How does Facebook permissions review work on an existing Live site? - facebook

My client has a website that uses FB to retrieve the current user's photos. This had been working for the last few years until recently, which I think is due to FB now requiring permissions to be reviewed by them first.
My client wants to hide the section of the site that uses FB until the issue is resolved, as it makes the site look broken.
My question is how can I submit the FB permissions to be reviewed when the section of the site that uses is hidden? Surely this would be an issue for a lot of people.

In the review description, you can add login data for the review team. Or you use a staging (sub)domain for the review. The Facebook review team is flexible, they will understand. And if you get problems with the review, you can ask in the official dev support group:


What application control request to pull content from Facebook?

On my site, I allowed members to register the address of their Facebook page to automatically display their public posts.
It worked very well. I had the Page Public Content Access permission.
But the authorization, after several years, was withdrawn from me. According to Facebook, it is only approved for statistical purposes. Facebook recommends the "Oembed read" permission to me. All right, I got it. But she does not meet my needs !
According to their documentation, it would not be possible to extract information from Facebook outside of oEmbed.
Ah ? However, by searching on Google "Facebook to rss", we find many websites which, without even registering, offer this. This website, for example. So how do they do it?
I wrote it to Facebook support, who answered next to the question.
So how do you do it? How can I offer my members to automatically publish the publications of their page on our portal?

Facebook Mentions on a Facebook Page with Graph API

Has anyone had success with a mention of a FB Page via the Graph API? I'm trying to have one page mention another posting via the Graph API.
I have permissions: "pages_read_engagement" and "pages_manage_posts".
Have tested using FB Pages I'm the admin of with an approved app I'm admin of. Also these Pages are over 6 months old. Also using a real user (mine) and not a test user.
Have posted with #[Page Id], #[Page Name], #[Page ID:Page Name], and #[Page Id:1:Page Name]
Made sure in the Page setting mentions by others is allowed.
Using Facebook SDK version 11.0
and the post always has the mentioned removed.
For example "This is great #[109904187850644]"
posts as "This is great"
The only time mentions show is when the Page mentions itself.
For reference:
Related question but using version 2.1 from 7 years ago: Mention Facebook Page in Page API Post
Any thought on the issue? Permissions, way posting, etc?
I have done this recently so I hope I can help you out.
To me it sounds like while you have the required permissions you are missing the actual Page Mentioning Feature. As described on the Page Mentioning Reference the Feature is required to #mention other Pages this is why mentioning the posting Page itself works.
To get authorization to use said feature you have to do an App Review.
Additionally you might want to read up on the differences between Permissions and Features.
From my experience there is no way to test out any functionalities requiring a Feature without doing an App Review because the Graph API will not return any useful data even in development mode while you can test out any permissions without having to do an App Review before.

Facebook publish_actions usage

Im pretty confused with how i need to approach this issue.
I have a website using a 3rd party app which allowed the admin user to login, type in some content which then appeared on his site aswell as publishing to his FB page. All was working until FB changed their procedures last year (believe it was using the Graph API). Unfortunately the 3rd party no longer support this app so i am trying to see if i can resolve.
The application as far as i can tell uses 3 permissions,
manage_pages, publish_actions, publish_pages
Some threads indicate, i need to complete an App Review which once authorised would get everything working as it should. This is in process to save me some time.
Other threads indicate, public_actions is deprecated and cant be used any futher. If i go to FB help pages ( it doesnt list it. In which case i feel this app would therefore no longer work until i fix this AFTER having the app reviewed and accepted?
Can anyone advise which is true and if #2, what do i need to do to get publish_actions to working in this scenario?
Is it possible to have this working in a test enviroment as theres too many variables for me to tackle here i.e. FB state unless the site is https it wont work, app review etc
publish_actions does not exist any more, it has been removed.
Posting to user profiles via API is therefor not possible any more.
To post to a page you are an admin of you don’t need that one to begin with though, the appropriate permission for that is publish_pages, and that still exists.

Facebook App Review: Take a screencase from a server-only app?

I use the Facebook API and an app to automatically post to a Facebook page up to three times a day. These public posts contain recent changes from my CMS, and the "app backend" is written in PHP.
Currently, Facebook asks all app developers to submit their apps for a review. This looks pretty difficult to me, as the data to be submitted should contain a screencast. But there is nothing I could show in such a screencast, as there is only sourcecode creating new posts...
Facebook pages API: "Page Public Content Access" review screencast was an interesting starting point: just don't use a public app, but keep it in development mode. I changed the mode from live to dev, and all posts that were created in the last months vanished from my page. I could see them, logged in with my own account, but neither logged out nor using another account :( Is there anything I forgot to change?
Just do a screencast of how the server is posting after some event or timeout.
Can you trigger some event on your server and show that new post was created after that? This should be enough for review.
After several months of trying, finally manage to pass this review for manage_pages and publish_pages permissions. Important keyword is "server to server application".
Here is what I wrote for both permissions:
You can refer to this page for more details:

How to access my business’ Facebook Page Feed from my web server using Graph API?

I have a pre-existing Facebook Business Page set up on Facebook and I just registered my website (App) on the Facebook Developers Console using the same Business name as the Facebook Page name. I am an admin on both the App account and the Business Page. My app is also on the list of “subscribed apps” for the Page. Even still, Facebook doesn’t see the app and page as the same business, and I still don’t see my page in the “App Pages” section of my App Settings like it says I should.
Ultimately, my goal is to be able to establish a communication between my web server and my Facebook Page in order to READ posts on my page using the Graph API. However, when I try accessing the page node or any of its edges using my App Token (via Graph Explorer OR my web server), it’s telling me I need an App review before I can read the public data on my own Facebook page.
My guess is that this is happening because there is still no established connection between the app and the page... and if that’s the case, what more can I do to make the connection? Anyone have any experience with this?
FYI: I’ve read many other posts on this issue and most of them are outdated or don’t give any clear answers to the question. I feel this question is valid due to the privacy changes introduced by Facebook last March.
You need to have your App reviewed, older apps work till August 2018. But as now every review takes a month and there is high change that you are not approved for "Page Public Content Access". Reason for approve denial is "it doesn't appear to enhance the user experience". And after that, there is not much you can do. You can make another app and submit it to the review, with info that might pass the review process.
As for now, i do not know the correct phrases to use in review-form, but if some-one gets "Page Public Content Access"-approval, please let us know how.