MongoDB - Loading data into sharded DB with balancer on - mongodb

MongoDB - Anyone has encountered this problem?:
Loading .5M docs (using node js script reading csv file) into sharded database(3 shards) in mongoDB (v3.0.3) with balancer on. Multiple databases sharing the shards. Noticed following behavior:
missing data (range of 1 to 5 docs) which has happened intermitently. Shard key is hashed and all docs have this key and value pair.
while data is loading, expected the count to continously increase but noticed it increaes then decreases then increases again
mongos> db.logs.count()
mongos> db.logs.count()
mongos> db.logs.count()
mongos> db.logs.count()
Turning the balancer off did not have the same problem. Any explanation to this? Thanks.


Insert data to Mongob Shard Cluster?

At first below is my shard cluster I create by Ops Manager:
I have 2 Mongos and 2 Shard (each shard configure replicates set). I not configure any shard key, I mean not sharded collections esxit in my cluster.
When I use mongos to insert a database for testing purposes, the database store only one Shard.
So I want when I insert a database, data can split and store balance on both shards. And I can query from mongos to get accurate data.
Anyone have the same issue?
Databases and collections are not sharded automatically: a sharded deployment can contain both unsharded and sharded data. Unsharded collections will be created on the primary shard for a given database.
If you want to shard a collection you need to take a few steps in the mongo shell connected to a mongos process for your sharded deployment:
Run sh.enableSharding(<database>) for a database (this is a one-off action per database)
Choose a shard key using sh.shardCollection()
See Shard a Collection in the MongoDB manual for specific steps.
It is important to choose a good shard key for your data distribution and use case. Poor choices of shard key may result in unequal data distribution or limit your sharding performance. The MongoDB documentation has more information on the considerations and options for choosing a shard key.
If you are not sure a collection if a collection sharded or want to see a summary of the current data distribution, you can use db.collection.getShardDistribution() in the mongo shell.
You need to implement Zone Range so according the range the data will be stored for each shred.
The code bellows helps you to create zones :
For the zone01 :
sh.addShardTag("rs1", "zone01")
sh.addTagRange("myDB.col01", { num: 1 }, { num: 10 }, "zone01")
For the zone02 :
sh.addShardTag("rs2", "zone02")
sh.addTagRange("myDB.col01", { num: 11 }, { num: 20 }, "zone02")
This will help you Manage Shard Zones

Is MongoDB always write to primary Shard and then rebalance?

use vsm;
sh.shardCollection('vsm.pricelist', {maker_id:1});
Ok, we enabled sharding for Database (vsm) and collection in this database (pricelist).
We trying to write about 80 million documents to 'pricelist' collection.
And we have about 2000 distributed uniformly different maker_ids.
We have three shards. And Shard002 is PRIMARY for 'vsm' database.
We write to 'pricelist' collection from four application nodes with started mongos on each.
And during write data to 'pricelist' collection we see CPU Usage 100% ONLY on Shard002 !
We see rebalancing process. And data migrate to Shard000 and Shard003. But Shard002 has hight CPU Usage and Load Average!
Shards deployed on c4.xlarge EBS Optimized instances. dbdata stored on io1 with 2000 IOPS EBS Volumes.
It is looks like MongoDB write data only to one Shard :( What we do wrong?
The problem
What you describe is usually the indication that you have chosen a poor shard key with makerid, most likely monotonically increasing.
What usually happens is that one shard is assigned the key range from x to infinity (shard002 in your case). Now all new documents get written to that shard, until that shards holds more chunks in excess of the current migration threshold. Now the balancer kicks in and moves some chunks. Problem is that new documents still get written to said shard.
The solution
An easy solution for that problem is to use hashed keys for sharding
Now here comes the serious problem: you can not change the shard key.
So what you have to do is to make a backup of the sharded collection, drop it, reshard the collection using the hashed makerId and restore the backup into the new collection.
Is MongoDB always write to primary Shard and then rebalance?
Yes, if you are relying on auto balancer. And loading huge amounts of data into an empty collection
In your situation, you are relying on the autobalancer to do all the sharding / balancing stuff. I assume what you require is, as your data gets loaded it goes to each shard during load hence having less CPU usage etc.
This how sharding / autobalancing will take place on a high level.
Create chunks of data using split
Move the chunks to other shards
Now, when autobalancer is ON these two steps occur when your data is already loaded or loading.
Create empty collection. Execute the shard command on it. The collection where your data is going to get loaded.
Turn off the auto balancer
Manually create empty chunks using split.
Move those empty chunks to different shards.
Start the load, This time all your data should go directly to their respective shards.
Turn ON the balancer. (Once the load is complete)
You will have to test this approach using a small data set first. But I guess I have got enough information for you to get started.

Query against local MongoDB shard data only

I have a sharded collection, with a shard key "user id". I would like to perform a query where, instead of passing the shard key, I simply restrict the query to only the data on the local mongos shard.
Is this possible / advisable?
Furthermore, can it be used with findAndModify? This would allow me to perform atomic updates on local documents, without specifying a shard key in the query.
As stated in some answers and comments below, my understanding of mongos vs. mongod was a little skewed. I now appreciate that mongos doesn't hold the local data.
Does mongos have any "local" data?
No. Each mongos daemon routes queries to your shards and does not store any data itself, so there is no such concept as "local" documents stored by a mongos. The mongos interface provides a logical view of the entire sharded cluster and does not have affinity to a specific shard.
Based on the type of query/command you send to mongos, the query will be:
Directed: sent to a specific shard if the query uses the shard key
Targeted: sent to applicable shards if the query includes multiple shard key values (or uses a prefix subset of a compound shard key)
Scatter/gather: sent to all shards, if the query is not using the shard key
Should I read from shards directly?
No. It's technically possible to read data from the shards directly but definitely not recommendable as you can get an inconsistent view of data. For example, if there is a migration in progress the data will temporarily exist on both the donor shard and the target shard. Similarly, copies of documents may be orphaned as the result of failed migrations.
A query through mongos correctly directs queries to the appropriate shard(s) and filters results based on the sharded cluster metadata.
Can I use findAndModify() on a sharded collection without a query based on a shard key?
No. For a sharded collection, findAndModify() requires a query based on the shard key. The shard key provides a guarantee that the requested document only exists on one shard.
Can I update sharded collections without going through mongos?
No. All updates to a sharded collection must go through mongos.
Please keep in mind, that doing so is unadvised as traffic to a shared cluster should go through a mongos service.
That being said, It's possible to query the shard itself if you're performing the query locally on the shard instance.
I've never tried to do that programatically, but It may worth a shot.
You can either login directly to the machine running the shard, and open a mongo shell there (if you've never created a local user/password on it, I believe you can connect without credentials, otherwise, the mongod process on that specific shard must have it's own user/pass (as those which were created via the mongos are not recognised in the mongod shards.
As each shard knows its own data files only, and for example you'll run a count() operation on one of your collection you'll see that the result is only a portion of the actual collection size.
Your question is a little vague since you mix your English:
I simply restrict the query to only the data on the local mongos shard.
The shard will infact be a mongod process, not a mongos process, however your English can make sense if you have a mongos per shard in which case it makes sense that you want to direct to a mongos on that shard that can query its local mongod data.
If you are considering on circumventing the mongos then #Stennies comment answers your question however, if your English means something else then I do not believe the mongos has a command switch to allow you to direct queries without a shard key currently.

Is mongodb database available while it is being sharded?

I am sharding a large-scale database in mongodb. Since the amount of documents in the collection is over 100,000,000, so, it will take a really long time to shard, right? I am now doing the sharding operation for this database, and the command line is just in the waiting state. How can I check if the shard operation is processing normally?
Do the following steps (order matter):
Set up shard MongoDB server
Then, do the sharding operation for the database you got (collection
with documents over 100,000,000 or so..)
Well,in fact ,it is because I should shard the database before I populated all the data to it.Never should I populate all the data to a database whose shard configuration is ready but haven't be shard-enabled . In that case,I run sh.enableSharding("database name") and sh.shardCollection(),the terminal will fall into a forever wait. But if I run sh.enableSharding("database name") and sh.shardCollection() on a empty database ,and then populate the data to it , data can be sharded into different shard while I am inserting data.
Well ,another piece of experience.

Mongodb Sharding and Indexing

I have been struggling to deploy a large database.
I have deployed 3 shard clusters and started indexing my data.
However it's been 16 days and I'm only half way through.
Question is, should I import all data to a non sharded cluster and then activate sharding once the raw data is in the database and then attach more clusters and start indexing? Will this auto balance my data?
Or I should wait another 16 days for the current method I am using...
Here is more explanation of the setup and data that is being imported...
So we have 160 million documents that are like this
"_id" : ObjectId("5146ae7de4b0d58a864bcfda"),
"subject" : "<concept/resource/propert/122322xyz>",
"predicate" : "<concept/property/os/123ABCDXZYZ>",
"object" : "<http://host/uri_to_object_abcdy>"
Indexes: subject, predicate, object, subject > predicate, object > predicate
Shard keys: subject, predicate, object
3 clusters on AWS (each with 3 Replica sets) with each node having 8 GiB RAM
(Config servers are within each cluster and Mongos is in a separate server)
The data gets imported by a Java program into a the Mongos.
What would be the ideal way to import this data, index and shard. (without waiting a month for the process to be completed)
If you are doing a massive bulk insert, it is often faster to perform the insert without an index and then index the collection. This has to do with the way Mongo manages index updates on the fly.
Also, MongoDB is particularly sensitive to memory when it indexes. Check the size of your indexes in your db.stats() and hook up your DBs to the Mongo Monitoring Service.
In my experience, whenever MongoDB takes a lot more time than expected, it is due to one of two things:
It running out of physical memory or getting itself into a poor I/O pattern. MMS can help diagnose both. Check out the page faults graph in particular.
Operating on unindexed collections, which does not apply in your case.