What is the name of this style of configuration file? - configuration-files

What is the name of this type of configuration file, where sections are noted in square brackets and parameters are specfied with name/value pairs?
n = 1
s = foo

That's the format for an old-style .INI file. From the article:
In MS-DOS and 16-bit Windows platforms up through Windows ME, the INI file served as the primary mechanism to configure operating system and installed applications features, such as device drivers, fonts, startup launchers, and things that needed to be initialized in booting Windows. INI files were also generally used by applications to store their individual settings.


Netbeans.conf: what is the variable for the user home?

When starting Netbeans, I need to add a system property named mEnvironment and set it as a sub-directory of the user's home. Example: In the netbeans.conf, I would like to add:
netbeans_default_options="-J-XX:+UseStringDeduplication -J-Xss2m -J-DmEnvironment=${USER_HOME}/mySubDirectory ......
USER_HOME is given as example of course.
Does someone know how Netbeans get the user home directory in the netbeans.conf file?
Thank you
Does someone know how Netbeans get the user home directory in the
netbeans.conf file?
The process is convoluted, and varies by operating system, but is described in great detail within netbeans.conf itself. This is the relevant content for my Apache NetBeans 11.1 installation:
# On Windows ${DEFAULT_USERDIR_ROOT} will be replaced by the launcher
# with "<AppData>\NetBeans" where <AppData> is user's
# value of "AppData" key in Windows Registry under
# "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders"
# and ${DEFAULT_CACHEDIR_ROOT} will be replaced by the launcher
# with "<Local AppData>\NetBeans\Cache" where <Local AppData> is user's
# value of "Local AppData" key in Windows Registry under
# "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders"
# On Mac ${DEFAULT_USERDIR_ROOT} will be replaced by the launcher
# with "~/Library/Application Support/NetBeans" and
# ${DEFAULT_CACHEDIR_ROOT} with "~/Library/Caches/NetBeans"
# On other systems ${DEFAULT_USERDIR_ROOT} will be replaced by the launcher
# with "~/.netbeans" and ${DEFAULT_CACHEDIR_ROOT} with "~/.cache/netbeans"
However, none of that really helps you, because you cannot access the values of netbeans_default_userdir or DEFAULT_USERDIR_ROOT; they are used internally by NetBeans itself, and are not System properties. You can verify this by displaying the values returned by System.getProperties(); none of the entries in netbeans.conf are shown.
Also, you can't meaningfully add new name/value pairs in netbeans.conf; you can only modify the values of the names used by NetBeans. That file is for NetBeans configuration, not user configuration. So if you add a line containing (say) MyConfSetting="ABC" then NetBeans will simply ignore that, and it won't be accessible to you either.
However, you can use an alternative approach to set a System Property for your directory in your application:
The read-only environment variable APPDATA points to your (operating system's) user directory. On my Windows 10 machine it has the value C:\Users\johndoe\AppData\Roaming.
The default user directory for NetBeans is the value of APPDATA + a sub-directory named NetBeans + a sub-directory named the NetBeans version. On my machine it is C:\Users\johndoe\AppData\Roaming\NetBeans\11.1. See the value of User directory in the Help > About screen for confirmation.
I don't know how to dynamically determine the version of NetBeans, but if that isn't important you can programmatically create a system property specifying your directory path:
String dir = System.getenv("APPDATA") + "\\NetBeans\\mySubDirectory";
System.setProperty("myDir", dir);
System.out.println("myDir=" + System.getProperty("myDir"));
On my machine that println() call displays myDir=C:\Users\johndoe\AppData\Roaming\NetBeans\mySubDirectory. I don't know if that approach meets your requirements, but I don't know of any other simple way to dynamically set your directory name.
I checked this on Windows 10. Details may vary on other operating systems, but the overall approach should still work.
You can also specify parameters at run time using {project} > Properties > Run > Arguments (e.g. arg1=%APPDATA%\NetBeans\MyDir) and {project} > Properties > Run > VM Options (e.g. -Dvmopt1=%APPDATA%\NetBeans\MyDir), but that approach won't work because the %APPDATA% is simply treated as the literal "%APPDATA%" rather than evaluated as an environment variable.

ElFinder and NTFS UTF-16 file names

I use WAMP server and ElFinder 2.x, it works fine except for filenames are encoded in UTF-8 when uploaded, so they look like Список предприятий ВРК123.xlsx in Windows Explorer. It's OK, but it would be nice to be able to copy files with unicode filename to ElFinder's folder via Windows Explorer.
As far as I know NTFS uses UTF-16. nao-pon answered here that one needs to set encoding, locale in connector options for multi-byte encodings. I've tried to set these options to 'UTF-16' and 'ru_RU.UTF-16', but ElFinder cannot load folder at all then and gives Invalid backend configuration. Readable volumes not available error.
UPD: it works fine with 'encoding' => 'CP1251' but well... it doesn't list files with names like 한자.txt.

Cannot open iReports 6

i tried installing the latest version of iReport. installation was successful but now while opening it is giving me error. the Slash screen opens and closes.
error :
my config file :
# ${HOME} will be replaced by user home directory according to platform
default_mac_userdir="${HOME}/Library/Application Support/${APPNAME}/5.6.0"
# options used by the launcher by default, can be overridden by explicit
# command line switches
default_options="-J-Xms256m -J-Xmx512m -J-Dorg.netbeans.ProxyClassLoader.level=1000 -J-XX:MaxPermSize=512m -J-Dapple.laf.useScreenMenuBar=true -J-Dapple.awt.graphics.UseQuartz=true -J-Dnetbeans.exception.report.min.level=99999 "
# for development purposes you may wish to append: -J-Dnetbeans.logger.console=true -J-ea
# default location of JDK/JRE, can be overridden by using --jdkhome <dir> switch
#jdkhome="C:\Program Files (x86)\Java"
# clusters' paths separated by path.separator (semicolon on Windows, colon on Unices)
please help me
Look at this line
# default location of JDK/JRE, can be overridden by using --jdkhome <dir> switch
#jdkhome="C:\Program Files (x86)\Java"
# clusters' paths separated by path.separator (semicolon on Windows, colon on Unices)
What you need is to set an environement varialble JDK_HOME that points to the path of your JDK installation , or update your config file to point to the path where JDK installed
a) Once installed, go to its \etc folder, e.g., C:\Program Files (x86)\Jaspersoft\iReport-5.6.0\etc and add write permissions (for yourself) to the readonly file ireport.conf, of which you show an example output.
b) Open ireport.conf w/ an editor like Notepad++ , and add the line for your jdk home, e.g., jdkhome="C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.7.0_71" (instead of just jdkhome="\jdk1.6.0_45"). Note: on Win OS you might need to use the escaped backslash.

VMWare Fusion: How do I combine muliple numbered vmdk files into a -flat.vmdk file?

I'm on Mac 10.6.6 using VM Ware Fusion 3.1.2. I created a Windows 7 image, but when I examine the files that make up the image, there are 21 "extent" files -- e.g. files with names like
Windows 7-s001.vmdk
Windows 7-s002.vmdk
Windows 7-s003.vmdk
Ultimately I want to convert this to something that an be used by VirtualBox, and so to do that, I need to get a single vmdk (-flat.vmdk) file. Does anyone know how to generate a single file given the multiple files I have now?
Thanks, - Dave
Virtual Machine - Settings - Hard Disk -> Uncheck "Split into 2GB files" and press Apply :)
For those who (like I did) may end up here looking for how to do this on ESXi (CLI): There is no vmware-vdiskmanager. Instead, use vmkfstools:
vmkfstools --clonevirtualdisk source.vmdk dest.vmdk
I have also had success doing this using the command line. Kind of heavy lifting, though - one has to RTFM and Google search carefully to find the right incantations.
look in
/Applications/VMware\ Fusion.app/Contents/Library/vmware-vdiskmanager
see -r for the "convert" option

How can I extract DLL file from memory dump?

I have a memory dump (unmanaged process) .
How can I extract (using windbg) one of the dlls loaded into the process ? I mean actually saving the dll file into the disk
You can use the sos.dll inside windbg directory.
First, load the sos.dll in windbg:
.load clr10\sos.dll
Then use !sam OR !SaveAllModule to extract the modules on specific disk location:
!sam c:\notepad
To extract a DLL without using SOS, use the .writemem extension as follows:
discover the module start and end addresses using lmvm dllname
example output for ieframe:
start end module name
61370000 61fb8000 ieframe
calculate the length = end-start: ? 61fb8000 - 61370000
output: Evaluate expression: 12877823 = 00c48000
then save the DLL as follows:
.writemem C:\tmp\mydll.dll 61370000 L?00c48000
This is unlikely to give you the exact DLL as it was loaded from disk, fixing this up is non-trivial.
(Partly based on this article)
Yes, it's true. calc.exe will also pull up its multi user language interface information and attach it in memory, as will a lot of Windows programs like mspaint, photoviewer, etc.