Is there an example how to use a callback in flyway? [closed] - callback

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Is there an example how to use a callback in flyway 3.2 that works using maven? The afterMigrate method supplies a SQL connection object but it is closed?
My desire is to use this to create stored procedures from a collection of files in source control.

You can use SQL-based callbacks by simply creating a sql file with the name of the callback:


Fastlane plugin in swift [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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As of 2.69.0, fastlane now supports swift.
Is it possible to create plugins or actions in swift?
If yes, please provide an example, thanks!
No, for now you can only create a Fastfile.swift that works with an auto generated version of fastlane's core actions and tools.

Best way to structure a Meteor app for multiple organizations? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to allow my meteor app to have siloed organizations/teams that essentially have separate databases. They can only see their own content/users.
What is the most efficient way for me to set this up?
Options that I can think of:
Every user & piece of content has an associated organization ID
Each org has a separate instance of the app with its own separate DB

Parse Migration Tool doesn't migrate files (PFFiles)... what can I do? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I store images on Parse's managed database as a field called imageFile. When I ran through the migration guide to move data out to MongoLab, I noticed that the imageFile field doesn't contain any binary data. Instead, it contains a file name only, like
"imageFile": "tfss-2f493d64-2801-42ac-9861-13398549f86a-file
How can I get all the files stored on Parse out and transferred to another location?

I have implemented a mini shell. Now i want to extend it to include redirection and pipes [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Where exactly that code has to be integrated ? In the shell or within the commands itself or before forking ?
Implement in the shell. It's just manipulating file descriptors, which are inherited when you fork the child processes, which are the commands.

AEM workflow session logout [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Should we close workflow session provided in parameters of execute method while implementing a workflow process?
And one more query related to it is that who create these session objects?
According to this article, you should close sessions ONLY if you opened them. So in your case you should NOT close the session.
In this case, session object has been created by CQ.