I am trying to do several dependent Slick/DB calls and then display the resulting data within a twirl template.
def show(slug: String) = Action.async { implicit rs =>
for {
f <- fooDAO.findBySlug(slug) // f is of type Option[foo]
fid <- f.flatMap(a => a.id.map(b => b)) // fid is of type Long
b <- barDAO.findByFooId(fid) // b is of type Seq[bar]
} yield {
f.map {
case Some(f) => Ok(views.html.foobar(f, b))
case _ => NotFound
I first need to get the "ID" to then be able to query other relevant data. The compiler is now producing this error:
play.sbt.PlayExceptions$CompilationException: Compilation error[type mismatch;
found : scala.concurrent.Future[Option[play.api.mvc.Result]]
required: Option[?]]
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
There is a fundamental flaw in your code, in that you're mixing in the same comprehension an Option and a Seq
A for-comprehension is expected to work on the same "container" type, which will be the resulting representation of the yield
e.g. if you combine several Options you get an Option, if you combine Seqs you get a Seq.
In this case you can overcome the problem by converting the Option (foo) to a Seq (which will be empty if the foo is None and have 1 element if not).
The end result would be
val results: Seq[(Foo, Bar)] =
for {
f <- fooDAO.findBySlug(slug).toSeq // f is of type Seq[Foo]
b <- barDAO.findByFooId(f.id) // b is of type Seq[Bar]
} yield (f, b)
But I guess this is not what you need. I suppose you want to get all Bars associated with the retrieved Foo, if any, and present it with your template. If no Foo is present for the slug, you want a NotFound.
We can do it like this
def show(slug: String) = Action.async { implicit rs =>
val f = fooDAO.findBySlug(slug) // f is of type Option[Foo]
foo => Ok(views.html.foobar(foo, barDAO.findByFooId(foo.id))
You can make it more explicit by defining a supporting method
def show(slug: String) = Action.async { implicit rs =>
def barsOf(f: Foo): Seq[Bar] = barDAO.findByFooId(f.id)
val f = fooDAO.findBySlug(slug) // f is of type Option[Foo]
foo => Ok(views.html.foobar(foo, barsOf(foo))
It's a bit tricky understanding what you're trying to achieve here, but if the whole thing is predicated on the findbySlug returning a Future[Option[Foo]] and the eventual outcome being a NotFound if that Option is a None, then your yield should probably just be:
} yield {
f.fold(NotFound)(foo => Ok(views.html.foobar(foo, b)))
Option[T] is a fantastic type for data-retrieval and control-flow, but pattern-matching on it is almost never the right approach. The use of fold feels nicely succinct for the task.
The Option class has a method named fold(). The docs say:
sealed abstract class Option[+A]
fold[B](ifEmpty: ⇒ B)(f: (A) ⇒ B): B
Returns the result of applying f to this scala.Option's value if the scala.Option is nonempty. Otherwise, evaluates expression ifEmpty.
The docs continue:
This is equivalent to scala.Option map f getOrElse ifEmpty.
But is this really true? I've been told that under certain circumstances, with values of certain types, there are differences, but never with a decent explanation. What exactly are the situations where these two constructions will behave differently and why?
Option.fold is safer than .getOrElse. You can see the definition for .fold below, where both ifEmpty and f are of type B (introduced only after scala 2.10, probably):
#inline final def fold[B](ifEmpty: => B)(f: A => B): B =
if (isEmpty) ifEmpty else f(this.get)
which means you will probably not mess up the data types (exception below):
scala> val data = Option("massive data").fold(-1) { _ => 1 }
data: Int = 1
// but if I try to return different type in either of ifEmpty or f
// compiler will curse me right at my face
scala> val data = Option("massive data").fold(-1) { _ => "Let me get caught by compiler" }
<console>:17: error: type mismatch;
found : String("Let me get caught by compiler")
required: Int
val data = Option("massive data").fold(-1) { _ => "Let me get caught by compiler" }
While getOrElse is not as safe, unless you provide the type (supertype B in following definition) manually.
#inline final def getOrElse[B >: A](default: => B): B =
if (isEmpty) default else this.get
which means you can return a different type from getOrElse than what the original value wrapped in Option[A] was.
scala> val data = Option("massive data").map(_ => 1).getOrElse(List("I'm not integer"))
data: Any = 1
// you have to manually mention the type to getOrElse to restrict,
// which is not that smart in my opinion
scala> val data = Option("massive data").map(_ => 1).getOrElse[Int](List("I'm not integer"))
<console>:17: error: type mismatch;
found : List[String]
required: Int
val data = Option("massive data").map(_ => 1).getOrElse[Int](List("I'm not integer"))
The interesting thing is you can return unit from getOrElse or fold which can introduce bugs in an application unless you catch it in unit tests.
scala> val data = Option("massive data").fold() { _ => 1 }
data: Unit = ()
scala> val data = Option("massive data").map(_ => 1).getOrElse()
data: AnyVal = 1
As a counterpoint to #prayagupd's answer, fold often invites you to mess up types in a specific way.
The problem is that by Scala's rules, only ifEmpty is used to infer B and then f is checked to be suitable. Which means that using None or Nil as ifEmpty, which is quite common, will lead to their singleton types being used as B instead of Option/List[SomeType], no matter what f returns.
Of course, there are workarounds: specify B explicitly, use Option.empty[SomeType] or None: Option[SomeType] instead of None. Or just use pattern-matching.
I found out that in order to pattern match Future fur Success/Failure, I need to use andThen (or onComplete, onSuccess...) and cannot use map. Why is that?
What I wanted to do (simplified, I am matching for Success and so on as well):
val f1 = Future(throw new Exception("Oops"))
f1 map { case Failure(e) => ??? }
error: constructor cannot be instantiated to expected type;
found : scala.util.Failure[T]
required: Nothing
f1 map { case Failure(e) => ??? }
What I ended up doing:
val f1 = Future(throw new Exception("Oops"))
f1 andThen { case Failure(e) => ??? }
I would like to understand why map cannot be used here.
The answer is in the signature of map: it takes a A => B and returns a Future[B]. If you will, you can look at a Future as follows:
type Future[A] = Async[Either[Throwable, A]]
Future#map, Future#flatMap and Future.apply view this "stack" of types as a single big thing with a hole (Future is basically a special cased monad transformer). When you map/flatMap on a Future, you are only operating on the inner A.
Because the type signature isn't correct. When you want to map over a Future[A], you need to provide a function taking an A and producing a B, which isn't what you seem to be doing. What you're looking for is recover:
f1 recover { case e => // e is already a `Throwable` here ??? }
I know a lot of questions exist about type erasure and pattern matching on generic types, but I could not understand what should I do in my case from answers to those, and I could not explain it better in title.
Following code pieces are simplified to present my case.
So I have a trait
trait Feature[T] {
value T
def sub(other: Feature[T]): Double
// implicits for int,float,double etc to Feature with sub mapped to - function
Then I have a class
class Data(val features: IndexedSeq[Feature[_]]) {
def sub(other: Data): IndexedSeq[Double] = {
features.zip(other.features).map {
case(e1: Feature[t], e2: Feature[y]) => e1 sub e2.asInstanceOf[Feature[t]]
And I have a test case like this
case class TestFeature(val value: String) extends Feature[String] {
def sub(other: Feature[String]): Double = value.length - other.length
val testData1 = new Data(IndexedSeq(8, 8.3f, 8.232d, TestFeature("abcd"))
val testData2 = new Data(IndexedSeq(10, 10.1f, 10.123d, TestFeature("efg"))
testData1.sub(testData2).zipWithIndex.foreach {
case (res, 0) => res should be (8 - 10)
case (res, 1) => res should be (8.3f - 10.1f)
case (res, 2) => res should be (8.232d - 10.123d)
case (res, 3) => res should be (1)
This somehow works. If I try sub operation with instances of Data that have different types in same index of features, I get a ClassCastException. This actually satisfies my requirements, but if possible I would like to use Option instead of throwing an exception. How can I make following code work?
class Data(val features: IndexedSeq[Feature[_]]) {
def sub(other: Data): IndexedSeq[Double] = {
features.zip(other.features).map {
// of course this does not work, just to give idea
case(e1: Feature[t], e2: Feature[y]) if t == y => e1 sub e2.asInstanceOf[Feature[t]]
Also I am really inexperienced in Scala, so I would like to get feedback on this type of structure. Are there another ways to do this and which way would make most sense?
Generics don't exist at runtime, and an IndexedSeq[Feature[_]] has forgotten what the type parameter is even at compile time (#Jatin's answer won't allow you to construct a Data with a list of mixed types of Feature[_]). The easiest answer might be just to catch the exception (using catching and opt from scala.util.control.Exception). But, to answer the question as written:
You could check the classes at runtime:
case (e1: Feature[t], e2: Feature[y]) if e1.value.getClass ==
e2.value.getClass => ...
Or include the type information in the Feature:
trait Feature[T] {
val value: T
val valueType: ClassTag[T] // write classOf[T] in subclasses
def maybeSub(other: Feature[_]) = other.value match {
case valueType(v) => Some(actual subtraction)
case _ => None
The more complex "proper" solution is probably to use Shapeless HList to preserve the type information in your lists:
// note the type includes the type of all the elements
val l1: Feature[Int] :: Feature[String] :: HNil = f1 :: f2 :: HNil
val l2 = ...
// a 2-argument function that's defined for particular types
// this can be applied to `Feature[T], Feature[T]` for any `T`
object subtract extends Poly2 {
implicit def caseFeatureT[T] =
at[Feature[T], Feature[T]]{_ sub _}
// apply our function to the given HLists, getting a HList
// you would probably inline this
// could follow up with .toList[Double]
// since the resulting HList is going to be only Doubles
def subAll[L1 <: HList, L2 <: HList](l1: L1, l2: L2)(
implicit zw: ZipWith[L1, L2, subtract.type]) =
That way subAll can only be called for l1 and l2 all of whose elements match, and this is enforced at compile time. (If you really want to do Options you can have two ats in the subtract, one for same-typed Feature[T]s and one for different-typed Feature[_]s, but ruling it out entirely seems like a better solution)
You could do something like this:
class Data[T: TypeTag](val features: IndexedSeq[Feature[T]]) {
val t = implicitly[TypeTag[T]]
def sub[E: TypeTag](other: Data[E]): IndexedSeq[Double] = {
val e = implicitly[TypeTag[E]]
case(e1, e2: Feature[y]) if e.tpe == t.tpe => Some(e1 sub e2.asInstanceOf[Feature[T]])
case _ => None
And then:
case class IntFeature(val value: Int) extends Feature[Int] {
def sub(other: Feature[Int]): Double = value - other.value
val testData3 = new Data(IndexedSeq(TestFeature("abcd")))
val testData4 = new Data(IndexedSeq(IntFeature(1)))
gives Vector()
Suppose I have a list of functions as so:
val funcList = List(func1: A => T, func2: B => T, func2: C => T)
(where func1, et al. are defined elsewhere)
I want to write a method that will take a value and match it to the right function based on exact type (match a: A with func1: A => T) or throw an exception if there is no matching function.
Is there a simple way to do this?
This is similar to what a PartialFunction does, but I am not able to change the list of functions in funcList to PartialFunctions. I am thinking I have to do some kind of implicit conversion of the functions to a special class that knows the types it can handle and is able to pattern match against it (basically promoting those functions to a specialized PartialFunction). However, I can't figure out how to identify the "domain" of each function.
Thank you.
You cannot identify the domain of each function, because they are erased at runtime. Look up erasure if you want more information, but the short of it is that the information you want does not exist.
There are ways around type erasure, and you'll find plenty discussions on Stack Overflow itself. Some of them come down to storing the type information somewhere as a value, so that you can match on that.
Another possible solution is to simply forsake the use of parameterized types (generics in Java parlance) for your own customized types. That is, doing something like:
abstract class F1 extends (A => T)
object F1 {
def apply(f: A => T): F1 = new F1 {
def apply(n: A): T = f(n)
And so on. Since F1 doesn't have type parameters, you can match on it, and you can create functions of this type easily. Say both A and T are Int, then you could do this, for example:
F1(_ * 2)
The usual answer to work around type erasure is to use the help of manifests. In your case, you can do the following:
abstract class TypedFunc[-A:Manifest,+R:Manifest] extends (A => R) {
val retType: Manifest[_] = manifest[R]
val argType: Manifest[_] = manifest[A]
object TypedFunc {
implicit def apply[A:Manifest, R:Manifest]( f: A => R ): TypedFunc[A, R] = {
f match {
case tf: TypedFunc[A, R] => tf
case _ => new TypedFunc[A, R] { final def apply( arg: A ): R = f( arg ) }
def applyFunc[A, R, T >: A : Manifest]( funcs: Traversable[TypedFunc[A,R]] )( arg: T ): R = {
funcs.find{ f => f.argType <:< manifest[T] } match {
case Some( f ) => f( arg.asInstanceOf[A] )
case _ => sys.error("Could not find function with argument matching type " + manifest[T])
val func1 = { s: String => s.length }
val func2 = { l: Long => l.toInt }
val func3 = { s: Symbol => s.name.length }
val funcList = List(func1: TypedFunc[String,Int], func2: TypedFunc[Long, Int], func3: TypedFunc[Symbol, Int])
Testing in the REPL:
scala> applyFunc( funcList )( 'hello )
res22: Int = 5
scala> applyFunc( funcList )( "azerty" )
res23: Int = 6
scala> applyFunc( funcList )( 123L )
res24: Int = 123
scala> applyFunc( funcList )( 123 )
java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not find function with argument matching type Int
at scala.sys.package$.error(package.scala:27)
at .applyFunc(<console>:27)
at .<init>(<console>:14)
I think you're misunderstanding how a List is typed. List takes a single type parameter, which is the type of all the elements of the list. When you write
val funcList = List(func1: A => T, func2: B => T, func2: C => T)
the compiler will infer a type like funcList : List[A with B with C => T].
This means that each function in funcList takes a parameter that is a member of all of A, B, and C.
Apart from this, you can't (directly) match on function types due to type erasure.
What you could instead do is match on a itself, and call the appropriate function for the type:
a match {
case x : A => func1(x)
case x : B => func2(x)
case x : C => func3(x)
case _ => throw new Exception
(Of course, A, B, and C must remain distinct after type-erasure.)
If you need it to be dynamic, you're basically using reflection. Unfortunately Scala's reflection facilities are in flux, with version 2.10 released a few weeks ago, so there's less documentation for the current way of doing it; see How do the new Scala TypeTags improve the (deprecated) Manifests?.
In Scala, you can do
list.filter { item =>
item match {
case Some(foo) => foo.bar > 0
But you can also do the quicker way by omitting match:
list.filter {
case Some(foo) => foo.bar > 0
How is this supported in Scala? Is this new in 2.9? I have been looking for it, and I can figure out what makes this possible. Is it just part of the Scala compiler?
Edit: parts of this answer are wrong; please refer to huynhjl's answer.
If you omit the match, you signal the compiler that you are defining a partial function. A partial function is a function that is not defined for every input value. For instance, your filter function is only defined for values of type Some[A] (for your custom type A).
PartialFunctions throw a MatchError when you try to apply them where they are not defined. Therefore, you should make sure, when you pass a PartialFunction where a regular Function is defined, that your partial function will never be called with an unhanded argument. Such a mechanism is very useful e.g. for unpacking tuples in a collection:
val tupleSeq: Seq[(Int, Int)] = // ...
val sums = tupleSeq.map { case (i1, i2) => i1 + i2 }
APIs which ask for a partial function, like the collect filter-like operation on collections, usually call isDefinedAt before applying the partial function. There, it is safe (and often wanted) to have a partial function that is not defined for every input value.
So you see that although the syntax is close to that of a match, it is actually quite a different thing we're dealing with.
The language specification addresses that in section 8.5. The relevant portions:
An anonymous function can be defined by a sequence of cases
{ case p1 => b1 ... case pn => bn }
If the expected type is scala.Functionk[S1, ..., Sk, R] , the expression is taken to
be equivalent to the anonymous function:
(x1 : S1, ..., xk : Sk) => (x1, ..., xk) match {
case p1 => b1 ... case pn => bn
If the expected type is scala.PartialFunction[S, R], the expression is taken to
be equivalent to the following instance creation expression:
new scala.PartialFunction[S, T ] {
def apply(x: S): T = x match {
case p1 => b1 ... case pn => bn
def isDefinedAt(x: S): Boolean = {
case p1 => true ... case pn => true
case _ => false
So typing the expression as PartialFunction or a Function influences how the expression is compiled.
Also trait PartialFunction [-A, +B] extends (A) ⇒ B so a partial function PartialFunction[A,B] is also a Function[A,B].
-- Revised post --
Hmm, I'm not sure I see a difference, Scala 2.9.1.RC3,
val f: PartialFunction[Int, Int] = { case 2 => 3 }
f.isDefinedAt(1) // evaluates to false
f.isDefinedAt(2) // evaluates to true
f(1) // match error
val g: PartialFunction[Int, Int] = x => x match { case 2 => 3 }
g.isDefinedAt(1) // evaluates to false
g.isDefinedAt(2) // evaluates to true
g(1) // match error
It seems f and g behave exactly the same as PartialFunctions.
Here's another example demonstrating the equivalence:
Seq(1, "a").collect(x => x match { case s: String => s }) // evaluates to Seq(a)
Even more interesting:
// this compiles
val g: PartialFunction[Int, Int] = (x: Int) => {x match { case 2 => 3 }}
// this fails; found Function[Int, Int], required PartialFunction[Int, Int]
val g: PartialFunction[Int, Int] = (x: Int) => {(); x match { case 2 => 3 }}
So there's some special casing at the compiler level to convert between x => x match {...} and just {...}.
Update. After reading the language spec, this seems like a bug to me. I filed SI-4940 in the bug tracker.