try to reduce the size back to 2 nodes again, it doesn't work anymore with the following message
ERROR: (gcloud.dataproc.clusters.update) Cluster 'cluster-1' must be running before it can be updated, current cluster state is 'ERROR'.
The two worker nodes are still added, but they don't seem to be detected by a running spark application at first because no more executors are added. I manually reset the two instances on the Google Compute Engine page, and then 4 executors are added. So it seems everything is working fine again except that the cluster's status is still ERROR, and I cannot increase or decrease the number of worker nodes anymore.
How can I update the cluster status back to normal (RUNNING)?
In your case ERROR indicates that workflow to re-configure the cluster has failed, and Dataproc is not sure of its health. At this point Dataproc cannot guarantee that another reconfigure attempt will succeed so further updates are disallowed. You can however submit jobs.
Your best bet is to delete it and start over.

How to activate a particular node through java code / workflow in Day CQ

I want to activate only the modified node in my Day CQ project.
Node structure is:
Parent Node
Child Node 1
Child Node 2
Child Node 3
Requirement is:
If I am creating any node under parent node workflow should run.
Workflow should activate only newly created child node and parent node and not all child nodes.
Is it possible ??? Please give solution also in comment......
This can be easily relaised in using the workflow console.
Open the workflow console create a workflow model using in the models tab.
Then open the model and add the "Activate Page/Asset Step []" to the model.
Save the model and switch to the launcher tab.
Create a new launcher for the path of the your parent node and select event type "Created".