Find read-host value in file list - powershell

I have now moved on to automating IDRAC. My script below will look at a list of servernames and IDRAC IP's. I would like to have a user enter a single Servername "S0000A01PX' or whatever and have it search in a master list for the server IDRAC IP. Right now, the script as it is opens every server's virtual console in the list. I just need it to select only the user entry. How do I have this search the file, find the IP next to the user entered servername, and open only the IDRAC for that servername?
example of what's in the CSV
computername iPiDRAC
$machinename = ""
$file = Import-Csv 'c:\temp\powershell\Branch Server IDRAC.csv'
$filelength = $file.length
$machine = Read-Host 'What is your Server?'
foreach ($line in $file){
$DRACip = $line.iPiDRAC
$DRACpw=cscript c:\PassGen1.vbs $machinename
start $openIDRAC
write-host "----------"

If you are just looking to have a general match and return launch all DRACs that match a simple change can get you there. Where-Object{$_.computername -match $machine}
$machinename = ""
$file = Import-Csv 'c:\temp\powershell\Branch Server IDRAC.csv'
$machinename = Read-Host 'What is your Server?'
$file | Where-Object{$_.computername -match $machinename} |ForEach-Object{
$DRACip = $_.iPiDRAC
$DRACpw=cscript c:\PassGen1.vbs $machinename
start $openIDRAC
write-host "----------"
You are mixing output and write-host which could get you into trouble so I would remove some of that extra fluff which I will assume is just there for testing. I don't see where you are using $DRACpw or $machinename unless that is somehow what you need to see in order to sign into the DRAC

I think you want a bit of Where-Object.
For this CSV file:
Import the file as you have been:
$file = Import-Csv 'c:\temp\powershell\Branch Server IDRAC.csv'
Ask your question:
$machine = Read-Host 'What is your Server?'
Look for the server name in your $file array, which will output an object representing that line in the CSV, then get its iPiDRAC property:
($file | Where-Object {$_.computername -eq $machine}).iPiDRAC


Optimizing Powershell Script to Query Remote Server OS Version

I want optimize a simple task: pull server OS version into a neat table. However, some servers in our environment have Powershell disabled. Below you fill find my script, which works! However, it takes about 20 seconds or so per server, since it waits for the server to return the results of the invoked command before moving onto the next server in the list. I know there's a way to asynchronously pull the results from a PS command, but is this possible when I need to resort to cmd line syntax for servers that can't handle PS, as shown in the catch statement?
$referencefile = "ps_servers_to_query.csv"
$export_location = "ps_server_os_export.csv"
$Array = #()
$servers = get-content $referencefile
foreach ($server in $servers){
#attempt to query the server with Powershell.
$os_version = invoke-command -ComputerName $server -ScriptBlock {Get-ComputerInfo -Property WindowsProductName} -ErrorAction stop
$os_version = $os_version.WindowsProductName
} # If server doesnt have PS installed/or is disabled, then we will resort to CMD Prompt, this takes longer however.. also we will need to convert a string to an object.
catch {
$os_version = invoke-command -ComputerName $server -ScriptBlock {systeminfo | find "OS Name:"} # this returns a string that represents the datetime of reboot
$os_version = $os_version.replace('OS Name: ', '') # Remove the leading text
$os_version = $os_version.replace(' ','') # Remove leading spaces
$os_version = $os_version.replace('Microsoft ','') # Removes Microsoft for data standardization
# Output each iteration of the loop into an array
$Row = "" | Select ServerName, OSVersion
$Row.ServerName = $Server
$Row.OSVersion = $os_version
$Array += $Row
# Export results to csv.
$Array | Export-Csv -Path $export_location -Force
Edit: Here's what I'd like to accomplish. Send the command out to all the servers (less than 30) at once, and have them all process the command at the same time rather than doing it one-by-one. I know I can do this if they all could take PowerShell commands, but since they can't I'm struggling. This script takes about 6 minutes to run in total.
Thank you in advance!
If I got it right something like this should be all you need:
$referencefile = "ps_servers_to_query.csv"
$export_location = "ps_server_os_export.csv"
$ComputerName = Get-Content -Path $referencefile
$Result =
Get-CimInstance -ClassName CIM_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $ComputerName |
Select-Object -Property Caption,PSComputerName
| Export-Csv -Path $export_location -NoTypeInformation

How to pull a sentence from a log file on multiple remote computers

I am needing to pull a specific sentence from a log file on multiple remote computers. I have all of the computer names already but I do not know how to go about pulling contents of a file from them and copying all of it to a file so that I can reference the sentence from each computer with its machine name. Basically each machine has a specific number unique to itself that we need.
Before explaining, I assume powershell is the tool to use for this.
There are about 1800 machines and I have a variable for all of those. Then I assume I have to make a loop of some kind that runs on each of those machines.
the loop would pull the text from that file that I need and save it all to a file. I am basically pretty new in my Net Admin position with not a lot of PowerShell experience and I wondered if anyone could help.
$computers = ***list of computers***
$computers | ForEachObject{
Add-Content -Path C:\Users\Public\Activant\Eagle\3log.log -Value "Terminal information for ***need the info that is here***"
Get-Content -Path .\TERMINAL NUMBERS.txt
this seems to do what you want. [grin] it builds a scriptblock that does the work, hands that off to Invoke-Command with a list of systems to run it on, gathers the results, creates a list of $Non-Responders, removes unwanted properties added by the I-C cmdlet, and finally shows the two collections.
#requires -RunAsAdministrator
# fake reading in a text file
# in real life, use Get-Content
$ComputerNameList = #'
'# -split [System.Environment]::NewLine
$IC_ScriptBlock = {
$TargetFileName = 'C:\Temp\Grouping-Strings-List_2019-07-31.log'
# the " \b\w+\b \b\w+\b " is two words delimited by spaces
# so this will find any line that has two words between the listed phrases
$LinePattern = '^Acid Drum \b\w+\b \b\w+\b Psychedelic$'
# the next line is a no-match patern for testing
#$LinePattern = '^Acid Drum \b\w+\b$'
$Line = (Get-Content -LiteralPath $TargetFileName |
Select-String -Pattern $LinePattern).Line
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Line))
$Line = '__Not Found__'
ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME
LineText = $Line
$IC_Params = #{
ComputerName = $ComputerNameList
ScriptBlock = $IC_ScriptBlock
# comment out the next line to see any errors in the I-C call
ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
$Responders = Invoke-Command #IC_Params
$Non_Responders = $ComputerNameList.Where({$_ -notin $Responders.PSComputerName})
# the next line removes unwated properties added by "Invoke-Command"
$Responders = $Responders |
Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty PSComputerName, PSShowComputerName, RunspaceId
'=' * 40
output ...
ComputerName LineText
------------ --------
[MySysName] Acid Drum Instrumental Live Psychedelic
[MySysName] Acid Drum Instrumental Live Psychedelic
if needed, you can create a single collection from the two above fairly directly. [grin]
I think what you are trying to do is to READ the line from a file all computers in your list should have, located at C:\Users\Public\Activant\Eagle\3log.log
In that case, something like below should work:
# use UNC naming for the remote file path
$inputFile = 'C$\Users\Public\Activant\Eagle\3log.log' # I'm guessing this is the file you want to read
$outputFile = 'C:\TERMINAL NUMBERS.txt'
$computers = ***list of computers*** # the array of computer names
$result = $computers | ForEach-Object {
# test if the computer is online
if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $_ -Count 1 -Quiet) {
# create the full UNC path by prepending the common file path with the computer name
$file = '\\{0}\{1}' -f $_, $inputFile
# test if the file can be found or not
if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $file -PathType Leaf) {
# using non regex string search
$line = (Select-String -LiteralPath $file -Pattern "whatever you're looking for" -SimpleMatch).Line
if (!$line) {
# the file is there, but the pattern was not found
$line = "Pattern not found"
else {
$line = "File '$inputFile' not found."
else {
$line = 'Computer is Off-Line'
# Finally, add this info to your text file
Add-Content -Path $outputFile -Value "$_ --> $line"
# And emit an object for the $result collection. This will display nicely on screen,
# but also allow for the creation of a CSV file which might be better as output.
'Computer' = $_
'LogInfo' = $line
Afterwards you can read the output text file or (better I think) use the $result collection for output:
On screen:
$result | Format-Table -AutoSize
To CSV file
$result | Export-Csv -Path 'C:\TERMINAL NUMBERS.csv' -NoTypeInformation -Force

Error in creating an if statement in powershell with the hostname as a variable

In the script attached I am trying to rename a PC if the PC has a certain hostname. However, the script is proceeding anyway and bypasses the if/else statement.
What am I doing wrong? I am kind of new with Windows Powershell.
# get current computername
$hostname = hostname.exe
If ( $hostname = "CLNT3100" )
#Get all the computers with CLNT3* and sort them with the 'highest client' on top. Then put them in newlist.txt
Get-ADComputer -Filter 'SamAccountName -like "CLNT3*"' | Select -Exp Name | Sort-Object -Descending >> C:\newlist.txt
#Put the text file in a variable and show the top line
$Text = Get-Content -Path C:\newlist.txt
#Trim CLNT for numbering
$Text1 = $Text[0].TrimStart("CLNT")
#Add 1 number to the previous CLNT
$Text2 = 1 + $Text1
#Add CLNT again to the new variable
$Text3 = "CLNT" + $Text2
#Rename the computer
Rename-Computer –computername minint –newname $Text3
Write-Host "Computernaam is niet minint!!!"
To compare if two values are equal in Powershell you have to use the -eqoperator.
Check the Powershell equality operators to see the others like -gt, -lt etc, or type man about_Comparison_Operators in the PS shell.
Also, to learn Powershell I found this free ebook to be very good.

Select option from Array

I am working on a side project and to make it easier for managment since almost all of out server names are 15 charactors long I started to look for an RDP managment option but none that I liked; so I started to write one and I am down to only one issue, what do I do to manage if the user types not enough for a search so two servers will match the Query. I think I will have to put it in an array and then let them select the server they meant. Here is what I have so far
function Connect-RDP
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# take each computername and process it individually
$ComputerName | ForEach-Object{
$Computer = $_
$ConnectionDNS = Get-ADComputer -server "DomainController:1234" -ldapfilter "(name=$computer)" -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DNSHostName
$ConnectionSearchDNS = Get-ADComputer -server "DomainController:1234" -ldapfilter "(name=*$computer*)" | Select -Exp DNSHostName
Write-host $ConnectionDNS
Write-host $ConnectionSearchDNS
if ($ConnectionDNS){
#mstsc.exe /v ($ConnectionDNS) /f
#mstsc.exe /v ($ConnectionSearchDNS) /f
Write-Host "Could not locate computer '$Computer' in AD." -ForegroundColor Red
Basically I am looking for a way to manage if a user types server1
that it will ask does he want to connect to Server10 or Server11 since both of them match the filter.
Another option for presenting choices to the user is Out-GridView, with the -OutPutMode switch.
Borrowing from Matt's example:
$selection = Get-ChildItem C:\temp -Directory
If($selection.Count -gt 1){
$IDX = 0
$(foreach ($item in $selection){
$item | select #{l='IDX';e={$IDX}},Name
$IDX++}) |
Out-GridView -Title 'Select one or more folders to use' -OutputMode Multiple |
foreach { $selection[$_.IDX] }
else {$Selection}
This example allows for selection of multiple folders, but can you can limit them to a single folder by simply switching -OutPutMode to Single
I'm sure what mjolinor has it great. I just wanted to show another approach using PromptForChoice. In the following example we take the results from Get-ChildItem and if there is more than one we build a collection of choices. The user would select one and then that object would be passed to the next step.
$selection = Get-ChildItem C:\temp -Directory
If($selection.Count -gt 1){
$title = "Folder Selection"
$message = "Which folder would you like to use?"
# Build the choices menu
$choices = #()
For($index = 0; $index -lt $selection.Count; $index++){
$choices += New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription ($selection[$index]).Name, ($selection[$index]).FullName
$options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]$choices
$result = $host.ui.PromptForChoice($title, $message, $options, 0)
$selection = $selection[$result]
-Directory requires PowerShell v3 but you are using 4 so you would be good.
In ISE it would look like this:
In standard console you would see something like this
As of now you would have to type the whole folder name to select the choice in the prompt. It is hard to get a unique value across multiple choices for the shortcut also called the accelerator key. Think of it as a way to be sure they make the correct choice!

Attachments.Add wildcard with Powershell

I have a ZIP file generated with dynamic information (Report_ PC Name-Date_User). However when I go to attach the file I'm unable to use a wildcard. There is only one ZIP file in this directory so using a wildcard will not attach any other ZIP files.
#Directory storage
#Max number of recent screen captures
$MAX = "100"
#Captures Screen Shots from the recording
$SC = "1"
#Turn GUI mode on or off
$GUI = "0"
#Caputres the current computer name
#Use either the local name or domain name
#$User = "$ENV:UserDomainName"
$User = "$ENV:UserName"
$Date = Get-Date -UFormat %Y-%b-%d_%H%M
#Computer Information
$MAC = ipconfig /all | Select-String Physical
$IP = ipconfig /all | Select-String IPv4
$DNS = ipconfig /all | Select-String "DNS Servers"
#Needed to add space after user input information
$EMPT = "`n"
#Quick capture of the computer information
$Info = #"
# Used to attach to the outlook program
$File = Get-ChildItem -Path $Dir -Filter "*.zip" | Select -Last 1 -ExpandProperty Fullname
$Start_Click = {
psr.exe /start /output $DIR\$Date-$PCName-$ /maxsc $MAX /sc $SC /gui $GUI
psr.exe /stop
$Email_Click = {
$Outlook = New-Object -Com Outlook.Application
$Mail = $Outlook.CreateItem(0)
$Mail.To = ""
$Mail.Subject = "Capture Report from " + $PCName + " " + $User + " " + $Date
$Mail.Body = $Problem.text + $Info
I no longer get an error but the file will not attach the first time around. The second time it will attach but it does the previous .zip not the most recent. I added my entire code
As per the msdn article it shows what the source needs to be which is.
The source of the attachment. This can be a file (represented by the
full file system path with a file name) or an Outlook item that
constitutes the attachment.
Which mean that it does not accept wildcards. To get around this you should instead use Get-ChildItem to return the name of your zip.
$File = Get-ChildItem -Path $Dir -Filter "*.zip" | Select -First 1 -ExpandProperty Fullname
That should return the full path to the first zip. Since Get-ChildItem returns and object we use -ExpandProperty on the Fullname so that you just return the full path, as a string, to the file. -First 1 is not truly required if you really only have the one file. On the off-chance you do including -First 1 will make sure only one file is attached.
Update from comments
I see that you are having issues with attaching a file still. My code would still stand however you might be having an issue with your .zip file or $dir. After where $file is declared I would suggest something like this:
If (! Test-Path $file){Write-Host "$file is not a valid zip file"}
If you would prefer, since I don't know if you see your console when you are running your code, you could use a popup