fabricjs.com stickman: move the lines and affect the related circles - coordinates

using the stickman example of http://fabricjs.com/,
I have been trying to achieve moving the related circles when a line is moved. The code in the example is not well structured, heavy & with errors :), as I can not to move the the related circles symmetrically.
If in the //move the other circle part is used next line
'left': (s.calcLinePoints().x1 + _l),
'top': (-s.calcLinePoints().y1 + _t)
the difference is in the sign of collected information for y1 and we move some horizontal line visually the result OK, but in my opinion this type of "adjustment" is not the correct one...
[example code]
$(function() {
//create the fabriccanvas object & disable the canvas selection
var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('c', {
selection: false
//move the objects origin of transformation to the center
fabric.Object.prototype.originX = fabric.Object.prototype.originY = 'center';
function makeCircle(left, top, line1, line2, usedLine, usedEnd) {
//used line - used line for the center
//usedEnd - fromt the used line
var c = new fabric.Circle({
left: left,
top: top,
strokeWidth: 2,
radius: 6,
fill: '#fff',
stroke: '#666'
c.hasControls = c.hasBorders = false;
c.line1 = line1;
c.line2 = line2;
//add information which line end is used for center
var _usedLineName;
if (usedLine == 1) {
_usedLineName = line1.name;
} else {
_usedLineName = line2.name;
c.usedLineName = _usedLineName;
c.usedEndPoint = usedEnd;
return c;
function makeLine(coords, name) {
var l = new fabric.Line(coords, {
stroke: 'red',
strokeWidth: 4,
selectable: true, //false
name: name
l.hasControls = l.hasBorders = false;
return l;
//initial shape information
var line = makeLine([250, 125, 350, 125], "l1"),
line2 = makeLine([350, 125, 350, 225], "l2"),
line3 = makeLine([350, 225, 250, 225], "l3"),
line4 = makeLine([250, 225, 250, 125], "l4");
canvas.add(line, line2, line3, line4);
makeCircle(line.get('x1'), line.get('y1'), line4, line, 1, 2),
makeCircle(line.get('x2'), line.get('y2'), line, line2, 1, 2),
makeCircle(line2.get('x2'), line2.get('y2'), line2, line3, 1, 2),
makeCircle(line3.get('x2'), line3.get('y2'), line3, line4, 1, 2));
canvas.on('object:moving', function(e) {
//find the moving object type
var objType = e.target.get('type');
var p = e.target;
if (objType == 'circle') {
p.line1 && p.line1.set({
'x2': p.left,
'y2': p.top
p.line2 && p.line2.set({
'x1': p.left,
'y1': p.top
//set coordinates for the lines - should be done if element is moved programmely
} else if (objType == 'line') {
//loop all circles and if some is with coordinates as some of the ends - to change them
for (var i = 0; i < canvas.getObjects('circle').length; i++) {
var currentObj = canvas.getObjects('circle')[i];
if (currentObj.get("usedLineName") == e.target.get('name')) {
for (var ss = 0; ss < canvas.getObjects('line').length; ss++) {
var s = canvas.getObjects('line')[ss];
var _l = s.left;
var _t = s.top;
if (s.get("name") == currentObj.get("usedLineName")) {
'left': (s.calcLinePoints().x2 + _l),
'top': (s.calcLinePoints().y2 + _t)
console.log(s.calcLinePoints().y2 + _t)
currentObj.line1 && currentObj.line1.set({
'x2': currentObj.left,
'y2': currentObj.top
currentObj.line2 && currentObj.line2.set({
'x1': currentObj.left,
'y1': currentObj.top
//move the other circle
canvas.forEachObject(function(obj) {
var _objType = obj.get('type');
if (_objType == "circle" && obj.line2.name == s.get("name")) {
'left': (s.calcLinePoints().x1 + _l),
'top': (s.calcLinePoints().y1 + _t)
console.log(s.calcLinePoints().y1 + _t)
obj.line1 && obj.line1.set({
'x2': obj.left,
'y2': obj.top
obj.line2 && obj.line2.set({
'x1': obj.left,
'y1': obj.top
//end move oter
<script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fabric.js/1.5.0/fabric.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<canvas id="c" width="500" height="500"></canvas>
Here it is the code on jsfiddle, too:
I want previously to thank you, even only for reading the question.

Thanks of MiltoxBeyond's suggestion, the problem is fixed.
Here it is a working and little cleaned example:
//to save the old cursor position: used on line mooving
var _curX, _curY;
$(function() {
//create the fabriccanvas object & disable the canvas selection
var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('c', {
selection: false
//move the objects origin of transformation to the center
fabric.Object.prototype.originX = fabric.Object.prototype.originY = 'center';
function makeCircle(left, top, line1, line2) {
var c = new fabric.Circle({
left: left,
top: top,
strokeWidth: 2,
radius: 6,
fill: '#fff',
stroke: '#666'
c.hasControls = c.hasBorders = false;
c.line1 = line1;
c.line2 = line2;
return c;
function makeLine(coords, name) {
var l = new fabric.Line(coords, {
stroke: 'red',
strokeWidth: 4,
selectable: true, //false
name: name
l.hasControls = l.hasBorders = false;
return l;
//initial shape information
var line = makeLine([250, 125, 350, 125], "l1"),
line2 = makeLine([350, 125, 350, 225], "l2"),
line3 = makeLine([350, 225, 250, 225], "l3"),
line4 = makeLine([250, 225, 250, 125], "l4");
canvas.add(line, line2, line3, line4);
makeCircle(line.get('x1'), line.get('y1'), line4, line), makeCircle(line.get('x2'), line.get('y2'), line, line2), makeCircle(line2.get('x2'), line2.get('y2'), line2, line3), makeCircle(line3.get('x2'), line3.get('y2'), line3, line4)
canvas.on('object:selected', function(e) {
//find the selected object type
var objType = e.target.get('type');
if (objType == 'line') {
_curX = e.e.clientX;
_curY = e.e.clientY;
canvas.on('object:moving', function(e) {
//find the moving object type
var p = e.target;
var objType = p.get('type');
if (objType == 'circle') {
p.line1 && p.line1.set({
'x2': p.left,
'y2': p.top
p.line2 && p.line2.set({
'x1': p.left,
'y1': p.top
//set coordinates for the lines - should be done if element is moved programmely
} else if (objType == 'line') {
var _curXm = (_curX - e.e.clientX);
var _curYm = (_curY - e.e.clientY);
//console.log("moved: " + _curXm);
//console.log("moved: " + _curYm);
//loop all circles and if some contains the line - move it
for (var i = 0; i < canvas.getObjects('circle').length; i++) {
var currentObj = canvas.getObjects('circle')[i];
if (currentObj.line1.get("name") == p.get('name') || currentObj.line2.get("name") == p.get('name')) {
'left': (currentObj.left - _curXm),
'top': (currentObj.top - _curYm)
currentObj.line1 && currentObj.line1.set({
'x2': currentObj.left,
'y2': currentObj.top
currentObj.line2 && currentObj.line2.set({
'x1': currentObj.left,
'y1': currentObj.top
_curX = e.e.clientX;
_curY = e.e.clientY;
canvas {
border: 1px solid #808080;
<script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fabric.js/1.5.0/fabric.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<canvas id="c" width="500" height="500"></canvas>


While horizontal scrolling the datalabels of charjs is overlapping to y-axis

To show all bars I have set the horizontal scrolling to chartjs in Ionic angular project , and i have used the DataLabelsPlugin constant for bars label. and while scrolling the datalabels is overlapping with y-axis its not hiding before y-axis like bars.
and also horizontal scroll is not happening smoothly.
graph working fine as a expected output
marked with issue about - after scrolling the datalabels went over the y-axis not hide below y-axis like bars
I have tried to add and used the custom datalabels but same issue i am getting and i didnt find any css or attribute on 'https://www.chartjs.org/docs/latest/' official site or not on any other sites -> to hide the datalabels from over the y-axis.
ts file code:
createBarChart() {
const footer = (tooltipItems) => {
let sum = 0;
tooltipItems.forEach(function(tooltipItem) {
sum += tooltipItem.parsed.y;
return this.util.getFormatValue(sum)+'%';
const toolLabel = (tooltipItems) => {
return "";
const toolTitle = (tooltipItems) => {
var string_to_array = function (str) {
return str.trim().split("#$#$");
var ss;
tooltipItems.forEach(function(tooltipItem) {
ss = string_to_array(tooltipItem.label.replace(/(.{40})/g, "$1#$#$"))
return ss;
let graphSize = Math.max(...this.daywise_occupancy);
if(graphSize == 0){
graphSize =1;
const plugin = {
id: 'customCanvasBackgroundColor',
beforeDraw: (chart, args, options) => {
const {ctx} = chart;
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-over';
ctx.fillStyle = '#ffffff';
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, chart.width, chart.height);
this.bars = new Chart(this.barchart6.nativeElement, {
type: 'bar',
data: {
labels: this.daywise_date,
datasets: [{
data: this.daywise_occupancy,
backgroundColor: function(context) {
var value = context.dataset.data[context.dataIndex];
return value <= 15 ? '#f95959'
: value > 15 && value <=60 ? '#F5A623'
: '#00ADB5'
borderColor: function(context) {
var value = context.dataset.data[context.dataIndex];
return value <= 15 ? '#f95959'
: value > 15 && value <=60 ? '#F5A623'
: '#00ADB5'
borderWidth: 1,
plugins: [DataLabelsPlugin,plugin],
options: {
animations: {
tension: {
duration: 1000,
easing: 'linear',
from: 1,
to: 0,
loop: true
scales: {
x: {
ticks : {
maxRotation: 70,
minRotation: 70,
callback: function(value : any, index, ticks_array) {
let characterLimit = 12;
let label = this.getLabelForValue(value);
if ( label.length >= characterLimit) {
return label.slice(0, label.length).substring(0, characterLimit -1).trim() + '..';
return label;
y: { // defining min and max so hiding the dataset does not change scale range
min: 0,
max: this.loader.getGraphsizeRound(graphSize),
title: { display: true, text: (this.titleSet)? '% of Branches Contribution' : '% of Seat Occupancy' },
beginAtZero: true,
display: true,
position: 'left',
// ticks: {
// stepSize: 6,
// },
plugins: {
legend: {
display: false
anchor: 'end',
align: 'end',labels: {
value: {
color: '#2C3A45;',
formatter: function (value) {
// return Math.round(value) + '%';
return value + '%';
tooltip: {
callbacks: {
label: toolLabel,
this.bars.canvas.addEventListener('touchmove',(eve) => {
this.bars.canvas.addEventListener('touchstart',(eve) => {
this.startX = e.touches[0].clientX;
this.startY = e.touches[0].clientY;
var deltaX = e.touches[0].clientX - this.startX,
deltaY = e.touches[0].clientY - this.startY;
const dataLength = chart.data.labels.length;
let min = chart.options.scales.x.min;
if(deltaX < 0){
if( chart.options.scales.x.max >= dataLength ){
chart.options.scales.x.min = dataLength - 5;
chart.options.scales.x.max = dataLength;
chart.options.scales.x.min += 1;
chart.options.scales.x.max += 1;
// console.log( chart.options.scales.x.min);
// chart1line.options.scales.y.max = graphSize
}else if(deltaX > 0){
if( chart.options.scales.x.min <= 0 ){
chart.options.scales.x.min = 0;
chart.options.scales.x.max = 4;
chart.options.scales.x.min -= 1;
chart.options.scales.x.max -= 1;
HTML code:
<div class="chartWrapper">
<div class="chartAreaWrapper">
<canvas #barchart6 height="190" max-height="190" width="0"></canvas>
My expected output
horizontal scroll work smoothly.
after scrolling label should not overlap on y-axis.

How to draw a custom polygon over a Scatter Series google chart?

I have a Scatter Series with a set of points, like the one shown here. https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery/scatterchart
The points are grouped and each group is shown in different color. I would like to draw a polygon around each group (convex hull). Looks like there is not a straightforward way to add polygons each with n boundary-points to the chart.
if you have an algorithm to find the boundary points,
you can use a ComboChart to draw both the scatter and line series...
use option seriesType to set the default type
use option series to customize the type for a particular series
in the following working snippet,
the algorithm used was pulled from --> Convex Hull | Set 1 (Jarvis’s Algorithm or Wrapping)
(converted from the Java version)
google.charts.load('current', {
packages: ['corechart']
}).then(function () {
var groupA = [
var groupB = [
var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
data.addColumn('number', 'x');
data.addColumn('number', 'y');
addGroup('A', data, groupA)
addGroup('B', data, groupB)
var options = {
chartArea: {
bottom: 48,
height: '100%',
left: 36,
right: 24,
top: 36,
width: '100%'
height: '100%',
seriesType: 'line',
series: {
0: {
type: 'scatter'
width: '100%'
var chart = new google.visualization.ComboChart(document.getElementById('chart_div'));
window.addEventListener('resize', drawChart, false);
function drawChart() {
chart.draw(data, options);
function addGroup(group, dataTable, points) {
var polygon = convexHull(points);
var colIndex = dataTable.addColumn('number', group);
for (var i = 0; i < polygon.length; i++) {
var rowIndex = dataTable.addRow();
dataTable.setValue(rowIndex, 0, polygon[i][0]);
dataTable.setValue(rowIndex, colIndex, polygon[i][1]);
function orientation(p, q, r) {
var val = (q[1] - p[1]) * (r[0] - q[0]) -
(q[0] - p[0]) * (r[1] - q[1]);
if (val == 0) {
return 0; // collinear
} else if (val > 0) {
return 1; // clock wise
} else {
return 2; // counterclock wise
function convexHull(points) {
// must be at least 3 rows
if (points.length < 3) {
// init
var l = 0;
var p = l;
var q;
var hull = [];
// find leftmost point
for (var i = 1; i < points.length; i++) {
if (points[i][0] < points[l][0]) {
l = i;
// move counterclockwise until start is reached
do {
// add current point to result
// check orientation (p, x, q) of each point
q = (p + 1) % points.length;
for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
if (orientation(points[p], points[i], points[q]) === 2) {
q = i;
// set p as q for next iteration
p = q;
} while (p !== l);
// add back first hull point to complete line
// set return value
return hull;
html, body, #chart_div {
height: 100%;
<script src="https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js"></script>
<div id="chart_div"></div>

leaflet : Prevent marker to be dragged outside the map container

Please consider the following code http://jsfiddle.net/franckl/311bcbc8/
var southWest = L.latLng(-90, -180),
northEast = L.latLng(90, 180);
var bounds = L.latLngBounds(southWest, northEast);
var map = L.map('map', {
minZoom: 2,
zoomControl: false,
attributionControl: false,
maxBounds: bounds
// Using cartoDB basemap
L.tileLayer('https://cartodb-basemaps-{s}.global.ssl.fastly.net/light_all/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
minZoom: 2,
subdomains: 'abcd',
detectRetina: true,
attribution: ''
var newMarker0 = L.marker(map.getCenter(), {
icon: new L.Icon.Default(),
zIndexOffset: 10000,
draggable: true
<div id="mycontainer">
<div id="map"></div>
body {
#map {
#mycontainer {
top: 10px;
width: 600px;
height: 250px;
position: relative;
If you drag the marker to the right, it leaves visible area of the map.
How can I prevent the user from dragging the marker outside the map ?
Thanks !
answering my own question in case it helps anyone.
We detect the map container size and check if the marker is going outside the visible area by converting its lat/lng coordinates to a container point (map.containerPointToLatLng(markerContainerPosition))
As a bonus, this code leaves the marker in the same position relative to the map container when the user moves the map. It ensures that the marker never goes outside the visible area (even when zooming)
var southWest = L.latLng(-90, -180),
northEast = L.latLng(90, 180);
var bounds = L.latLngBounds(southWest, northEast);
var map = L.map('map', {
minZoom: 2,
zoomControl: false,
attributionControl: false,
maxBounds: bounds
// Using cartoDB basemap
L.tileLayer('https://cartodb-basemaps-{s}.global.ssl.fastly.net/light_all/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
minZoom: 2,
subdomains: 'abcd',
detectRetina: true,
attribution: ''
var newMarker0 = L.marker(map.getCenter(), {
icon: new L.Icon.Default(),
zIndexOffset: 10000,
draggable: true
var mapSize = map.getSize();
var markerContainerPosition = map.latLngToContainerPoint(newMarker0.getLatLng());
function mapMove() {
function markerDrag(e) {
var mTempContainerPos = map.latLngToContainerPoint(newMarker0.getLatLng());
var newPos;
if (mTempContainerPos.x < 20) {
if (mTempContainerPos.y < 45) {
newPos = L.point(20, 45);
} else if (mTempContainerPos.y > (mapSize.y - 20)) {
newPos = L.point(20, mapSize.y - 20);
} else {
newPos = L.point(20, mTempContainerPos.y);
} else if (mTempContainerPos.x > mapSize.x - 20) {
if (mTempContainerPos.y < 45) {
newPos = L.point(mapSize.x - 20, 45);
} else if (mTempContainerPos.y > (mapSize.y - 20)) {
newPos = L.point(mapSize.x - 20, mapSize.y - 20);
} else {
newPos = L.point(mapSize.x - 20, mTempContainerPos.y);
} else {
if (mTempContainerPos.y < 45) {
newPos = L.point(mTempContainerPos.x, 45);
} else if (mTempContainerPos.y > (mapSize.y - 20)) {
newPos = L.point(mTempContainerPos.x, mapSize.y - 20);
if (newPos) {
markerContainerPosition = newPos;
} else {
markerContainerPosition = mTempContainerPos;
map.on('move', mapMove);
newMarker0.on('drag', markerDrag);
A solution with slightly more generic code and tailored to dragging the marker rather than the map, but derivative of #Franckl's:
onMarkerDrag: function (event) {
// keep dragged marker within map bounds
var containerPoint = this.map.latLngToContainerPoint(event.target.getLatLng()),
clampX = null,
clampY = null,
if (containerPoint.x - MARKER_MARGIN < 0) {
} else if (containerPoint.x + MARKER_MARGIN > this.mapContainerBounds.width) {
clampX = this.mapContainerBounds.width - MARKER_MARGIN;
if (containerPoint.y - MARKER_MARGIN < 0) {
} else if (containerPoint.y + MARKER_MARGIN > this.mapContainerBounds.height) {
clampY = this.mapContainerBounds.height - MARKER_MARGIN;
if (clampX !== null || clampY !== null) {
if (clampX !== null) { containerPoint.x = clampX; }
if (clampY !== null) { containerPoint.y = clampY; }
I derive this.mapContainerBounds once on map init instead of every time the drag handler fires (my map does not change size), like this:
this.mapContainerBounds = mapDOMNode.getBoundingClientRect();

Famo.us not loading Constructor of Strip View in Timbre Example

I am working no Timbre View Example of Famo.us, and what I am trying to achieve is simply open the page by clicking on strip view options in the app and closing the Menu Drawer as soon as I click on the Strip View option
for achieving this functionality I've read the Broad Cast and Listing from the Famo.us documentation. and wrote the following code in my example.
1) created a function to Broadcasting from an event handler with emit method and called it in Constructor of the Strip View.
Strip View:
define(function(require, exports, module) {
var View = require('famous/core/View');
var Surface = require('famous/core/Surface');
var Transform = require('famous/core/Transform');
var StateModifier = require('famous/modifiers/StateModifier');
var ImageSurface = require('famous/surfaces/ImageSurface');
var HeaderFooter = require('famous/views/HeaderFooterLayout');
var FastClick = require('famous/inputs/FastClick');
var check = true;
function StripView() {
View.apply(this, arguments);
StripView.prototype = Object.create(View.prototype);
StripView.prototype.constructor = StripView;
width: 320,
height: 55,
angle: -0.2,
iconSize: 32,
iconUrl: 'img/strip-icons/famous.png',
title: 'Famo.us',
fontSize: 26,
onload: 'StripView()'
function allFunctions()
function _createBackground() {
this.backgroundSurface = new Surface({
size: [this.options.width, this.options.height],
properties: {
backgroundColor: 'black',
boxShadow: '0 0 1px black'
var rotateModifier = new StateModifier({
transform: Transform.rotateZ(this.options.angle)
var skewModifier = new StateModifier({
transform: Transform.skew(0, 0, this.options.angle)
// this.backgroundSurface.on("touchend", function(){alert("Click caught")})
function _createIcon() {
var iconSurface = new ImageSurface({
size: [this.options.iconSize, this.options.iconSize],
content: this.options.iconUrl,
pointerEvents: 'none'
var iconModifier = new StateModifier({
transform: Transform.translate(24, 2, 0)
// iconSurface.on("click", function(){alert("Click caught")})
function _createTitle() {
this.titleSurface = new Surface({
size: [true, true],
pointerEvents: 'none',
content: this.options.title,
properties: {
color: 'white',
fontFamily: 'AvenirNextCondensed-DemiBold',
fontSize: this.options.fontSize + 'px',
textTransform: 'uppercase',
// pointerEvents : 'none'
var titleModifier = new StateModifier({
transform: Transform.thenMove(Transform.rotateZ(this.options.angle), [75, -5, 0])
function _setListenersForStripView() {
this.backgroundSurface.on('touchend', function() {
alert('clicked on title');
module.exports = StripView;
2) Then created a Trigger Method in App View
App View:
define(function(require, exports, module) {
var View = require('famous/core/View');
var Surface = require('famous/core/Surface');
var Modifier = require('famous/core/Modifier');
var Transform = require('famous/core/Transform');
var StateModifier = require('famous/modifiers/StateModifier');
var Easing = require('famous/transitions/Easing');
var Transitionable = require('famous/transitions/Transitionable');
var GenericSync = require('famous/inputs/GenericSync');
var MouseSync = require('famous/inputs/MouseSync');
var TouchSync = require('famous/inputs/TouchSync');
GenericSync.register({'mouse': MouseSync, 'touch': TouchSync});
var PageView = require('views/PageView');
var StripView = require('views/StripView');
var MenuView = require('views/MenuView');
var StripData = require('data/StripData');
function AppView() {
View.apply(this, arguments);
this.menuToggle = false;
this.pageViewPos = new Transitionable(0);
this.stripViewPos = new Transitionable(0);
AppView.prototype = Object.create(View.prototype);
AppView.prototype.constructor = AppView;
openPosition: 276,
transition: {
duration: 300,
curve: 'easeOut'
posThreshold: 138,
velThreshold: 0.75
function _createPageView() {
this.pageView = new PageView();
this.pageModifier = new Modifier({
transform: function() {
return Transform.translate(this.pageViewPos.get(), 0, 0);
function _StripView() {
this.stripView = new StripView();
this.stripModifier = new Modifier({
transform: function() {
return Transform.translate(this.stripViewPos.get(), 0, 0);
function _createMenuView() {
this.menuView = new MenuView({stripData: StripData});
var menuModifier = new StateModifier({
transform: Transform.behind
function _setListeners() {
this.pageView.on('menuToggle', this.toggleMenu.bind(this));
function _setListenersForStripView() {
this.stripView.on('menuToggleforStripView', this.toggleMenu.bind(this));
function _handleSwipe() {
var sync = new GenericSync(
['mouse', 'touch'],
{direction: GenericSync.DIRECTION_X}
sync.on('update', function(data) {
var currentPosition = this.pageViewPos.get();
if (currentPosition === 0 && data.velocity > 0) {
this.pageViewPos.set(Math.max(0, currentPosition + data.delta));
sync.on('end', (function(data) {
var velocity = data.velocity;
var position = this.pageViewPos.get();
if (this.pageViewPos.get() > this.options.posThreshold) {
if (velocity < -this.options.velThreshold) {
} else {
} else {
if (velocity > this.options.velThreshold) {
} else {
AppView.prototype.toggleMenu = function() {
if (this.menuToggle) {
} else {
AppView.prototype.slideLeft = function() {
this.pageViewPos.set(0, this.options.transition, function() {
this.menuToggle = false;
AppView.prototype.slideRight = function() {
this.pageViewPos.set(this.options.openPosition, this.options.transition, function() {
this.menuToggle = true;
module.exports = AppView;
now what this code does, is create another strip overlapping the previous strips and it only works on the newly created strip view but not on the other strips which means when it comes back to srip view it loads only the DEFAULT_OPTIONS of strip view because the strip which is being generated newly and overlaping is titled famo.us
Please let me know where I am going wrong and how can I open a new view in my application by closing menu drawer.
Do you have a folder named 'data' with the 'StripData.js' file on your famo.us project?
I'm asking because I downloaded the the Starter Kit and I didn't find that file inside.

Integrating / adding Google Earth View to my map

I am creating an interactive map for a non profit association "Friends of Knox Mountain Park" but I am getting trouble with the Google Earth view.
I've been searching on the web for weeks and none of the solutions I found works for me. Can someone take a look of the code and let me know what I should do to include Google Earth View in the map? Thanks in advance.
The online project: http://www.virtualbc.ca/knoxmountain/
And this is the javascript file (mapa2.js) containing the google map's code:
google.load('earth', '1');
var map;
var googleEarth;
var gmarkers = [];
var iconShadow = new google.maps.MarkerImage('icons/shadow.png',
new google.maps.Size(46, 42),
new google.maps.Point(0,0),
new google.maps.Point(13, 42));
var sites = [
['Apex Trail - Shelter',49.91174271, -119.48507050, 4, '<img src="images/apex_point_high.jpg">','magenta','14'],
['Apex Trail',49.91286999, -119.48413424, 3, '<img src="images/apex_point_low.jpg">','lemon','1'],
['Gordon Trail',49.91971281, -119.47954356, 2, '<img src="images/apex_point_low.jpg">','lemon','1'],
['Paul Tomb Bay',49.92555541, -119.47710250, 1, '<img src="images/tomb_bay.jpg">','lemon','1']
var infowindow = null;
var overlay;
// Used to make Google Map quard coords to MapCruncher/BingMaps quard coords
function TileToQuadKey ( x, y, zoom)
var quad = "";
for (var i = zoom; i > 0; i--)
var mask = 1 << (i - 1);
var cell = 0;
if ((x & mask) != 0)
if ((y & mask) != 0)
cell += 2;
quad += cell;
return quad;
function init() {
var centerMap = new google.maps.LatLng(49.909671, -119.482241);
var myOptions = {
zoom: 10,
center: centerMap,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.SATELLITE
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), myOptions);
// Create the tile layers
// ASTER Tile Layer
myASTEROptions = {
getTileUrl : function (a,b) {
return "http://www.virtualbc.ca/knoxmountain/map/" + TileToQuadKey(a.x,a.y,b) + ".png";
isPng: true,
opacity: 1.0,
tileSize: new google.maps.Size(256,256),
name: "ASTER",
ASTERMapType = new google.maps.ImageMapType( myASTEROptions );
map.overlayMapTypes.insertAt(0, ASTERMapType);
// Aerial Tile Layer
myAerialOptions = {
getTileUrl : function (a,b) {
return "http://www.virtualbc.ca/knoxmountain/map/" + TileToQuadKey(a.x,a.y,b) + ".png";
isPng: true,
opacity: 1.0,
tileSize: new google.maps.Size(256,256),
name: "Aerial",
AerialMapType = new google.maps.ImageMapType( myAerialOptions );
map.overlayMapTypes.insertAt(1, AerialMapType);
var panorama = new google.maps.StreetViewPanorama(map.getDiv());
panorama.set('enableCloseButton', true);
setMarkers(map, sites);
setZoom(map, sites);
infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: "Loading..."
googleEarth = new GoogleEarth(map);
google.maps.event.addListenerOnce(map, 'tilesloaded', addOverlays);
This functions sets the markers (array)
function setMarkers(map, markers) {
for (var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {
var site = markers[i];
var siteLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(site[1], site[2]);
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: siteLatLng,
map: map,
title: site[0],
zIndex: site[3],
html: site[4],
// Markers drop on the map
animation: google.maps.Animation.DROP,
icon: 'http://www.virtualbc.ca/knoxmountain/icons/icon.png',
shadow: iconShadow
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, "click", function () {
infowindow.open(map, this);
Set the zoom to fit comfortably all the markers in the map
function setZoom(map, markers) {
var boundbox = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();
for ( var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++ )
boundbox.extend(new google.maps.LatLng(markers[i][1], markers[i][2]));
// This function picks up the click and opens the corresponding info window
function myclick(i) {
google.maps.event.trigger(gmarkers[i-1], "click");
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', init);
The first issue I notice with your site is you are linking to http://www.virtualbc.ca/src/googleearth-compiled.js which does not exist.