Mongodb aggregation sort on array primative - mongodb

Given documents like
games: [122, 199, 201, 222]
{$sort:{'games.0': -1}})
doesn't sort ... no errors ... it just doesn't sort on the first array element of the games array.
Although a query with the same syntac .. works fine
if I change the collection so games is an array of objects like
[ {game1:198}, {game2:201} ...]
then the aggregation works using
{$sort:{'games.game1': -1}})
what am I missing to get this to work with an array of numbers?

Try unwinding the array first by applying the $unwind operator on the array, then use $sort on the deconstructed array and finally use $group to get the original documents structure:
{"$unwind": "$games"},
{"$sort": {"games": 1}},
"$group": {
"_id": "$_id",
"name": {"$first": "$name"},
"games": {"$push": "$games"}

Try this:
{"$unwind": "$games"},
{"$sort": {"games": -1}}
I hope this will work for you as you expected.

In mongo 3.4 find sort i.e. db.col.find({}).sort({'games.0':-1}) works as expected whereas aggregation sort doesn't.
In mongo 3.6 both find and aggregation sort works as expected.
Jira issue for that:
I would recommend you to update your mongo version and your aggregation query will work fine.


How to write group by query for embedded array of document in mongodb

I have a collection in below format
I want to find total balance by acctType. I tried below query.
But it is not giving right result.
I think that this might solve your problem. You first need to use $unwind to transform each array element in a document, then use $group to sum the total balance by account type.
{"$unwind": "$acctDetails"},
"$group": {
"_id": "$acctDetails.accType",
"totalBalance": {"$sum": "$acctDetails.balance"}
Working Mongo playground

MongoDB - Safely sort inner array after group

I'm trying to look up all records that match a certain condition, in this case _id being certain values, and then return only the top 2 results, sorted by the name field.
This is what I have
{$match: {fk: {$in: [1, 2]}}},
{$sort: {fk: 1, name: -1}},
{$group: {_id: "$fk", items: {$push: "$$ROOT"} }},
{$project: {items: {$slice: ["$items", 2]} }}
and it works, BUT, it's not guaranteed. According to this Mongo thread $group does not guarantee document order.
This would also mean that all of the suggested solutions here and elsewhere, which recommend using $unwind, followed by $sort, and then $group, would also not work, for the same reason.
What is the best way to accomplish this with Mongo (any version)? I've seen suggestions that this could be accomplished in the $project phase, but I'm not quite sure how.
You are correct in saying that the result of $group is never sorted.
$group does not order its output documents.
Hence doing a;
{$sort: {fk: 1}}
then grouping with
{$group: {_id: "$fk", ... }},
will be a wasted effort.
But there is a silver lining with sorting before $group stage with name: -1. Since you are using $push (not an $addToSet), inserted objects will retain the order they've had in the newly created items array in the $group result. You can see this behaviour here (copy of your pipeline)
The items array will always have;
"items": [
"name": "Michael"
"name": "George"
in same order, therefore your nested array sort is a non-issue! Though I am unable to find an exact quote in documentation to confirm this behaviour, you can check;
or this where it is confirmed.
Also, accumulator operator list for $group, where $addToSet has "Order of the array elements is undefined." in its description, whereas the similar operator $push does not, which might be an indirect evidence? :)
Just a simple modification of your pipeline where you move the fk: 1 sort from pre-$group stage to post-$group stage;
{$match: {fk: {$in: [1, 2]}}},
{$sort: {name: -1}},
{$group: {_id: "$fk", items: {$push: "$$ROOT"} }},
{$sort: {_id: 1}},
{$project: {items: {$slice: ["$items", 2]} }}
should be sufficient to have the main result array order fixed as well. Check it on mongoplayground
$group doesn't guarantee the document order but it would keep the grouped documents in the sorted order for each bucket. So in your case even though the documents after $group stage are not sorted by fk but each group (items) would be sorted by name descending. If you would like to keep the documents sorted by fk you could just add the {$sort:{fk:1}} after $group stage
You could also sort by order of values passed in your match query should you need by adding a extra field for each document. Something like
{$match: {fk: {$in: [1, 2]}}},
{$addField:{ifk:{$indexOfArray:[[1, 2],"$fk"]}}},
{$sort: {ifk: 1, name: -1}},
{$group: {_id: "$ifk", items: {$push: "$$ROOT"}}},
{$sort: {_id : 1}},
{$project: {items: {$slice: ["$items", 2]}}}
Update to allow array sort without group operator : I've found the jira which is going to allow sort array.
You could try below $project stage to sort the array.There maybe various way to do it. This should sort names descending.Working but a slower solution.
//return index as 0 when comparing the first value with initial value (empty) or else return the index of value from the accumlator array which is closest and less than the current value.
//insert the current value at the found index
Simple example with demonstration how each iteration works
othis ovalue index concat arrays (parts with counts) return value
2 [] 0 [],0 [2] [],0 [2]
5 [2] 0 [],0 [5] [2],-1 [5,2]
4 [5,2] 1 [5],1 [4] [2],-1 [5,4,2]
7 [5,4,2] 0 [],0 [7] [5,4,2],-3 [7,5,4,2]
6 [7,5,4,2] 1 [7],1 [6] [5,4,2],-3 [7,6,5,4,2]
3 [7,6,5,4,2] 4 [7,6,5,4],4 [3] [2],-1 [7,6,5,4,3,2]
Reference - Sorting Array with JavaScript reduce function
There is a bit of a red herring in the question as $group does guarantee that it will be processing incoming documents in order (and that's why you have to sort of them before $group to get an ordered arrays) but there is an issue with the way you propose doing it, since pushing all the documents into a single grouping is (a) inefficient and (b) could potentially exceed maximum document size.
Since you only want top two, for each of the unique fk values, the most efficient way to accomplish it is via a "subquery" using $lookup like this:
{$match: {fk: {$in: [1, 2]}}},
{$sort: {_id: 1}},
{$project:{_id:0, fk:1, name:1}}
Assuming you have an index on {fk:1, name:-1} as you must to get efficient sort in your proposed code, the first two stages here will use that index via DISTINCT_SCAN plan which is very efficient, and for each of them, $lookup will use that same index to filter by single value of fk and return results already sorted and limited to first two. This will be the most efficient way to do this at least until is implemented by the server.

How do I project an element of an array in mongo?

I have a mongo document that contains something like
{date: [2018, 3, 22]}
and when I try to project this into a flat JSON structure with these fields concatenated, I always get an array with 0 elements, eg. just extracting the year with
{$project: {year: "$date.0"}}
I get
{"year" : []}
even though matching on a similar expression works fine, eg.
{$match: {"$date.0": 2018}}
selects the documents I would expect just fine.
What am I doing wrong? I've searched mongo documentation and stackoverflow but could find nothing.
For $project you should use $arrayElemAt instead of dot notation which works only for queries.
{$project: {year: { $arrayElemAt: [ "$date", 0 ] }}}
More here

$project multiple fields into one field

I'm working with MongoDB 3.0 (we won't be upgrading until next year.) I have a requirement to get a list of unique values across multiple fields in a collection. The fields have the same value most of the time. This can be accomplished in version 3.2 by something like this:
{'$project': {'combined_users': ['$user1', '$user2']}},
{'$unwind': '$combined_users'},
{'$group': {_id: 1, {$addToSet: '$combined_users'}}}
The issue is in version 3.0 we get "disallowed field type Array in..." at the combined_data.
How do I accomplish the same thing in Mongo 3.0?
You need to use the $setUnion operator
{'$project': { 'combined_users': { "$setUnion": ['$user1', '$user2'] }}}

Retrieve Array Of Documents in MongoDB

I have a MongoDB Document like as follows
{ExamName:"Maths", UnitTest:1, Score:100},
{ExamName:"Maths", UnitTest:2, Score:80},
{ExamName:"Science", UnitTest:1, Score:90}
I Need to retrieve this document so that it has to show only Maths Array. Like as follows
{ExamName:"Maths", UnitTest:1, Score:100},
{ExamName:"Maths", UnitTest:2, Score:80},
How Can I Do That ?
As #karin states there is no, normal, in query method of doing this.
In version 2.2 you can use $elemMatch to project the first matching result from ExamScores but you cannot get multiple.
That being said, the aggregation framework can do this:
{$unwind: '$ExamScores'},
{$match: {'ExamScores.ExamName':"Maths"}},
{$group: {_id: '$_id', name: '$name', ExamScores: {$push: '$ExamScores'}}}
Something like that anyway.
This has been asked before MongoDB query to limit values based on condition, the only answer there says it is not possible, but that there is a request to implement that.