JetBrains IDE: Disabling CoffeeScript -> .js file generation on save - coffeescript

I am using PyCharm to edit CoffeeScript files. Every time I save the file, PyCharm invokes a transpiler and generates .js file in the same folder as .coffee file.
This behavior is undesirable and I don't want my IDE to generate .js files.
I have not found a way to disable this behavior, even after going through File Watcher / Inspection settings and disabling inspections for CoffeeScript, as instructed in JetBrains IDE documentation.
How I can disable PyCharm (or other JetBrains IDEs) to automatically generate .js files from .coffee files?

Please disable file watcher per instructions in Help: go to Settings/Tools/File Watchers, select CoffeeScript file watcher there, clear the check box next to it


VSCode hides folder contents when certain files are opened

I have an angular project open in VSCode, but whenever I activate certain file tabs it hides every file & folder inside my src/ directory!
Here's a screen recording of what happens:
No other folders are affected, and nothing is actually chnaged in the src/ folder. I can seect a *.ts file, close VSCode, and then re-open it with that *.ts file active and the folder contents shows again until I activate a tab that does this again.
This is extremely annoying and I've never seen this happen before. let me know if you need any other information to help diagnose this issue.
Edit: My installed extensions are as follows:
Angular Language Service 0.1.11
AutoHotkey 0.2.2
C# 1.18.0
Code Spell Checker v1.6.10
Hosts Language v1.1.1
npm v0.3.5
npm Intellisense v1.3.0
Prettify JSON v0.0.3
stylelint v0.48.0
TSLint v1.0.0

Netbeans is there a way to manualy complile all .less files in one directory (which has subdirectories)

I have a dir where are lots of subdirs and inside those are .less files, until today my settings were "compile on save" so if i changed some .less files netbeans would automatically compile them on save, but now i'm looking for a functionality to recompile all .less files in a dir even if some weren't changed, is there a way to do that?
You can use Grunt task to that (and invoke the task from IDE assuming you have 8.0 and higher) or maybe try to disable Less compilation in NetBeans, close the project properties dialog and enable it again. It could trigger compilation.

How to use SASS with Netbeans 8.0.1

I'm trying to use SASS in Netbeans 8.0.1. I have Ruby and SASS set up correctly based upon the feedback from ruby -v.
I have a web application set up with css and scss folders under Project\Web Pages\resources.
My input and output are set to /scss and /css respectively and I have checked 'Compile Sass File on Save'. I have created a styles.scss file and added some SASS/CSS.
When I save the styles.scss file, is it supposed to generate a styles.css? Nothing happens when I save or compile the project.
Has anyone run into any similar problems or have suggestions on how to debug this problem?
Thanks in advance!
Installing SASS on Windows10, Ruby2.2.3, Netbeans8
Download SASS for Windows -
Install Ruby like:
Search windows for CMD (Command Prompt) and start it.
Access Ruby's bin folder using cd \Ruby\bin (Hit Enter)
Install sass using the command gem install sass (Hit Enter to install)
Wait for the installation to finish
In Netbeans open
Options → Tools → Miscellaneous (HTML/JS in v8.1+) → CSS Preprocessors tab
Enter the path to the installed sass.bat C:\Ruby\bin\sass.bat than click Install Sass.
Confirm your changes with Apply / OK
Use an existing one or Create a New Project (HTML5, PHP, whatever...).
After the project is created open the Projects window.
Right-Click your project and choose > Properties.
From the Project Properties popup select CSS Preprocessors.
Select the Compile SASS Files on Save.
(If you want the compiler to automatically minimize your .css result file, use --style compressed under the Compiler Options)
You can see from the image above that the compiler uses two default Input(watchable)/Output(compiled destionation) folders paths.
Create the scss folder (an optionally the css folder) in your project as well.
You're done!
As soon you create a new .scss file or you save it Netbeans will automatically compile the file to .css in the /css folder.
Yes, when you save the file, the css should be created/updated. I think you have wrong mapping for the input/output directories. The paths need to be relative to site root/web root. I don't know for sure what your project is (HTML5 or PHP or Java Web or other?), but if you have Java Web project, then the paths need to be
resources/scss -> resources/css
Salam guys, the below image form my (Command Prompt with Ruby) says that:
"Ruby Sass has reached end-of-life and should no longer be used"
For modern SASS and Netbeans we can just use and install it in our PATH.
The release has the sass.bat file we need (as Roko C. Buljan pointed in his tutorial for Ruby).
There's not need to install Ruby and any other environment.
I applied this on Netbeans 15

Folding files in the navigation bar in webstorm

Iam using Webstorm for a project that uses coffeescript and Sass. In the navigation bar, I see coffeescript files along with the compiled js and map files. In the same way I see css files with the scss files. I want to be able to fold js and map files inside the corresponding coffee file for ease of navigation. I am not sure how to fix the settings for this. I want the same for scss and css files.
Yes,you can!
After google for hours,I find the answer.
Select such file(s)/folder(s) in Project View panel
"Help | Find Action" (Ctrl + Shift + A), activate check box for better results
Search for "run file watchers" (without quotes, obviously) and choose Run File Watchers entry.
see more:
PHPStorm - Run Filewatcher on existing files?
You cannot do this manually (i.e. any files you want at any time).
It's done automatically by File Watcher plugin. So .. if your *.coffee files are compiled in WebStorm by using File Watcher .. then it should be working/done automatically.
If you have File Watcher already set up -- delete intermediate files (.js/.map) and force run that file watcher.
Such grouping works if those extra files were generated after running File Watcher. IDE checks for new files and compares them with file watcher settings (Output paths to refresh field, I believe) -- based on that it creates such folding.
External file watcher (i.e. grunt-contrib-watch) is executed autonomous of IDE's File Watcher .. therefore such files will not be "grouped".
Related tickets (those few that I'm aware of) that ask about additional settings to be able to create such nesting/grouping manually:
UPDATE 2017/08/10:
As of 2016.3.x version such grouping/nesting is no longer relies on File Watchers -- it has special hard-coded rules for most common scenarios.
As of 2017.2 such rules are editable and available via Project View panel settings.

The Java files opened by Eclipse's menu "open file"does not auto-build

Eclipse has a nice feature that builds your codes on the fly.
However, for some reason, I have had a source .java developed in Emacs under some directory, say, ˜/mycode. Now I want to use the auto builds functionality of Eclipse, but I do prefer to develop the .java file under its original ˜/mycode directory. So apparently, I CANNOT use "import" of Eclipse because that means the file will be henceforth developed under some Eclipse Workspace.
This is the reason why I have to use Eclipse's menu's "open a file" to open my file from ~/mycode.
Then the problem comes, no more auto-build for this .java file!! For example, if I write one line like "abcd;;;;;" I will not get this line underlined by the syntax checker of Eclipse.
In summary, I would like to continue developing a code under its original directory, and also benefit from the auto-build functionality of Eclipse. What can i do? Thanks.