What is the shortcut of commenting multiple lines in Smartface? - smartface.io

commenting multiple lines on Smartface is very tiring,
is there any way to comment multiple lines easily on Smartface IDE?

Ctrl + K helps you to commenting or uncommenting multiple lines of codes.

you are very funny. Smartface asks the shortcut of it. :)
Hey smartface, you cannot have known the use of /* */ notation


VScode add some color to ramdom lines

I'm very new to VSCode, and the experience has been annoying for one thing: it adds random colors to some blocks of the code. I have not figured out why: there is no block of instructions (like between { and }) or errors, or anything I could make sense of.
I just want them to disappear. How can I achieve this?
You can disable the configuration editing or other extensions cause this issue in VS by :
Open your Extensions.
- On the top right, click the three dots forming a horizontal line.
- Input "#builtin" in the search box.

How to fold multiple single line comments in visual studio code

As per the solution from previous posts, I tried to fold all blocked comments from the command palette but nothing happens. I have tried a lot of extensions/plugins but still, I can't fold them. Any solution to this? I have to close everything manually. However, in the IDE I can fold multiple single-line comments by hitting the down arrow on the left. Is there any shortcut or particular plugin/ extension for this ?
Am I commenting in the wrong way?
You have used // which is a single line comment
Use /*...your code ...*/ for block comments
Shortcut for block comment is Ctrl+Shift+A in VS Code
Yes. Press Ctrl+K then press Ctrl+/.

The combination is not working in VS Code and Sublime. How can I fix this?

I tried to comment my code in VS Code, but I can't. I used for this Ctrl + /. I was in keyboard shortcats and that combination was there. So, this hotkey is defined.
Also I want to add that Ctrl + / is not working in Sublime as well. It's working only in the Internet (codepen for example). What's my problem? How can I fix this?

Modify comment symbols in Netbeans

I'm using Netbeans 11, and I have now switch from Ruby sass to Dart sass.
The thing is that when I comment a block of code on my .scss files, they are commented like that:
#mixin test($var){
font-size: #{var}*10;*/
The thing is that now in Dart sass, what's in between the /**/ is compiled and raises sometimes errors. Though I just want to comment it. So I would need to comment this way:
#mixin test($var){
//font-size: #{var}*10;
This is fine for 2 lines, but sometimes I need to comment big blocks, and Netbeans is not using the // but /**/. So is there a way to change the default commenting of Netbeans for .scss files? I mean this has to be somewhere since you can sometimes comment in blocks with #.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot in advance!
Unfortunately, you can't do it. NetBeans matches file extensions with corresponding FileTypes (MIME). For each FileType, there is parsing implementation for it and it handles commenting and uncommenting. It does it differently for each mime type and usually, it is deep in the code of NetBeans.
If you are interested, the code for commenting css/scss files is here and here.
I suppose alternatively you could use a cool feature called multiline editing. It allows editing multiple lines simultaneously. See here for example.
So just
Move the cursor to the right
Press ctrl+shift+R
Press the mouse and move the cursor up, as if you are selecting the region.
Press //
Press ctrl+shift+R
For commenting it looks like this:

how to uncomment code in matlab online script

I just ran into this weird issue, that I cannot uncomment my code in a script file online on matlab.
I can do command + '/' to comment my code, but I cannot do the inverse to uncomment it.
I've tried to use command + T, which opens a new tab, command + / again, which keeps commenting my code, and command + R, which restarts the kernel.
The uncomment command conflicts with the open new tab command. The latter is prioritised because MATLAB online runs in the browser.
Moreover, shortcut customisation is not available in MATLAB Online.
So your only chance to make the uncomment shortcut work is to change the open new tab shortcut in the browser.
EDIT: For an alternative solution that does not involve shortcuts, please check the answer by Harshal.
I also faced this issue but then I selected the multiple lines of code and used mouse (right click) to comment and uncomment the selected code.