yii2 RestAPI modelClass value for model from other app - rest

I am developing a RESTful API looking at the documentation from http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/guide-rest-versioning.html and http://budiirawan.com/setup-restful-api-yii2/.
I have a model (ActiveRecord) class called Client in common/models folder as
namespace common\models;
class Client extends ActiveRecord
Then, I have ClientController class in api/modules/v1/controllers folder as
namespace api\modules\v1\controllers;
class ClientController extends ActiveController {
public $modelClass = 'common\models\Client';
If I browse localhost/api/v1/clients I get "Class common\models\Client not found" error. I tried different versions of modelClass, but cannot get the answer.
Maybe I need to configure something extra? Any help is appreciated, thanks


a C# class derived from a template

I am new to c#, recently I read the source of code of Oxygen not include(using dnspy), which have some confusing code. I tried google but nothing helpful can be found.
Threr is a class called ElementEntry derived from a template class YamlIO。
what confuse me is that this template take the parameter T same as the class ElementEntry.
I think this may cause some problem. Am I right?
public class YamlIO<T>
public class ElementEntry : YamlIO<ElementEntry>

call a Method from One Repository to another Repository Symfony2

Hi I am using symfony2 With ODM, I want to call a function from one reposotory to another repository to re-use it. I did not get a way to call it directly.
Following my code.
//My LedgerRepository.php
class LedgerRepository extends DocumentRepository
public function ProfitLoss(){
//Some re-usable code
//My BudgetRepository.php
class BudgetRepository extends DocumentRepository
//So here I want to call method ProfitLoss() from LedgerRepository
how to make it possible please guide.
Thanks advance
In this case good old inheritance may come to the rescue. Both Ledger and Budget deal with financial transactions. Why not this?:
class TransactionsRepository extends DocumentRepository
public function ProfitLoss() {}
class LedgerRepository extends TransactionsRepository {}
class BudgetRepository extends TransactionsRepository {}
In this case both Ledger and Budget can "share" methods in TransactionsRepository.

Symfony2 get public services in controller

Much ink has flowed about Sf2 controller/container. I face with follow situation:
app/console container:debug security
> 4
[container] Information for service security.token_storage
Service Id security.token_interface
Class Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token ...
Public yes
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
class DefaultController extends Controller
public function indexAction()
works OK, obviously.
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
class UserUtilsController extends Controller
public function getRoleById()
throw: Error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object
In Sf2 Book - Service container I found:
In this example, the controller extends Symfony's base Controller, which gives you access to the service container itself. You can then use the get method to locate and retrieve the my_mailer service from the service container.
The misunderstanding is:
- Both controllers extends basic controller which itself extends ContainerAware which implements ContainerAwareInterface which set container.
- Both controllers access same public service container.
So, why the second controller it doesn't work?
I know that the question is old but I don't want to inject a controller as service and I think it is redundant and wrong to redeclare a public service in services.yml
Thank you in advance.
I found the answer myself and I want to share for every one is in same situation...
The UserUtilsController doesn't work because it's not working in this manner. The Symfony architecture is interesting if you get to know it.
// For this job we don't need to extends any class..
class UserUtilsController
// but we need a property for injecting the service in it
private $token;
// Now let's inject service into our property $token
public function __construct($token)
$this->token = $token;
// It's not done but let pretend it is and let's use it
public function getRoleById()
return $this->token->getToken()->getRoles();
#here it's the magic
# this is a new services container
# this is my class (second class)
class: LoginBundle\Controller\UserUtilsController
# this is how I feed my _construct argument
arguments: ["#security.token_storage"]
So I just inject an existing service in my new class.
Now, to use this we must to call in first class:
class DefaultController extends Controller
public function indexAction()
// because my class is now a service container we call in this way
$userRoleId = $this->get('user.loggeduser_utils');
This solution above is almost trivial simple AFTER understanding the Sf2 DI model.

How to inject IEnumerable using Microsoft Unity IOC container

I have a Service that need inject more than one provider, see below for example. How to use Unity to implement this feature?
public class MyService: IMyService
public MyService(IEnumerable<Provider> Providers);
I know this is an old question, but maybe this will help someone else that stumbles upon this.
As long as you register the implementations with a specific name, this is possible to easily inject. You will then get all registered implementations.
public class MyService: IMyService
public MyService(IProvider[] providers)
// Do something with the providers
Just make sure to inject them as an array. Unity will understand this. And when you register them you can register them as such:
container.RegisterType<IProvider, FooProvider>("Foo");
container.RegisterType<IProvider, BarProvider>("Bar");
One way is to inject the UnityContainer itself, and then resolve all the Providers you need:
public class MyService : IMyService
public class MyService(IUnityContainer iocContainer)
var providers = iocContainer.ResolveAll<IProvider>();
The only thing you will need to do is register the UnityContainer with itself somewhere on setup:
unityContainer.Register<IUnityContainer>(unityContainer, new ContainerControllerLifetimeManager());

How to add your own library to Zend Framework

So i have been designig an application to run on the Zend Framework 1.11 And as any programmer would do when he sees repeated functionalities i wanted to go build a base class with said functionalities.
Now my plan is to build a library 'My' so i made a folder in the library directory in the application. So it looks like this
So i created a BaseController class in the My folder and then decided to have the IndexController in my application extend the BaseController.
The Basecontroller looks like this :
class My_BaseController extends Zend_Controller_Action
public function indexAction()
$this->view->test = 'Hallo Wereld!';
And the IndexController looks like this :
class WMSController extends My_BaseController
public function indexAction()
As adviced by a number of resources i tried adding the namespace for the library in the application.ini using the line
autoloadernamespaces.my = “My_”
But when i try to run this application i recieve the following error
Fatal error: Class 'My_BaseController' not found in
Am i missing something here? Or am i just being a muppet and should try a different approach?
Thanks in advance!
Your original approach will work for you in application.ini, you just had a couple of problems with your set up.
Your application.ini should have this line:-
autoloadernamespaces[] = "My_"
Also, you have to be careful with your class names, taking your base controller as an example, it should be in library/My/Controller/Base.php and should look like this:-
class My_Controller_Base extends Zend_Controller_Action
public function indexAction()
$this->view->test = 'Hello World!';
You can then use it like this:-
class WMSController extends My_Controller_Base
public function indexAction()
So, you had it almost right, but were missing just a couple of details. It is worth getting to know how autoloading works in Zend Framework and learning to use the class naming conventions
I don't know about .ini configuration, but I add customer libraries like this (index.php):
require_once 'Zend/Loader/Autoloader.php';