How to list ALSA MIDI clients without reading `/proc/asound/seq/clients`? - midi

Is there a known way to list existing MIDI clients using the ALSA API only, without reading the special file /proc/asound/seq/clients?
I searched the ALSA MIDI API reference, and could not find any match. I believe there must be a way to achieve this using the API, otherwise that's a lot surprising.

As shown in the source code of aplaymidi and similar tools, ALSA sequencer clients are enumerated with snd_seq_query_next_client():
snd_seq_client_info_set_client(cinfo, -1);
while (snd_seq_query_next_client(seq, cinfo) >= 0) {
int client = snd_seq_client_info_get_client(cinfo);

I could figure it, finally: snd_seq_get_any_client_info to get informations about the first client (there should be at least one, the system one) and snd_seq_query_next_client. to get the next one.
Here is a snippet to list MIDI clients:
static void list_clients(void) {
int count = 0;
int status;
snd_seq_client_info_t* info;
status = snd_seq_get_any_client_info(seq_handle, 0, info);
while (status >= 0) {
count += 1;
int id = snd_seq_client_info_get_client(info);
char const* name = snd_seq_client_info_get_name(info);
int num_ports = snd_seq_client_info_get_num_ports(info);
printf("Client ā€œ%sā€ #%i, with %i ports\n", name, id, num_ports);
status = snd_seq_query_next_client(seq_handle, info);
printf("Found %i clients\n", count);
The snippet assumes seq_handle is declared and initialized elsewhere (initialized with snd_seq_open).
The use of 0 as the client ID in the invocation of snd_seq_get_any_client_info, is a guess: ALSA uses negative numbers for errors, so I guess the first valid client ID is 0.


How to work out 'read/write' function using the libmodbus?(c code)

I'm gonna to read/write under the modbus-tcp specification.
So, I'm trying to code the client and server in the linux environment.
(I would communicate with the windows program(as a client) using the modbus-tcp.)
but it doesn't work as I want, so I ask you here.
I'm testing the client code for linux as a client and the easymodbus as a server.
I used the libmodbus code.
I'd like to read coil(0x01) and write coil(0x05).
When the code is executed using the libmodbus, 'ff' is printed out from the Unit ID part.(according to the manual, 01 should be output for modbus-tcp.
I don't know why 'ff' is printed(photo attached).
Wrong result:
Expected result:
'[00] [00] .... [00]' ; Do you know where to control this part?
Do you have or do you know the sample code that implements the 'read/write' function using the libmodbus?
please let me know the information, if you know that.
ctx = modbus_new_tcp("", 502);
modbus_set_debug(ctx, TRUE);
if (modbus_connect(ctx) == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Connection failed: %s\n",
return -1;
tab_rq_bits = (uint8_t *) malloc(nb * sizeof(uint8_t));
memset(tab_rq_bits, 0, nb * sizeof(uint8_t));
tab_rp_bits = (uint8_t *) malloc(nb * sizeof(uint8_t));
memset(tab_rp_bits, 0, nb * sizeof(uint8_t));
nb_loop = nb_fail = 0;
rc = modbus_write_bit(ctx, addr, tab_rq_bits[0]);
if (rc != 1) {
printf("ERROR modbus_write_bit (%d)\n", rc);
printf("Address = %d, value = %d\n", addr, tab_rq_bits[0]);
} else {
rc = modbus_read_bits(ctx, addr, 1, tab_rp_bits);
if (rc != 1 || tab_rq_bits[0] != tab_rp_bits[0]) {
printf("ERROR modbus_read_bits single (%d)\n", rc);
printf("address = %d\n", addr);
printf("Test: ");
if (nb_fail)
printf("%d FAILS\n", nb_fail);
/* Close the connection */
return 0;
That FF you see right before the Modbus function is actually correct. Quoting the Modbus Implementation Guide, page 23:
On TCP/IP, the MODBUS server is addressed using its IP address; therefore, the
MODBUS Unit Identifier is useless. The value 0xFF has to be used.
So libmodbus is just sticking to the Modbus specification. I'm assuming, then, that the problem is in easymodbus, which is apparently expecting you to use 0x01as the unit id in your queries.
I imagine you don't want to mess with easymodbus, so you can fix this problem pretty easily from libmodbus: just change the default unit id:
modbus_set_slave(ctx, 1);
You could also go with:
rc = modbus_set_slave(ctx, MODBUS_BROADCAST_ADDRESS);
ASSERT_TRUE(rc != -1, "Invalid broadcast address");
to make your client address all slaves within the network, if you have more than one.
You have more info and a short explanation of where this problem is coming from in the libmodbus man page for modbus_set_slave function.
For a very comprehensive example, you can check libmodbus unit tests
And regarding your question number 5, I don't know how to answer it, the zeros you mean are supposed to be the states (true or false) you want to write (or read) to the coils. For writing you can change them with the value field of function modbus_write_bit(ctx, address, value).
I'm very grateful for your reply.
I tested the read/write function using the 'unit-test-server/client' code you recommended.
I've reviewed the code, but there are still many things I don't know.
However, there is an address value that acts after testing each other with unit-test-server/client code and there is an address value that does not work
(Do you know why?).
-Checked and found that the UT_BITS_ADDRESS (address value) value operates from 0x130 to 0x150
-'error Illegal data address' occurs at values below -0x130 and above 0x150
-The address I want to read/write is 0x0001 to 0x0004(Do you know how to do?).
I want to know how to process and transmit data like the TX part of the right picture.
enter image description here
I'm running both client and server in my Linux environment and I'm doing read/write testing.
Among the wrong pictures...[06][FF]... <-- I want to know how to modify FF part (to change the value to 01 as shown in the picture)
enter image description here
and "modbus_set_slave" is the function for modbus rtu?
I'd like to communicate PC Program and Linux device in the end.
so Which part do I use that function?
I thanks for your concern again.

osip_message_to_str fails on a message I created using the message/parser functions

I'm trying to receive an invite message and then reply with 100 trying and/or 180 ringing to the same client. I'd like to use only the parser from libosip2.
So when I try to osip_message_to_str so I have a buffer to send back, it always fails with -2.
I tried cloning all the fields I thought it would make sense. But still having the same issue.
If I try to osip_message_to_str on the message I received, it works well.
osip_message_t *request = received_buffer(buffer); // the message is received properly from the buffer
osip_message_t *response;
int i = osip_message_init(&response);
if (i != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "cannot allocate\n");
return -1;
osip_message_set_version(response, strdup("SIP/2.0"));
osip_message_set_status_code(response, 100);
osip_from_clone(request->from, &response->from);
osip_to_clone(request->to, &response->to); /* include the tag! */
osip_call_id_clone(request->call_id, &response->call_id);
osip_contact_t *contact = nullptr;
osip_message_get_contact(response, 0, &contact);
osip_uri_clone(osip_contact_get_url(contact), &response->req_uri);
osip_cseq_clone(request->cseq, &(response->cseq));
char *dest = NULL;
size_t length = 0;
i = osip_message_to_str(response, &dest, &length);
if (i != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "resp cannot get printable message %d\n", i);
return -1;
fprintf(stdout, "message:\n%s\n", dest);
I expect to be able to print a response message.
From libosip2, file osip_port.h, the error return code -2 means bad parameter:
The first line of an answer is something like this: "SIP/2.0 100 Trying".
In your code, you are setting correctly both "SIP/2.0" and "100". However, you forgot the reason phrase. For "100", obviously, the string should be "Trying". Thus, a complete first line of a response should be done with:
osip_message_set_version(response, osip_strdup("SIP/2.0"));
osip_message_set_status_code(response, 100);
osip_message_set_reason_phrase (answer, osip_strdup("Trying");
The above will fix the first error, but there looks to be more. You are using "osip_message_get_contact" to retrieve a contact from the response. But there is none. In order to set a contact, you need to search for your IP address, port number, and parameters you want to add. Something like this is advised:
osip_message_set_contact (response, "<sip:;ob>");
The above API will parse the string as a Contact header and add it to the response.
To make it clear (as you have used it), "response->req_uri" is empty for a response. It means "Request-URI" which is only for request.
If you wish a complete response, you will also need to copy all the "Via" headers:
osip_list_iterator_t it;
osip_via_t *via = (osip_via_t *) osip_list_get_first (&request->vias, &it);
while (via != NULL) {
osip_via_t *via2;
i = osip_via_clone (via, &via2);
if (i != 0) {
osip_message_free (response);
return i;
osip_list_add (&response->vias, via2, -1);
via = (osip_via_t *) osip_list_get_next (&it);
NOTE: use osip_strdup instead of strdup for any osip allocation to make your code more portable.
osip_message_to_str should work then!
For more precise code, feel free to have a look at my exosip2 code here. It will certainly help you for the next question you will have!

Detecting CAN bus errors under socketCAN linux driver

Our products are using a well known CANopen stack, which uses socketCAN, on an embedded Beaglebone Black based system running under Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. But for some reason, even though the stack we're using will detect when the CAN bus goes into a PASSIVE state or even a BUS OFF state, it never indicates when the CAN bus recovers from errors and goes out of a PASSIVE or warning state, and enters a non error state.
If I were to query the socketCAN driver directly (via ioctl calls), would I be able to detect when the CAN bus goes in and out of a warning state (which is less than 127 errors), in and out of a PASSIVE state (greater than 127 errors) or goes BUS OFF (greater than 255 errors)?
I'd like to know if I'd be wasting my time doing this or is there a better way to detect, accurately and in real-time, all conditions of a CAN bus?
I have only a partial solution to that problem.
As you are using socketCAN, the interface is seen as a standard network interface, on which we can query the status.
Based on How to check Ethernet in Linux? (replace "eth0" by "can0"), you can check the link status.
This is not real-time, but can be executed in a periodic thread to check the bus state.
So while this is an old question, I just happened to stumble upon it (while searching for something only mildly related).
SocketCAN provides all the means for detecting error frames OOB.
Assuming your code looks similar to this:
int readFromCan(int socketFd, unsigned char* data, unsigned int* rxId) {
int32_t bytesRead = -1;
struct can_frame canFrame = {0};
bytesRead = (int32_t)read(socketFd, &canFrame, sizeof(can_frame));
if (bytesRead >= 0) {
bytesRead = canFrame.can_dlc;
if (data) {
memcpy(data,, readBytes);
if (rxId) {
*rxId = canFrame.can_id; // This will come in handy
return bytesRead;
void doStuffWithMessage() {
int32_t mySocketFd = fooGetSocketFd();
int32_t receiveId = 0;
unsigned char myData[8] = {0};
int32_t dataLength = 0;
if ((dataLength = readFromCan(mySocketFd, myData, &receiveId) == -1) {
// Handle error
if (receiveId & CAN_ERR_MASK != 0) {
// Handle error frame
// Do stuff with your data

Extract frames from pcap files (tcpdump output) without using Libraries

I need to parse the pcap files and count the packets separately (TCP,UDP,IP). I found a lot of libraries for this like pcap, jnetpcap but I want to do this without using any external libraries.I do not need a code but a just a conceptual explanation.
While parsing pcap files how should I distinguish between the frames(be it TCP,UDP,IP). I tried reading about the format but what I do not understand is how would I come to know about how many bytes should I read for a particular frame and how would i know what type of a frame is it.Because only once I am able to extract the packets separately I will be able to filter out other information.
You'd have to parse each frame separately and have a counter for each value you are trying to count. Assuming the capture you are examining is in pcap/pcapng format you might find libpcap helpful.
To give a quick run of what you might have to do (assuming the lower level is Ethernet without VLAN tags)
uint64_t ip_count, tcp_count, udp_count;
void parse_pkt(uint8_t *data, uint32_t data_len) {
uint8_t *ether_hdr = data;
uint16_t ether_type = ntohs(*(uint16_t *) (data + 12))
if (ether_type != 0x800) {
ip_count += 1;
uint8_t *ip_hdr = data + 14;
protocol = ntohs(*(uint16_t *) (ip_hdr + 9))
//protocol is either udp/tcp/sctp...etc
if (protocol == 0x11) {
} else if (protocol == 0x06) {
// foreach pkt from libpcap_open call parse_pkt with the data and data_len
This code is fragile. Jumping to direct offsets without the proper length and type checks is not a good idea.

Page fault with newlib functions

I've been porting newlib to my very small kernel, and I'm stumped: whenever I include a function that references a system call, my program will page fault on execution. If I call a function that does not reference a system call, like rand(), nothing will go wrong.
Note: By include, I mean as long as the function, e.g. printf() or fopen(), is somewhere inside the program, even if it isn't called through main().
I've had this problem for quite some time now, and have no idea what could be causing this:
I've rebuilt newlib numerous times
Modified my ELF loader to load the
code from the section headers instead of program headers
Attempted to build newlib/libgloss separately (which failed)
Linked the libraries (libc, libnosys) through the ld script using GROUP, gcc and ld
I'm not quite sure what other information I should include with this, but I'd be happy to include what I can.
Edit: To verify, the page faults occurring are not at the addresses of the failing functions; they are elsewhere in the program. For example, when I call fopen(), located at 0x08048170, I will page fault at 0xA00A316C.
Edit 2:
Relevant code for loading ELF:
int krun(u8int *name) {
int fd = kopen(name);
Elf32_Ehdr *ehdr = kmalloc(sizeof(Elf32_Ehdr*));
read(fd, ehdr, sizeof(Elf32_Ehdr));
if (ehdr->e_ident[0] != 0x7F || ehdr->e_ident[1] != 'E' || ehdr->e_ident[2] != 'L' || ehdr->e_ident[3] != 'F') {
return -1;
int pheaders = ehdr->e_phnum;
int phoff = ehdr->e_phoff;
int phsize = ehdr->e_phentsize;
int sheaders = ehdr->e_shnum;
int shoff = ehdr->e_shoff;
int shsize = ehdr->e_shentsize;
for (int i = 0; i < pheaders; i++) {
lseek(fd, phoff + phsize * i, SEEK_SET);
Elf32_Phdr *phdr = kmalloc(sizeof(Elf32_Phdr*));
read(fd, phdr, sizeof(Elf32_Phdr));
u32int page = PMMAllocPage();
int flags = 0;
if (phdr->p_flags & PF_R) flags |= PAGE_PRESENT;
if (phdr->p_flags & PF_W) flags |= PAGE_WRITE;
int pages = (phdr->p_memsz / 0x1000) + 1;
while (pages >= 0) {
u32int mapaddr = (phdr->p_vaddr + (pages * 0x1000)) & 0xFFFFF000;
map(mapaddr, page, flags | PAGE_USER);
lseek(fd, phdr->p_offset, SEEK_SET);
read(fd, (void *)phdr->p_vaddr, phdr->p_filesz);
// Removed: code block that zeroes .bss: it's already zeroed whenever I check it anyways
// Removed: code block that creates thread and adds it to scheduler
return 0;
Edit 3: I've noticed that if I call a system call, such as write(), and then call printf() two or more times, I will get an unknown opcode interrupt. Odd.
Whoops! Figured it out: when I map the virtual address, I should allocate a new page each time, like so:
map(mapaddr, PMMAllocPage(), flags | PAGE_USER);
Now it works fine.
For those curious as to why it didn't work: when I wasn't including printf(), the size of the program was under 0x1000 bytes, so mapping with only one page was okay. When I include printf() or fopen(), the size of the program was much bigger so that's what caused the issue.