How to properly bind current object context in ES6 using babelify - babeljs

I'm trying to bind current instance to the class method, please note ES6 syntax.
class SomeClass {
search() => { ... }
Which is 100% legit code, however, babelify doesn't want to compile it
SyntaxError: /Users/vladmiller/Projects/test/test/client/test/app/pages/Search.react.js: Unexpected token (50:26) while parsing file: /Users/vladmiller/Projects/test/test/client/test/app/pages/Search.react.js\
Instead, now I have to bind context in class constructor
class SomeClass {
constructor() { =
search() { ... }
Which is quite annoying and boring.
UPD: It turns out that this is invalid ES6 syntax; therefore the question is follows. What is the best way to bind instance context to a class method?
UPD2: By default context should be attached, however, the issue with React,console,output

This code is not valid ES2015. Prototype methods are defined like this:
class SomeClass {
search() { /* ... */ }


How to write C# implementation for a Q# operation with intrinsic body?

I have created a library in C# to be used in Q# programs. The library has two scripts, a C# class library called "Class1.cs" and a matching Q# script called "Util.qs", I share the code snippet of each here:
using System;
using Microsoft.Quantum.Simulation.Common;
using Microsoft.Quantum.Simulation.Core;
using Microsoft.Quantum.Simulation.Simulators;
namespace MyLibrary {
class Class1 : QuantumSimulator {
static void Method_1 (string str) { ... }
namespace MyLibrary {
operation Op_1 (str : String) : Unit { body intrinsic; }
There is another Q# program in a different namespace that uses the namespace "MyLibrary" so after adding reference, in this Q# program I have:
namespace QSharp
open Microsoft.Quantum.Canon;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Intrinsic;
open MyLibrary;
operation TestMyLibrary() : Unit {
Op_1("some string");
When I execute "dotnet run" in the terminal I receive this message:
Unhandled Exception: System.AggregateException: One or more errors
occurred. (Cannot create an instance of MyLibrary.Op_1 because it is
an abstract class.) ---> System.MemberAccessException: Cannot create
an instance of MyLibrary.Op_1 because it is an abstract class.
How can I fix it?
Following Mariia' answer and also checking Quantum.Kata.Utils, I changed my code as following:
So, I changed Class1 script to:
using System;
using Microsoft.Quantum.Simulation.Common;
using Microsoft.Quantum.Simulation.Core;
using Microsoft.Quantum.Simulation.Simulators;
namespace MyLibrary {
class Class1 : QuantumSimulator {
private string classString = "";
public Class1() { }
public class Op_1_Impl : Op_1{
string cl_1;
public Op_1_Impl (Class1 c) : base (c) {
cl_1 = c.classString;
public override Func<string, QVoid> Body => (__in) => {
return cl1;
Now the error messages are:
error CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type 'string' to 'Microsoft.Quantum.Simulation.Core.QVoid'
error CS1662: Cannot convert lambda expression to intended delegate type because some of the return types
in the block are not implicitly convertible to the delegate return type
Having checked Quantum.Kata.Utils, I realised I need to create a field and a constructor for Class1 which is a base class and also I should override Func<string, QVoid> as the Op_1 parameter is string type. But I am not sure if each of these steps individually is done properly?
Second Update:
I have changed the previous c# code in first update to the following one:
using System;
using Microsoft.Quantum.Simulation.Common;
using Microsoft.Quantum.Simulation.Core;
using Microsoft.Quantum.Simulation.Simulators;
namespace MyLibrary {
class Class1 : QuantumSimulator {
public Class1() { }
public class Op_1_Impl : Op_1{
Class1 cl_1;
public Op_1_Impl (Class1 c) : base (c) {
cl_1 = c;
public override Func<string, QVoid> Body => (__in) => {
return QVoid.Instance;
Now the error message is the same as the very first one:
Unhandled Exception: System.AggregateException: One or more errors
occurred. (Cannot create an instance of MyLibrary.Op_1 because it is
an abstract class.) ---> System.MemberAccessException: Cannot create
an instance of MyLibrary.Op_1 because it is an abstract class.
And also in this new code shouldn't the constructor public Class1() { } have a parameter? if so what datatype?
In your code, there is nothing connecting the Q# operation Op_1 and the C# code that you intend to implement it in Method_1.
Q# operations are compiled into classes. To define a C# implementation for a Q# operation with the intrinsic body, you have to define a class that implements the abstract class into which your Q# operation gets compiled; so you would have something like public class Op_1_Impl : Op_1.
Getting all the piping right can be a bit tricky (it's a hack, after all!) I would recommend looking at the operation GetOracleCallsCount and its C# implementation to see the exact pieces that have to be in place for it to work.
For the updated question, the signature of your method says that it takes string as an input and returns nothing (QVoid), but the implementation tries to return a string cl_1, so you get a Cannot implicitly convert type 'string' to 'Microsoft.Quantum.Simulation.Core.QVoid'.
To provide a custom C# emulation for your Op_1 Q# operation, you'll need to replace your Class1.cs with something like this:
using System;
using Microsoft.Quantum.Simulation.Core;
namespace MyLibrary
public partial class Op_1
public class Native : Op_1
public Native(IOperationFactory m) : base(m) { }
public override Func<String, QVoid> Body => (str) =>
// put your implementation here.
return QVoid.Instance;
You can then run the Test1Library using the QuantumSimulator.
That being said, as Mariia said, this is kind of hacky, undocumented functionality that might change in the future, may I ask why you need this?

InversifyJS - Inject middleware into controller

I'm using inversify-express-utils using the shortcut decorators (#GET, #POST...) within a node application.
Is it possible to inject middleware into the controller to use with these decorators?
Example of what I'm trying to achieve (doesn't work):
export class TestController implements Controller {
constructor(#inject(TYPES.SomeMiddleware) private someMiddleware: ISomeMiddleware) {}
#Get('/', this.someMiddleware.someMiddlewhereMethod())
public test() {
Like #OweR ReLoaDeD said, currently you can't do that with middleware injected through the controller constructor, due to the way decorators work in TypeScript.
However, you can achieve the same effect by wrapping the controller definition in a function that accepts a kernel, like so:
export function controllerFactory (kernel: Kernel) {
class TestController {
constructor() {}
#Get('/', kernel.get<express.RequestHandler>('Middleware'))
testGet(req: any, res: any) {
return TestController;
let kernel = new Kernel();
let middleware: express.RequestHandler = function(req: any, res: any, next: any) {
console.log('in middleware');
let controller = controllerFactory(kernel);
let server = new InversifyExpressServer(kernel);
// ...
I added an example to the inversify-express-examples repo that showcases this approach using both custom and third-party middleware.
You should be able to use middleware please refer to the following unit tests as an example.
I don't think that is possible because decorators are executed when the class is declared. The constructor injection takes place when the class instance is created (which is after it has been declared). This means that, when the decorator is executed, this.someMiddleware is null.
I'm afraid you won't be able to inject the middleware into the same class that uses it but you can do the following:
import { someMiddlewareMethod} from "middleware";
class TestController implements Controller {
#Get('/', someMiddlewareMethod())
public test() {
// ...
This is not a limitation of InversifyJS this is a limitation caused by the way decorators work.

Class Member becomes undefined

I am quite new to TypeScript and I experience a strange problem at the moment. I create an instance of my main class when the document is ready, using JQuery.
var main: MainApp;
$(document).ready(function () {
main = new MainApp();
The simplified MainApp Class:
class MainApp {
// Helper Objects
net: AppNetworking;
urlHelper: UrlHelper;
cat: Category;
// Construction
constructor() { = new AppNetworking();
this.urlHelper = new UrlHelper();
// Ajax Callback with Data needed to initialize the "cat" object
private AjaxCallback(categoryData){ = new Category(categoryData);
// Event Handler for an HTML-Element
// As it would be called anonymously in JS I decided to make it a static function
static onClickSendButton(): void{
// Using some members of the MainApp
var hostUrl: string = main.urlHelper.getQueryStringParam("HostUrl");
if ( {
sendCategory(): boolean {
// Some logic to send data via AJAX
The function is being registered to the onClick Event of a Button on construction of the MainApp Class.
When the function onClickSendButton() gets called, it produces the error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'isValidCategory' of undefined
When debugging, the urlHelper Instance is defined, but the cat Instance is undefined. As I do not touch the instance cat anywhere in my application, I'm really confused how it is undefined. Also when checking the main variable all members are defined!
Am I doing anything illegal here? Could there be issues with that code?
Completely revised answer. I actually answered with the two most common scenarios for this error, but actually your problem is different.
The usual answers are
Make sure you are referencing .js files, not .ts files
Make sure you are loading scripts in the correct order
In your case, this is not the problem and your code is sufficient to recreate the issue.
I have put together the following test, filling in the blanks - and it works as expected.
declare var main: MainApp;
class AppNetworking {
class UrlHelper {
getQueryStringParam(input: string) {
console.log('Got here getQueryStringParam');
return input;
class Category {
isValidCategory() {
console.log('Got here isValidCategory');
return true;
class MainApp {
// Helper Objects
net: AppNetworking;
urlHelper: UrlHelper;
cat: Category;
// Construction
constructor() { = new AppNetworking(); = new Category();
this.urlHelper = new UrlHelper();
// Event Handler for an HTML-Element
// As it would be called anonymously in JS I decided to make it a static function
static onClickSendButton(): void{
// Using some members of the MainApp
var hostUrl: string = main.urlHelper.getQueryStringParam("HostUrl");
if ( {
sendCategory(): boolean {
// Some logic to send data via AJAX
return true;
index.html snip
<div id="btnSendCat">BTN SEND CAT</div>
<script src="app.js"></script>
<script src="Scripts/jquery-2.1.1.min.js"></script>
var main;
$(document).ready(function () {
main = new MainApp();
The result of running this test is the following output in the console window:
"Got here getQueryStringParam" app.js:10
"Got here isValidCategory" app.js:19
I left some important parts of my App out, I'm sorry. Later in the project I used to reinitialize that Category Object. This re initialization was done in an AJAX-Callback Function. This function runs outside of my Object and this wont be my MainApp Class but the Window. I think it's what you call an anonymous function in JavaScript.
I fixed that issue by taking use of my global main Variable
class MainApp {
// Called anonymous so it should be a static function
private AjaxCallback(categoryData){
// = new Category(categoryData); ! this will be the Window Instance and not a MainApp Instance = new Category(categoryData); // Initialization using the "main" variable
The call in my onClickSendButton Method to succeeds now, as was reinitialized correctly.
This video helped me a lot in my researches: Understanding "this" in TypeScript

Typescript: Cannot export a module that is a generic interface and contains other generic interfaces

I'm trying to write a CommonJS declaration file for Bluebird, a promise library that directly exports a generic Promise class. However, the library also exports several other generic classes as static members (PromiseInspection), and it seems like its impossible to model this with typescript.
Edit: Usage example, to illustrate how the module's exported class works:
import Promise = require('bluebird');
var promise:Promise<number> = Promise.cast(5);
var x:Promise.PromiseInspection<number> = promise.inspect();
I tried several strategies - simplified examples follow:
1. The obvious way
declare module "bluebird" {
class PromiseInspection<T> {
// ...
class Promise<T> {
PromiseInspection: typeof PromiseInspection; // error
inspect():PromiseInspection<T>; // error
static cast<U>(value:U):Promise<U>;
// ...
export = Promise;
Fails with the error unable to use private type PromiseInspection as a public property
2. Using a static interface
declare module "bluebird2" {
interface PromiseInspection<T> {
// ...
interface Promise<T> {
interface PromiseStatic {
PromiseInspection:typeof PromiseInspection;
cast<U>(value:U):Promise<U>; // error
export = PromiseStatic;
Also fails similarly, but this time the private type is Promise
3. Trying to directly export a constructor function from the module
declare module "bluebird3" {
export interface PromiseInspection<T> {
// ...
export interface Promise<T> {
export new<T>(); // syntax error
export function cast<U>(value:U):Promise<U>;
This almost works, except of course its impossible to a constructor function that way.
4. The namespace polluting way (Works, with downsides)
interface PromiseInspection<T> {
// ...
interface Promise<T> {
declare module "bluebird4" {
interface PromiseStatic {
PromiseInspection: typeof PromiseInspection;
export = PromiseStatic;
Works, but it pollutes the global namespace with both Promise and PromiseInspection. This might be okay but I'd rather avoid it as in CommonJS its usually considered unacceptable.
5. With declaration merging (gets me 90% of the way...)
declare module "bluebird5" {
module Promise {
export interface PromiseInspection<T> {
value(): T;
// ...
function cast<U>(value: U): Promise<U> ;
class Promise<T> {
new <T> (): Promise <T> ;
inspect(): Promise.PromiseInspection <T> ;
export = Promise;
Almost there - except that now I'm not allowed to replace class Promise<T> with interface Promise<T>, making Promise<T> unextendable. If I try to do it, the following code:
import Promise = require('bluebird');
var x = new Promise<number>();
fails with the error "Invalid 'new' expression"
Link to the actual, work-in-progress bluebird.d.ts - this one currently pollutes the global namespace (uses solution 4)
Is there a better way to do this, or did I hit a language limitation?
Anders Hejlsberg posted an answer on CodePlex, so I'm going to add it here. The declaration merging solution was close - but I also needed a "var" declaration to declare the static interface as it is the only one that can accept a constructor function.
declare module "bluebird" {
module Promise {
export interface PromiseInspection<T> {
value(): T;
interface Promise<T> {
inspect(): Promise.PromiseInspection <T> ;
var Promise: {
new<U>(): Promise<U>;
cast<U>(value: U): Promise<U> ;
export = Promise;
So basically:
interface members in the module declaration (as long as they declare just types i.e. non-physical)
instance members in the main interface
static function members, the constructor and other "physical" members in the var declaration.
Also, his comment:
Writing it this way you have a separate declaration for each of the three meanings of the identifier Promise: As a namespace (a module containing only types), as a type (that happens to be generic), and as a value.
Looking at your code I noticed you were missing a few export statements. The code below compiles - would it suit?
declare module bluebird {
export class PromiseInspection<T> {
// ...
export class Promise<T> {
static all<T>(promises:Promise<T>[]):Promise<T[]>;
declare module "bluebird" {
export = bluebird;
Though I generally favour using interfaces when defining typings as in #2:
declare module bluebird {
export interface PromiseInspection<T> {
// ...
export interface Promise<T> {
export interface PromiseStatic {
declare module "bluebird" {
export = bluebird;
Failing that have you tried using another promises library as the basis for your typings? You could do worse than look at
Roughly speaking they look a little like this:
declare function Q<T>(promise: Q.IPromise<T>): Q.Promise<T>;
declare function Q<T>(promise: JQueryPromise<T>): Q.Promise<T>;
declare function Q<T>(value: T): Q.Promise<T>;
declare module Q {
//… functions etc in here
declare module "q" {
export = Q;

TypeScript 0.9.1 CommonJS: correctly declaring exported ambient class implementing external interface?

Put another way the following within a .d.ts file shouldn't produce compiler error TS2137 'Class "MyClass" does not implement interface "IInterface"':
interface IInterface {
declare module "mod" {
export class MyClass implements IInterface {
because I'm not (and can't in a declaration) implementing anything. Is this a bug in the compiler or is there some other way/syntax to do what the above implies? I would think the compiler smart enough to know to precisely include IInterface's signature as part of MyClass, and not require its methods be redeclared.
I'm trying to write a d.ts for the node component bunyan. Having a problem with exporting a class that implements an external interface, specifically RingBuffer which extends node's EventEmitter. The problem simplified is (below in a bunyan.d.ts file):
// this interface declared in <reference..., put inline here for simplicity
interface IExternal {
interface RingBuffer extends IExternal {
declare var RingBuffer: {
declare module "bunyan" {
export var RingBuffer;
then used in myNodeApp.js
/// <references path="bunyan.d.ts" />
import bunyan = require( 'bunyan' );
var rb = new bunyan.RingBuffer();
// compiler doesn't error on this; thinks RingBuffer is type any.
// also, no intellisense to show write() method.
changing bunyan.d.ts to:
declare module "bunyan" {
export class RingBuffer { constructor(); }
compiles, but same problem when used; no intellisense, no compile errors.
changing bunyan.d.ts to
declare module "bunyan" {
export var RingBuffer:RingBuffer;
causes compile error in myNodeApp.js
// error TS2083: Invalid 'new' expression
import rb = new bunyan.RingBuffer();
removing from bunyan.d.ts
declare module "bunyan" {
causes compile error in myNodeApp.js
// error TS2071: Unable to resolve external module ''bunyan''
import bunyan = require( 'bunyan' );
changing bunyan.d.ts
interface IExternal {
interface IRingBuffer extends IExternal {
declare module "bunyan" {
export class RingBuffer implements IRingBuffer {}
cause compile error
// error TS2137: Class "bunyan".RingBuffer declares interface IRingBuffer but
// does not implement it: type '"bunyan".RingBuffer' is missing property
// 'inheritedMethod' from type 'IRingBuffer'
implying I have to redeclare all inherited methods from all extended interfaces, besides IRingBuffer, which seems a bit ridiculuous to have to do in a d.ts file
Does anyone know the 'correct' way to declare an ambient class that implements an interface for consumption in another CommonJS module??
An alternate way to define it would be the way Jquery's typescript definition is defined. You have separate interfaces for static and instance members. Here is a sample complete definition:
interface IExternal {
interface IRingBuffer extends IExternal {
// Static functions and constructors
interface IRingBufferStatic{
declare var RingBuffer:IRingBufferStatic;
declare module "bunyan" {
export var RingBuffer:IRingBufferStatic;
// In the second file
import bunyan = require( 'bunyan' );
var rb = new bunyan.RingBuffer();
// you get an error here
Try it online