MatrikonOPC Simulation Server on Windows 8.1 - opc

Is it possible to run MatrikonOPC Simulation Server on Windows 8.1.
I am trying using this tutorial ( to run it and so far there is no success at all.


How To Get Windows Run Time Environment with Code Server

Clearly, you can run Code Server on a Linux host, or with WSL on a Windows host. Either will provide a Linux run-time environment for your code. I have 2 projects with 3rd party Windows binary dependencies which will not run on Linux. So, is there a way to get a Windows run-time using Code Server?

Run selenium webdriver via powershell on ubuntu?

Made a Powershell script, which is using Selenium webdriver, and it's currently running from an Windows machine.
I'm now looking to change from running the script on Windows, to instead be using a Ubuntu distro.
As I'm now (on Windows) using .NET dll's in the code to get Selenium started I need to find alternative language for this on Ubuntu. That's also compatible with Powershell.
Wondering if there's any such alternative for Powershell?

Lightswitch Desktop Application Wont Install in XP SP3

I have a desktop application developed with Lightswitch using Visual Studio 2012.
The app installs perfectly on a Windows 7 machine but when I try to install it on an XP SP3 machine I get:
setup.exe is not a valid Win32-Application
I've tried using:
editbin setup.exe /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS,5.01 /OSVERSION:5.1
but then I get the following error:
the procedure entry point InitializeCriticalSectionEX could not be
located in the dynamic link library Kernal32.dll
I've spent ages getting this rapid development application to do exactly what I want it to do and to be scuppered at the last hurdle really bites. So if anyone can help me to get this thing to work on an XP machine I'd be really, really grateful.
Looks like I was caught out with the 'can't compile an application in VS2012 for XP' issue. So I'm gonna redevelop the app in VS2010. Nice one Microsoft...
Setup.exe is not a valid Win32 application

how to run iis 7 express in windows xp in unattended mode

IIS 5.1 shipped with windows xp has 10 connection limit. Singll ASP .NET MVC application can use more connections even if HTTP 1.1 is disabled.
To fix this, Microsoft recommends to use IIS 7 Express in XP.
I tried
iisexpress /path:c:\myapp /port:80 /clr:v2.0
and it works in local computer.
This XP computer has number of users. User can log off antytime.
How to run iisexpress automatically if computer is turned on ? I googled but havent found a way like to run it as XP service ?
How to run IIS Express as a process started via a Windows Service describes how to run it from application. However I'm looking a way to use Windows XP as http server without application. Maybe srvany can help ?

WatiN Compatibility with Windows

I am running tests successfully on Windows XP but not even got a single successful build while running through Windows 2003.
Any one knows whether it is compatible or not as I read on some site that WatiN is fully tested on XP and not on other Windows editions.
I'd ordinarily post this as a comment on Sam's answer, but I'm trying to make a stack trace searchable, so here goes...
WatiN.Core.Exceptions.IENotFoundException : Could not find an IE window matching constraint: Timeout while waiting to attach to newly created instance of IE.. Search expired after '30' seconds.
at WatiN.Core.IE.CreateIEPartiallyInitializedInNewProcess()
at WatiN.Core.IE.CreateNewIEAndGoToUri(Uri uri, IDialogHandler logonDialogHandler, Boolean createInNewProcess)
at WatiN.Core.IE..ctor(String url, Boolean createInNewProcess)
c:\...\WithVendorSite.cs(42,0): at WithVendorSite.VerifyCanLogIn(TargetSite target)
I developed my test on Windows 7 against WatiN but the test was continually getting stuck with a blank browser with about:blank in the address bar when run on Windows Server 2008 with latest WUs, and Enhanced Security Configuration turned off and running the tests elevated (Run as Administrator).
The problem in my case (thanks Sam) was the absence of Microsoft.mshtml.dll in the bin directory (I had figured out Interop.shdocvw.dll was necessary from error messages I'd encountered on the Windows 7 side).
After adding Microsoft.mshtml.dll, things run happily with ESC turned back [but the test process needs to run elevated].
I run our WatiN integration test suite (hundreds of tests) on Windows 2003 with IE6. Works fine, no special tricks done. What is the exception you are getting? Are you sure mshtml.dll (the COM dll somewhere in the windows directory) is registered correctly on this machine? Do you have the Microsoft.mshtml.dll (interop assembly) and interop.shdocvw.dll in the same directory as WatiN.Core.dll?
Update: Its officially supported, from the faq
Which windows versions are supported?
Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003
and Windows 2008.
Original post:
I use it on vista all the time. I haven't used it on windows server 2003 though.
Have you tried logging on interactively into the server and trying to run the tests manually? It may be because of the account that your build server is running under or some particular security settings you have setup. Have you checked to see if IE is stopping you from viewing the page due to it not being in the trusted sites list?
I was using Watin 1.3 on Windows XP but the same on Win 7 having problem....
Officially Watin 1.3 works on O.S. Xp and earlier on Win XP
But Watin 2.1 works fine on Win 7 and XP.
Officially Watin 2.1 supports any Microsoft O.S.