Extract significant near future local events exact location and time using Facebook Graph Search api - facebook

I am looking for a way to extract significant (number of attendees > threshold) near future (within the next week) local events exact location and time using Facebook Graph Search api.
If local cannot be done, i could just specify a city (Athens, GR for example) instead.
It would be absolutely great if the info could be extracted with one query, but i think this is too much to hope for.
What i have tried so far is:
This produces a set of events with name relative to "athens" as well as exact location, but not the time or number of attendees or event name.
This produces the number of attendees for a specific event_ID.
The total number of significant (let's assume more than 300 attendees) event for a week's span in Athens, GR should not be very high, therefore i could manually query the API as a last resort solution.
Does anyone have any idea if/how what i am asking can be achieved?
Thank you very much in advance.

You can't do this just in one query although you can probably batch some requests (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/making-multiple-requests).
What I would do is:
Geo query to place: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/using-graph-api/v2.3#search
GET graph.facebook.com
Get the page_id and query for public events (batch): https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/page/events
Get attendants for those events (batch): https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v2.3/event/attending
I hope it helps.


What time does the Graph's Insights API refresh the attributes with day as the aggregation period?

For example,
For the aggregation period 'day', Does anyone know at what time does Facebook refresh that value?
I remember reading it to be around 8am, but I can't remember if it was accurate or where I read it.
When you check out the endtime you get inside the values (Graph API Explorer request for me?fields=insights.metric(page_stories); supply your own page access token), for all three periods (day/wekk/days_28) it is of the form
Same time portion in each case.

Search API Facebook Graph by date range

is there any way to explore the Facebook Graph API by date range? Ex. to find all events on February?
I use following code, but I’m not sure, that’s correct request:
In this way, I get records for defined date range - ok, but there is missing events – a set is incomplete (despite it doesn’t exceed a limit of API). Why I can’t get all of results for given query?
Maybe do you know another method of filtering results by date?
There's no way to restrict the search results by since and until as far as I know.
For searching events, you can use the /search endpoint as described at
but I guess there's no further way to filter the results other than specifying the q parameter.

Google Analytics API TotalEvents query

I'm trying to get a total count for a give event,however I get a number much bigger(10-20 times bigger), than I see on the GA website, what am I doing wrong? (api v3)
here is the segment
note that I get wrong results with the query explorer as well.
You are using a segment instead of a filter.
Segments are session based so it will include all events in a session if it matches you specification. So essentially if I triggered the event you want plus other events they will all be included in the total events field.
What you need to do Is remove the segment and add a filter, the filter will include only the data you request.
Hope that helps

Can response data from core reporting api be grouped?

I am able to query the Google Core reporting APIv3 using the client library to get data on pageviews for specific URLs of a website I am working on. I want to get data(pageviews) for each day within a specified range. So far I am simply looping through the range, sending individual request to the API. in each request I am setting the same value for the start date and the end date.
Obviously this gets the job done, BUT it is certainly not the best way to go about it. Because, assumming I want to get data for the past 3 months for each of about 2000 URIs. Then I will need 360000 number of requests and that value is well over the limit quota defined by Google.
Potential solution: So one way I thought of solving this issue is probably to send a request setting start-date and end-date to be a week apart but the API will return a sum of the values rather than the individual values.
main question: So is there a way to insist that these values should not be added up and returned as a sum but rather returned (as associative array or something like that) separately for each.
I hope the question is clear and that there is a solution! Thank you!
Very straightforward:
Metric: ga:pageview, Dimension: ga:date, Set a filter for your pagepath, and set a start-date and end-date.
This will return the pageviews for that the faq.html& page for each day in the time-frame.
You should check out the QueryExplorer. Great tool to find out how to structure queries.

The limit of Facebook's graph api "limit" parameter

I'm fetching a large amount of comments from a public page using Facebook's Graph API.
By default facebook returns 25 comments per response, and uses paging. This causes the need for multiple requests, which is uneccesery as I know ahead there will be a lot of comments.
I read about the "limit" parameter that you can pass to ask for a certain amount of items per response.
I was wondering, what is the limit of that parameter? I'm assuming I can't pass &limit=10000.
There's a different way for fetching comments:
The maximum value for the limit parameter is 500.
yes, with limit parameter you can pass what number of certain resource you want in one call. default limit is 25.
for ex. if you want 100 comment in one call for a post having id POST_ID, you can query like this:
I think they have changed this. For /feed? I only get 200-225 posts back but for comments I get as many as 2000 back
Old question, but this is in the current Facebook documentation in case anyone finds this question via search (emphasis mine):
Some edges may also have a maximum on the limit value for performance reasons. In all cases, the API returns the correct pagination links.
In other words, even if you specify a limit above what's allowed by the endpoint, the "pagination.previous" and "pagination.next" elements will always provide the correct URL to resume where it left off.
I would recommend you to use FQL instead.
FQL provide a more flexible approach where you can combine data types (posts, users, pages, etc..) as you please. You can also query for comments belonging to a list of stories instead of just one limiting your number of requests even more.
There are a couple of drawbacks though:
1. There is a limit on 5000 comments. Here you would use a query looking something like: "SELECT id, ...... FROM comments, ... WHERE parent_id in (1,2,3....) ORDER BY time LIMIT 0, 5000". Even though you split this up in several queries with "LIMIT 0, 1000", "LIMIT 1000, 1000", LIMIT 2000, 1000, etc.., you would never get anything over 5000 comments("LIMIT 5000, 1000" would return empty).
2. All real requests made on Facebooks server counts as one request. You can send of something that is actually a combination of requests, this will be counted as multiple requests.
3. Facebook does not like to heavy requests. You can end up with getting blocked for a shorter time periods(minutes -> hours, not days). If this happens, act on it.