How do you include existing migrations into a VS 2013 project? - entity-framework

I excluded some migrations from my project in visual studio and now want to add them back.. I noticed there are 3 files per migration... 2 .cs and 1 .resx...
When I add them all back and compile, then try and run the migrations via Update-Database I get the error:
Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or
the neutral culture. Make sure "..." was correctly embedded or linked
into assembly "..." at compile time, or that all the satellite
assemblies required are loadable and fully signed.

I selected all of the files and then changed the properties to Embedded Resource


BIML Studio vs Visual Studio

We are creating a new data warehouse using SSIS and are looking at BIML Studio. I know that for BIML Express I need Visual Studio, but for BIML Studio it seems that we don't even need Visual Studio if we develop our entire ETL with BIML Studio. Is this correct or do I still need Visual Studio in some way?
Standard consulting answer: "It depends"
Your BimlStudio workflow is probably going to be a few BimlScript files that contain your core logic. And then there's gonna be the generated artifacts. As an example, here's shot of the Logical view of my current Biml project. It's a large and still growing "export procs to fixed width files" solution for a client.
Since I need to write to a flat file, that means each package needs a Flat File Connection Manager and a Flat File Connection Manager needs a Flat File Format definition. So, 1 logical entity requires 3 Biml artifacts (at least for how I'm building it)
What you see in the BimlScripts and Connections folder are what run the project (plus the custom metadata repository aka "one big table").
The black circle next to 01_FFF.biml means that's a "live" Biml so every time I make a change to my metadata or the underlying file, whoosh out comes 45 File Format entries (project view)
All of this is great but eventually, I need to translate what's in my Integration Services node (1 project, 45 Packages) into a deliverable.
What's your deliverable?
Right clicking on the project gives me 3 options: Build, Build & Run, Build and & Open in SSDT
Build - this results in a .ispac file being created. That's the quantum for pushing a project deployment model into the SSISDB
Build & Run - Honestly, I don't know what this option does. I should check the book
Build & Open in SSDT - This results in everything you need to interact with the project in Visual Studio (a .dtproj file, Project.params, any Project level .conmgr files and all the associated .dtsx files)
When would I need Visual Studio?
Debugging. I'm pretty good at this stuff but even I miss some settings for things I don't have solid patterns for. For example, this project is using Fixed Width File Formats and in early iterations, I was getting defects open as the files weren't correct because the default file encoding was for Unicode, despite each individual column being defined as DT_STR (non-unicode). Little stuff like that is much easier to find and resolve and fix back in BimlStudio. Otherwise, you're trying to debug the results of a package execution but if you knew you had the wrong pattern, you wouldn't have built the bug into your pattern.

Added a command-line target to my Swift app, but it does not see the rest of the project

I originally created my project using Xcode's templates for iOS, and then arranged my files into "core" logic and "iOS" GUI. core contains a single file, Game.swift.
Now I've added a CLI target as well. However, the CLI target doesn't seem to "see" the files in core, and when I try to init the main object, I get:
Use of unresolved identifier 'Game'
I assume this is because adding a target after-the-fact failed to set up a Search Path or similar in the target, but I'm looking around and don't see anything obvious.

Updating database to Migration Configuration

I have pulled down a Visual Studio 2015 project created my another developer. Within the Migrations folder are several Migration Configuration files ...
I would like to update my database to the point of one of these Migration Configurations. However when I try this command ...
Update-Database -Verbose -StartupProjectName MyApp.Api -ProjectName MyApp.Data -ConfigurationTypeName 201601091532275_AddedDepartmentEntities.cs
I get the following error ...
The migrations configuration type '201601091532275_AddedDepartmentEntities' was not be found in the assembly 'MyApp.Data'.
I was expecting it would bring my database up to the same schema at the point that 201601091532275_AddedDepartmentEntities was created. Am I missing something?
Go to visual studio, select your MyApp.Data and check the "Show All Files".
Inside the migrations folder, see if there aren't migrations "outside" the project. If there is, then add them to the project with Right-Click > Include in project.
Do you use TFS?
It happens when you add something (File/Folder) inside a project in your solution and check-in your solution, and your colleague doesn't do correctly the merge on the .csproj file (Which contains all the information about the files and folders inside the project).
Ok i think this isn't the problem.
You are specifying -ConfigurationTypeName: don't you want -target: instead?
-ConfigurationTypeName Is used to define the configuration class (Normally contains the seed method).
-target Specifies to where you want to update your database (From the current migration to that specific one, forward or backwards it works anyway).
And, do you insert the models inside MyApp.Data or MyApp.Models?

revEng command in Entity Framework 7 creates file in the project root

I am kicking the tires with EF 7, specifically the revEng command.
I have been able to run the revEng command and get the context and POCO files generated.
However there are two things I would like to tweak:
The context and POCO files are created in the project root.
The database connection string is hard coded on the context file.
Is there a way to move the file to another folder from the command? In other words, a Models folder? I could move the files manually, but doing that each time I update the model sounds like it would get old.
Is there a way to have the generated context file reference a connection string from the config.json?
If what I ask is not available, is it in the backlog, and this just life in preview land?
The abibilty to specify a project folder will be available in beta 8

nunit network drive, failing to load tests

We currently carry out development on a mapped drive. When I write nunit tests against a test assembly it will pick up the assembly, however does not recognise any of the tests.
If I move the solultion etc to a local drive and reference it again then everything works fine.
What I really woiuld like to know is why this is being caused, and how I can carry on using a network drive for development.
Per, NUnit apparently does not have appropriate permissions to access the assembly when on a network drive. The suggested fix is to add a post-build event to copy the assembly to a local temp directory and run NUnit off that copied assembly:
Within VS, open the project properties.
Go to the Build Events tab and enter the following 'Post-build event command line':
del /q c:\temp\nunit*.*
copy "$(TargetDir)." c:\temp\nunit
A potential issue you may have as a result of this change is related to the AppBase as per Unable to load <mytest> because it is not located under Appbase. The answer there is to update the Settings element within the .nunit file to include an app base of C:\Temp\NUnit then update the assembly element's path to remove any leading directory information.