Setting the text color for a menu item on Smartface (Android) -

I'm struggling to set the menu item text color to white on Android, but without much success.
I've tried:
this.actionBar.itemTextColor = "#ffffff"; //this is not working on Android
Any ideas? I'm using Smartface 4.3.0

you can use this code for text color change for menu items
<item name="android:textColor">#android:color/primary_text_dark</item>


identifying screen cutout position in flutter

My app has a search bar in its top area. There are devices with special cutouts. in order to expand the app to real full screen, I Added to <app_name>\android\app\src\main\AndroidManifest.xml:
<style name="ActivityTheme">
<item name="android:windowLayoutInDisplayCutoutMode">
That works fine. However, the obvious next step is to recognize cutout position, and place the search bar accordingly:
The mentioned documentation refers to a JAVA method WindowInsets.getDisplayCutout(). I wonder if there is an equivalent in flutter or a plugin which wraps it.
There is a SafeArea widget that will add insets so that you can avoid device. I'd give this a try - I know it works with common features like the iphone top cutout and the android camera.

Can favicon be same color as tab name?

The problem
Let's suppose I've got an outlined favicon.
It looks perfect on the selected tab with white background:
But if the tab is inactive / user prefers a dark theme icon cannot be visible:
Minimal example
Is it possible to make icon same color with tab text?
What i've tried
Only my idea was to make svg favicon with fill="currentColor" (rather a silly thing, I know):
<!-- ... -->
<path d="M13 7H11V17H13V7Z" fill="currentColor"></path>
<!-- ... -->
But it is not working.

Ion-Button color="x" rendered as white

I am working on an Ionic app that uses both Ionic Themes and Angular Materials. In some instances I am using and in some of those instances I am attempting to change the button color as such for example. When setting the ion-button to any given color it is rendered as white.
I've tried making updates to my scss files and to make sure the theme is incorporated correctly. I've spent an entire day searching for solutions and have found no answers. I was under the impression that Ionic themes are default in an Ionic app and am not sure why this isn't working.
0" padding no-bounce text-center fullscreen expand="block">
button is rendered as white
For button background try below.
<ion-button color="white">Button</ion-button>
If this doesn't work, please share your code. I will update your code.

ion-list-header background is not gray on iOS

I am using a code like this in ionic 2.0.0rc4
<ion-list-header>My Header</ion-list-header>
<!-- rest of ion-items -->
In the documentation examples, list header's background is gray but in my app it has a white background! I don't know what is going on!
Any idea?
As per documentation, following SASS variable is used to set the list header background for ios $list-ios-header-background-color and its default value is transparent.
If you look closely, in the documentation also, color is coming grey for iOS and white for android & windows phone.
hope this helps.

Change the default color for gridview selected item in winrt application

I'm trying to change the default color for gridview border selected item in winrt application. I try to find it in blend (item container template), but still no luck. Does anyone here know how to do it? Thanks.
I found my answer here
Just change the color in the code, and you're set :)
See if this works... :)
<SolidColorBrush Color="Red" />