Facebook Invalid Scopes error on test app - facebook

All of a sudden I'm getting an "Invalid Scopes: manage_pages" error during login in the test version of my Facebook app.
The full error message is:
Invalid Scopes: manage_pages. This message is only shown to developers. Users of your app will ignore these permissions if present. Please read the documentation for valid permissions at: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/permissions
The live app is working fine.
Everything was working fine in the test app as well until this morning.
If I read the provided docs link it looks like manage_pages permission is still in use.
Anybody has an idea of what could be wrong with it?

This is a bug that was recently introduced. It's already been reported to Facebook: https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/1605866199656679
As of 3 hours ago, it had been identified by Facebook engineering and a resolution should go live tonight (6-5-2015 PST). You can follow the status of the fix here: https://developers.facebook.com/status/issues/582921985181374/


Cordova Facebook Login - Sudden Failure on Oct 1st 2020

We are using cordova-plugin-facebook4 to manage Facebook login within our Cordova apps.
Facebook login suddenly started failing today (Oct 1st 2020).
When calling the facebookConnectPlugin.login, it keeps returning this error:
"Facebook error: Caught exception: (#200) Missing Permissions"
It has been working fine all the while, and our app is authorized for those permissions. This is the code used:
function(response) {
// do something
function(err) {
We tried completely removing all the permissions, or just using a single one like "email", but the same error persists. The error happens on both iOS and Android.
We are using Cordova 9.0, cordova-plugin-facebook4 6.4.0.
Please advise as users are not able to login to our apps since today. Thank you.
There appears to be a global Facebook Login outage affecting many websites and apps: https://twitter.com/search?q=facebook%20login%20&src=typed_query&f=live
Also, if you are using "link" permission on website FB authentication, you can try removing it as that is additionally a cause for permission error too.
We are monitoring it to see if this problem is resolved, and will close the question if so.
There appears to be a global Facebook Login outage affecting many websites and apps: https://twitter.com/search?q=facebook%20login%20&src=typed_query&f=live
For website FB Graph API integration, if you are querying the "link" field for User, you can try removing it as that seems to additionally cause permission error too.
The login problem seems to have subsided after half a day. There are still occasional login errors but after a few retries it will go through. It is definitely an issue at Facebook's end, so the only thing we can do is to wait it out.

Login Failed you cant use facebook to log into this app or website because there's an issue with its implementation of facebook login (NuxtJs App)

I tried to implement firebase authentication for my NuxtJs app for facebook social media login, but even after I made sure that all settings are correct (including hash and firebase settings), Facebook always threw this vague error.
Login Failed you cant use facebook to log into this app or website because there's an issue with its implementation of facebook login
I have another NuxtJs app that also uses firebase authentication for Facebook login and it works perfectly. I've made sure all the settings are the same with my currently problematic NuxtJs app. What could be the reason for Facebook throwing this error?
Wait never mind it works now. Apparently it's all because my NuxtJs app was being restricted by Facebook for violating their policies. After appealing the restriction, it's now working perfectly well.
The error message was so vague that I didn't think it was because my app was restricted by Facebook. But it seems like that was really the answer. I think Facebook should make the error message a bit clearer that it was caused by the app being restricted.
Anyway, thanks for the help folks.

Sending Facebook notifications to user with app_secret

I have been trying to send notifications to my users via Graph API.
But I was facing with "An unknown error has occurred." error. There wasn't any further information. I was have SSL, Canvas Page and also Website integration with my App but it didn't worked.
Also Google couldn't help me.
After couple of hours later, I decided to try it with another App. Voila! It worked. And then I started to look differences between them. Finally I found the source of error.
If this switch is "Yes" then you can't send notifications and get "An unknown error has occurred." error. I think it's because app_secret is not anymore safe if you embedded it in a mobile application. So, if someone reach it, will be able to send notifications to your users.
What is point of this I don't know but this is the solution. If somebody can explain it, I'd be happy.

How to log API Errors on my server?

In my Facebook App Insights I see a section called "API Errors Returned" which indicate that I have a few API Errors everyday.
How can I log all the API Errors my App generates so I can fix them or at least know what's wrong?
I am also getting API errors returned according to Insights. But the Most Common Errors list is empty. Is this a bug?
I believe these API errors are related to a bug we have uncovered and has yet to be fixed by Facebook. The bug we have open with them has had it's status changed and we cannot get them to re-open it. Our website app (FilmCrave.com) is behaving like it has a canvas URL when we do not have one set. In our Basic App settings page, we only have Website checked, App on Facebook is NOT checked (this is where you set your canvas URL).

FBConnect issue

=I have added FBconnect on one of my app. Surprisingly for a few users it throwing an error saying: "An error occurred with App. Please try again later"
I could not figure it out why, since it is not occurring with everyone. Say it is happening with 10% of my my users only. Also once I thought this might by something to do with browser. Since few of them reported that it is not working in Firefox/Chrome. But If it is a browser issue then it should be with all of the user.
While I was developing, this error occurred only when I put the facebook application into sandbox mode and therefore the users account didn't have permission to access the app.