Simulink - Algebraic Loops errors - matlab

I'm trying to build a system in Simulink, but I get errors about Algebraic Loops.
Could you please help?
The goal of this system is to observe behaviour of double pendulum with a spring attached to the lower part of it.
Here's my system:
I can't post pictures, because i don't have enough points on StackOverflow.

Yep it's common problem.
The problem is that simulink try to use variable value to calculate itself (at one step).
You can solve this problem easily - you just need to add Unit Delay block for this variable. Like this:
You can see I use variable Vd to calculate itself again at every step.
I added Unit Delay and simulink use the value of Vd from PREVIOUS STEP!
It works perfectly!


Solving an Algebraic Loop in Simulink using an Initial Value

I am building a circuit model for a transformer which models the effects of hysteresis. It does so using the Matlab function block on the right, and works successfully when tested in isolation. However, the value of the magnetising inductance Lm depends on calculations requiring the value of Im. But Simulink cannot determine the value of Im without the value of Lm, thus forming an algebraic loop.
However, I have the initial value for the inductance, Lm_initial loaded into the workspace. With this, I should be able to solve for the first Im value, which can be used to determine the next Lm, and so on. However, specifying Lm_initial in the variable inductor's properties doesn't work; Simulink tries to evaluate Lm with the nonexistent 'phi' and 'Im' values rather than trying to solve for an initial Im using the value of the initial inductance.
I have tried solutions involving commenting/uncommenting blocks and implementing further subsystems which activate/deactivate depending on the time step, as well as unit delays, but these run into issues regarding tracking time for calculating the derivatives or output very incorrect/noisy waveforms.
Is there a relatively simple solution for this case? The problem appears as if it'd be relatively simple to solve, but I cannot seem to find a workaround for this.
Transformer Equivalent Model
The exact placement of the unit delay in the loop might be the key here: try to place the unit delay between the [lm] GoTo block and the lm input of your MATLAB function block fcn, that should work. And set the initial condition parameter to Lm_initial.

Use the result values from previous simulation result as guess values for next simulation in Dymola

Initialization could be very cumbersome and easily lead to divergence. A simple strategy is to run the simulation when building a part of the whole system and use the simulation results to modify guess values.
Here is what I got in the PPT from Francesco Casella and the book from Daniel Bouskela.
I found that I could use an option in Dymola as follows, but instead of using the initialization result, I wanna use the result when reaching a steady state. So I'd like to use a python script to extract the result from the .mat result file, then modify the iteration variables automatically. But the key problem is that I don't know when I add more components in my model, the iteration variable set of existing components would change, I don't know what kind of effect would this causes.
Anyone got opinion on this issue, welcome to answer this question.
So my question is where should I find the python
You can use the end values (= steady state) of the simulation result in order to create a new initialization (Dymola Manual 1, section 2.5.12) . If the component names are the same in the sub system model and the total model, you can run the script created in the subsystem model on the larger system model as well. But you have to check if your models have initial equations that hinder an initialization from the outside (see section 4.2 in
It should also be possible to initialize it steady state. Instead of providing initial values for a state x and fixing it, you can provide initial equations for the derivatives such as der(x) = 0;
With that setup activate Save Initial Results and you should be good to go.

Setting Advance Solver settings in Dymola

Is there a way to set the maximal solver stepsize (hmax) directly in Dymola?
The value for hmax can be changed in dsin.txt and it works if the simulation is run with dymosim.exe, but gets overwritten if simulation is started in Dymola.
Is there some hidden flag that I can use?
After editing dsin.txt, try to execute dymosim.exe directly instead of using the GUI (without parameters e.g. when executing via a double-click from the explorer this will create dsres.mat instead of <modelName>.mat). This should prevent Dymola from re-creating dsim.txt and therefore consider your setting for hmax.
Not very convenient, but currently the only way I know to make it work.
You can as well create dsin.mat and provide it as an argument for dymosim.exe to be able to re-create dymosim.exe using the GUI, without modifying dsin.txt every time. This is shown here: dymola.readTrajectory - different sample times. You need to skip the second parameter "<DymolaWD>\tgrid.mat" obviously.
#Shanga: I think this should work for eviter as well, but I have no model to reliably test it. So feedback would be appreciated...
Setting maximum stepsize is only reasonable for solvers without stepsize control, e.g. Euler or Runge-Kutta. In those cases, a Fixed Integrator Step can be set in Simulation setup.
Currently there is no convenient way to do this directly from Dymola. The dsin.txt file has to be edited as you describe.
I believe you set it through the parameters Interval length or Number of intervals in the General section of the Simulation Setup. The system will be solved at least on those points, which I understand as the maximum stepsize.

Change simulink parameters at runtime from the code/block flow

My initial problem is that I have a continuous transfer function which coefficients change with time.
Currently the TF's coefficients are expressed in function of the block mask parameters. These parameters are tunable, and if I change the value in the mask parameters dialog during a simulation the response seems to react appropriately.
However how can I do just that in the code/block flow? Basically, I
have the block parameter 'maskParam' which is set using the mask
parameters dialog, and in the mask initialization commands:
'param=maskParam'. 'param' is used in the transfer function and I
would like to change it in real time (as param=maskParam*f(t)).
I have already looked around and found relevant solutions but either it's unbelievably complicated; or the only transfer function which we are allowed to modify at runtime is discrete and 1) I would like to avoid z-transforming my quite complex TF (I don't have the control toolbox) 2) The sampling time seems to be fixed.. None uses this "dirty" technique of updating parameters, maybe that's the way around?
To illustrate:
I am assuming that you want to change your sim parameters whilst the simulation is running?
A solution is that you run your simulation for inf period and use/change a workspace variable during the simulation period to make the changes take effect.
for Example:
If you look at the w block, you can set it's value in runtime, by doing this:
set_param('my_model_name/w', 'value', 100); % Will change to 100 immediately
You can do similar things with arrays (i.e. a list of coefficients in your case).
You are using discrete transfer function block. Try the following:
1) Give your block a name e.g. fcn_1
2) In your script, type set_param('your_model_name/fcn_1', 'numerator', '[1 2]'); This will set the numerator value to [1 2]. Do the same for denominator.
3) You should be able to understand, through this exercise, how to handle the property names etc. so that you can change/get them using set_param/get_param.
I leave you to investigate further.
The short answer is that Simulink blocks are not really designed to do this. By definition, a transfer function is Liner-Time Invariant, meaning its characteristics (read coefficients) do not vary with time.
Having said that, there are some workarounds, such as the ones you mentioned in your question. These are the correct way to approach the problem I'm afraid, other than the set_param method suggested by #ha9u63ar. See also this blog on the subject on the MathWorks web site.

Matlab ode45 takes tool long and steps in function delet(h)

I have a problem with ode45. I've defined a function and trying to solve it by ode, but when i run it, it takes so long. I tried to display the "t" input in my function and it showed time step was 10^-8 ! [I do not get any error from ode45]
So i put a breakpoint at the end of my function, and after I Step once, it goes to sym.m file and calls Function delet(h)
function dxr=Dynfun(t,x)
after Step it goes to
function delete(h)
if builtin('numel',h)==1 && inmem('-isloaded','mupadmex') && builtin('numel',h.s)==1 && ~isa(h.s,'maplesym')
and that's what makes it too long, because it goes in a loop in there.
what's the problem?! Thanks
Sounds like it's a "stiff" problem to me. I would recommend using a solver that is designed for stiff problems. I would also recommend trying a fixed step solver at a small step size ~ 0.001 and see what the output looks like. If you are breaking in sym.m, sounds like you've some some symbolic logic going on in there. Is there a way you could take your symbolic expression and convert it to a matlab script?
As indicated by macduff, your problem could be stiff. Try ode15s (which is designed for stiff problems) and see if the stepsize still decreases to unacceptably low values.
If that is indeed the case, then your problem might contain a singularity for the initial values you give it. If your problem has dimensions lower than 3, you can define a small event function to get insight into the values at each step, and plot them to see if there is indeed something problematic going on.
Then -- do you really need symbolic math? The philosophy behind that is that it's easier to read for humans, which makes it terrible to deal with for computers :) If you can transform it into something non-symbolic, please do -- this will noticeably increase performance.
Also, more a word of advice, delete is also Matlab builtin function. It is generally a bad idea to name your functions after Matlab buitins -- it's confusing, and can cause a lot of overhead while Matlab is deciding which one to use.