Alfresco: send workflow form data to custom datalist - workflow

I have an advanced workflow setup that starts with a form. My goal is to have the form's data sent to my custom datalist, but I have no idea how to go about this, and other questions on this site didn't help.
Specific questions:
Is this possible?
If so, what's the best way to go about this (like running a script)?
Are there existing resources online that I haven't located on this topic?

Yes this is possible.
Regarding how you can do this,You can do this by defining custom action and calling it from alfresco javascript,which you will write in workflow.
How you can define custom action ,that you can find from below link.
In case of how you can call custom action from workflow below link will help you.
Regarding what you will be coding in Java class file below link will help you.
In alfresco javascript you can call custom action with below code.
var createDataListItem=actions.create("your bean name");
createDataListItem.execute("Here node goes");//May be name of your datalist or something like that


CRM365 On Prem - Document Templates: how to hook the select event in the form menu

The CRM365 Form displays a convenient document template dropdown button where a number of actions could be initiated. Additionally, it displays the list of already existing document templates. The user can select one template in the list and it is downloaded locally by your browser. So far all good.
Our goal is actually to select the template, retrieve it, and create it in a Document Management repository. We have a working solution for this but it involves too many pieces and steps so we are looking for some better ideas.
Ideally we are looking for a solution where we can:
"intercept" the click on the template item and run a JavaScript function
If we find a solution to this, the rest would be just calling our custom workflow to do the rest of the job.
So, is there any way to hook that "select/click" event from the form menu?
Thank you very much for your help and advice.

Prefilled notes of Class attributes in Enterprise architect

is there a way to have prefilled attributes notes in enterprise architect?
It should be something like this scenario:
1) I create new attribute
2) Enterprise architect prefill note of attribute with predefined text
Something like template for attributes.
Thank you for any advice
I know this won't help directly this question.
Anyways you can achieve it through an external addin.
All you need to do is handle the EA_OnPreNewAttribute and EA_OnPostNewAttribute broadcast events .
This isn't quite what you're after but it is possible to create an Attribute stereotype in a Profile and add to this a Tag with an initial value set to what ever you want. When you create an attribute with this stereotype, this means your predefined text would appear in a tag-value for the attribute rather than the note. Not ideal, but might work for you.
You could also have a go at writing some JavaScript to do this as well (under Scripting in EA). You'd have to use the JS to navigate the repository structure, find the attributes in question, and update their note. I don't believe you can attach a script to a UI event, so I think you'd be stuck running this post-hoc rather than having the note auto-populate on attribute creation.

TYPO3 form creation hooks

I want to have a function that passes form elements of a created form to another application via an extension that I am creating. Now I need some hooks that I can work with so that I can call specific functions on form creation, edit and deletion.
Does anybody know if these exist and where I can find them?
Thank you!

How to make pluggable architecture ASP.NET5/MVC 6?

I want to build an web application(ASP.NET MVC 6) that can add modules/plugins without having to rewrite my source code.
Already read about MEF and Areas but are not helping much.
Someone who has overcome this problem that can help me?
Depends on which part of the web application you are targeting.
1.If it's in the request pipeline you would make a Middleware package.
2.It's it's in HTML you would make a TAG Helper package.
3.If it's an intrinsic functionality you would extend appropriate classes and throw them into a package. An example of this would be helpful extension methods or methods to add claims given a claims principal.
4.If you want to go even further you could create your own Visual Studio templates that you can use to pre-fill your options upon creation.

How to extend Alfresco Share existing activity list dashlet with my own activity type?

In Community 4.0.a, I'm posting my custom activities in the repo following this:
I have defined my own activity type, with custom bundles and pagelink to display custom needs in the activity dashlet.
But I face an issue, I need to specialize the output based on the activity-type in a similar way of what is done already in activity-list.get.js in the specialize() function.
I can't hack the js cause I'm packaging things in my own amp for Share.
What is the best way to do it? Is there some kind of extension point or do I need to override completely the dashlet?
The old way (3.x) to change the behaviour of a webscript controller is to copy the code and overwrite the Javascript by placing it under web-extension: alfresco/web-extension/site-webscripts/org/alfresco/components/dashlets/activity-list.get.js. There you can modify the specialize() function or whatever you need to do.
All files you place in the alfresco/web-extension/site-webscripts folder will replace original files in the share.war WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/site-webscripts classpath. Best practice is to place your customizations in the tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/web-extension folder so you don't need to modify the WAR file.
Alfresco 4.0 provides a new way to change the javascript controllers of a webscript. You can add additional Javascript code that will run after the original code. This is preferable because you don't need to change original code and you can upgrade more easily later. To use it you need to get familiar with the new Share extension modules concept. See David Draper's Blog for more info on that.