How to get eclipse content assist working in XML files - eclipse

I have started creating the Spring web application where I need to mention the spring classes in the XML configuration files, for ex, the deployment descriptor (web.xml) where I need to mention the DispatcherServlet class of Spring.
What I am looking for is, I want eclipse to show me the list of packages/classes when I type org.springframework..., like we do in the Java editor. I have googled to find out, but no luck. I am sure there would be plugins available. Can any of you please share me on how to fix this?

Since you are working on a spring project, I'd recommend installing the SpringToolSuite (STS). The info page is here:
Since you already have an Eclipse instance that you are working with, you should go with the update sites:
(Make sure to use the correct update site for the Eclipse version you are using.)
Not only does STS include all tools for XML editing, but it also includes special tools for editing your Spring application files.


Eclipse+STS or STS all function invalid

I follow some guide, In the video, Their IDE have all those functions (by default! no config needed):
No auto compile in any type
No Spring entry in "NEW" or "XML Configure File" in XML or anything handy
No Spring XML editor in "OpenWith"
Almost everything is missing
I try both way: Download STS4 or install STS in Eclipse
None of them working
So: How to get those lost function ?
The tutorial you are following is probably using STS3, which contains all the features for Spring XML config files that you mentioned. However, the tooling that you have installed is Spring Tools 4 for Eclipse, which comes with a different set of features. It supports Spring XML config files, too, but in a different way. It is much more focused on implementing apps on top of Spring Boot. You can find more details in the Spring Tools 4 wiki:

Eclipse plugin for spring

IDEA allow to find bean definition, declared in xml, right from Java code. For example if I've got interface SomeIntrfaceImpl IDEA allow me to find out instances of SomeIntrfaceImpl in .xml contextes files, pointing me to .xml file to line of code where bean is created
Is there any Eclipse plugin, that allow me to do the same ?
Yes there is different Eclipse provided by SpringFramework makers itself. They have extended the eclipse to provide easy development for Spring web application and other products like Spring ROO also.
Its is called SpringSourceToolSuit. You can download its latest version from here after providing some basic information about you asked in a form there.
Its the best IDE to develop Spring applications. I am currently using it.
Hope this helps you. Cheers.

Hibernate Setup in eclipse helios

How I can setup Hibernate for a Dynamic Web application by using Eclipse Helios? I am a newbe so please let me know if there is any example.
I tried for Java application and included all JARS and it worked fine. But don't understand how I can do it for Web application and test it.
I will use Struts2 so I will appreciate if I can get appropriate example or guidance.
Drop the jars in WEB-INF/lib. Those jars are automatically added by Eclipse to the project build path, and constitute (with the WEB-INF/classes directory and the container classpath) the classpath of the webapp.
First, download Struts2, and import example WAR file into Eclipse. You can find it from the source folder: struts-2.3.1-all\struts-2.3.1\apps\struts2-blank.war
Second, you should install Eclipse Hibernate Plugin. Goto Window > Preferences > Install/Update > Available Software Sites and add following link and name it JBossTools or something.
Depending on your needs you can install Hibernate Plugins for many project types. In this case, select web application plugin.
And after, you should include Hibernate Core libraries into your classpath. I would recomment Hibernate 3.6 and greater. Because it does not depend on asm (asm-3.3.jar, asm-commons-3.3.jar ...) anymore. If you use earlier versions you might encounter some problems, since Struts2 also depend on asm libraries.
Then create your database, and use following link to configure and generate model bean classes.
Now you don't need to write mapping files by yourselves. And with DAO factory pattern you have your way to finish your project.
Hope this helps, and Goodluck

Where to put the User Library for Eclipse-Dali-Hibernate integration?

I am struggling with the configuration of the Eclipse Dali plugin and Hibernate. The version I'm using is as recommended:
Eclipse 3.6.1 (Helios SR1) IDE for Java EE Developers (including Dali 2.3)
JBoss Tools 3.2 (for the Hibernate Tools plugin)
When configuring the Java Persistence properties for my project, I created a user library named "Hibernate JPA" and included the following JARs:
As long as the hibernate-distribution-3.6.1.Final folder is outside of my project directory, everything works fine. However, if I put the Hibernate folder into the project directory, I get an error saying "Required class org.hibernate.SessionFactory does not exist in selected libraries":
The error text is wrong, the required class is definitely included in hibernate3.jar, and everything works as expected when I move the JARs outside of my project directory.
I have two questions about that:
I do not understand why the User Library behaves differently depending on whether the JARs are placed inside or outside of my project directory. Could anybody explain what's happening here?
I would like to have my project in SVN, including all the required libraries. Is there any way to configure Dali to accept User Libraries within the project directory?
Thank you very much.
I was having the same problem cos I forgot to add hibernate-jpa-2.0-api-1.0.0.Final.jar.
The only difference is that I'm using 3.5.1-Final cos 3.6.x seems not stable at the moment.
Actually, I'd prefer EclipseLink: everything works fine as a charm. I've wasted many hours with environment configuration :( Last time I've used Hibernate was years ago and looks like troubles to configure still are the same :(

JBOSS Eclipse Integration

I am working with Eclipse and JBOSS. I was wondering if there is a way to do hot in-place deployment for a web project, by integrating the JBOSS server with Eclipse.
By hot in-place deployment, I mean, I should be able to view the change made to a jsp , by refreshing the page on the browser, not required to go through the routine , build-deploy-test cycle.
Take a look at JBoss Tools. That has everything you need.
JBoss Tools seems to do auto-redeploy by default when you create a web application with their wizard:
AFAIK every time you save a JSP they copy it to the application deploy directory in JBoss, but if your source layout matches the WAR layout they might run the application directly from your project directory (I know some versions of WTP did this with Tomcat, but with JBoss it's probably harder).
You are after "Exploded Hot Deployment" - deploys a directory of your files rather than an archive and then any subsequent "explode" will only deploy changes rather than the whole project (depending on how you have Ant configured).
Frameworks like Seam do this for you. Maybe worth grabbing a build.xml file from them and modifying it for your use?
Have you tried using JSP-Weaver?
Here is the Wikipedia description:
JSP Weaver is a JavaServer Pages
interpreter. Unlike JSP compilers it
evaluates the JSP files directly,
without generating or compiling
intermediate Java source files for the
JSP Java servlet.
Although this sacrifices some
performance on page rendering (10%-20%
overhead depending on the compiler in
question) it enables a much faster
reloading of changes made to the
source of the JSP file (10-20 times
decrease in time depending on the page
and the compiler in question).
Unlike simpler attempts at
interpreting JSP-like syntax (e.g.
Facelets) it supports embedded Java
statements called Scriptlets (a
standard JSP feature). This allows
full compatibility with the JSP
specification versions 1.0 to 2.1.
I also agree with Sietse in you should check out JBoss Tools. It is a great free alternative to the JBoss Developer Studio