How to restore .sql file to ms sql 2008 , i m not having .bak file - sql-server-2008-r2

How to restore .sql file to Sql server 2008 , I do not have .bak file.
I tried to search every where but can't find solution.
Pls Help if anyone knows.

.sql files are typically run using Sql Management Studio. They are basically saved SQL statements, so could be anything. You dont "import" them, more precisely, you "execute" them. Even though the script may indeed insert data.
To restore you may need backup ie. .bak

If you dont have the .bak file then either create it else there is no way to restore your database(including .sql file).
You need to have the .bak file to restore your database(including .sql file) else it is not possible.
As commented by OP, the solution that helped to him is:
C:\Users\Administrator>sqlcmd -S . -E -i C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\scr.sql


DB2 restore from encrypted back-up

I am trying to restore a DB2 database using an encrypted backup file. The backup zip file contains an .lst file, a .ddl file, over 3000 .ixf files, same number of message files and a folder with few .lob files in it.
I have tried using bind # list_file grant public after placing the .lst file and .ixf files in the /bind directory. But the error was that .ixf files could not be opened.
Any help appreciated.
What you have is not a backup (encrypted or otherwise) but the output from the db2move export command execution. Read the db2move documentation to learn how to perform the opposite operation.

How to restore one database from a .sql file in which there are two databases?

I was sent a .sql file in which there are two databases. Previously, I only dealt with .sql files in which there is one database. I also can't ask to send databases in different files.
Earlier I used this command:
psql -d first_db < /Users/colibri/Desktop/first_db.sql
Databases on the server and locally have different names.
Tell me, please, how can I now restore a specific database from a file in which there are several?
You have two choices:
Use an editor to delete everything except the database you want from the SQL file.
Restore the whole file and then drop the database you don't need.
The file was probably generated with pg_dumpall. Use pg_dump to dump a single database.
If this is the output of pg_dumpall and the file is too big to edit with something like vi, you can use a stream editor to isolate just what you want.
perl -ne 'print if /^\\connect foobar/.../^\\connect/' < old.sql > new.sql
The last dozen or so lines that this captures will be setting up for and creating the next database it wants to restore, so you might need to tinker with this a bit to get rid of those if you don't want it to attempt to create that database while you replay. You could change the ending landmark to something like the below so that it ends earlier, but that is more likely to hit false positives (where the data itself contains the magic string) than the '^\connect' landmark is.
perl -ne 'print if /^\\connect foobar/.../^-- PostgreSQL database dump complete/'

PostgresSQL unable to read csv files on my desktop

I am trying to import a CSV file into postgresSQL, however, I keep getting the error that no such file exists or directory.
this is the line of code I execute copy mu_data from
copy mu_data from 'users/mysurname/Desktop/FILE.CSV' DELIMITER ',' CSV
Can anyone suggest how to fix this?
copy is a command run on the server side. So unless your Postgres server happens to be on your localhost, the file very likely doesn't exist from the view of the server.
So one solution is you to transfer the file to the servers filesystem somehow. Or, if you're using the psql command line tool (or at least can use it for this task), you can use the \copy command there.

Export to CSV from postgresql

I want to export a postgresql table to a csv file.
I have tried two ways, however both are unsuccessful for different reasons.
In the first case, you can see what I run and what I get bellow:
COPY demand.das_april18_pathprocess TO '/home/katerina/das_april18_pathprocess.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;
No such file or directory
SQL state: 58P01
I need to mention that in the location /home/katerina/ I have created an empty file named das_april18_pathprocess.csv, for which I modified the Permission settings to allow Read and Write.
In my second try, the query is executed without any errors but I cannot see the csv file. The command that I run is the following:
COPY demand.das_april18_pathprocess TO '/tmp/das_april18_pathprocess.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;
In the /tmp directory there is no cvs file.
Any advice on how to export the table to csv file with any way is really appreciated!
Ah, you run into a common problem -- you're creating a file on the server's filesystem, not your local filesystem. That can be a pain.
You can, however, COPY TO STDOUT, then redirect the result.
If you're using linux or another unix, the easiest way to do this is from the command line:
$ psql <connection options> -c "COPY demand.das_april18_pathprocess TO STDOUT (FORMAT CSV)" > das_april18_pathprocess.csv
copy ( select * from demand.das_april18_pathprocess) to '/home/katerina/das_april18_pathprocess.csv' with CSV header ;

What is the purpose of the sql script file in a tar dump?

In a tar dump
$ tar -tf dvdrental.tar
After extraction
$ file *
2163.dat: ASCII text
2189.dat: ASCII text
restore.sql: ASCII text, with very long lines
toc.dat: PostgreSQL custom database dump - v1.12-0
What is the purpose of restore.sql?
toc.dat is binary, but I can open it and it looks like a sql
script too. How different are between the purposes of restore.sql
and toc.dat?
The following quote from the document does't answer my question:
with one file for each table and blob being dumped, plus a so-called Table of Contents file describing the dumped objects
in a machine-readable format that pg_restore can read.
Since a tar dump contains restore.sql besides the .dat files,
what is the difference between the sql script files restore.sql and toc.dat in a tar dump and a
plain dump (which has only one sql script file)?
restore.sql is not used by pg_restore. See this comment from src/bin/pg_dump/pg_backup_tar.c:
* The tar format also includes a 'restore.sql' script which is there for
* the benefit of humans. This script is never used by pg_restore.
toc.dat is the table of contents. It contains commands to create and drop each object in the dump and is used by pg_restore to create the objects. It also contains COPY statements that load the data from the *.dat file.
You can extract the table of contents in human-readable form with pg_restore -l, and you can edit the result to restore only specific objects with pg_restore -L.
The <number>.dat files are the files containing the table data, they are used by the COPY statements in toc.dat and restore.sql.
This looks a script to restore the data to PostgresQL. the script was created using pg_dump.
If you'd like to restore, please have a look at pg_restore.
The dat files contain the data to be restored in those \copy commands in the sql script.
the toc.dat file is not referenced inside the sql file. if you try to peek inside using cat toc.dat|strings you'll find that it contains data very similar to the sql file, but with a few more internal ids.
I think it might have been intended to work without the SQL at some point, but that's not how it's working right now. see the code to generate toc here.