Generating a notification on Facebook profile picture change - facebook

I am working on a Chrome extension that generates a notification whenever an entered Facebook profile changes his/her profile picture. I want to know if it is possible to do so using the Facebook API. I know we can get the current profile picture of the person using the API but how can we generate the notification? Please guide. Thank you.

That´s what the Realtime API is for:
I assume it would be the picture subscription of the User object.

What #luschn said is correct, you can use the Realtime Updates API. Would I want to add is that you can't receive the Realtime Updates client-side, which means that you need to set up some backend infrastructure before you can use them. Your Chrome extension "frontend" then need to be notified on a change by your backend...


How to set up real time updates in Facebook

To use facebook payments you need to have a realtime update callback set. Facebook references this and describes it here
however there is nowhere in the app settings to set up that callback URL. There used to be a few months ago but now it's gone. What's the appropriate way to retrieve data about payments made?
The settings screen in the Facebook App details seems to be gone... But you can subscribe via the Graph API as described here:

Get Realtime Updates from a Facebook page

I am working on a web app that use Facebook login. The purpose of the app is to get information about fan pages that the user has in his account (for which he got admin privileges). I work mostly with the insights informations but this is not the issue. Now I would like to receive realtime update from the page like new messages, page posts reply etc. I've read the documentation
and I don't understand the part about adding the app to the page. It is required that the app to be installed for example in one of the tabs? If so, is there a way not to do that and still receive the informations that I want? Also when I try to create a Realtime Update Subscriptions for the page object no "posts" field was available, then how to get realtime updates about it? I am a little confuse and any guidance and advise is more than welcomed.
P.S. I am using PHP SDK, if this helps with something.
I've read the documentation
How about reading it again?
I don't understand the part about adding the app to the page. It is required that the app to be installed for example in one of the tabs? If so, is there a way not to do that and still receive the informations that I want?
Quote from the docs part you linked to yourself:
Note: You might think that because you're adding this via the tabs API that this is a tab app. It's not. This app isn't visible to users as a page app and isn't managed via any UI.
Also when I try to create a Realtime Update Subscriptions for the page object no "posts" field was available, then how to get realtime updates about it?
You can subscribe to the page’s feed.

Create a facebook application programmatically

I'm trying to programmatically create an application in Facebook. I can do that with this:[key]&name=app_name
However, there's always a popup that says "Allow [Root App] to integrate Facebook functionality for you?" ... OK.
Is it possible for the "Root App" to create the application on the user's behalf without the popup via some previous permission which they have allowed, like stream_publish ...etc or maybe a session_token or ??
Someone said I can create child apps via "admin.setAppProperties" but couldn't get it working. I've also tried "FB.Connect.createApplication" and "Facebook.createApplication" but also failed.
Can anyone help? Maybe with some sample code.
There used to be an API for this but I think it has been discontinued. You can see if you can hack it together from the information available here:
Child applications (I believe they called them 'fourth party applications') intentionally need user interactions to create.
The documentation for[key]&name=app_name is scarce to none. Are you able to access the API key of the newly created application somehow? Or set further app settings such as site-url?
I'm thinking you would need the user's permission to view /accounts then monitor before/after state to detect which one was created.
Is it possible for the "Root App" to create the application on the
user's behalf without the popup via some previous permission which
they have allowed, like stream_publish ...etc or maybe a session_token
or ??
If you create a Facebook application that only pulls someone's profile information, and then you add new functionality that allows it to automatically post on people's walls; you would have to require the user to re-authenticate themselves to give you those extra permissions.
It's hard to understand what you meant by that question.

Facebook Apps: Graph API / Integration points with FB Profile

Greetings! I am in the process of creating a fairly simple Facebook app but I am getting very mixed and confusing documentation regarding APP integration points with FB Profile.
1) Is it possible to automatically post items from APP to NEWSFEED? (or is this deprecated?)
2) Is it possible to trigger NOTIFICATIONS in the gloabl notifaction drop down for the user? (or is this also deprecated?)
3) OR; are both Notifications + Newsfeed publishing available by using the Graph API now?
Thanks in advance!
Yes, using the post object
Yes...and NO. Depending on what you mean by notifications, this method would appear in the notifications drop down.
Welcome to Stackoverflow!

Facebook Connect - Add events to an Events Page (not profile)

I have created Facebook pages with an events tab. I am currently trying to add events to this events page via the Facebook connect API but can't work out how do it.
I can add events to my profile no problem.
Can anyone tell me how to add events to a page, is it possible?
Alternatively is there a way I can add an event to my profile and have my page automatically pick up this event (I can't see anything in the settings for this?).
Any help very much appreaciated!
Current API doesn't support this as far as I can see.
There is an API function which is in beta at the moment (but doesn't seem to be working as
yet) which according to the documentation is designed to publish a post into the stream on the wall of a user, group, page or event, so this should provide the functionality needed.