DateDiff to show Minutes and Seconds - sql-server-2008-r2

I need to calculate the diff and have my answer show minutes and seconds. Here is sample
Declare #clockin datetime, #clockout datetime, #total decimal(18,4)
Set #clockin = '2015-01-03 08:15:19.000'
Set #clockout = '2015-01-03 12:02:42.000'
Set #total = DateDiff(minute, #clockin, #clockout)
But this returns a whole number I need it to show seconds as well.

I hope this approach can help you, the solution in this way is simple, we just get the quantity of seconds in between, then we calculate the minutes by a simple division and seconds with the module operator.
Declare #clockin datetime, #clockout datetime, #totalSeconds int
Set #clockin = '2015-01-03 08:15:19.000'
Set #clockout = '2015-01-03 12:02:42.000'
Select #totalSeconds = Cast((#clockout - #clockin) as Float) * 24.0 * 60 *60
Select #totalSeconds /60 as [Minutes], #totalSeconds % 60 as [Seconds]
If you want to extend your approach, just change it a bit calculating the differece in seconds but minutes and doing the same like above to separate minutes and seconds, it would look like this:
Declare #clockin datetime, #clockout datetime, #total int
Set #clockin = '2015-01-03 08:15:19.000'
Set #clockout = '2015-01-03 12:02:42.000'
Set #total = DateDiff(second, #clockin, #clockout)
Select #total/60 as [Minutes], #total % 60 as [Seconds]
Minutes: 227, Seconds: 23

play with this as you wish, the real issue is DATEDIFF if you hover over only returns and int
Declare #clockin datetime, #clockout datetime, #total datetime
declare #realtotal decimal(18,4)
Set #clockin = '2015-01-03 08:15:19.000'
Set #clockout = '2015-01-03 12:02:42.000'
select #total = dateadd(ss, DATEDIFF(ss, #clockin, #clockout), cast(0 as DateTime))
select #total
select #realtotal = datepart(hour,#total)*60 + datepart(minute,#total) + (datepart(second,#total)*.01)
select #realtotal


Convert Excel formula (using Date and subtraction) into T-SQL

I am trying to write this Excel formula into T-SQL (to write a function).
Expected output is 0.71944444, but currently my output (using T-SQL) is 24.0000.
I am not sure why we have to add a day to same date and subtract the same date.
Bottom is a screenshot from Excel:
This is what I have so far in T-SQL:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_0921] (
#Punch_Start nvarchar(max)
RETURNS decimal(36, 8) AS
DECLARE #return_value nvarchar(max);
SET #return_value =
MINUTE, CAST(#Punch_Start AS datetime2),
day, 1, CAST(#Punch_Start AS datetime2)
/ (60.0)
RETURN #return_value
Thanks for help.
The Excel formula is returning the difference between the datetime in cell K4 & the start of the next day (i.e. 7/26/2021 00:00) as a fraction of a whole day. The following is the equivalent in T-SQL:
DECLARE #Punch_Start datetime2 = '7/25/2021 06:44';
DATEADD(DAY, 1, #Punch_Start)
AS date) -- Add 1 day to #Punch_Start & cast as date to remove the time component - this is the start of the next day
AS datetime2) -- Cast back to datetime2 to get the difference in minutes
) / 1440.; -- Divide the difference in minutes by the number of minutes in a day (60 minutes per hour, 24 hours per day) to get the difference as a fraction of a day
This can probably help you:
DECLARE #date DATETIME2 = '2021-07-25 06:44'
DECLARE #seconds INT = DATEDIFF(second, CAST(#date AS date), #date)
DECLARE #secondsFromEnd FLOAT = 86400 - #seconds
SELECT #secondsFromEnd / 86400

T SQL: How get all minutes from Time type

I have the following code and I want get all minutes from time type.
declare #time time
set #time = '01:30'
declare #minutes int
--select #minutes = convert time to minutes here
select #minutes -- #minutes == 90
Please help.
The difference between #time & midnight;
set #minutes = datediff(minute, '00:00:00', #time)

Truncate Datetime to Second (Remove Milliseconds) in T-SQL

What is the best way to shorten a datetime that includes milliseconds to only have the second?
For example 2012-01-25 17:24:05.784 to 2012-01-25 17:24:05
This will truncate the milliseconds.
declare #X datetime
set #X = '2012-01-25 17:24:05.784'
select convert(datetime, convert(char(19), #X, 126))
select dateadd(millisecond, -datepart(millisecond, #X), #X)
The fastest, also language safe and deterministic
DATEADD(second, DATEDIFF(second, '20000101', getdate()), '20000101')
The easiest way now is:
select convert(datetime2(0) , getdate())
convert(datetime, convert(varchar, #datetime_var, 120), 120)
The following has very fast performance, but it not only removes millisecond but also rounds to minute. See (
select cast(yourdate as smalldatetime) from yourtable
The following script is made to compare the scripts from Mikael and gbn I upvoted them both since both answers are great. The test will show that gbn' script is slightly faster than Mikaels:
declare #a datetime
declare #x int = 1
declare #mikaelend datetime
declare #mikael datetime = getdate()
while #x < 5000000
select #a = dateadd(millisecond, -datepart(millisecond, getdate()), getdate()) , #x +=1
set #mikaelend = getdate()
set #x = 1
declare #gbnend datetime
declare #gbn datetime = getdate()
while #x < 5000000
select #a = DATEADD(second, DATEDIFF(second, '20000101', getdate()), '20000101') , #x +=1
set #gbnend = getdate()
select datediff(ms, #mikael, #mikaelend) mikael, datediff(ms, #gbn, #gbnend) gbn
First run
mikael gbn
----------- -----------
5320 4686
Second run
mikael gbn
----------- -----------
5286 4883
Third run
mikael gbn
----------- -----------
5346 4620
declare #dt datetime2
set #dt = '2019-09-04 17:24:05.784'
select convert(datetime2(0), #dt)
Expanding on accepted answer by #Mikael Eriksson:
To truncate a datetime2(7) to 3 places (aka milliseconds):
-- Strip of fractional part then add desired part back in
select dateadd(nanosecond,
-datepart(nanosecond, TimeUtc) + datepart(millisecond, TimeUtc) * 1e6,
TimeUtc) as TimeUtc
The current max precision of datetime2(p) is (7) (from
--- DOES NOT Truncate milliseconds
--- 2018-07-19 12:00:00.000
SELECT CONVERT(DATETIME, '2018-07-19 11:59:59.999')
--- Truncate milliseconds
--- 2018-07-19 11:59:59.000
SELECT CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(CHAR(19), '2018-07-19 11:59:59.999', 126))
--- Current Date Time with milliseconds truncated
SELECT CAST( LEFT( '2018-07-19 11:59:59.999' , 19 ) AS DATETIME2(0) )

T-SQL duration in hours:minutes:seconds

I have average duration between several dates (DATETIME format) ie. 1900-01-01 01:30.00.00.
How can I convert DATETIME to format hours:minutes:seconds where hours can be more that 24 - output format can be VARCHAR.
1 days 12 hours 5 minutes convert to 36:05:00
2 days 1 hour 10 minutes 5 seconds convert to 49:10:05
DECLARE #date1 DATETIME = '2011-08-03 13:30'
DECLARE #date2 DATETIME = '2011-08-03 13:00'
DECLARE #date3 DATETIME = '2011-08-03 14:00'
DECLARE #abc DATETIME = '2011-08-03 12:00'
select CAST(AVG(CAST(data-#abc as float)) as datetime)
select 'data' as label, #date1 as data
union all
select 'data' as label, #date2 as data
union all
select 'data' as label, #date3 as data
) as a
group by label
I would like to get result as 01:30:00 which means that average time is 1 hours and 30 minutes.
I tried it:
CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), CAST(AVG(CAST(data-#abc as float)) as datetime), 108)
but then I get only time portion in HH:MM:SS. When I set #abc = 2011-08-02 then the results will be the same - this is incorrect.
King regards,
In T-SQL a datetime is precisely that, a date and a time where the hours can never exceed 24 because that moves it to the next day. You could use datepart to piece the datetime values out and treat them as integers and then rejoin them into the string you want. Depending on your final goal, you may be better of doing this type of work in your application or presentation layers where more general purpose languages often have more robust datetime libraries to work with.
I think you need to write a scalar-valued function that takes an integer argument (time difference in seconds) and format it as needed. For example,
DECLARE #retval VARCHAR(30);
SET #retval = cast(#time_in_secs/(60*60) as varchar(10))+':'+
cast( (#time_in_secs-#time_in_secs/(60*60)*3600)/60 as varchar(10))+':'+
cast( (#time_in_secs-#time_in_secs/(60)*60) as varchar(10));
return #retval;
This function needs some changes - you may want to display leading zero for 0-9(i.g. '00' instead of '0' as this function currently does); also you need to handle negative values in a better way.
Now you can use it with DATEDIFF(second, #val1,#val2).
Hope I pointed you to the right direction.
select cast(cast(cast(t as float) *24 as int) as varchar) + right(convert(varchar,t, 20), 6)
select cast(AVG(CAST(data-#abc as float)) as datetime) t
select 'data' as label, #date1 as data
union all
select 'data' as label, #date2 as data
union all
select 'data' as label, #date3 as data
) as a
group by label
) a
You can't convert datetime to handle non-real dates and times.
However, you can get an output that looks like a datetime, simply by concatenating an hours string with ':' with minutes, etc.
Lookup the DATEADD() and DATEDIFF() functions...

Splitting time + duration into intervals in t-sql

Does anyone know of a simple method for solving this?
I have a table which consists of start times for events and the associated durations. I need to be able to split the event durations into thirty minute intervals. So for example if an event starts at 10:45:00 and the duration is 00:17:00 then the returned set should allocate 15 minutes to the 10:30:00 interval and 00:02:00 minutes to the 11:00:00 interval.
I'm sure I can figure out a clumsy approach but would like something a little simpler. This must come up quite often I'd imagine but Google is being unhelpful today.
You could create a lookup table with just the times (over 24 hours), and join to that table. You would need to rebase the date to that used in the lookup. Then perform a datediff on the upper and lower intervals to work out their durations. Each middle interval would be 30 minutes.
create table #interval_lookup (
from_date datetime,
to_date datetime
declare #time datetime
set #time = '00:00:00'
while #time < '2 Jan 1900'
insert into #interval_lookup values (#time, dateadd(minute, 30, #time))
set #time = dateadd(minute, 30, #time)
declare #search_from datetime
declare #search_to datetime
set #search_from = '10:45:00'
set #search_to = dateadd(minute, 17, #search_from)
from_date as interval,
when from_date <= #search_from and
#search_from < to_date and
from_date <= #search_to and
#search_to < to_date
then datediff(minute, #search_from, #search_to)
when from_date <= #search_from and
#search_from < to_date
then datediff(minute, #search_from, to_date)
when from_date <= #search_to and
#search_to < to_date then
datediff(minute, from_date, #search_to)
else 30
end as duration
to_date > #search_from
and from_date <= #search_to
Create TVF that splits single event:
ALTER FUNCTION dbo.TVF_TimeRange_Split_To_Grid
#eventStartTime datetime
, #eventDurationMins float
, #intervalMins int
RETURNS #retTable table
intervalStartTime datetime
,intervalEndTime datetime
,eventDurationInIntervalMins float
declare #eventMinuteOfDay int
set #eventMinuteOfDay = datepart(hour,#eventStartTime)*60+datepart(minute,#eventStartTime)
declare #intervalStartMinute int
set #intervalStartMinute = #eventMinuteOfDay - #eventMinuteOfDay % #intervalMins
declare #intervalStartTime datetime
set #intervalStartTime = dateadd(minute,#intervalStartMinute,cast(floor(cast(#eventStartTime as float)) as datetime))
declare #intervalEndTime datetime
set #intervalEndTime = dateadd(minute,#intervalMins,#intervalStartTime)
declare #eventDurationInIntervalMins float
while (#eventDurationMins>0)
set #eventDurationInIntervalMins = cast(#intervalEndTime-#eventStartTime as float)*24*60
if #eventDurationMins<#eventDurationInIntervalMins
set #eventDurationInIntervalMins = #eventDurationMins
insert into #retTable
select #intervalStartTime,#intervalEndTime,#eventDurationInIntervalMins
set #eventDurationMins = #eventDurationMins - #eventDurationInIntervalMins
set #eventStartTime = #intervalEndTime
set #intervalStartTime = #intervalEndTime
set #intervalEndTime = dateadd(minute,#intervalMins,#intervalEndTime)
select getdate()
select * from dbo.TVF_TimeRange_Split_To_Grid(getdate(),23,30)
Test Result:
2008-10-31 11:28:12.377
intervalStartTime intervalEndTime eventDurationInIntervalMins
----------------------- ----------------------- ---------------------------
2008-10-31 11:00:00.000 2008-10-31 11:30:00.000 1,79372222222222
2008-10-31 11:30:00.000 2008-10-31 12:00:00.000 21,2062777777778
Sample usage:
select input.eventName, result.* from
'first' as eventName
,cast('2008-10-03 10:45' as datetime) as startTime
,17 as durationMins
union all
'second' as eventName
,cast('2008-10-05 11:00' as datetime) as startTime
,17 as durationMins
union all
'third' as eventName
,cast('2008-10-05 12:00' as datetime) as startTime
,100 as durationMins
) input
cross apply dbo.TVF_TimeRange_Split_To_Grid(input.startTime,input.durationMins,30) result
Sample usage result:
eventName intervalStartTime intervalEndTime eventDurationInIntervalMins
--------- ----------------------- ----------------------- ---------------------------
first 2008-10-03 10:30:00.000 2008-10-03 11:00:00.000 15
first 2008-10-03 11:00:00.000 2008-10-03 11:30:00.000 2
second 2008-10-05 11:00:00.000 2008-10-05 11:30:00.000 17
third 2008-10-05 12:00:00.000 2008-10-05 12:30:00.000 30
third 2008-10-05 12:30:00.000 2008-10-05 13:00:00.000 30
third 2008-10-05 13:00:00.000 2008-10-05 13:30:00.000 30
third 2008-10-05 13:30:00.000 2008-10-05 14:00:00.000 10
(7 row(s) affected)