Removing the device partnership in Exchange 2010 using Powershell - powershell

I'm trying to create a script that will remove the mobile phone partnership from a user in Exchange 2010. My plan of implementation was to use Get-ActiveSyncDeviceStatistics to find the identity of the mobile device then use Remove-ActiveSyncDevice to remove it. However, I cant seem to get the identity into a variable. I've tried 2 methods that done seem to work which are
Method 1:
$UserMailbox = Get-ActiveSyncDeviceStatistics -Mailbox R68Fred
Remove-ActiveSyncDevice -Identity $UserMailbox.identity -Confirm $true
Method 2:
Get-ActiveSyncDeviceStatistics -Mailbox R68Fred | Select-Object -Property "Identity"
I'm still fairly new to Powershell so I dont know if my plan of attack is correct so I appreciate any advice in the matter.

You should instead use Get-ActiveSyncDevice cmdlet, this gets you the device identity. You can still filter on Get-ActiveSyncDeviceStatistics to get only those devices that are deemed inactive based on say LastSuccessSync property.


disable enumeration other user accounts in active directory

is it possible to disable the search for other Users in an AD? In this picture i am logged in as "normal" User.
Get-ADuser search
Here is a Picture of our AD structure.
AD Structure
So i don't want that a User can find another User in the Users OU by powershell (get-aduser)
is that possible?
I hope you have enough informations to understand my issue.
This is not really a thing in Windows proper. The default in AD is all users read. Secondly, anyone in AD is likely to have an email alias and thus search where they use PowerShell or not by their email alias/SMTP address, and should be for email lookups, so, IMHO, this is a futile use case.
One does not need Get-ADUser to find a user in AD. One has been able to do this since AD has been around and well before PowerShell was ever a thing using older scripting methods with .bat/.cmd/.vbs/WMI/ADSI or .Net directly and that is how it was done before PowerShell was ever a thing.
If you don't what a user using a specific cmdlet/cmdlets, then you need to implement restrictions via 'PowerShell just enough administration (JEA)'
Again, One does not need to use PowerShell to scan and get info from AD, a well documented and used thing, for folks who have PowerShell disabled (or tried to) in their environments.
How Can I Get a List of All the Users in an OU and Its Sub-OUs?
On Error Resume Next
Set objConnection = CreateObject(“ADODB.Connection”)
Set objCommand = CreateObject(“ADODB.Command”)
objConnection.Provider = “ADsDSOObject”
objConnection.Open “Active Directory Provider”
Set objCommand.ActiveConnection = objConnection
objCommand.Properties(“Page Size”) = 1000
objCommand.Properties(“Searchscope”) = ADS_SCOPE_SUBTREE
objCommand.CommandText = _
“SELECT Name FROM ‘LDAP://ou=finance,dc=fabrikam,dc=com’ WHERE objectCategory=’user'”
Set objRecordSet = objCommand.Execute
Do Until objRecordSet.EOF
Wscript.Echo objRecordSet.Fields(“Name”).Value
ADDS PowerShell (CMDLET, ADSI & .Net) to Expedite Your Tasks
PowerShell ADSI(Active Directory Services Interface) commands
1. How to find the users property.
$users1 = [ADSI]"LDAP://cn=copy,cn=users,dc=contoso,dc=com"
$users1 | select *
# 2. How to find the Group members for a Group.
$test = [ADSI]"LDAP://CN=test,CN=Users,DC=contoso,DC=com"
$test.Member |
ForEach-Object {[ADSI]"LDAP://$_"} |
select samccountname, samaccounttype
# 3. Listing an OU Contents
$ou.PSBase.Children | Format-Table sAMAccountName
So this worked for me:
I just got it working by unchecking the "List Contents" from the "authenticated users" of the "Users" OU and I did not recognized any side effects so far.
Rights of Authenticated Users
And the "normal" User can't see the other users anymore by a query.
Tested with powershell: AD-GetUser and CMD "net user"
Query Result
So my problem is solved if there won't be any side effects in the future.
I will let you know.

Get AD user by providing fullName and manager full name

It might look silly but I'm struggling with finding user with Powershell by providing his full name and his manager full name. Purpose of script is to get SamAccountName and Email Address by using mentioned values which are provided by other team (these are the only unique values I get - getting user by Full Name is not any kind of problem, but it's possible that it'll return multiple results, and that's why Manager Full Name would determine appropriate result).
First I was using simple command
Get-ADUser -server $gc -Filter { (CN -eq $uFullName) -and (extensionAttribute4 -eq $mFullName) }
It worked great, but unfortunately I noticed that not all accounts use extensionAttribute4 to hold manager full name. I thought of using Filter on manager property but when I tried to use (Manager -like "*value*") it returned that like operator isn't supported by this attribute.
I'm still trying to find solution for this but maybe someone will have some solution to this situation.
Thank you in advance.

Setting a DateTime to $null/empty using PowerShell and the SCSM cmdlets

I'm currently trying to sync additional attributes from the AD (Active Directory) for user objects in SCSM (System Center Service Manager) using a PowerShell script.
The extension I wrote for this, includes an attribute for the expiration date of a AD user account (DateTime value, named DateTimeAttribute in the example) if the user account doesn't expire it should be empty/null.
Using Import-SCSMInstance, which should be similar to a CSV import, it kind of works by passing "null" for the field. The problem is that Import-SCSMInstance seems to be quite unreliable and it doesn't offer any kind of information of why it works or doesn't work. Using Update-SCSMClassInstance seems to work a lot better but I can't figure out a way to clear the field using this and even using [DateTime]::MinValue will result in an error, stating that it's an invalid value.
So would anyone have an idea on how to clear the value using Update-SCSMClassInstance or figure out why Import-SCSMInstance might or might not work?
A simple example for this could look like the following:
$server = "<ServerName>"
$extensionGuid = "<GUID>"
Import-Module 'C:\Program Files\System Center 2012 R2\Service Manager\Powershell\System.Center.Service.Manager.psd1'
New-SCManagementGroupConnection -ComputerName $server
$extensionClass = Get-SCSMClass -Id $extensionGuid
$scsmUserObject = Get-SCSMClassInstance -Class $extensionClass -Filter 'UserName -eq "<User>"'
# Error
$scsmUserObject.DateTimeAttribute = ""
# Works but fails on Update-SCSMClassInstance
$scsmUserObject.DateTimeAttribute = $null
$scsmUserObject.DateTimeAttribute = [DateTime]::MinValue
# Works
$scsmUserObject.DateTimeAttribute = "01-01-1970"
Update-SCSMClassInstance -Instance $scsmUserObject
It seems that you can't clear a date once it's filled. When you write $null, it sets the date to 1-1-0001 01:00:00, which is an invalid date causing the update-scsmclassinstance to fail.
What we have set as a user's AD property when we don't want something to expire, is 2999-12-31 (yyyy-MM-dd). Perhaps this could help, although it's not directly what you asked for...
Also, you can use the pipeline to update a property in SCSM:
Get-SCSMClassInstance -Class $extensionClass -Filter 'UserName -eq "<User>"' | % {$_.DateTimeAttribute = <date>; $_} | update-scsmclassinstance
It doesn't look like it's currently possible to clear custom date attributes using the PowerShell cmdlets.

Find and replace custom attribute values in AD using Powershell

So I have an interesting script I am trying to figure out, basically I need to change a custom attribute value to a new one. The problem is its for both users and computers and not specific to the groups. So for instance the value might be Billing1 for several users in an OU and this need to be Billing2. So I need to find any instance of the Value of Billing1 and change it to Billing2 not knowing the user or computer object. I can successfully change one at a time if I know who the user is by using Set-ADUser, Set-ADComputer and even with Set-AdObject but I need to figure out a Find and replace function.
I have searched for this and I have found examples of where I can use CSV for users and computers but again I don't know who has what since the value in the attribute can vary and also changes if a reorg happens.
got the correct script...
Get-ADComputer -Properties enterattributename -Filter {enterattributename -like "value to search" } |Set-ADComputer –replace #{ enterattributename =”value to change”}
this also can be applied to Get-ADUser and Get-ADObject

Powershell ADSI ntSecurityDescriptor

Hi I'm having some trouble getting the information on who joined the computer to the domain.
I can use this code but this is to be used by some non-administrative users that dont have access to the Powershell ActiveDirectory module.
Get-ADComputer myComputer -Properties ntSecurityDescriptor | Select ntSecurityDescriptor -ExpandProperty ntSecurityDescriptor
It's the owner property I am interested in here.
But now to the real deal
I need to make it work with ADSI
$Computer = [ADSI](([ADSISearcher]"(name=myComputer)").FindOne().Path)
How do I "expand" the properties of the nTSecurityDescriptor using ADSI?
Powershell is smart enough that it will try to show you the best representation of an object with the most common properties it thinks you will need. Sometimes though you need to get the raw object underneath which you can do by using the PSBase property. Here's a link to Jeffrey Snover talking about it. Try this
$Computer = [ADSI](([ADSISearcher]"(name=myComputer)").FindOne().Path)