How to have two instance of mongodb on same pc - mongodb

I have mongo db 2.6.9 installed in my ubuntu machine.I want to have 2.6.10 also installed on the same machine and only run one at a time.
I don't have much knowledge of mongodb. How can i do it?

Talking for linux, if you just install it twice in different paths (REMEMBER to change the port) i think they will run fine. the problem is that you will end up using the same log file for both instances. What I suggest you is you take a look at the two following linkes:
stack here
and also on mongo manual in order to see the run time configuration where you will see what paths you have to change for the second running installation here

Since you are already on ubuntu, install docker and create containers running as many mongo versions as you want in different containers. You will just have to bind them to different ports on the local machine.
Install docker
sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install wget
wget -qO- | sh
Create mongodb container running mongo 2.6.9 and 2.6.10
docker run -p 27107:27107 -d mongo:2.6.9
docker run -p 27108:27107 -d mongo:2.6.10
Connect to mongodb version 2.6.9 using on port 27107
Connect to mongodb version 2.6.10 using on port 27108


Can't connect to MongoDB docker from Compass

I created a MongoDB docker instance as follows:
sudo docker run --name mongo -d -p 27000:27000 mongo
I confirmed that the instance is running by using command sudo docker ps --all :
f509276287eb mongo "docker-entrypoint.s…" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes>27000/tcp, :::27000->27000/tcp, 27017/tcp mongo
Then I tried to connect to it using Compass GUI tool with the following connection string:
I get a screen the following screen:
and after waiting for a while, the screen disappears with the following error message
connection <monitor> to closed
My goal is to use this docker image to run tests, but I cannot connect to it.
I tried using instead of localhost but it didn't work.
My Question: How do I connect to MongoDB docker image?
Environment info:
OS is Ubuntu 22.04
Docker version 20.10.14, build a224086349 (snap package)
Compass version 1.33.1 (deb package)
I figured it out. I made a silly mistake when picking the port, I should have used:
sudo docker run --name mongo -d -p 27000:27017 mongo
Because Mongo will always be on port 27017 inside the image.

Can't run "mongo" command (mongo shell) on Ubuntu after installation

I am new to MongoDB. I already read the docs and MongoDB Community Edition.
It is working
but, I tried to run the "mongo" command: It is not working!!
...So i did:
sudo apt install mongodb-clients
(I saw after that this command uninstalled the mongodb server, which i had to install again)
When it finished, i tried again the "mongo" command. It is not working !!
How do I solve this?
You may want to try "mongosh" command.
As specified on documentation you provided.
Start a mongosh session on the same host machine as the mongod. You
can run mongosh without any command-line options to connect to a
mongod that is running on your localhost with default port 27017.
You need a client in order to interact with mongoDB deployment such as mongosh or Compass.
The MongoDB Shell, mongosh, is a fully functional JavaScript and
Node.js 16.x REPL environment for interacting with MongoDB
deployments. You can use the MongoDB Shell to test queries and
operations directly with your database.
Hope It helps.
The mongodb-server and the mongodb-clients debian packages were for MongoDB 3.x, maintained by Ubuntu.
Since MongoDB 4.x, MongoDB provide their own debian packages, but they named them mongodb-org-server, mongodb-mongosh and mongodb-cli. The client command mongo is split into two different commands mongocli and mongosh.

installing MongoDB to Mac

I need help to solve an error that happened while installing MongoDB into Macbook.
I run this command to kick off installing.
brew install mongosh
ALthough I got a warning msg, it seemed like fine.
I waited so long, and the installation got finally done.
Here is the screenshot of the end.
As you can see, I typed below to check if it was successfully installed.
mongosh --version
Finally I tried to run MongoDB, so typed "mongosh". And I got an error to run it and connect to db called cluster0.
Current Mongosh Log ID: 621d2adedeee61396fddb367
Connecting to: mongodb://
MongoNetworkError: connect ECONNREFUSED
takeichimasahironoMacBook-Air:~ masa$ mongosh "mongodb+srv://" --apiVersion 1 --username mongo
Enter password: *****
Current Mongosh Log ID: 621d2b0f5a5370a82628edcc
Connecting to: mongodb+srv://
MongoServerSelectionError: read ECONNRESET
Any idea to solve this issue?? Thanks for your effort in advance.
In addition to the good answer above -- On newer versions mac os x the root directory is read only so you will need place your mongo data directory somewhere else, see this thread:
Read-only file system when attempting mkdir /data/db on Mac
I also needed to separately install the mongo command line tool from the cask:
$ brew install mongodb-community-shell
I recommend Homebrew for installing and managing applications on macOS. It is installed using the following command in the macOS terminal. Open up the terminal and paste the command:
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
The terminal runs through a series of installation operations, and will probably create folders in your local machine to accommodate Homebrews storage requirements. You can find more detailed instructions here. After it's installed, update the Homebrew dependencies and install MongoDB on the command line:
brew update
brew tap mongodb/brew
brew install mongodb-community
It will take a few seconds. Once it's done, create a directory so MongoDB can store its data.
sudo mkdir -p /data/db
Now to make sure this data directory have the right permissions, you'll run this command:
sudo chown -R `id -un` /data/db
Now our data directory is ready with the right permissions. Next run mongo daemon. Which is a service which runs in the background and listens for connections on a given port. Run this command:
Now mongo daemon will be running in the background and can be used by your applications. Next, check your MongoDB version:
mongo --version
MongoDB shell version v4.2.6
The command-line results will show the version you have installed on your local machine. I recommend using the latest version of libraries and software whenever possible to avoid compatibility issues with client-side applications.

how do I start mongodb via /etc/init.d/mongodb with a config file?

I have a config file for mongo that specifies an alternate port:
deploy#ip-xxx-xxx-22-107 ~/app $ tail /etc/mongodb.conf
port = 27033
Not very complex. I'm trying to use a file based config instead of command line, seems like a better idea. I'm on Ubuntu 11. The docs say:
On some packaged installs of MongoDB (for example Ubuntu & Debian),
the default file can be found in /etc/mongodb.conf, which is
automatically used when starting and stopping MongoDB from the service
I definitely can start mongo with sudo /etc/init.d/mongodb restart but it's starting on the wrong port, 27017:
deploy#ip-xxx-xxx-22-107 ~/app $ sudo lsof -iTCP | grep mongo
mongod 3594 mongodb 5u IPv4 260392 TCP localhost:27017 (LISTEN)
mongod 3594 mongodb 7u IPv4 260395 TCP localhost:28017 (LISTEN)
So there's mongo, but not the right port. Whenever I try passing in a config file to the mongodb command I get an error:
sudo /etc/init.d/mongodb -f /etc/mongodb.conf restart
* ERROR: wrong args ( -f )
I suspect the /etc/init.d/mongodb command isn't passing on my config request when it's starting mongo. But the config file should be read by default according to the docs. Is something wrong with my Ubuntu install (it's on a PaaS host)? Is there no advantage to using /etc/init.d/mongodb so I should just ignore this? I can get it to read the config file via mongod -f /etc/mongodb.conf but my docs say to use /etc/init.d/mongodb.
Where did you install the mongo package from? If you installed from the default repositories, then you may have a very old version - I just tried on 11.04 (don't have 11.10 handy, sorry) and I got 1.6.4 which is very old (current stable release as of writing this is 2.0.2).
You should remove the version you have, and add the one from the 10gen/MongoDB repositories. The instructions for doing so are here:
That will give you the latest mongod version and likely resolve your issues, because you seem to be doing things correctly.
Once you have the mongod started, then connect to it and try running this:
use admin
db.runCommand({getCmdLineOpts: 1})
That should give you all the passed and parsed options. There is a sample output shown on the Docs page for the command. It should allow you to see where the mongod is pointing for the config file and what is being parsed from it.

I have installed PostgreSQL via MacPorts, but cannot access it

As I said in title, I've installed PostgreSQL usind MacPorts, but cannot access it.
The installation process was
$ sudo port install postgresql83-server
$ sudo mkdir -p /opt/local/var/db/postgresql83/webcraft
$ sudo chown postgres:postgres /opt/local/var/db/postgresql83/webcraft
$ sudo su postgres -c '/opt/local/lib/postgresql83/bin/initdb -D /opt/local/var/db/postgresql83/webcraft'
$ sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.postgresql83-server.plist
My PATH is
I try to connect the server using psql client
$ psql
psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
Here is some info
$ ps ax | grep postgres | grep -v grep
52 ?? Ss 0:00.00 /opt/local/bin/daemondo --label=postgresql83-server --start-cmd /opt/local/etc/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.postgresql83-server/postgresql83-server.wrapper start ; --stop-cmd /opt/local/etc/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.postgresql83-server/postgresql83-server.wrapper stop ; --restart-cmd /opt/local/etc/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.postgresql83-server/postgresql83-server.wrapper restart ; --pid=none
Did you try running:
which psql
I imagine psql is still referencing /usr/bin/psql, and the macports version of psql is suffixed with the version number, in your case psql83. You can alias psql to psql83 as a simple workaround. Better would be to change the default:
sudo port select --set postgresql postgresql83
That will do the proper routing.
There is a very easy solution to this, but it's not well documented in my opinion:
MacPorts encourages installing their *_select ports to manage potentially multiple versions of software (say you want Postgres93 and Postgres94 at the same time). It's a great feature, but it adds an extra step that is for some reason rarely mentioned in the docs:
$ sudo port install postgresql94-server
Many failed attempts at starting the server later..
$ sudo port install postgresql_select
$ sudo port select postgresql
Available versions for postgresql:
none (active)
Well that can't be good!
$ sudo port select postgresql postgresql94
$ sudo port load postgresql94-server
You're kidding me. Now it's running?
Simply installing Postgres doesn't fully setup symlinks to make it easily runnable. Installing postrgresql_select gives MacPorts the information it needs to do that via port select. Once you've selected the active version of your choice, starting the Posgres server via luanchctl is as easy as port load postgresqlXX-server.
I know this is a very late answer and doesn't answer your full question, but launchctl will show different results depending on if you are superuser or not.
Try doing:
sudo launchctl list | grep postgres
I had exactly the same problem on my MacBook Pro. I could resolve the problem after I rode this blog post here and all the comments:
The Problem is that postgres is not really running. I recognized this after I did a port scan to my own machine and realized that nothing is running on Port 5432.
I created a small script "":
sudo su postgres -c 'pg_ctl start -D /opt/local/var/db/postgresql83/defaultdb/'
after executing this script the server was running and I could connect me with pgAdmin. I was also able to run my ruby stuff with rake db:create and rake db:migrate.
After I restored using Timemachine I had the same problem.
The reason was that the permissions were mangled and postgres could not write the pid file.
Running this solved it for me:
sudo chown -R postgres:postgres /opt/local/var/db/postgresql91/
sudo port unload postgresql91-server
sudo port load postgresql91-server
Did you by any chance create your postgres user with a shell of /usr/bin/false? If so, the startup script won't work because it uses su which passes commands you send it through the shell.
If you did set it to /usr/bin/false, try changing it to /bin/bash and that might fix things.