sbt parsers and dynamic completions - scala

I am trying to build a git command parser in sbt.
The goal of the parser is not so much to validate the actual git command but rather to provide auto-completion within the sbt console.
The parser relies on bash completion scripts, so it's fair to say that generating the completions is fairly expensive as a process has to spawn every time. That's why I'd like to minimize the number of call made to the bash-completion process.
I have a working solution, that looks like this:
def autoCompleteParser(state: State) = {
val extracted = Project.extract(state)
import extracted._
val dir = extracted.get(baseDirectory)
def suggestions(args: Seq[String]): Seq[String] = {
// .. calling Process and collecting the completions into a Seq[String]
val gitArgsParser: Parser[Seq[String]] = {
def loop(previous: Seq[String]): Parser[Seq[String]] =
token(Space) ~> NotSpace.examples(suggestions(previous): _*).flatMap(res => loop(previous :+ res))
val test = Command("git-auto-complete")(autoCompleteParser _)(autoCompleteAction)
However I have two problems:
the completion process is called for every character, which is more than I'd like
the potential completions seems to be passed as a parameter to another round of completions, which means even more calls to the external process.
My question is the following: how do I tell sbt to reuse/cache the completions he has got for the rest of an argument without calling the process for each character? For example:
completions for 'git a' are:
dd m nnotate pply rchive
Then completion for 'git ad' are:
without the need to call the suggestions method again. I have tried to implement an ExampleSource, but I could not obtain the behavior I was looking for from it.
Any pointer would be welcome. And if someone understands why the potential completions seems to be passed into another completions round, that would help me a lot too.


How to pass variable arguments to my scala program?

I am very new to scala spark. Here I have a wordcount program wherein I pass the inputfile as an argument instead of hardcoding it and reading it. But when I run the program I get an error Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException : 0
I think it's because I have not mentioned the argument I am taking in the main class but don't know how to do so.
I tried running the program as is and also tried changing the run configurations. i do not know how to pass the filename (in code) as an argument in my main class
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StructType,StructField,StringType};
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row;
object First {
def main(args : Array[String]): Unit = {
val filename = args(0)
val cf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Tutorial").setMaster("local")
val sc = new SparkContext(cf)
val input = sc.textFile(filename)
val w = input.flatMap(line => line.split(" ")).map(word=>
(word,1)).reduceByKey(_ + _)
I wish to run this program by passing the right arguments (input file and save output file as arguments) in my main class. I am using scala eclipse IDE. I do not know what changes to make in my program please help me out here as I am new.
In the run configuration for the project, there is an option right next to main called '(x)=Arguments' where you can pass in arguments to main in the 'Program Arguments' section.
Additionally, you may print args.length to see the number of arguments your code is actually receiving after doing the above.
It appears you are running Spark on Windows, so I'm not sure if this will work exactly as-is, but you can definitely pass arguments like any normal command line application. The only difference is that you have to pass the arguments AFTER specifying the Spark-related parameters.
For example, the JAR filename is the.jar and the main object is com.obrigado.MyMain, then you could run a Spark submit job like so: spark-submit --class com.obrigado.MyMain the.jar path/to/inputfile. I believe args[0] should then be path/to/inputfile.
However, like any command-line program, it's generally better to use POSIX-style arguments (or at least named arguments), and there are several good ones out there. Personally, I love using Scallop as it's easy to use and doesn't seem to interfere with Spark's own CLI parsing library.
Hopefully this fixes your issue!

How to detect untracked future?

Futures are executed in my code and are not being detected.
def f(): Future[String] = {
functionReturningFuture() // How to detect this?
Ideally, a static analysis tool would help detect this.
The closer you can get is NonUnitStatements wart from WartRemover, but it cannot error only Future statements and skip all the others.
The fact that you have such issue could be used as an argument against using Future and replacing it with some IO: Cats' IO, Monix's Task or Scalaz ZIO. When it comes to them, you build your pipeline first, and the you run it. If you omitted IO value in return and you didn't compose it into the result in any other way (flatMap, map2, for comprehension etc) it would not get executed - it would still be there but it would cause no harm.
If you wanted to have greater control and error only on Future, you would probably have to write your own WartRemover's wart or ScalaFix rule.

Understanding the continuation theorem in Scala

So, I was trying to learn about Continuation. I came across with the following saying (link):
Say you're in the kitchen in front of the refrigerator, thinking about a sandwich. You take a continuation right there and stick it in your pocket. Then you get some turkey and bread out of the refrigerator and make yourself a sandwich, which is now sitting on the counter. You invoke the continuation in your pocket, and you find yourself standing in front of the refrigerator again, thinking about a sandwich. But fortunately, there's a sandwich on the counter, and all the materials used to make it are gone. So you eat it. :-) — Luke Palmer
Also, I saw a program in Scala:
var k1 : (Unit => Sandwich) = null
reset {
shift { k : Unit => Sandwich) => k1 = k }
val x = k1()
I don't really know the syntax of Scala (looks similar to Java and C mixed together) but I would like to understand the concept of Continuation.
Firstly, I tried to run this program (by adding it into main). But it fails, I think that it has a syntax error due to the ) near Sandwich but I'm not sure. I removed it but it still does not compile.
How to create a fully compiled example that shows the concept of the story above?
How this example shows the concept of Continuation.
In the link above there was the following saying: "Not a perfect analogy in Scala because makeSandwich is not executed the first time through (unlike in Scheme)". What does it mean?
Since you seem to be more interested in the concept of the "continuation" rather than specific code, let's forget about that code for a moment (especially because it is quite old and I don't really like those examples because IMHO you can't understand them correctly unless you already know what a continuation is).
Note: this is a very long answer with some attempts to describe what a continuations is and why it is useful. There are some examples in Scala-like pseudo-code none of which can actually be compiled and run (there is just one compilable example at the very end and it references another example from the middle of the answer). Expect to spend a significant amount of time just reading this answer.
Intro to continuations
Probably the first thing you should do to understand a continuation is to forget about how modern compilers for most of the imperative languages work and how most of the modern CPUs work and particularly the idea of the call stack. This is actually implementation details (although quite popular and quite useful in practice).
Assume you have a CPU that can execute some sequence of instructions. Now you want to have a high level languages that support the idea of methods that can call each other. The obvious problem you face is that the CPU needs some "forward only" sequence of commands but you want some way to "return" results from a sub-program to the caller. Conceptually it means that you need to have some way to store somewhere before the call all the state of the caller method that is required for it to continue to run after the result of the sub-program is computed, pass it to the sub-program and then ask the sub-program at the end to continue execution from that stored state. This stored state is exactly a continuation. In most of the modern environments those continuations are stored on the call stack and often there are some assembly instructions specifically designed to help handling it (like call and return). But again this is just implementation details. Potentially they might be stored in an arbitrary way and it will still work.
So now let's re-iterate this idea: a continuation is a state of the program at some point that is enough to continue its execution from that point, typically with no additional input or some small known input (like a return value of the called method). Running a continuation is different from a method call in that usually continuation never explicitly returns execution control back to the caller, it can only pass it to another continuation. Potentially you can create such a state yourself, but in practice for the feature to be useful you need some support from the compiler to build continuations automatically or emulate it in some other way (this is why the Scala code you see requires a compiler plugin).
Asynchronous calls
Now there is an obvious question: why continuations are useful at all? Actually there are a few more scenarios besides the simple "return" case. One such scenario is asynchronous programming. Actually if you do some asynchronous call and provide a callback to handle the result, this can be seen as passing a continuation. Unfortunately most of the modern languages do not support automatic continuations so you have to grab all the relevant state yourself. Another problem appears if you have some logic that needs a sequence of many async calls. And if some of the calls are conditional, you easily get to the callbacks hell. The way continuations help you avoid it is by allowing you build a method with effectively inverted control flow. With typical call it is the caller that knows the callee and expects to get a result back in a synchronous way. With continuations you can write a method with several "entry points" (or "return to points") for different stages of the processing logic that you can just pass to some other method and that method can still return to exactly that position.
Consider following example (in pseudo-code that is Scala-like but is actually far from the real Scala in many details):
def someBusinessLogic() = {
val userInput = getIntFromUser()
val firstServiceRes = requestService1(userInput)
val secondServiceRes = if (firstServiceRes % 2 == 0) requestService2v1(userInput) else requestService2v2(userInput)
If all those calls a synchronous blocking calls, this code is easy. But assume all those get and request calls are asynchronous. How to re-write the code? The moment you put the logic in callbacks you loose the clarity of the sequential code. And here is where continuations might help you:
def someBusinessLogicCont() = {
// the method entry point
val userInput
getIntFromUserAsync(cont1, captureContinuationExpecting(entry1, userInput))
// entry/return point after user input
val firstServiceRes
requestService1Async(userInput, captureContinuationExpecting(entry2, firstServiceRes))
// entry/return point after the first request to the service
val secondServiceRes
if (firstServiceRes % 2 == 0) {
requestService2v1Async(userInput, captureContinuationExpecting(entry3, secondServiceRes))
// entry/return point after the second request to the service v1
} else {
requestService2v2Async(userInput, captureContinuationExpecting(entry4, secondServiceRes))
// entry/return point after the second request to the service v2
showToUser(combineUserInputAndResults(userInput, secondServiceRes))
It is hard to capture the idea in a pseudo-code. What I mean is that all those Async method never return. The only way to continue execution of the someBusinessLogicCont is to call the continuation passed into the "async" method. The captureContinuationExpecting(label, variable) call is supposed to create a continuation of the current method at the label with the input (return) value bound to the variable. With such a re-write you still has a sequential-looking business logic even with all those asynchronous calls. So now for a getIntFromUserAsync the second argument looks like just another asynchronous (i.e. never-returning) method that just requires one integer argument. Let's call this type Continuation[T]
trait Continuation[T] {
def continue(value: T):Nothing
Logically Continuation[T] looks like a function T => Unit or rather T => Nothing where Nothing as the return type signifies that the call actually never returns (note, in actual Scala implementation such calls do return, so no Nothing there, but I think conceptually it is easy to think about no-return continuations).
Internal vs external iteration
Another example is a problem of iteration. Iteration can be internal or external. Internal iteration API looks like this:
trait CollectionI[T] {
def forEachInternal(handler: T => Unit): Unit
External iteration looks like this:
trait Iterator[T] {
def nextValue(): Option[T]
trait CollectionE[T] {
def forEachExternal(): Iterator[T]
Note: often Iterator has two method like hasNext and nextValue returning T but it will just make the story a bit more complicated. Here I use a merged nextValue returning Option[T] where the value None means the end of the iteration and Some(value) means the next value.
Assuming the Collection is implemented by something more complicated than an array or a simple list, for example some kind of a tree, there is a conflict here between the implementer of the API and the API user if you use typical imperative language. And the conflict is over the simple question: who controls the stack (i.e. the easy to use state of the program)? The internal iteration is easier for the implementer because he controls the stack and can easily store whatever state is needed to move to the next item but for the API user the things become tricky if she wants to do some aggregation of the stored data because now she has to save the state between the calls to the handler somewhere. Also you need some additional tricks to let the user stop the iteration at some arbitrary place before the end of the data (consider you are trying to implement find via forEach). Conversely the external iteration is easy for the user: she can store all the state necessary to process data in any way in local variables but the API implementer now has to store his state between calls to the nextValue somewhere else. So fundamentally the problem arises because there is only one place to easily store the state of "your" part of the program (the call stack) and two conflicting users for that place. It would be nice if you could just have two different independent places for the state: one for the implementer and another for the user. And continuations provide exactly that. The idea is that we can pass execution control between two methods back and forth using two continuations (one for each part of the program). Let's change the signatures to:
// internal iteration
// continuation of the iterator
type ContIterI[T] = Continuation[(ContCallerI[T], ContCallerLastI)]
// continuation of the caller
type ContCallerI[T] = Continuation[(T, ContIterI[T])]
// last continuation of the caller
type ContCallerLastI = Continuation[Unit]
// external iteration
// continuation of the iterator
type ContIterE[T] = Continuation[ContCallerE[T]]
// continuation of the caller
type ContCallerE[T] = Continuation[(Option[T], ContIterE[T])]
trait Iterator[T] {
def nextValue(cont : ContCallerE[T]): Nothing
trait CollectionE[T] {
def forEachExternal(): Iterator[T]
trait CollectionI[T] {
def forEachInternal(cont : ContCallerI[T]): Nothing
Here ContCallerI[T] type, for example, means that this is a continuation (i.e. a state of the program) the expects two input parameters to continue running: one of type T (the next element) and another of type ContIterI[T] (the continuation to switch back). Now you can see that the new forEachInternal and the new forEachExternal+Iterator have almost the same signatures. The only difference in how the end of the iteration is signaled: in one case it is done by returning None and in other by passing and calling another continuation (ContCallerLastI).
Here is a naive pseudo-code implementation of a sum of elements in an array of Int using these signatures (an array is used instead of something more complicated to simplify the example):
class ArrayCollection[T](val data:T[]) : CollectionI[T] {
def forEachInternal(cont0 : ContCallerI[T], lastCont: ContCallerLastI): Nothing = {
var contCaller = cont0
for(i <- 0 to data.length) {
val contIter = captureContinuationExpecting(label, contCaller)
contCaller.continue(data(i), contIter)
def sum(arr: ArrayCollection[Int]): Int = {
var sum = 0
val elem:Int
val iterCont:ContIterI[Int]
val contAdd0 = captureContinuationExpecting(labelAdd, elem, iterCont)
val contLast = captureContinuation(labelReturn)
arr.forEachInternal(contAdd0, contLast)
sum += elem
val contAdd = captureContinuationExpecting(labelAdd, elem, iterCont)
// note that the code never execute this line, the only way to jump out of labelAdd is to call contLast
return sum
Note how both implementations of the forEachInternal and of the sum methods look fairly sequential.
Cooperative multitasking also known as coroutines is actually very similar to the iterations example. Cooperative multitasking is an idea that the program can voluntarily give up ("yield") its execution control either to the global scheduler or to another known coroutine. Actually the last (re-written) example of sum can be seen as two coroutines working together: one doing iteration and another doing summation. But more generally your code might yield its execution to some scheduler that then will select which other coroutine to run next. And what the scheduler does is manages a bunch of continuations deciding which to continue next.
Preemptive multitasking can be seen as a similar thing but the scheduler is run by some hardware interruption and then the scheduler needs a way to create a continuation of the program being executed just before the interruption from the outside of that program rather than from the inside.
Scala examples
What you see is a really old article that is referring to Scala 2.8 (while current versions are 2.11, 2.12, and soon 2.13). As #igorpcholkin correctly pointed out, you need to use a Scala continuations compiler plugin and library. The sbt compiler plugin page has an example how to enable exactly that plugin (for Scala 2.12 and #igorpcholkin's answer has the magic strings for Scala 2.11):
val continuationsVersion = "1.0.3"
autoCompilerPlugins := true
addCompilerPlugin("org.scala-lang.plugins" % "scala-continuations-plugin_2.12.2" % continuationsVersion)
libraryDependencies += "org.scala-lang.plugins" %% "scala-continuations-library" % continuationsVersion
scalacOptions += "-P:continuations:enable"
The problem is that plugin is semi-abandoned and is not widely used in practice. Also the syntax has changed since the Scala 2.8 times so it is hard to get those examples running even if you fix the obvious syntax bugs like missing ( here and there. The reason of that state is stated on the GitHub as:
You may also be interested in, which covers the most common use case for the continuations plugin.
What that plugin does is emulates continuations using code-rewriting (I suppose it is really hard to implement true continuations over the JVM execution model). And under such re-writings a natural thing to represent a continuation is some function (typically called k and k1 in those examples).
So now if you managed to read the wall of text above, you can probably interpret the sandwich example correctly. AFAIU that example is an example of using continuation as means to emulate "return". If we re-sate it with more details, it could go like this:
You (your brain) are inside some function that at some points decides that it wants a sandwich. Luckily you have a sub-routine that knows how to make a sandwich. You store your current brain state as a continuation into the pocket and call the sub-routine saying to it that when the job is done, it should continue the continuation from the pocket. Then you make a sandwich according to that sub-routine messing up with your previous brain state. At the end of the sub-routine it runs the continuation from the pocket and you return to the state just before the call of the sub-routine, forget all your state during that sub-routine (i.e. how you made the sandwich) but you can see the changes in the outside world i.e. that the sandwich is made now.
To provide at least one compilable example with the current version of the scala-continuations, here is a simplified version of my asynchronous example:
case class RemoteService(private val readData: Array[Int]) {
private var readPos = -1
def asyncRead(callback: Int => Unit): Unit = {
readPos += 1
def readAsyncUsage(rs1: RemoteService, rs2: RemoteService): Unit = {
import scala.util.continuations._
reset {
val read1 = shift(rs1.asyncRead)
val read2 = if (read1 % 2 == 0) shift(rs1.asyncRead) else shift(rs2.asyncRead)
println(s"read1 = $read1, read2 = $read2")
def readExample(): Unit = {
// this prints 1-42
readAsyncUsage(RemoteService(Array(1, 2)), RemoteService(Array(42)))
// this prints 2-1
readAsyncUsage(RemoteService(Array(2, 1)), RemoteService(Array(42)))
Here remote calls are emulated (mocked) with a fixed data provided in arrays. Note how readAsyncUsage looks like a totally sequential code despite the non-trivial logic of which remote service to call in the second read depending on the result of the first read.
For full example you need prepare Scala compiler to use continuations and also use a special compiler plugin and library.
The simplest way is a create a new sbt.project in IntellijIDEA with the following files: build.sbt - in the root of the project, CTest.scala - inside main/src.
Here is contents of both files:
name := "ContinuationSandwich"
version := "0.1"
scalaVersion := "2.11.6"
autoCompilerPlugins := true
"org.scala-lang.plugins" % "scala-continuations-plugin_2.11.6" % "1.0.2")
libraryDependencies +=
"org.scala-lang.plugins" %% "scala-continuations-library" % "1.0.2"
scalacOptions += "-P:continuations:enable"
import scala.util.continuations._
object CTest extends App {
case class Sandwich()
def makeSandwich = {
println("Making sandwich")
new Sandwich
var k1 : (Unit => Sandwich) = null
reset {
shift { k : (Unit => Sandwich) => k1 = k }
val x = k1()
What the code above essentially does is calling makeSandwich function (in a convoluted manner). So execution result would be just printing "Making sandwich" into console. The same result would be achieved without continuations:
object CTest extends App {
case class Sandwich()
def makeSandwich = {
println("Making sandwich")
new Sandwich
val x = makeSandwich
So what's the point? My understanding is that we want to "prepare a sandwich", ignoring the fact that we may be not ready for that. We mark a point of time where we want to return to after all necessary conditions are met (i.e. we have all necessary ingredients ready). After we fetch all ingredients we can return to the mark and "prepare a sandwich", "forgetting that we were unable to do that in past". Continuations allow us to "mark point of time in past" and return to that point.
Now step by step. k1 is a variable to hold a pointer to a function which should allow to "create sandwich". We know it because k1 is declared so: (Unit => Sandwich).
However initially the variable is not initialized (k1 = null, "there are no ingredients to make a sandwich yet"). So we can't call the function preparing sandwich using that variable yet.
So we mark a point of execution where we want to return to (or point of time in past we want to return to) using "reset" statement.
makeSandwich is another pointer to a function which actually allows to make a sandwich. It's the last statement of "reset block" and hence it is passed to "shift" (function) as argument (shift { k : (Unit => Sandwich).... Inside shift we assign that argument to k1 variable k1 = k thus making k1 ready to be called as a function. After that we return to execution point marked by reset. The next statement is execution of function pointed to by k1 variable which is now properly initialized so finally we call makeSandwich which prints "Making sandwich" to a console. It also returns an instance of sandwich class which is assigned to x variable.
Not sure, probably it means that makeSandwich is not called inside reset block but just afterwards when we call it as k1().

How to issue a command that produces infinite output and return immediately

When I write the following code (in ammonite but i don't think it matters)
("tail -f toTail.txt" lineStream) foreach(println(_)), the program give me the last line as intend but then hang, and even if i write more in the file, nothing come out.
How does the API support process that have unbounded output ?
I try to write val myStream = ("tail -f toTail.txt" lineStream_!)
but it still does not return write away
Here is what the scala doc says:
lineStream: returns immediately like run, and the output being generated is provided through a Stream[String]. Getting the next element of that Stream may block until it becomes available.
Hence i don't understand why it blocks
By the way i am having exactly the same behavior with the Ammonite API
If type %%("tail", "-f", "toTail.txt") once again the method just hang and does not return immediately.
There is no issue with the ProcessBuilder (at least not one that stems from your use case). From the ProcessBuilder documentation:
Starting Processes
To execute all external commands associated with a ProcessBuilder, one may use one of four groups of methods. Each of these methods have various overloads and variations to enable further control over the I/O. These methods are:
run: the most general method, it returns a scala.sys.process.Process immediately, and the external command executes concurrently.
!: blocks until all external commands exit, and returns the exit code of the last one in the chain of execution.
!!: blocks until all external commands exit, and returns a String with the output generated.
lineStream: returns immediately like run, and the output being generated is provided through a Stream[String]. Getting the next element of that Stream may block until it becomes available. This method will throw an exception if the return code is different than zero -- if this is not desired, use the lineStream_! method.
The documentation clearly states that lineStream might block until the next line becomes available. Since the nature of tail -f is an infinite stream of lines lineBreak the program will block waiting for the next line to appear.
For the following assume I have a file: /Users/user/tmp/sample.txt and it's contents are:
Why lineStream_! isn't wrong
import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.sys.process._
object ProcessBuilder extends App {
val myStream: Stream[String] = ("tail /Users/user/tmp/sample.txt" lineStream_!)
println("I'm after tail!")
myStream.filter(_ != null).foreach(println)
I'm after tail!
So you see that the lineStream_! returned immediately. Because the nature of the command is finite.
How to return immediately from a command that produces infinite output:
Let's try this with tail -f. You need more control over your process. Again, as the documentation states:
If one desires full control over input and output, then a scala.sys.process.ProcessIO can be used with run.
So for an example:
import{BufferedReader, InputStreamReader}
import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.sys.process._
object ProcessBuilder extends App {
var reader: BufferedReader = _
try {
var myStream: Stream[String] = Stream.empty
val processIO = new ProcessIO(
(os: => ??? /* Send things to the process here */,
(in: => {
reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in))
myStream = Stream.continually(reader.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != "ff")
(in: => ???,
"tail -f /Users/user/tmp/sample.txt".run(processIO)
println("I'm after the tail command...")
println("Such computation performed while tail was active!")
println("Such computation performed while tail was active again!")
s"Captured these lines while computing: ${myStream.print(System.lineSeparator())}")
println("Another computation!")
} finally {
I'm after the tail command...
Such computation performed while tail was active!
Such computation performed while tail was active again!
It still returns immediately and now it just hangs there waiting for more input. If I do echo 'fff' >> sample.txt from the tmp directory, the program outputs:
Another computation!
You now have the power to perform any computation you want after issuing a tail -f command and the power to terminate it depending on the condition you pass to the takeWhile method (or other methods that close the input stream).
For more details on ProcessIO check the documentation here.
I think, this has to do with how you are adding data to the file, not with the ProcessBuilder. If you are using it in an editor for example to add data, it rewrites the entire file every time you save, with a different inode, and tail isn't detecting that.
Try doing tail -F instead of tail -f, that should work.

How does the “scala.sys.process” from Scala 2.9 work?

I just had a look at the new scala.sys and scala.sys.process packages to see if there is something helpful here. However, I am at a complete loss.
Has anybody got an example on how to actually start a process?
And, which is most interesting for me: Can you detach processes?
A detached process will continue to run when the parent process ends and is one of the weak spots of Ant.
There seem to be some confusion what detach is. Have a real live example from my current project. Once with z-Shell and once with TakeCommand:
if ! ztcp localhost 5554; then
echo "[ZSH] Start emulator"
emulator \
-avd Nexus-One \
-no-boot-anim \
1>~/Library/Logs/${PROJECT_NAME}-${0:t:r}.out \
2>~/Library/Logs/${PROJECT_NAME}-${0:t:r}.err &
ztcp -c "${REPLY}"
IFF %#Connect[localhost 5554] lt 0 THEN
ECHO [TCC] Start emulator
DETACH emulator -avd Nexus-One -no-boot-anim
In both cases it is fire and forget, the emulator is started and will continue to run even after the script has ended. Of course having to write the scripts twice is a waste. So I look into Scala now for unified process handling without cygwin or xml syntax.
First import:
import scala.sys.process.Process
then create a ProcessBuilder
val pb = Process("""ipconfig.exe""")
Then you have two options:
run and block until the process exits
val exitCode = pb.!
run the process in background (detached) and get a Process instance
val p =
Then you can get the exitcode from the process with (If the process is still running it blocks until it exits)
val exitCode = p.exitValue
If you want to handle the input and output of the process you can use ProcessIO:
import scala.sys.process.ProcessIO
val pio = new ProcessIO(_ => (),
stdout =>
_ => ())
I'm pretty sure detached processes work just fine, considering that you have to explicitly wait for it to exit, and you need to use threads to babysit the stdout and stderr. This is pretty basic, but it's what I've been using:
/** Run a command, collecting the stdout, stderr and exit status */
def run(in: String): (List[String], List[String], Int) = {
val qb = Process(in)
var out = List[String]()
var err = List[String]()
val exit = qb ! ProcessLogger((s) => out ::= s, (s) => err ::= s)
(out.reverse, err.reverse, exit)
Process was imported from SBT. Here's a thorough guide on how to use the process library as it appears in SBT.
Has anybody got an example on how to
actually start a process?
import sys.process._ // Package object with implicits!
And, which is most interesting for me:
Can you detach processes?
Most of what you'll do is related to sys.process.ProcessBuilder, the trait. Get to know that.
There are implicits that make usage less verbose, and they are available through the package object sys.process. Import its contents, like shown in the examples. Also, take a look at its scaladoc as well.
The following function will allow easy use if here documents:
def #<<< (command: String) (hereDoc: String) =
val process = Process (command)
val io = new ProcessIO (
in => {in.write (hereDoc getBytes "UTF-8"); in.close},
out => {},
err => {})
process run io
Sadly I was not able to (did not have the time to) to make it an infix operation. Suggested calling convention is therefore:
#<<< ("command") {"""
Here Document data
It would be call if anybody could give me a hint on how to make it a more shell like call:
"command" #<<< """
Here Document data
""" !
Documenting process a little better was second on my list for probably two months. You can infer my list from the fact that I never got to it. Unlike most things I don't do, this is something I said I'd do, so I greatly regret that it remains as undocumented as it was when it arrived. Sword, ready yourself! I fall upon thee!
If I understand the dialog so far, one aspect of the original question is not yet answered:
how to "detach" a spawned process so it continues to run independently of the parent scala script
The primary difficulty is that all of the classes involved in spawning a process must run on the JVM, and they are unavoidably terminated when the JVM exits. However, a workaround is to indirectly achieve the goal by leveraging the shell to do the "detach" on your behalf. The following scala script, which launches the gvim editor, appears to work as desired:
val cmd = List(
"""import scala.sys.process._ ; "gvim".run ; System.exit(0);"""
val proc =
It assumes that scala is in the PATH, and it does (unavoidably) leave a JVM parent process running as well.