Cant access the site after activating the wordpress seo plugin - plugins

I have installed the wordpress seo (yoast) plugin on my wordpress site, but if i am activating the plugin it breaks the site. I can access the backend (dashboard) but nothing is visible on front end. It's showing an error message
"The page isn't redirecting properly
Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.
This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies."
I have already gone through the plugin support but couldn't find anything related to this.
Please provide any solution to resolve the issue.

There might many causes of breaking site after activating plugin. In your case, may be the reason is memory limit. Please try to add support for more limit. You can use WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT to increase it.
You can debug the site using WP_DEBUG in wp-config.php, set it true you will get all the warnings and fatal errors to check the main cause of break.

I Request you to enable debug the site using WP_DEBUG in wp-config.php, set it true you will get all the warnings and fatal errors to check the main cause of break. as mentioned above by #Trimantra Software Solutic.
Go to wp-config.php and find define('WP_DEBUG', false); replace with below
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
After then you will find the error !


Error: 404 The page you're looking for could not be found (gitlab). How to resolve it?

Let's say I have some website with the name When I deploy it and try to get access to a page online like this I catch the error:
"404 The page you're looking for could not be found. The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have the necessary permissions to view it"
When I click on the link that brings me a it works well, but trying to type that URL in the input field it fails.
Everything works fine locally.
The project is developed using Vue3.
The project is no GitLab.
If someone helps I would appreciate it.
Hard to tell without seeing the code, but my guess is your router setup uses the web history mode, which relies on the server to have certain settings applied.
I believe switching to hash mode (while adding # to the routes) will work.
Alternatively, you can update your server to support redirects to have the html mode work.
example server configurations

Magento 2.1 internal server error for specific category when full page cache enable

I had FPC (full page cache) enabled
There is one category containing subcategories and 900+ products. it was working fine but suddenly it started pushing 500 internal server error.
i have not add any new product or any major change. so now when i disable the FPC, the category start working and when i re enable FPC, again internal server error 500.
i have already applied couple of solutions but no success.
tried with removing cache at all, re indexing, crons, have check the htaccess also all things are fine, i had try with creating new category but when i assigned the same block to load on that category, again same issue started.
log is saying that
The problem is in the function getIdentities()
can anyone help with this? thanks in advance.
i resolved this issue.
Here is the solution:
When we will have a bulk products in a category we can either enable Varnish cache or Full page cache. we cannot enable both simultaneously, otherwise it will through internal server error if both caches will be enabled.

Globally uncaught exception shown in the RHQ UI when trying to add/edit users

We are using RHQ for monitoring the services, while creating a user we are getting an globally uncaught exception with below details on browser console.
Cannot read property getRecords' of null Cannot read property getRecords of null
Cannot read property 'getRecords' of null
More details:
Tested on Chrome, IE 11, and Firefox 43.0.4
RHQ version: 4.13.1, technologies used in this GWT, Smart GWT
Can any one please help on knowing how can we debug this RHQ?
I have little understanding on the GWT and debugging GWT but that is not helping us.
Are there any other ways to debug? Not addressed the bug details still in bugzilla
Thank you.
This error should be harmless, it'll create the user, you can ignore it. I've fixed it in the master, check the PR

PageExpiredException occurs after closing of ModalWindow

Currently I'm trying to upgrade the application from wicket 1.4 to wicket 6 and I'm stuck with the following issue:
When I try to close ModalWindow, it is closed but I receive PageExpiredException on the page where I was opening this ModalWindow, so I'm redirected to
I thought maybe the way I create ModalWindow is outdated, so I've tried an example from here
and it gives me the same exception.
Maybe I have to configure something in my WebApplication implementation, but I don't know what.
If anyone could help, it'll be really appreciated. Thanks.
Check your server logs for errors related to the serialization of the opener page. PageExpiredException means that the page cannot be found in the page storage. If there was an error with the serialization then it won't be stored and thus later won't be found too.

window.CavalryLogger error in Facebook App running in Facebook Page Tab

I have applications which are displayed as tabs in Facebook pages which have been working fine. They suddenly started displaying this output in the tab:
if (window.CavalryLogger) { CavalryLogger.start_js(["EgxV3"]); }
Any ideas what is going on???
Here is a link to one of them:
A temporary solution is to add https:// to facebook itself. This doesn't solve the problem, but it'll allow you to see your page on a per client basis.
The best fix in the longer term until facebook fixes this issue is to go to your account settings > Security > Enable secure browsing. This will enforce HTTPS wherever it can and should resolve the issue for a lot of pages you're trying to access.
Good Luck!
After encountering this issue yesterday, I tracked it down to an apparent conflict with the JS log wrapper included as part of HTML5 Boilerplate's script.js file. In particular, the "make it safe to use console.log always" snippet. After commenting it out, the FB lib error went away and my app displayed properly.
I didn't dig into what the conflict was, but here is the snippet. If you use something similar on your page, then it may be worth investigating.
/* make it safe to use console.log always */
(function(b){function c(){}for(var d="assert,count,debug,dir,dirxml,error,exception,group,groupCollapsed,groupEnd,info,log,timeStamp,profile,profileEnd,time,timeEnd,trace,warn".split(","),a;a=d.pop();){b[a]=b[a]||c}})((function(){try
{console.log();return window.console;}catch(err){return window.console={};}})());
It's probably not a coincidence that FB's own logger bugs out with this.
Facebook has opened a bug for this issue and recently triaged it to medium priority - no word on when it will be addressed.