Posting message to user's wall from C# server app - facebook

We are having a problem with the review of our app which needs FB user's authorization to publish a post to his wall (publish_actions permission rejected by FB reviewer). The post is a promo offer developed by some retail store which is generated on server and needs to be put on user's wall.
We are seeing this in many cases by apps that are approved by FB but the reviewer has stated this: 'Make sure the user message area is not pre-filled in any way by the app otherwise the submission will be rejected. This includes hashtags, URLs, and any other text not written by the user.’
What we see in many cases is that the message is pre-filled with text from a publisher so that when its posted to the wall you see an image with some text including a link to the FB page of the publisher. Does anyone know why we are not allowed to do the same?

Prefilling is not allowed. It does not matter if you see it in another App, it´s still not allowed. If you believe an App does it, report it to Facebook.
Also, the user profile is not a place to advertise, each and every single post to the user wall must be written and authorized by the user. You can only add a link with Open Graph tags to it. See the docs for information about all the possible parameters:


Fb App is missing

I find that my app which is recently created(about 5hrs) is missing altogether(with no trace of any existence) and i did not get any notification (or email) from fb which we generally get if we forget to add pivacypolicy to FB App.
It was a sweepstake kind of app where user is asked to participate in the contest by submitting his emailid and phone number. and his participation is posted on his wall with a link to app(using feed post, and link is given out using link parameter in me/feed post).
we posted a status on our client's wall including the app link(even post is missing now).
May i know a place or link where i can find a reason for my app's restriction as i followed all the rules of fb to the best of my knowledge.
Here is the app id if it may help 675743852468369.
Thank you in advance.
Just check your email if any query send to you by facebook because it may be spamming that continously posting or something like that or you have to read facebook policy and updation.

Facebook will not allow me to post to a user's wall without a dialog. How can get away with it?

I have an app that allows users to share the page to specific users by clicking on check boxes next to their name and then doing a bunch of posts. I received an alert in February that said I would not be able to post to friends' walls unless there is a dialog box.
However, I noticed if you sign a petition on, they do something very similar where they post the petition to a bunch of friends' walls.
I'm curious how they get away with that. Maybe I'm not familiar enough with the Facebook API.
I'm not sure if this helps, but Facebook does have business partnerships with certain sites/companies that have more privileges to their api keys, facebook app. This could be one of these instances.
One instance of this is, when you go to a major site and the site is able to read your facebook session, and within that site they show your name and picture once the site is rendered. In essence, these sites already know who you are.

Post on a company facebook page wall on behalf of a user

I have a wp7 app that connect with facebook and lets assume i have the users access token
I am wondering if it is possible to write on the wall of some company facebook page as the user. (i have no ownership of the facebook page and not affiliated with it in any way)
If it is, do you know which permission do i need to obtain ? would love to get any kind of code snippet or a direction i should follow.
it's not possible to write on the wall on behave of the user. You always get a token in the context of a Facebook application - so it will be the app posting on the wall, not the user. And the maximum permission app can ask a user for is publish_stream which allows you (your app actually) to:
Enables your app to post content, comments, and likes to a user's
stream and to the streams of the user's friends.
so in order to post to the company wall, you need to:
Request publish_stream permission from the user
Issue a post request to<>/feed url with your message
It's really easy to test. Go to, click on "Get access token", select "publish_stream" permission in "Extended" tab, set action to POST, enter "LGUSA/feed" into URL field, click on "Add a field", enter "message: test" and click POST. You will get ID of your post back. See screenshot attached
Sorry this is going to be a bit vauge, but here goes:
First the user is going to have to be authenticated to facebook. There is a good example here. This will give you an authentication tolken to allow you to interact with the API.
The user is going to need facebook permissions to write to the wall. Facebook permissions are described here. I don't know about the specifics of your problem, but with more details I may be able to help more.
then you shoud be able to post to the appropiate wall using the facebook graph api (you'll probably need to be signed up to facebook with a developer account to get to this page).

facebook app, post to user and notify him

I've searched for many many hours on this topic through google and also read a lot of questions here, but nothing solved my problem.
I'm making a facebook application, the application has offline_access and publish_stream permissions.
I can successfully post to users' wall.. but the user doesn't get any notification that the app posted to their wall.
I want the user do receive a notification whenever the app on their wall.
also is it possible to make the application post without user's name, (i.e with page name or application name)..
you will have to use another social channel to generate
notifications such
as send a request.
To my knowledge, neither a page or application can post to a users wall. You can however have one user post to another users wall, or a user to a page/app wall.

Facebook Policies: Can my application automatically post stories to my Facebook stream?

According to the Facebook Platform Policies:
You must not pre-fill the user_message
parameter or content sent via an
extended permission (such as a status
update or note), unless the user
generated the content earlier in the
Does that mean that I can't publish stories to the stream automatically, even if the user agreed to?
I've seen apps (such as PlayStation Network, Foto Diaria) that publish stories automatically.
PlayStation Network publishes stories about actions you did in PS3 games and Foto Diaria publishes a picture from your wall every day. In both cases the attachment is created by the application, and the user message is empty. Could that mean that publishing stories with an empty user message (empty, not absent) is not considered pre-filling?
EDIT: I need to know what is allowed or not by the Facebook Platform Policies, not how to post stories.
If you ask the user for the publish_stream extended permission then you'll be able to post automatically whilst the user is interacting with the application. You can pre-fill the user message only if it's something that the user has entered earlier in the process e.g. if you've asked them to comment on a piece of content and then publish a story about the comment. If in doubt, leave it blank.
If you want to publish automatically even when the user isn't online then you'll also need them to grant the application the offline_access extended permission. In this case you'll also need to store the session key that Facebook gives you for that user.
Check this out. The Platform policies section of the FB Dev site has some additional documents to allow you gain a better understanding of the guidelines for sharing.
Please also read the section about User Feedback.
Hope this helps.
We can ask user to grain of offline_access permission, which is access to user profile at anytime, even if user is not online. But this permission will no longer available.
I agree that this permission is so harmful to user.
But it still useful if owner app want to post to their own account during user use their app. If you want to post to your self account, you can manually grain offline_access to your app, and select access_token and keep it in your own app, and use it when you need to post your account. It make sense that Facebook should allow developer to do this task.
it is simply forbidden but, there is a catch about it, if is text prepared by user previously, you can post that text later and I think you are able to add your own text to that. But not so sure..
I'm saying this based on McDonald's Canada's yourquestions app, you can ask questions to them, whenever its answered they posting to your wall.
But to clarify that, as a PMD I'll ask to FB personally and let you know what is the answer is.