Python PostgreSQL using copy_from to COPY list of objects to table - postgresql

I'm using Python 2.7 and psycopg2 to connect to my DB server ( PostgreSQL 9.3 ) and I a list of objects of ( Product Class ) holds the items which i want to insert
products_list = []
And I want to use copy_from to insert this products list to the product table. I tried some tutorials and i had a problem with converting the products list to CSV format because the values contain single quote, new lines, tabs and double quotes. For example ( Product Description ) :
<div class="product_desc">
Details :
Product's Name : name
The escaping corrupted the HTML code by adding single quote before any single quote and it, So i need to use a save way to convert the list into CSV to COPY it? OR using any other way to insert the list without converting it to CSV format??

I figured it out, First of all i created a function to convert my object to csv row
import csv
def adding_product_to_csv(item, out):
writer = csv.writer(out, quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL,quotechar='"',delimiter=',',lineterminator="\r\n")
Then in my code i created a csv file using Python IO to store the data in it to COPY it and stored every object in the csv file using my previous function:
file_name = "/tmp/file.csv"
myfile = open(file_name, 'a')
for item in object_items:
adding_product_to_csv(item, myfile)
Now I created the CSV file and it's ready to be copied using copy_from which exists in psycopg2 :
# For some reason it needs to be closed before copying it to the table
cursor.copy_expert("COPY products(name, description) from stdin with delimiter as ',' csv QUOTE '\"' ESCAPE '\"' NULL 'null' ",open(file_name))
# Clearing the file
open(file_name, 'w').close()
And it's working now.


How can I import a jsonb column from a csv file using the COPY command?

I am trying to import the following csv file into YugaByte DB YSQL. Note that the second entry in each row is a JSON object.
"15-06-2018","{\"file_name\": \"myfile1\", \"remote_ip\": \"X.X.X.X\"}"
"15-06-2018","{\"file_name\": \"myfile2\", \"remote_ip\": \"Y.Y.Y.Y\"}"
My table schema is:
postgres=# create table downloads_raw (request_date text, payload jsonb);
I want the JSON snippet in the imported file to become a JSONB value.
I tried doing the following:
postgres=# COPY downloads_raw FROM 'data.csv';
Hitting the following error:
ERROR: 22P04: missing data for column "payload"
CONTEXT: COPY downloads_raw, line 1: ""15-06-2018","{\"file_name\": \"myfile1\", \"remote_ip\": \"X.X.X.X\"}""
LOCATION: NextCopyFrom, copy.c:3443
Time: 2.439 ms
You need to specify FORMAT csv and ESCAPE '\'. Also, the format and escape options need to be enclosed in parenthesis. This should work:
COPY downloads_raw FROM 'data.csv' WITH (FORMAT csv, ESCAPE '\');
List of supported options for COPY command can be found here:

how import csv file into Postgres with empty values?

I am trying to import one csv file into Postgres which does contain age values, however there are also some empty values, since not all ages are known.
I would like to import the columns as real, since the columns contain ages with decimals like 98.45. The empty values for people when age is not known is apparently considered as strings, however I still would like to import the ages values as numbers. So I was wondering how to import real values, even when some cells in the csv are empty and thus are considered according to Postgres as string values.
for creation I used the following code, since I am dealing with decimal values.
Create table psychosocial.age (
respnr integer Primary key,
fage real,
gage real,
hage real);
after importing csv file, I get the following error
ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "11455, , , "
CONTEXT: COPY age, line 2, column respnr: "11455, , , "
One problem is that you're trying to import white spaces into numeric fields. So, first you have to pre-process your csv file before importing it.
Below is an example of how you can solve it using awk. From your console execute the following command:
$ cat file.csv | awk '{sub(/^ +/,""); gsub(/, /,",")}1' | psql db -c "COPY psychosocial.age FROM STDIN WITH CSV HEADER"
In case you're wondering how to pipe commands, take a look at these answers. Here a more detailed example on how to use COPY and the STDIN.
You also have to take into account that having quotation marks on integer fields can be problematic, e.g:
"11455, , , "
This will result in an error, since postgres will parse "11455 as a single value and will try to store it in an interger field, which will obviously fail. Instead, format your csv file to be like this:
11455, , ,
or even
You can achieve this also using awk from your console:
$ awk '{gsub(/\"/,"")};1' file.csv

Postgresql - import from CSV null values wrapped in double quotes

So I am trying to import some data into postgresql using the COPY command.
Here is a sample of what the data looks like:
the issue that I am having is the double quotes that are wrapping the ********************* which are the null values.
I am using the following in order to create the data table and copy the data:
CREATE TABLE bravo.G01(UNIQ_ID character varying(18), SP_grd1 double precision ,SACN_grd1 numeric,BIOME_grd1 numeric,Meso_grd1 double precision,DM_grd1 numeric,VEG_grd1 numeric,lcov90_alb numeric,WMA_grd1 numeric);
COPY bravo.g01(UNIQ_ID,SP_grd1,SACN_grd1,BIOME_grd1,Meso_grd1,DM_grd1,VEG_grd1,lcov90_alb,WMA_grd1) FROM 'F:\GreenBook-Backup\LUdatacube_20171206\CSV_Data_bravo\G01.csv' DELIMITER ',' NUll AS '*********************' CSV HEADER ;
the create table command works fine but I encounter an error with the NULL AS statement. If I edit the text file and remove the double quotes then the import works fine.
I assume that as CSVs with double quotes and null values are very common there must be a work around here that I am missing. I certainly don't want to go and edit each of my CSVs so that it doesn't have double quotes!
You might want to try adding FORCE_NULL( column_name [, ...] ) option.
As the documentation stated for FORCE_NULL:
Match the specified columns' values against the null string, even if it has been quoted, and if a match is found set the value to NULL. In the default case where the null string is empty, this converts a quoted empty string into NULL. This option is allowed only in COPY FROM, and only when using CSV format.
The option available from Postgres 9.4:
If you're on a unix-like platform, you could use sed to replace the null-strings with something postgresql will recognize automatically as null. On windows, powershell exposes similar functionality.
This approach is more general if you need to perform other types of clean up on the data before loading.
The regex pattern to match your null-string is "[\*]*"
cleaning the file with sed:
[unix]>sed 's/"[\*]*"//g' test.csv > test2.csv
cleaning the file with windows powershell:
[windows-powershell]>cat test.csv | %{$_ -replace '"[\*]*"', ""} > test2.csv
loading into postgresql can then be shorter.:
psql>\copy bravo.g01 FROM 'test2.csv' WITH CSV HEADER;

How to append CSV file into dbf?

Do you know how to append a .csv file into DBF by using FoxPro command , instead of using import wizard?
I have tried the code below, but it is not working.
Append from getfile() Delimited With ,
You can use append from:
local lcFileName
lcFilename = getfile()
if !empty(m.lcFileName)
append from (m.lcFileName) type delimited
This would do appending including the header line. However, if you have a field that is not character, then you could use it to skip header line. For example say there is a column named theDate of type date and should not be empty, then you could say:
append from (m.lcFileName) type delimited for !empty(theDate)
Or if you are appending into an empty cursor, you could say - ... for recno()>1.

How to treat a comma as text in output?

There's 1 column that contains commas. When I output my query to csv, these commas break the csv format. What I've been doing to avoid this is a simple
replace(A."Sales Rep",',','')
Is there a better way of doing this so that I can actually get the commas in the final output without breaking the csv file?
You can use the COPY command to get PostgreSQL to build the CSV for you:
COPY -- copy data between a file and a table
Something like one of these:
copy your_table to 'filename' csv
copy your_table to 'filename' csv force quote *
copy your_table to stdout csv force quote *
copy your_table to stdout csv force quote * header
You have to be the super user to copy to a filename though. If you're inside psql, you can use the \copy command:
Performs a frontend (client) copy. This is an operation that runs an SQL COPY command, but instead of the server reading or writing the specified file, psql reads or writes the file and routes the data between the server and the local file system.
The syntax is pretty much the same:
\copy your_table to 'filename.csv' csv force quote * header
Quote the fields with "
a,this has a , in it,b
would become
a,"this has a, in it",b
and if the fields have BOTH a , and a ", double the quotes:
a,this has a " and , in it,b
a,"this has a "" and , in it",b