How to pass aruments to a Lua function from command line? - command-line

I have the following test.lua script:
print("before function")
function calc(n)
print("in function")
I'm trying to execute it from the command line using lua test.lua calc 10, but the only output I get is:
before function
What should I do to get the following output:
before function
in function

For the following code,
m = {}
print("before function")
function m.calc(n)
print("in function")
the command lua test.lua calc 10 would output:
before function
in function


OSError: This docstring was not generated by Nipype

Hey i am runing the following piece of code:
import nipype.interfaces.spm as spm
realign = spm.Realign()
And getting the following error:
raise IOError("This docstring was not generated by Nipype!\n") from e
OSError: This docstring was not generated by Nipype!
After debugging:
My code:
When this runs it uses matlab to run the follwing ( lines 217):
mlab.inputs.script = """
if isempty(which('spm')),
throw(MException('SPMCheck:NotFound','SPM not in matlab path'));
spm_path = spm('dir');
[name, version] = spm('ver');
fprintf(1, 'NIPYPE path:%s|name:%s|release:%s', spm_path, name, version);
out =
I run it in Matlab and got :
>> isempty(which('spm'))
ans =
>> [name, version] = spm('ver');
fprintf(1, 'NIPYPE path:%s|name:%s|release:%s', spm_path, name, version);
NIPYPE path:C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2022b\toolbox\spm12\spm12|name:SPM12|release:7771
so as you can see I have result from this script, but when checking the "out" variable here (line 239):
out = sd._strip_header(out.runtime.stdout)
Stdout is "" empty string
So I think the problem is Somehow related to the answer of the script from Matlab, how to fix it ??

How to exit a REPL from the command line

I'm currently learning Lua and also learning how to work with CMD.
I know how to change a directory path and run my codes and files from that path
but what I don't know and I'm here to ask for is how to get out of a programming language REPL when you start it in CMD
For example to jump into the Lua REPL you should type:
lua53 (--like python3 for the Python language)
then you changed the CMD environment to a Lua compiler and can't access CMD commands such as
dir, cd, cls etc. and everytime when I need to access these commands I have to close the CMD window and open a new one.
Now can you guys tell me am I able to access CMD commands while in the Lua REPL? Or do I have to exit Lua first, and is there any command to exit a REPL?
I'd recommend EOF (Ctrl + D on Unix) rather than SIGKILL (Ctrl + C) because some REPLs (node and python) choose to ignore the latter (perhaps because it's often used for copying text?); python will just print KeyboardInterrupt whereas node will only exit if you press Ctrl + C twice (it will send a message telling you this the first time).
EOF (Ctrl + D) on the other hand immediately exists all REPLs I have used so far.
The Lua REPL stops immediately when it receives either EOF or SIGKILL, so you can use both here.
Edit: As Sowban points out, EOF apparently is entered as Ctrl + Z then Enter in powershell.
You could type ctrl c to exit the process that's running generally.
I suggest to write a REPL by yourself.
But be warned :-)
The main loop with a prompt and the interpreting and executing function/method is mostly the easiest part.
99.99999% is the errorhandling thing.
One of my earliest interpreter language is (A)REXX.
A REPL without any errorhandling is done with...
/* REXX have to start with a comment */
do forever
parse pull input
interpret input
Now Lua sandboxed to an _ENV with io and os library and a little bit of errorhandling...
#!/usr/bin/env -S readline-editor /usr/local/bin/lua
-- ^--SHEBANG for Linux --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- interpreter.lua
-- Sandboxed to io and os
-- Lua 5.4 >>-because-> goto label <const> load()
local Lua = function(...)
-- Info about OS
io.write(("%s\n"):format(io.popen('uname -a'):read())):flush()
-- Global Setting
debug.setmetatable((1), {__index = math}) -- Add math library to number as methods (like string for strings)
os.setlocale('en_US.UTF8', 'time')
io.write("[%c]\n" .. ("%s\n"):format(os.setlocale():gsub("%;", "\n")))):flush()
-- io.write(("%s\n"):format(_VERSION)):flush()
-- Label for goto
-- Local Setting
local args <const> = args or {...}
local Lua = Lua or true
local cmd = cmd or ""
local env <const> = env or setmetatable({os = os, io = io}, -- The _ENV for load()
{__call = function(self, ...)
local self, t = ({...})[1] or self, "" -- First argument becomes self if one
if ({...})[1] == "help" then self = getmetatable(({...})[2]).__index end -- Showing metamethod __index (table)
for k, v in pairs(self) do
t = t .. ("%s => %s\n"):format(k, v)
return t
__index = {cg = collectgarbage,
gt = getmetatable,
pairs = pairs,
tn = tonumber,
ts = tostring,
_V = ("%s \27[1;" .. (31):random(36) .. "m(sandboxed)\27[0m"):format(_VERSION)},
__tostring = function(self) return self._V end}) -- end env
local prompt = prompt or setmetatable({}, {__tostring = function() return getmetatable(env).__index._V .. "> " end})
local name <const> = name or _VERSION
local result = result or true
while Lua do
cmd = or 'quit'
if cmd == "quit" then Lua, result = true, true break end
Lua, result = pcall(load("return " .. cmd or false, name, "t", env))
if Lua and result then
goto exception
-- Errorhandler
if not Lua or not result then
io.write(("[%s][%s][%s]\n\27[1;31m>>-Exception->\27[0m %s\n"):format(, _VERSION, cmd, result)):flush()
goto lua
goto lua
-- EXAMPLE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Lua = require("interpreter")
Lua() -- UNCOMMENT-> For direct execution like: /bin/lua interpreter.lua
return Lua -- UNCOMMENT-> For: Lua = require("interpreter")
Ctrl&C quits hardly
Ctrl&D is only an exception
...and os.exit(0) do an clean exit with returncode 0.

Attempt to call global function is nil, but function is not shown in debugger?

I am using Eclipse LDT for development, using the packaged Lua EE and Interpreter for Lua 5.2. I need to call the commandDatabase() method from my main method, though when I try, I receive the error:
"attempt to call global 'commandDatabase' (a nil value)".
I have looked up this error, and I am, as far as I can tell, defining methods in the right order.
Lua - attempt to call global 'contains' (a nil value)
When I view it in the debugger, the interpreter does not seem to find any methods I define between commandSystem and commandHelp. It shows each other function in the Variables area as e.g. ["commandSystem"] = function() but commandDatabase() does not appear
I have tried calling a wrapper method like so:
function commandDatabaseStep()
return commandDatabase()
... but this did not work either (same error)
The relevant code:
-- System command
function commandSystem()
-- Database command
function commandDatabase()
if arguments[2] == "no_arg1" then
print("The 'database' command must have at least one argument: [generate, wipe, dump, delete, get <system_name>]", true)
return 2
elseif arguments[2] == "generate" then
local file =, "w+")
file:write("#ssmhub database")
return 1
elseif arguments[2] == "dump" then
print("= DUMP START =")
for line in io.lines(database) do
print("= DUMP END =")
return 1
-- 1+
elseif arguments[2] == "get" then
-- 2+
if isEmpty(arguments[3]) then
print("The 'database get' command must have a <name> parameter")
return 0
-- 2-
else -- 3+
local file =, "r")
for line in io.lines(file) do -- 4+
local state = ""
local id = ""
local dividersFound = 0
line:gsub(".", function(c) -- 5+
if c == "|" then -- 6+
if dividersFound == 0 then -- 7+
state = state .. c
end -- 7-
if dividersFound == 1 then -- 8+
id = id .. c
end -- 8-
dividersFound = dividersFound + 1
end -- 6-
end) -- 5-
end -- 4-
end -- 3-
else -- 9+
print("Illegal argument for command. Use 'help' for a list of commands and arguments.")
return 0
end -- 9-
end -- 2-
end -- 1-
function commandHelp()
-- Main
function main()
arguments = readProgramArguments()
commandArgument = arguments[1]
commandCompleteCode = 0
-- Process help and system commands
if commandArgument == "database" then
commandCompleteCode = commandDatabase()
end main()
As #luther pointed out, I had one-too-many end-s in commandDatabase.
This wasn't flagged in my IDE because I had not end-ed commandSystem, so commandSystem was nested inside of it.
To fix: add an end to commandSystem, and remove the end which I tagged '-- 1-'.

Error on print_usage and fzero while Running Matlab Script in Octave

I am trying to run inputfile_calrel_example1 FERUM Matlab scripts from in Octave- but run into errors with respect to print_usage and fzero as follows:
error: Invalid call to fzero. Correct usage is:
-- fzero (FUN, X0)
-- fzero (FUN, X0, OPTIONS)
-- [X, FVAL, INFO, OUTPUT] = fzero (...)
error: called from
print_usage at line 91 column 5
fzero at line 133 column 5
drho0_dthetaf_integral at line 75 column 22
mod_corr_solve at line 99 column 54
form at line 90 column 58
ferum at line 129 column 33
Looking through print_usage.m file reveals line 91 as follows:
error ("Octave:invalid-fun-call", msg);
while lines 78 to 92:
if (at_toplev)
error ("Octave:invalid-fun-call",
"Invalid call to %s. Correct usage is:\n\n%s\n%s",
name, usage_string, __additional_help_message__ ());
msg = sprintf ("Invalid call to %s. Correct usage is:\n\n%s",
name, usage_string);
## Ensure that the error doesn't end up with a newline, as that disables
## backtraces.
if (msg(end) == "\n")
msg(end) = " ";
error ("Octave:invalid-fun-call", msg);
and fzero lines 132 to 134 are as follows:
if (nargin < 2 | nargin > 3)
print_usage (mfilename ());
I would like to have hints as to how to resolve the above error messages.
Best regards
Aliyu Aziz
As stated in the comments, fzero was called with the following arguments. = fzero( ...
'betadrho0_dthetaf' ...
, 0 ...
, optimset('fzero') ...
, ...
, PHI2 ...
, F ...
, dPHI2_dZi ...
, ...
, dPHI2_drho0 ...
, detJ ...
, WIP ...
From the documentation (help fzero) you can see that the above call is not a valid fzero call:
-- fzero (FUN, X0, OPTIONS)
Find a zero of a univariate function
FUN is a function handle, inline function, or string containing the
name of the function to evaluate.
X0 should be a two-element vector specifying two points which
bracket a zero. If X0 is a single scalar then several nearby and distant
values are probed in an attempt to obtain a valid bracketing. If this is not
successful, the function fails.
OPTIONS is a structure specifying additional options.
To initialize an options structure with default values for 'fzero'
use 'options = optimset ("fzero")'.
So as you see, the extra arguments after 'optimset' trigger an error.
I'm assuming that the extra arguments were intended to be arguments to the betadrho0_dthetaf function. In general the function FUN expects a single argument (since it is univariate). If your betadrho0_dthetaf function expects a number of other parameters, then instead of using it in fzero via string, wrap it around an anonymous function handle which does only take a single argument, and uses your intended function internally to calculate the intended result, e.g. = fzero( ...
#(x) betadrho0_dthetaf( ...
x ...
, ...
, PHI2 ...
, F ...
, dPHI2_dZi ...
, ...
, dPHI2_drho0 ...
, detJ ...
, WIP ...
) ...
, 0 ...
, optimset('fzero') ...
or something along those lines, depending on how you would call that beta function.

MATLAB: errorn in butter() command

I wrote the following function:
function [output_signal] = AddDirectivityError (bat_loc_index, butter_deg_vector, sound_matrix)
global chirp_initial_freq ;
global chirp_end_freq;
global sampling_rate;
global num_of_mics;
global sound_signal_length;
for (i=1 : num_of_mics)
normalized_co_freq = (chirp_initial_freq + chirp_end_freq)/ (1.6* sampling_rate);
A=sound_matrix ( i, : ) ;
if (butter_deg_vector(i)==0)
[num, den] = butter(butter_deg_vector(i), normalized_co_freq, 'low');// HERE!!!
filtered_signal=filter(num,den, A );
output_signal(i, :)=filtered_signal;
This functions runs many-many times without any error. However, when I reach the line: [num, den] = butter ( butter_deg_vector(i), normalized_co_freq, 'low');
And the local variables are: i=3, butter_deg_vector(i)=1, normalized_co_freq=5.625000e-001
MATLAB prompts an error says:
??? Error using ==> buttap Expected N to be integer-valued.
"Error in ==> buttap at 15 validateattributes(n,{'numeric'},{'scalar','integer','positive'},'buttap','N');
Error in ==> butter at 70 [z,p,k] = buttap(n);"
I don't understand why this problem occurs especially in this iteration. Why does this function prompt an error especially in this case?
Try to change the code line for:
[num, den] = butter (round(butter_deg_vector(i)), normalized_co_freq, 'low');