In ScalaFX how to get which table row is under the mouse? - scala

I have a tableView of person. every time i pass the mouse over a person row, i want to show some information about it . ( the information can be showed in a textArea for example). Thanx

Can you assign the onMouseEntered property of the TableCell instances in your TableView value?
A custom cell value factory can be used to provide instances of an application-specific cell subclass. This allows the custom cell to assign its own event handling function to the event handling property defined by Node. For example, try this in the custom subclass of TableCell provided by the cell value factory:
onMouseEntered = (event: MouseEvent) => {
info(s"onMouseEntered cell ${index()}: $event")
TableCell.index() provides the current index of the cell in the TableView.
If you don't get the value you expect it might be because cells are recycled. If you scroll through a large table the TableView will use a technique called "virtualization" to reuse the cell instances by associating an existing cell with different content, e.g. the first cell that you can see might be the 100th cell in the table.


(Swift) How to change Label text outside of cell (where the event occurs)?

I am unable to find a solution for this on my own, please help.
I have a table view with -/+ buttons inside that increase or decrease a value.
In the footer cell of the table is a label for the "total sum", the added value of all the cell values. When the value inside of a cell is decreased or increased, I want the footer cell text to change accordingly.
Any pointers how I go about that? I have tried to write a global function, but then I can't access the label anymore... tried it as a class method (static), but I can't seem to get it to work.
Can I somehow hook up the action that occurs in the UITableViewCell to trigger an action in the UITableView?
Thank you!
In the UITableViewDelegate associated to your table view, you should call the reloadRowsAtIndexPaths(indexPaths: [NSIndexPath], withRowAnimation animation: UITableViewRowAnimation) method to update your the row you wish to update.
Than it your UITableViewDataSource provide the footer cell with the good new value.

How To Set Nav Bar Item Title From plist's index row?

My data is sourced in a plist and displayed in a tableview with navigation bar.
I want to load the subview with the cell that was clicked.
I know this would set it correct, but I'm not sure how to implement indexPath in the viewDidLoad method?
self.navigationItem.title = [[self.exerciseArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]objectForKey: #"name"];
You have an array of Dictionary With you. Now IndexPath is seen called in TableView delegate methods. I doesn't mean that you can't create one. Create an NSIndexpath obect and assign the indexes parameters and send it to the function which contains the above code( separate the code which sets the title from the Cell for row at index path).
But the problem is as I see, You want to show only a specific set of data in dictionary which is stored in an Array. The real problem is You should know which the index of the Array you want to load. to the title and the tableview. If you can know that then its solved.
Regards ,
Jackson Sunny Rodrigues

Preserve Cell Image After Scrolling UITableView

I have a custom UITableViewCell which acts as a check list. As the user clicks on the selected item, it goes from red to green indicating a selection, however as the users scrolls further down the list, once they come back up to the top, the image has changed back to it's default red value.
How do I go about preserving the state of an image as the tableview recycles cells?
Sounds like you are using the UITableViewCells to store the state of your table data. This is the wrong approach because the cells are reused. You should keep state in an separate 'data store'. This can simply be an array you keep in memory in your UITableViewController subclass or something persistent like SQLite or Core Data. This state is then transferred back to the cell when the table view asks you to in tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:.
I had the same problem. Use:
MyTableViewCell* cell = [tableView dequeCellWithReuseIdentifier:#"MyTableViewCell"];
if (cell == nil) { /* create cell */ }
/* and now you reset the properties of that cell */
cell.text = [myCellText objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
The key here is to reset the properties of dequeued table cell based on the indexPath. This does mean you will have to keep around enough state to re-create any table cell--including the images you are using.

setting an uitableview cell a tag and retriving it

i have tried to set up a uitableview cell to be given a tag however i am not sure how to get the cell to become tagged on user input (uibutton) and then the code required to retrieve the multiple items or single item tagged.
Well, without understanding exactly what you plan to do, indexPath points to the selected cell.
If you try to keep object references you could move all information you need to an instance variable type NSArray/NSDictionary from cellForRowAtIndexPath.

How do I set a custom cell for non databound TableCells

I am happily able to set the styling of my tableviewcells using the cellForRowAtIndexPath delegate, but I want to set the background of all the nonpopulated cells which are still on the screen
hey, basically any cell which is part of your tableview belongs to a particular index and particular row
so incase you are not populating a particular section via data source - you can still get a reference to a cell in that indexPath by manually calling the cellForRowAtIndexPath delegate, and passing the section as well as row index
it returns you a cell. assign it to your private variable and edit it the way you want to.
Use the visibleCells method on your table view. Then do what you wish to the cells.
Alternately, you could call indexPathsForVisibleRows to get just the index paths. Then call cellForRowAtIndexPath: to get the cell corresponding to each index path.