Calculate the sum of time column in PostgreSql - postgresql

Can anyone suggest me, the easiest way to find summation of time field in POSTGRESQL. i just find a solution for MYSQL but i need the POSTGRESQL version.
Demo Data
id time
1 1:23:23
2 4:00:23
3 9:23:23
Desired Output

What you want, is not possible. But you probably misunderstood the time type: it represents a precise time-point in a day. It doesn't make much sense, to add two (or more) times. f.ex. '14:00' + '14:00' = '28:00' (but there are no 28th hour in a day).
What you probably want, is interval (which represents time intervals; hours, minutes, or even years). sum() supports interval arguments.
If you use intervals, it's just that simple:
SELECT sum(interval_col) FROM my_table;
Although, if you stick to the time type (but you have no reason to do that), you can cast it to interval to calculate with it:
SELECT sum(time_col::interval) FROM my_table;
But again, the result will be interval, because time values cannot exceed the 24th hour in a day.
Note: PostgreSQL will even do the cast for you, so sum(time_col) should work too, but the result is interval in this case too.

I tried this solution on sql fieddle:
Table creation:
CREATE TABLE time_table (
id integer, time time
Insert data:
INSERT INTO time_table (id,time) VALUES
query the data:
time_table s;

If you need to calculate sum of some field, according another field, you can do this:
sum(time_col::interval) totaltime
FROM myTable
GROUP by keyfield
Output example:
keyfield; totaltime
"Gabriel"; "10:00:00"
"John"; "36:00:00"
"Joseph"; "180:00:00"
Data type of totaltime is interval.


Postgres index timestamp with timezone column

I'm running PostgreSQL 9.6, and I have a table named decks with an expiration column of type timestamp with time zone (for storing decks of cards where each card can expire independently).
I'd like to create a nightly cron job that finds all cards which expired at any point during the previous day—i.e. between 0:00 and 23:59 inclusive.
This seems to gives me the time range I want...
FROM decks
WHERE expiration >= (now()::date - 1)::timestamptz
AND expiration < (now()::date)::timestamptz;
...but I'm wondering two things:
What's the best way to index the expiration column for my scenario?
Is there a better/cleaner way to specify the start and end times?
Question 1: For that query, a standard index is the best option. However, see below.
Question 2: Lots of options, here. A quick change to your query:
FROM decks
WHERE expiration::date = (now()::date - 1);
... allows you to create a functional index on expiration::date which should be smaller, and a bit more efficient.
Personally, I'd go a bit further and use current_date instead of now():
FROM decks
WHERE expiration::date = (current_date - 1);
As always, I recommend use of EXPLAIN and EXPLAIN ANALYZE when evaluating indexes.

Need to fix timestamps in my TimescaleDB database (the number of seconds provided to TO_TIMESTAMP was incorrect by exactly a factor of 1000)

I have a TimescaleDB database in which some of the timestamps across several tables are incorrect- I inadvertently gave the TO_TIMESTAMP() function the number of milliseconds in Unix time, instead of seconds. Thus, all of these data points are 1000 times longer since 1970 than they should be. I can easily isolate which of these rows need to be fixed with a check for future dates in the where clause, but I am a little stuck on how to convert and replace these incorrect timestamps. I essentially need to get the unix time representation, divide it by 1000, and replace that value in the row, but my SQL is too rusty to piece this query together.
I see that i can use extract(epoch from ) to get the number of seconds, but how to do this to every row and then updating its timestamp is not clear to me.
When using the query:
UPDATE table_name
SET time = TO_TIMESTAMP(extract(epoch from time) / 1000.0)
time > '2020-01-01 00:00:00';
I get the error:
new row for relation "_hyper_8_295_chunk" violates check constraint
I think it would probably be best to create a new hypertable and run an insert into select from the old hypertable to the new. Or potentially do it in batches. This is because Timescale restricts updating of the partitioning keys so that items don't move between partitions. You can do a delete and then an insert to make that work similarly, but it's going to be more efficient to just create a new hypertable, move everything over with the correct timestamps and then rename than to try doing updates etc.

Convert integer to week interval

How one can convert integer to week interval?
CREATE TABLE integers( i integer);
INSERT INTO integers VALUES ('10');
Output would be table with one column indicating 10 weeks interval.!17/4b404/5/0
One take would be to create constant interval of 1 week and multiply it by integer.
I would prefer function to do it directly, but I am not aware of it.
SELECT interval '1 week' * i AS weeks_interval FROM integers;
Your solution is well accepted.
If you don't want to keep the "1" in the string you could write this instead
SELECT (i || 'week')::interval FROM intervals
demo: db<>fiddle

Select records with unique created_at value in rails postgres

The timestamp has milliseconds, so if any records are created via automation they will likely have the same seconds value but different millisecond values. I need to do this:
But, this doesn't work because they are all unique. How can I use to_i, or whatever else might work, to pull this off?
You'll need the date_trunc() PostgreSQL function:
SELECT DISTINCT date_trunc('second', created_at) FROM "version"
In ruby:"date_trunc('second', created_at)").distinct
To just get rid of fractional seconds, cast to the equivalent type with 0 fractional digits.
SELECT DISTINCT created_at::timestamp(0) FROM "version"
Or timestamptz, you did not disclose your exact type.
For more specific needs use date_trunc().
More details:
Discard millisecond part from timestamp


I am using DATEDIFF in an SQL statement. I am selecting it, and I need to use it in WHERE clause as well. This statement does not work...
SELECT DATEDIFF(ss, BegTime, EndTime) AS InitialSave
FROM MyTable
WHERE InitialSave <= 10
It gives the message: Invalid column name "InitialSave"
But this statement works fine...
SELECT DATEDIFF(ss, BegTime, EndTime) AS InitialSave
FROM MyTable
WHERE DATEDIFF(ss, BegTime, EndTime) <= 10
The programmer in me says that this is inefficient (seems like I am calling the function twice).
So two questions. Why doesn't the first statement work? Is it inefficient to do it using the second statement?
Note: When I originally wrote this answer I said that an index on one of the columns could create a query that performs better than other answers (and mentioned Dan Fuller's). However, I was not thinking 100% correctly. The fact is, without a computed column or indexed (materialized) view, a full table scan is going to be required, because the two date columns being compared are from the same table!
I believe there is still value in the information below, namely 1) the possibility of improved performance in the right situation, as when the comparison is between columns from different tables, and 2) promoting the habit in SQL developers of following best practice and reshaping their thinking in the right direction.
Making Conditions Sargable
The best practice I'm referring to is one of moving one column to be alone on one side of the comparison operator, like so:
SELECT InitialSave = DateDiff(second, T.BegTime, T.EndTime)
FROM dbo.MyTable T
WHERE T.EndTime <= T.BegTime + '00:00:10'
As I said, this will not avoid a scan on a single table, however, in a situation like this it could make a huge difference:
SELECT InitialSave = DateDiff(second, T.BegTime, T.EndTime)
dbo.BeginTime B
INNER JOIN dbo.EndTime E
ON B.BeginTime <= E.EndTime
AND B.BeginTime + '00:00:10' > E.EndTime
EndTime is in both conditions now alone on one side of the comparison. Assuming that the BeginTime table has many fewer rows, and the EndTime table has an index on column EndTime, this will perform far, far better than anything using DateDiff(second, B.BeginTime, E.EndTime). It is now sargable, which means there is a valid "search argument"--so as the engine scans the BeginTime table, it can seek into the EndTime table. Careful selection of which column is by itself on one side of the operator is required--it can be worth experimenting by putting BeginTime by itself by doing some algebra to switch to AND B.BeginTime > E.EndTime - '00:00:10'
Precision of DateDiff
I should also point out that DateDiff does not return elapsed time, but instead counts the number of boundaries crossed. If a call to DateDiff using seconds returns 1, this could mean 3 ms elapsed time, or it could mean 1997 ms! This is essentially a precision of +- 1 time units. For the better precision of +- 1/2 time unit, you would want the following query comparing 0 to EndTime - BegTime:
SELECT DateDiff(second, 0, EndTime - BegTime) AS InitialSave
FROM MyTable
WHERE EndTime <= BegTime + '00:00:10'
This now has a maximum rounding error of only one second total, not two (in effect, a floor() operation). Note that you can only subtract the datetime data type--to subtract a date or a time value you would have to convert to datetime or use other methods to get the better precision (a whole lot of DateAdd, DateDiff and possibly other junk, or perhaps using a higher precision time unit and dividing).
This principle is especially important when counting larger units such as hours, days, or months. A DateDiff of 1 month could be 62 days apart (think July 1, 2013 - Aug 31 2013)!
You can't access columns defined in the select statement in the where statement, because they're not generated until after the where has executed.
You can do this however
select InitialSave from
(SELECT DATEDIFF(ss, BegTime, EndTime) AS InitialSave
FROM MyTable) aTable
WHERE InitialSave <= 10
As a sidenote - this essentially moves the DATEDIFF into the where statement in terms of where it's first defined. Using functions on columns in where statements causes indexes to not be used as efficiently and should be avoided if possible, however if you've got to use datediff then you've got to do it!
beyond making it "work", you need to use an index
use a computed column with an index, or a view with an index, otherwise you will table scan. when you get enough rows, you will feel the PAIN of the slow scan!
computed column & index:
ComputedDate AS DATEDIFF(ss,BegTime, EndTime)
create a view & index:
,DATEDIFF(ss, BegTime, EndTime) AS InitialSave
FROM MyTable
ON YourNewView(InitialSave)
You have to use the function instead of the column alias - it is the same with count(*), etc. PITA.
As an alternate, you can use computed columns.