Emacs and Skim not in Sync fails to open - emacs

New to posting to Stack Overflow, but I'll ask away. I have been having issues linking up Emacs with Skim. Using tex-mode.
I have used code that has been posted here on the site that shows how to do it.
Which does compile and shows output. Produces an .aux .log and .pdf file
But fails to preview using C-c C-v. It does not open up skim and outputs an error that says.
"No appropriate `.dvi' file could be found"
from my understanding this snippet of code should be linking up C-c C-v, which is same to tex-view.
(setq TeX-view-program-selection '((output-pdf "PDF Viewer")))
(setq TeX-view-program-list
'(("PDF Viewer" "/Applications/Skim.app/Contents/SharedSupport/displayline -b -g %n %o %b")))
I am curious where this issue may be coming from, current emacs version is 24.5.1
using Tex Live 2014
Found Solution to my Problem:
I found that regular tex-mode pre-installed by emacs was not complete, and that I need to download auctex, from the packages listed in el-get or melpa to get it to work properly.


Emacs package management failure in Emacs 27.1

My ultimate goal is to get magit working again with Emacs 27.1 on openSUSE Tumbleweed, but the problem ahead of that is getting (melpa?) package management working - so that is really what this post is about. I run into these problems with other packages; magit is just the example, because want teh awesome. I had not installed any packages recently with Emacs 26.3, but my assumption is that it was OK. Magit was certainly working.
Attempt is to start from bare wood:
rm .emacs
rm -r .emacs.d
Need melpa to get magit, so I create a new .emacs with only this inside:
(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives
'("melpa" . "https://melpa.org/packages/") t)
Restarting emacs, the package-list command shows a ton of melpa stuff in there (yay!). Including magit!
So I install that (version 20200820.227) by clicking on the Install button, then "Yes" when it asks for confirmation. Here is what happens at the end of the "Messages" buffer:
Wrote /home/tcarroll/.emacs.d/elpa/magit-20200820.227/magit-autoloads.el [2 times]
Loading async...done
Contacting host: melpa.org:80
error in process sentinel: async-handle-result: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
At this point magit is "installed" - and magit-status even works. But if I restart Emacs, running magit-status results in:
load-history-filename-element: Wrong type argument: stringp, (require . info)
...and I don't actually get any Git status.
Some output I get that I don't recall ever getting when starting Emacs 26.3:
Warning: game dir '/var/games/emacs': Permission denied
Loading loadup.el (source)...
dump mode: nil
Using load-path (/usr/share/emacs/27.1/site-lisp /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp /usr/share/emacs/27.1/lisp /usr/share/emacs/27.1/lisp/emacs-lisp /usr/share/emacs/27.1/lisp/progmodes /usr/share/emacs/27.1/lisp/language /usr/share/emacs/27.1/lisp/international /usr/share/emacs/27.1/lisp/textmodes /usr/share/emacs/27.1/lisp/vc)
Loading emacs-lisp/byte-run...
Loading emacs-lisp/byte-run...done
Loading emacs-lisp/backquote...
Several screenfuls of "Loading" this and that; I can include more if helpful. My speculation is that this has something to do with the new portable dumper?
There are a great many clean-shaven yaks in my vicinity (and the rest are scared). Trying to keep this from getting too long.
Adding new info at request:
openSUSE Tumbleweed update today to emacs. Still at version 27.1 but dated today:
GNU Emacs 27.1 (build 1, x86_64-suse-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.22, cairo version 1.16.0) of 2020-08-25
Toggled on debugging via toggle-debug-on-error. Installation behavior nothing new, unfortunately; still
async-handle-result: End of file during parsing
Again, thanks for any help!
Turns out the /usr/bin/emacs is a script not a binary (old news to most of you, I'm sure) and it decides between different ways of invoking Emacs. For me, the key thing is that at the end it does this:
exec -a emacs /usr/bin/emacs-gtk
which causes Emacs to emit lots of messages about "Loading" this and that, including loadup.el, and finally not work properly with regard to packages (Org and Magit both affected, probably others).
When I invoke this instead:
...I don't see any of those "Loading" messages. And Magit and Org both work fine.
From my limited understanding of this "exec -a" thng it seems that there "should" not be this difference in behavior, so maybe it is some dumb thing in my environment that I overlooked. But stuff works now.

Emacs polymode gives error when opening file

I downloaded the polymode zip-file from GitHub, open the zip-file which gives a folder named polymode-master . I renamed the folder to polymode and put it on my .emacs.d folder. Then I inserted the following lines into my .emacs file:
;; Polymode
(setq load-path
(append '("~/.emacs.d/polymode/" "~/.emacs.d/polymode/modes")
(require 'poly-R)
(require 'poly-markdown)
When I open a file with emacs it gives me the following error:
Warning (initialization): An error occurred while loading `c:/Users/ab/.emacs':
File error: Cannot open load file, markdown-mode
To ensure normal operation, you should investigate and remove the
cause of the error in your initialization file. Start Emacs with
the `--debug-init' option to view a complete error backtrace.
Any idea what I did wrong?
Thanks for help.
Windows 7
GNU Emacs 24.3.1
polymode depends on markdown-mode for its Markdown support, and it doesn't look like you have it installed.
Since you're using Emacs 24, which has package.el built-in, I strongly recommend installing it via MELPA stable (also available in regular MELPA and Marmalade), but if you're still installing packages manually you can find it on its website.

Markdown-preview does't work in emacs markdown mode

Markdown preview command doesn't work.
I installed markdown-mode.el on emacs by using package-install.
Then I created test.md file as a trial. Syntax hi-lighting apparently works fine in the text.
When I used "C-c C-c p" command in order to show markdown preview, I got following error message in backtrace buffer. Even if I saved test.md file in current directory, it still said "No such file or directory". The file is located in "~/workspace/daily_log/test.md."
I tried "M-x markdown-preview" instead of shortcut key. But it doesn't work,too.
Do I make a mistake about usage of markdown-mode? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Error message in backtrace buffer
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (file-error "Searching for program" "No such file or directory" "bash.exe")
call-process-region(1 36 "bash.exe" "/tmp/emacsAxnXZ9" #<buffer *markdown-output*> nil "-c" "markdown")
shell-command-on-region(1 36 "markdown" "*markdown-output*")
call-interactively(markdown-preview nil nil)
my environment
OS: Ubuntu 14.10
emacs: 24.4.1 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.12.2)
markdown-mode: markdown-mode-20140914.1012/
If you inspect the backtrace you'll see that this has nothing to do with your Markdown file.
markdown-preview needs an external markdown command that can generate HTML. It looks like whatever Markdown processor you are using is trying to call bash.exe (not bash) when converting your file.
You might have installed some Windows-centric Markdown converter.
You might have customized markdown-command, directly or indirectly causing it to call bash.exe.
Since you are on Ubuntu, a simple apt-get install markdown should give you a decent Markdown that works with markdown-mode's markdown-preview function. After installing markdown at the system level, make sure that Emacs has markdown-command set to markdown (the default value).

emacs 24.3 from http://emacsformacosx.com/ cannot export html after upgrading org-mode to org-version-8.2.1-15

What I did:
emacs 24.3 for OS X was downloaded from http://emacsformacosx.com/, which comes with bundled org-mode version 7.9.3f.
I upgraded org-mode by following the method from here:
with the method#1 Using Emacs packaging system.
I included (package-initialize) in my .emacs profile.
I no longer can run org-babel
C-c, C-e, b to export selected portion for html export.
When I run C-c C-e h h, it says "Invalid Key"
When I run M-x org-publish-project , it says "Invalid function: (......)".
Can anyone can shed some lights on the problem?
The HTML export problem can be solved if I simply remove
(require 'org-publish) for org-version 7.x.x, and replace it with
(require 'ox-publish) for org-version 8.x.x at the very top of my .emacs file.
Why the didn't the official site just say so? D'oh!
As of 2013 Oct 31, the babel problem is still unsolved as babel site mentions that it is integrated in org-version 7.x.x but does not mention anything about 8.x.x. (see http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/). Is there anyone using the bleeding edge version of babel with org-version 8.x.x without problem?

Emacs lua-mode (File mode specification error)

I get the following error
File mode specification error: (error "Unknown rx form `group-n'")
when I try to edit a .lua file in emacs. I use GNU Emacs 23.3.1, and I have the following in my .emacs file:
(autoload 'lua-mode "lua-mode" "Lua editing mode." t)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.lua$" . lua-mode))
(add-to-list 'interpreter-mode-alist '("lua" . lua-mode))
I installed lua-mode from http://immerrr.github.com/lua-mode/.
I have tried to run emacs with the --debug-init option, but it did not enter the debugger, instead the .lua file opens in text-mode and not lua-mode..
(See also Emacs lua-mode issue: (void-function interactively-called-p))
Your Emacs is complaining because it knows nothing about group-n symbol used in rx macro in one of the recent commits, and that is probably because that symbol was only introduced in Emacs 24.2 and your one is a bit older.
I must admit, when coding that I thought that rx package was much more mature and didn't even bother looking up its changes in Emacs news. So, there are two options here:
either you update your Emacs to 24.2
or you could downgrade to older revision and wait while I have the chance to rewrite that piece of code.
UPD: the issue is fixed in upstream, the code is compatible with Emacs23 again.