Ember-cli non ember function - ember-cli

I already worked with emberjs before it used ember-cli but now I am not sure how I can do that.
I need to create some functions to manage my cookies and some other thing, but I don't know where I should put them in the project so they will be available from anywhere (controller, routes, views...). I looked at the emberjs guide/doc but I can't find anything relevant about that unfortunatelly..
Is there is a specific place I can put my functions ? or I have to copy/paste them everywhere ?
Should I put my scripts inside the vendor folder ?

You can place it in a util script. To create one, type in ember generate util foo
Take note that it uses ES6 syntax with the export default and stuff.
Once you have the util script you can import it in your controller, route, etc.


Include runtime type definitions using VSCode extension

I'm working on a library that lets users run Node processes from inside another application. The library is called "max-api"; functions for sending data to the host application are exposed through a Node module and are loaded in the expected way:
const maxAPI = require("max-api");
However, the user never interacts with this module directly. Rather, when the host application launches the Node process, it intercepts the call to require, checks if the name of the module is "max-api", and provides the module if so.
This works great, the only issue is we have no way to provide type definitions for this modules. So, the user doesn't get any autocomplete or validation for functions in the "max-api" module. I was thinking of writing a VSCode extension to provide these, but I'm not 100% sure how to get started. Thanks in advance for any advice.
You could write a TS typings file (see Definitely Typed). This would be installed in node_modules/#types and vscode will automatically pick it up to provide code completion for your module.

ember-cli#0.2.0 component templates in an addon

I'm wondering what the convention to use is when creating a component inside an addon project... If I generate a component in my addon project using ember-cli#0.2.0, the blueprint will create a js file in addon/components, a template in addon/templates/components, and a js file in app/components. The part I'm not real clear about is where templates should live for these components. If my component template requires a partial, I need to put the partial template in the app/templates directory. If it lives in the addon/templates directory, it can't be resolved. So the question is this: Is it best to put all the templates (the component template and the partials) in the app/templates directory or leave the component template in the addon/templates/components directory and the partial in the app/templates directory? The latter feels slightly disorganized and the former seems more correct only because of the behavior of the blueprint. Anyone have any insight?
Thanks in advance.
Ember-cli is under heavy development so a lot of the file structure is likely to change soon, but here on some insights on the current state of the folder structure and why it is arranged the way it is:
The app/ folder is what gets directly imported into your application. Helpers are pulled from here, which is why you have to have a file for each of your components in this folder. Additionally templates will get pulled from the main application here, and as such they will be accessible in the ways that templates are normally accessible in an ember app (render, partial, and standard resolution).
Some people choose to place all of their components code in app/, but this is a bad idea because the addon/ folder exists not only as a separation of your addons code, but as a way for it to be imported using ES6 imports. So, while you can't directly access the components under addon/components/, you can import them into your application like so:
import SomeComponent from 'some-addon/components/some-component'
This is very useful for addon consumers if they want to extend an addon to add some functionality.
Templates in addon get precompiled in the build tree, which makes addons a bit more robust (for instance if they are using a different version of htmlbars they will still be compatible with the base app). However, they are not accessible via the resolver, so you have to import them manually in your addon's components, which is why the blueprint for addon components looks like the following:
import Ember from 'ember';
import layout from '../templates/components/some-component';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
layout: layout
Styles for addons can either be placed in addon/styles/ or app/styles/. In addon/styles/ they are also precompiled and included in the application by default. I highly recommend including styles in app/styles because this makes them accessible using preprocessor imports in the base application:
#import some-addon/main.css
This makes them completely optional to users of the addon, without resorting to app.import and config trickery (which is good because nested addons _do not support app.import. Don't use it.)
NOTE: They are not automatically namespaced, so you should put your styles in a folder to make sure they aren't conflicting with other addons styles.
In summary:
Any addon code that does not need to be directly accessible by the base app via helpers, initializers, etc. Should live in addon/
Anything you want to be accessible by ES6 imports should live in addon/
Templates should live in addon/templates/ and be imported manually
Component stubs, initializers, and other files that should be included in the standard Ember build chain should live in app/
Styles should live in app/styles/ and should be namespaced in a folder (e.g. app/styles/some-addon/)
Don't use app.import.

Not able to call form in AEM6

I have copied the Forms from the /libs/foundation/components/form to /apps/mywebsite/components/form, I made some changes to the copied form files but still the default form is getting called.
Could you let me know or provide some documentation for the forms.
Thanks in advance
The problem is that you moved things to:
Instead, you need to copy them to:
apps overrides libs ONLY if the path is otherwise the same
will override:
if ANY part of that path is different, that overlay won't work.
In addition, if something calls a component/resource/whatever under /libs using the fully qualified name (e.g. actually including /libs/ at the beginning) then it will still use that. But this is rare.
Let me know if you have more issues.
BTW, you can change this search approach (apps before libs) in the resource resolver settings in OSGI. It comes this way by default but can be changed.
If you didn't want to overrride but extend the foundation forms, you need to make sure that you copied everything or have the inheritance to foundation right. Most important is the cq:editConfig/cq:formParameters, where you need to have sling:resourceSuperType="foundation/components/form/defaults/field". If you use a cq:template instead, you need to set the supertype parameter there.
Then you would have to use your components on the page instead of the foundation ones.

can there be two js files in main dir of mozilla addon? and can they both communicate with each other?

I have created two separate add ons. One for getting input from the user and storing in simple-storage. In the other one the actual add on function. Both work fine. But when i merge these both main add on code in to a single main code they didn't work. So i wonder whether there can be two js files in "main" add on directory and is communication possible between them?I need one of the js in main directory to be able to access the simple-storage of the other js in the same main directory.
I'm really not sure what your overall goal is, please provide an example for a more specific answer. If you're using the Add-on SDK, only code in main.js will be run, but you can use commonJS modules to implement various features and use require to import them into main.js.
Please see the docs for more information on how the Add-on SDK works:

How do I write an extension for Sinatra without packaging it as a gem?

I want to include the distance_of_time_in_words method in a sinatra app
I don't want to package and distribute a gem, which is what the Sintra docs direct you to do. I just want that method accessible in my view.
What's the easiest way to do this? Thanks.
On http://www.sinatrarb.com/intro.html look at Helpers section and define helper methods for use in route handlers and templates
Just place the file somewhere in your ruby load path ($LOAD_PATH) and require it. Or place the code directly in your app file.