Asynchronous error handling in swift 2 - swift

So I tried error handling thing in swift 2. But one thing that I am not sure about is how to get it work for asynchronous callback functions. Suppose I am loading a resource from backend. I defined my error type like the following:
enum NetworkError: ErrorType {
case NoConnection
case InvalidJSON
case NoSuccessCode(code: Int)
I am planning to throw one of these cases when something wrong. Here is the function that makes network call:
func loadRequest<T: Decodable>(request: NSURLRequest, callback:T -> Void) throws {
let session = NSURLSession.sharedSession()
let task = session.dataTaskWithRequest(request) { data, response, error in
// Other code that parses json and at somewhere it throws
throw NetworkError.NoConnection
But here compiler gives error:
Cannot invoke dataTaskWithRequest with an argument list of type
(NSURLRequest, (_,_,_) throws) -> Void)
From here it is obvious that same closure type is considered as a different type when it is declared with throws.
So how is this do-try-catch thing works in these situations?

An error cannot be thrown asynchronously because the the function will already have returned when the error occurs, you have to handle the error within the closure by calling back to some function with an ErrorType parameter to decide what you want to do with it. Example:
import Foundation
enum NetworkError: ErrorType {
case NoConnection
case InvalidJSON
case NoSuccessCode(code: Int)
func getTask() -> NSURLSessionDataTask? {
let session = NSURLSession.sharedSession()
let urlRequest = NSURLRequest(URL: NSURL(string: "")!)
return session.dataTaskWithRequest(urlRequest) { data, response, error in
if let error = error {
} else {
// Do your stuff while calling asyncError when an error occurs
func asyncError(error: ErrorType) {
switch error {
case NetworkError.NoConnection:
// Do something

Nothing in NSURLSession.h seems to throw exceptions. So I wonder if that class has been converted to use this new functionality yet.


How to make a function that returns a decodable type in Swift?

So I have this enum that I use for the few url requests I use in my app :
enum Netwrok {
case popular
case topRated
case latest
// ...
static let baseUrl = "http://..."
func path() -> String {
switch self {
case .popular: return "/popular"
// ...
And I would like to add a function that returns the Decodable Type of model the network stack should decode the data with.
So I thought something like that would do the job :
func returnType<T>() -> T.Type where T : Decodable {
switch self {
case .popular:
return Popular.self
// ...
But I can't make it work, it says :
Cannot convert return expression of type 'Popular.Type' to return type 'T.Type'
Asking me to force cast in T.Type.
How can I make a function that returns the decodable so that type can be handled but the JSONDecoder's decode function ?
What you're asking is straightforward, but it probably isn't what you want. What you're asking to do is to return a type. There's nothing generic about that.
func returnType<T>() -> T.Type where T : Decodable {
This syntax defines a type parameter, T, that is passed by the caller. It's not defined by your function. That means the caller may pass any type that is Decodable and your function will return it. For example, the caller can set T to be Int (since that's Decodable), and you will return Int.Type. That's easy to implement (return T.self), but not what you mean.
What you mean is that the function returns some type that is Decodable that the function knows, but the caller doesn't:
func returnType() -> Decodable.Type { ... }
This will work fine, and do exactly what you are asking for, but it suggests you're probably building this network stack incorrectly and will have headaches later.
The reason this approach is likely to be a problem is that you probably want to write a line of code like this:
let result = JSONDecoder().decode(networkType.returnType(), from: data)
That's going to break, because Decodable.Type is not itself a Decodable type. (You you decode Int, but you can't decode the type of Int.) Say it did work. What type would result be? What could you do with it? The only thing you'd know about it is that it's Decodable (and you've already decoded it).
You likely want something more like Vasu Chand's implementation, or the similar approach discussed in my blog series.
You can use escaping closure for your returning result of an API Call.
Assuming you are hitting a get request . A simple working example for passing Codable model for get request api.
class func GETRequest<ResponseType :Decodable>(url : URL,responseType : ResponseType.Type ,completion: #escaping (ResponseType? ,Error? ) -> Void){
var request = URLRequest(url: url)
request.httpMethod = "GET"
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { (data, response, error) in
guard let data = data else{
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let responseData = try decoder.decode(ResponseType.self, from: data)
completion(responseData, nil)
catch let error{
completion(nil, error)
How to call this network function.
Network.GETRequest(url: url, responseType: Model.self) { (model, error) in
Model class contains
struct Model : Codable{
You can pass any response model for any get request to network class .
Similarly you can build api network for post request where request body is simply Codable model .
For sorry you can't as according to your need the supply for the first parameter here
need to be inferred right when you write the code so it can't be Any 1 from a collection of types that conform to Decodable

Swift `Failure` keyword meaning in a Swift Combine chain error

Let's say that I've this simple chain that from an HTTP request creates a publisher for <T, APIManagerError>
func run<T:Decodable>(request:URLRequest)->AnyPublisher<T, APIManagerError>{
return URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: request)
.decode(type: T.self, decoder: JSONDecoder())
.eraseToAnyPublisher()// it should run mapError before this point
This code produces this error since I'm returning Error instead of APIManagerError.
Cannot convert return expression of type
'AnyPublisher<T, Publishers.Decode<Upstream, Output, Coder>.Failure>'
(aka 'AnyPublisher<T, Error>')
to return type 'AnyPublisher<T, RestManagerError>'
I know that to fix the issue I need to add a mapError after .decode.
.mapError{error in
APIManagerError.error("Decode Fail")
but I can't really understand what is reported with the error message before the "aka" part that is quite clear instead
How do you read the error Publishers.Decode<Upstream, Output, Coder>.Failure? specifically what does it mean the .Failure part? where can I find the Failure in the Swift Doc?
Since we are talking about two different kinds of errors here lets denote a Compilation Error as CE and the Failure of a Publisher (conforming to Swift.Error) as PF (Publisher Failure).
Your question is about the interpretation of the CE message.
Cannot convert return expression of type
'AnyPublisher<T, Publishers.Decode<Upstream, Output, Coder>.Failure>'
Writes out the resulting returned type of your implementation of func run - without the mapError call. The compiler acknowledges your call to eraseToAnyPublisher() in the end of the function, and also your generic Output of type T. So that covers the Cannot convert return expression of type 'AnyPublisher<T,. As to Publishers.Decode<Upstream, Output, Coder>.Failure>' outputs the derived type of the Failure. This is somewhat a symbolic breakdown of the derived Failure type. Your upstream Publisher is initially of type URLSession.DataTaskPublisher, as a result of your URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher call, which you then transform with every Combine operator you call: map and then decode. Resulting in the publisher Publishers.Decode. And the Failure type of cannot be properly "desymbolised" (I lack the proper compiler knowledge to use the correct terminology).
Which Xcode version do you use? The New Diagnostic Architecture might be able to show a better error message. This is in fact the reason why I later in my response use .assertMapError(is: DecodingError.self)
Your code in mapError does the job, but it completely tossed away information about the actual error. So I would not do that. At least print (log) the error. But still I would do something like:
Declare custom Error type
Intuitively we have at least two different kinds of errors, either networking or decoding. But potentially more...
public enum HTTPError: Swift.Error {
indirect case networkingError(NetworkingError)
indirect case decodingError(DecodingError)
public extension HTTPError {
enum NetworkingError: Swift.Error {
case urlError(URLError)
case invalidServerResponse(URLResponse)
case invalidServerStatusCode(Int)
You might need to tell combine that the error type is indeed DecodingError, thus I've declared some fatalError macros useful for this information. It is somewhat simular to Combine's setFailureType (but which only works when the upstream publisher has Failure type Never, thus we cannot use it here).
func typeErasureExpected<T>(
instance incorrectTypeOfThisInstance: Any,
toBe expectedType: T.Type,
_ file: String = #file,
_ line: Int = #line
) -> Never {
let incorrectTypeString = String(describing: Mirror(reflecting: incorrectTypeOfThisInstance).subjectType)
"Incorrect implementation: Expected variable '\(incorrectTypeOfThisInstance)' (type: '\(incorrectTypeString)') to be of type `\(expectedType)`",
file, line
func castOrKill<T>(
instance anyInstance: Any,
toType: T.Type,
_ file: String = #file,
_ line: Int = #line
) -> T {
guard let instance = anyInstance as? T else {
typeErasureExpected(instance: anyInstance, toBe: T.self, file, line)
return instance
And then create a convenience method on Publisher, similar to setFailureType:
extension Publisher {
func assertMapError<NewFailure>(is newFailureType: NewFailure.Type) -> AnyPublisher<Output, NewFailure> where NewFailure: Swift.Error {
return self.mapError { castOrKill(instance: $0, toType: NewFailure.self) }.eraseToAnyPublisher()
I took the liberty of catching some more errors in your examples. Asserting e.g. that the server responds with a non failure HTTP status code etc.
func run<Model>(request: URLRequest) -> AnyPublisher<Model, HTTPError> where Model: Decodable {
.dataTaskPublisher(for: request)
.mapError { HTTPError.NetworkingError.urlError($0) }
.tryMap { data, response -> Data in
guard let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse else {
throw HTTPError.NetworkingError.invalidServerResponse(response)
guard case 200...299 = httpResponse.statusCode else {
throw HTTPError.NetworkingError.invalidServerStatusCode(httpResponse.statusCode)
return data
.decode(type: Model.self, decoder: JSONDecoder())
// It's unfortunate that Combine does not pick up that failure type is `DecodingError`
// thus we have to manually tell the Publisher this.
.assertMapError(is: DecodingError.self)
.mapError { HTTPError.decodingError($0) }
Bonus - equality check for HTTPError
It is indeed very advantageous if our error types are Equatable, it makes writing unit tests so much easier. Either we go the Equatable route, or we can do some reflection magic. I will present both solutions, but the Equatable solution is more robust for sure.
In order to make HTTPError conform to Equatable we only need to manually make DecodingError equatable. I've done this with this code:
extension DecodingError: Equatable {
public static func == (lhs: DecodingError, rhs: DecodingError) -> Bool {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
/// `typeMismatch` is an indication that a value of the given type could not
/// be decoded because it did not match the type of what was found in the
/// encoded payload. As associated values, this case contains the attempted
/// type and context for debugging.
case (
.typeMismatch(let lhsType, let lhsContext),
.typeMismatch(let rhsType, let rhsContext)):
return lhsType == rhsType && lhsContext == rhsContext
/// `valueNotFound` is an indication that a non-optional value of the given
/// type was expected, but a null value was found. As associated values,
/// this case contains the attempted type and context for debugging.
case (
.valueNotFound(let lhsType, let lhsContext),
.valueNotFound(let rhsType, let rhsContext)):
return lhsType == rhsType && lhsContext == rhsContext
/// `keyNotFound` is an indication that a keyed decoding container was asked
/// for an entry for the given key, but did not contain one. As associated values,
/// this case contains the attempted key and context for debugging.
case (
.keyNotFound(let lhsKey, let lhsContext),
.keyNotFound(let rhsKey, let rhsContext)):
return lhsKey.stringValue == rhsKey.stringValue && lhsContext == rhsContext
/// `dataCorrupted` is an indication that the data is corrupted or otherwise
/// invalid. As an associated value, this case contains the context for debugging.
case (
.dataCorrupted(let lhsContext),
.dataCorrupted(let rhsContext)):
return lhsContext == rhsContext
default: return false
extension DecodingError.Context: Equatable {
public static func == (lhs: DecodingError.Context, rhs: DecodingError.Context) -> Bool {
return lhs.debugDescription == rhs.debugDescription
Which, as you can see, also has to make DecodingError.Context Equatable.
Then you can declare these XCTest helpers:
func XCTAssertThrowsSpecificError<ReturnValue, ExpectedError>(
file: StaticString = #file,
line: UInt = #line,
_ codeThatThrows: #autoclosure () throws -> ReturnValue,
_ error: ExpectedError,
_ message: String = ""
) where ExpectedError: Swift.Error & Equatable {
XCTAssertThrowsError(try codeThatThrows(), message, file: file, line: line) { someError in
guard let expectedErrorType = someError as? ExpectedError else {
XCTFail("Expected code to throw error of type: <\(ExpectedError.self)>, but got error: <\(someError)>, of type: <\(type(of: someError))>")
XCTAssertEqual(expectedErrorType, error, line: line)
func XCTAssertThrowsSpecificError<ExpectedError>(
_ codeThatThrows: #autoclosure () throws -> Void,
_ error: ExpectedError,
_ message: String = ""
) where ExpectedError: Swift.Error & Equatable {
XCTAssertThrowsError(try codeThatThrows(), message) { someError in
guard let expectedErrorType = someError as? ExpectedError else {
XCTFail("Expected code to throw error of type: <\(ExpectedError.self)>, but got error: <\(someError)>, of type: <\(type(of: someError))>")
XCTAssertEqual(expectedErrorType, error)
func XCTAssertThrowsSpecificErrorType<Error>(
_ codeThatThrows: #autoclosure () throws -> Void,
_ errorType: Error.Type,
_ message: String = ""
) where Error: Swift.Error & Equatable {
XCTAssertThrowsError(try codeThatThrows(), message) { someError in
XCTAssertTrue(someError is Error, "Expected code to throw error of type: <\(Error.self)>, but got error: <\(someError)>, of type: <\(type(of: someError))>")
Reflection magic
Or you can take a look at my Gist here which does not make use of Equatable at all, but can "compare" any enums errors which are not conforming to Equatable.
Together with CombineExpectation you can now write unit tests of your Combine code and compare errors more easily!
I've easily found the answer actually but I keep the question open in case someone else needed it.
The Failure keyword in this case is just the associatedtype that comes with the Publisher protocol.
In this case I'm just getting the Failure type for the Publishers.Decode, that by default is just Error.

Cannot convert value of type '(AccountViewController) -> () -> (AccountViewController)'

Fairly new to Swift so please be easy on me. Working with an inherited codebase.
Getting this error:
Cannot convert value of type '(AccountViewController) -> () -> (AccountViewController)' to expected argument type 'GetUserDelegate?'
This code is in my view controller. This is the only code out of this example that I wrote:
fileprivate var userDataSource = getAPI().getUser(delegate: self)
This code is part of my API definition:
func getUser(delegate: GetUserDelegate?) {
sessionManager.request(ApiRequests.user).validate().responseJSON { (response: Alamofire.DataResponse<Any>) -> Void in
switch response.result {
case .success(let value):
guard let user = Mapper<User>().map(JSONObject: value) else {
delegate?.apiError(code: nil, message: "Cannot decode user")
delegate?.getUserSuccess(user: user)
case .failure(let err):
delegate?.apiError(code: nil, message: err.localizedDescription)
And here is the protocol:
protocol GetUserDelegate: APIErrorDelegate {
func getUserSuccess(user: User)
Now elsewhere in the code I'm seeing similar functions where all they pass in is delegate: self, but this doesn't appear to work and gives me the above error.
My guess is that this is because I am setting this in the class definition directly, rather than in one of the class methods - am I on the right track here? I've done a decent chunk of OOP coding before, but I've never used a delegate design pattern, so I'm not totally understanding implementation here I think.
I guess the error is clear, you should implement such GetUserDelegate inside of your AccountViewController, something like:
class AccountViewController: UIViewController, GetUserDelegate {
func getUserSuccess(user: User) {
// stuff here //

Swift How to returning a tuple from a do catch where conditional binding must have optional type?

I am wanting to put a swift 3 do-catch inside a function rather than constantly writing it everywhere I need it; inside this function I wish to return a tuple with a boolean, and an optional error.
I am trying to return a tuple from the function and handle the result in my XCTest
However, I get an error saying:
Initializer for conditional binding must have Optional type, not '(Bool, Error?)' (aka '(Bool, Optional)')
My function is as follows;
public static func isValidPurchase(train: Train, player: Player) -> (Bool, Error?) {
do {
let result = try train.canBePurchased(by: player)
return (result, nil)
} catch let error {
return (false, error)
My canBePurchased code is a bit long, but it goes like this:
func canBePurchased(by player: Player) throws -> Bool {
if (!self.isUnlocked) {
throw ErrorCode.trainIsNotUnlocked(train: self)
// other if-statements and throws go here
And in my XCTest I call it as such:
if let result = TrainAPI.isValidPurchase(train: firstTrain, player: firstPlayer) as! (Bool, Error?) {
I've tried to force cast:
if let result: (Bool, Error?) ...
but this only demotes the compiler error to a warning.
The complier displays the error as noted above.
What am I doing wrong in terms of Initializer for conditional binding must have Optional type and how do I avoid it?
The return type from isValidPurchase(train:player) is (Bool, Error?), which is not an optional (it is a tuple where the 2nd member happens to be an optional). Hence, there is no use for optional binding when capturing the return from a call to isValidPurchase(train:player). You simply assign the return value and study it's content (possible error etc) from there:
// e.g. using explicitly separate tuple members
let (result, error) = TrainAPI
.isValidPurchase(train: firstTrain, player: firstPlayer)
if let error = error { /* you have an error */ }
else { /* no error, proceed with 'result' */ }
Or, studying the return using a switch statement:
// result is a tuple of type (Bool, Error?)
let result = TrainAPI
.isValidPurchase(train: firstTrain, player: firstPlayer)
switch result {
case (_, let error?): print("An error occured!")
case (let result, _): print("Result = \(result)")
Just use optional casting instead of force casting. Using force casting result would have a non-optional value even if used without the if let statement.
if let result = TrainAPI.isValidPurchase(train: firstTrain, player: firstPlayer) as? (Bool, Error?) {

Function call is requiring an argument but the function takes no arguments

I have this code in a file called makeRequest.swift in a class makeRequest:
class makeRequest {
func callAPI () {
let url = NSURL(string: "
let task = NSURLSession.sharedSession().dataTaskWithURL(url!) {(data, response, error) in
println(NSString(data: data, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding))
And I call it with makeRequest.callAPI(). However, it is requiring an argument:
Missing argument for parameter #1 in call
When I tried to configure callAPI to take a string:
class makeRequest {
func callAPI(urlEnd: String) {
And call it with
It errors with
Cannot invoke 'callAPI' with an argument list type of '(String)'
Sorry about how confusing Swift's error messages are. (There is a cool reason for the nature of this error message, but never mind that right now.) The problem is really that you are calling this method as a class method but it is declared as an instance method.