How to avoid executing variables in lc3 assembly - negative-number

I am making my first steps in lc3 assembly programming and I noticed that every time I try to store a negative value in memory, for example using "ST" instruction, there is some kind of error. In this memory location is stored "TRAP xFF" instead...
Anybody know how can I get over it??

You're getting that error because your variables are apart of the run-time code. It's usually best practice to put your variables at the end of your code after the HALT command.
.ORIG x3000
NOT R0, R0
ADD R0, R0, #1
The reason you were getting those errors is because when you were storing numbers into your variables the simulator thought they were commands. The trap command has an opcode of 1111 which also a negative number. When the simulator ran into your variable it couldn't figure out what type of TRAP command it was, thus the error. By preventing the simulator from running your variables you won't get that error.


Extending .text section of executable fails

Warning - it is rather long question.
I'm working on my small project for instrumenting pe files. At the moment my main focus is to extend .text section of an executable. Not add a new segment, not modify the entry point, but really extend existing .text section.
My approach is very naive. I fully rely on and so I'm happy to hear suggestions on how I can improve. Moreover maybe you will spot something I've missed. For now I'm:
fixing all raw/virtual addresses of sections that are after .text
section making sure they are aligned correctly,
fixing some
fields in headers such as size of data, size of code, checksum,
iterating over every data dictionary and fixing all fields which
have RVA.
When comparing files in pe-bear everything seems to be correctly updated.
Current state
I am able to extend small project written by myself which use TLS, exceptions, imports, delay imports, sefe seh and resources. But I fail to extend real, big applications avaible on internet.
One of the applications which I'm unable to extend is Notepad. By this I mean that modified Notepad++ binary crashes. I've traced down a place which seems to be the reason.
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
mov ebx, dword ptr ss:[ebp+8] ; <-- 1) this argument in orginal is equal to 2. In permutated executable it is equal to some huge number
xor ecx, ecx
push edi
xor eax, eax
lea edi, dword ptr ds:[ebx*4 + 0x641fdc] ; <-- and so this causes ACCESS VOLATATION
Some screenshots:
x64dbg - orginal Notepad++ before 1). Base: 0x41000. The ebx will become: 0x2.
x64dbg - extended Notepad++ before 1). Base: 0x42000. The ebx will become: 0x00177FF4
0x146dde rva address is a relocation. Here is a screenshot of this relocation in orginal Notepad++
And in the modified one. Note that only the relocation value has changed from: 0x611fdc to 0x621fdc (which is expected behaviour):
And finaly screenshot of sections:
Link to orginal Notepad++ binary:
Link to modified Notepad++ binary:

How to interprete double entries in Windbg "x /2" result?

I'm debugging a dumpfile (memory dump, not a crashdump), which seems to contain two times the amount of expected objects. While investigating the corresponding symbols, I've noticed the following:
0:000> x /2 <product_name>!<company>::<main_product>::<chapter>::<subchapter>::<Current_Object>*
012511cc <product_name>!<company>::<main_product>::<chapter>::<subchapter>::<Current_ObjectID>::`vftable'
012511b0 <product_name>!<company>::<main_product>::<chapter>::<subchapter>::<Current_ObjectID>::`vftable'
01251194 <product_name>!<company>::<main_product>::<chapter>::<subchapter>::<Current_Object>::`vftable'
0125115c <product_name>!<company>::<main_product>::<chapter>::<subchapter>::<Current_Object>::`vftable'
For your information, the entries Current_Object and Current_ObjectID are present in the code, no problem there.
What I don't understand, is that there seem to be two entries for every symbol, and their memory addresses are very close to each other.
Does anybody know how I can interprete this?
it can be due to veriety of reasons Optimizations and redundant code elimination being one at the linking time (pdb is normally made when you compile) see this link by raymond chen for an overview
quoting relevent paragraph from the link
And when you step into the call to p->GetValue() you find yourself in Class1::GetQ.
What happened?
What happened is that the Microsoft linker combined functions that are identical
at the code generation level.
00000 8b 41 04 mov eax, DWORD PTR [ecx+4]
00003 c3 ret 0
?GetQ#Class1##QAEPAHXZ ENDP ; Class1::GetQ
?GetValue#Class2##UAEHXZ PROC NEAR ; Class2::GetValue, COMDAT
00000 8b 41 04 mov eax, DWORD PTR [ecx+4]
00003 c3 ret 0
?GetValue#Class2##UAEHXZ ENDP ; Class2::GetValue
Observe that at the object code level, the two functions are identical.
(Note that whether two functions are identical at the object code level is
highly dependent on which version of what compiler you're using, and with
which optimization flags. Identical code generation for different functions
occurs with very high frequency when you use templates.) Therefore, the
linker says, "Well, what's the point of having two identical functions? I'll
just keep one copy and use it to stand for both Class1::GetQ and

LLDB fails to examine variables (in Xcode)

In particular the print command typically (80-90% failure rate) does not work
I've verified already:
Example 1
(lldb) p prevMsg
error: Couldn't materialize: couldn't get the value of runOnce: extracting data from value failed error: errored out in DoExecute, couldn't PrepareToExecuteJITExpression
Example 2 A more typical example that puts you in a stone age of computing:
(lldb) p activeNetworkRequests
error: Execution was interrupted, reason: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x1700530). The process has been returned to the state before expression evaluation.
This seems to have gotten progressively worse since Xcode 7.
Printing variables scoped from the enclosing function of a closure are particularly hopeless.
The code base is not small, about 15K lines. It would not be practical to isolate and reproduce all the code here.
Surely others are experiencing this?
UPDATE: I'm told about the merits of expression --unwind-on-error=0 -- variable-in-question, presumably for example2
Util.log("Returning \(key) from file cache", [.Caches])
08:03:11.201 v2.0.64d other TwoStageCache.swift objectForKey(_:completion:)[95]: Returning from file cache
(So the value of key is fine)
(lldb) fr var key
(URL) key = unable to read data
(lldb) print key
error: Execution was interrupted, reason: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x1d787583).
The process has been returned to the state before expression evaluation.
If we look at the crash:
(lldb) expression --unwind-on-error=0 -- key
0x22562b0 <+0>: pushl %ebp
0x22562b1 <+1>: movl %esp, %ebp
0x22562b3 <+3>: subl $0x8, %esp
0x22562b6 <+6>: calll 0x22562bb ; <+11>
0x22562bb <+11>: popl %ecx
0x22562bc <+12>: movl 0x8(%ebp), %eax
0x22562bf <+15>: testl %eax, %eax
0x22562c1 <+17>: je 0x22562e1 ; <+49>
0x22562c3 <+19>: movl (%eax), %edx
-> 0x22562c5 <+21>: testb $0x2, 0x10(%edx)
1 $__lldb_expr(UnsafeMutablePointer<Any>) -> ()
2 Beta Viewer`#objc AppDelegate.init() -> AppDelegate:
3 sharedEnchantment`partial apply for TwoStageCache.(objectForKey(URL, completion : (imgData : Data?, err : BBError?) -> ()) -> ()).(closure #1)
4 sharedEnchantment`thunk:
Sorry in advance for the essay, but hopefully the info will be worth the read...
lldb has two ways of looking at variables(*): print and frame variable.
print isn't really meant primarily for printing variables - that's just a side effect of what it really does. print is an alias for expression which gives you a little more sense of what it is: a full expression evaluator which runs the expression you pass at the point where you are stopped in your code.
It builds a context that emulates the code at the current pc (including the Class/Protocol context) and then takes the snippet you pass it, compiles it in that context, JIT's the result, inserts the JIT'ed code into the process you are debugging and runs it. That's quite powerful - you can change values, call functions in your program, introduce new functions, new types, etc. But there is also a lot of machinery just to get it going, and with swift some of this machinery is tricky to get right.
frame variable can only print locals and arguments in the current frame (with the -g flag it can also print globals & statics). It can't call functions, or any of the other fancy things print can do. It does understand a limited subset of the variable access syntax, so:
(lldb) frame variable
will work. But under the covers, all it needs to do is read the debug information to find the variable, its type, and where it is in memory, and then it can extract the value from that information. So it is faster and more robust for what it does do - which is a large percentage of the work people generally ask print to do.
Note, you can get "object printing" for variables you access with frame variable by using the -O flag, and it supports the same formatting options for results as print. For context, the Xcode "Locals" view is roughly equivalent to calling frame variable.
I tend to use frame variable for simple locals printing, but even if you like to use one command for all your needs - which will be print - it's good to know that there's a fallback if print is failing for some reason.
Back to your examples...
Example 1: one of the things print does in Swift is introduce all the visible local variables into the context of the expression, so they are available to your code. The error in Example 1 is because one of the local variables couldn't be realized - maybe it was a only specified by a protocol conformance and we couldn't figure out what it really was - so we failed building the context, which means the parse or JIT steps failed. The print code does a pre-scan for this sort of failure and omits failing locals, but you've found a case this scan misses.
frame variable would have probably also failed to print runOnce but since it doesn't depend on the current context, the inability to do that wouldn't have affected your ability to print other variables.
If you can reproduce this issue, even if you can't make the project available to us we can often figure out what's going on from lldb's debugging log. So drive the debug session to the point where the print is going to fail, and do:
(lldb) log enable -f /tmp/lldb-log.txt lldb expr types
then run the failing expression. Then grab that log, and file a bug as described here:
Example 2: Was activeNetworkRequests a property? Those require us to call the "get" method to access them, and I have seen a few cases where lldb doesn't emit the code to call the property getters correctly. The log above will show us the code that was emitted, and we might be able to tell from there what went wrong. Of course, if you can make a test case you can send with the bug that is always best, but that's often not possible...
(*)For gdb users this is pretty close to the info locals vrs. print...

Is there a way to add code to an infinite z80 assembly loop?

A while ago, I asked what the fastest infinite loop was on a TI-84. One of the answers I got involved using an assembly infinite loop with this code:
However, this is a bit impractical, because it can only be exited with the reset button and doesnt run anything inside it.
Is there a way to put TI-Basic code inside of this loop and/or make it exit conditionally?
Here is the link to the original question and answer:
What is the fastest infinite loop in TI-84+ Basic?
$18FE is jr -2, which loops two bytes backwards, in on itself. You'll want the additional logic to come after the start of the loop to let you escape (i.e. checking for button presses), then just have it loop back to that label. To do that, you'd need to adjust the $FE value, as that's the distance to jump. It's a signed 8-bit value, so make sure you get all your conditional code in, then branch back depending on the number of bytes you've used.
Regarding your original (linked) question, jr $ is not the fastest loop possible on Z80, as the fastest one is jp $ (actually jp (hl)), where $ denotes the address of the current instruction.
The fastest exitable loop could be done in three ways, depending on what is your definition of 'loop' is and how the loop should be exited:
Use the interrupts to quit abovementioned loop: in this case, you should unwind stack in the interrupt (remove return address) and jump elsewhere.
Use the loop like this:
IN reg,(C)
JP cc,$-2
where IN reg,(C) command also sets S (sign), Z (zero) and P/V (parity) flags depending on the value read from port and JP cc uses one of those flags to continue the loop or leave it.
Use the HALT and exit it naturally with the interrupt.
It is known that Z80 executes HALT by continuously fetching the same byte following HALT instruction from the memory, then ignoring it and doing that until the interrupt is caught. This behaviour could be described as looping until the interrupt is caught. The root cause for such behaviour is that Z80 naturally does DRAM refresh every opcode fetch and this way the refresh is kept during HALT execution.
You can definitely make assembly programs exit conditionally. The command C9 is return, so if you have a program consisting of only AsmPrgmC9, running it as an assembly program will have it instantly finish (it will look the same as running a program with nothing in it). If you want to end the loop when some condition is met, then you'll need to start learning assembly as the answer will widely vary on what that condition is and what OS version/calculator you're using.

Questions on iPhone code disassembly

This is the disassembly of syscall() on iPhone.
(gdb) disass syscall
Dump of assembler code for function syscall:
0x3195fafc <syscall+0>: mov r12, sp
0x3195fb00 <syscall+4>: push {r4, r5, r6, r8}
0x3195fb04 <syscall+8>: ldm r12, {r4, r5, r6}
0x3195fb08 <syscall+12>: mov r12, #0 ; 0x0
0x3195fb0c <syscall+16>: svc 0x00000080
0x3195fb10 <syscall+20>: pop {r4, r5, r6, r8}
0x3195fb14 <syscall+24>: bcc 0x3195fb2c <syscall+48>
0x3195fb18 <syscall+28>: ldr r12, [pc, #4] ; 0x3195fb24 <syscall+40>
0x3195fb1c <syscall+32>: ldr r12, [pc, r12]
0x3195fb20 <syscall+36>: b 0x3195fb28 <syscall+44>
0x3195fb24 <syscall+40>: cfldrdeq mvd15, [r12], #992
0x3195fb28 <syscall+44>: bx r12
0x3195fb2c <syscall+48>: bx lr
End of assembler dump.
Can someone please explain what instructions at offsets +28,+32 are doing? At +28, the value of r12 is 0 (set at +12), so looks like r12 is being set to (in C notation) *(pc + 4). At +32, r12 is set to *(pc + r12) - note that this instruction is not compiling - see #3 below. The 'b' at +36 jumps to +44, which returns to the address in r12. So what value was loaded into r12 by +28 & +32?
What does the cfldrdeq instruction at +40 do? I have check the ARM instruction set & searched for it, but not found anything.
I added this code to my C program using asm(). When compiling, the compiler shows these errors. Any idea how to get around this?
/var/folders/62/3px_xsd56ml5gz18lp8dptjc0000gv/T//ccDThXFx.s:7607:cannot use register index with PC-relative addressing -- ldr r12,[pc,r12]'
/var/folders/62/3px_xsd56ml5gz18lp8dptjc0000gv/T//ccDThXFx.s:7609:selected processor does
not supportcfldrdeq mvd15,[r12],#992'
It makes more sense if you know of the small gotcha surrounding reading the PC: most instructions that read PC see a value of address_of_current_instruction+8 (except +4 in thumb mode, and ldm in ARM mode might be either +8 or +12 IIRC).
cfldrdeq mvd15, [r12], #992 is not meant to be an instruction; it's a relative relocation that points to a relocation the DATA section. In the DATA section, there'll be a dynamic relocation that points to the actual address. Typical seudocode looks something like this
ldr r12,[pc,#small_offset_to_foo]
ldr r12,[pc,r12]
bx r12
... a short distance away ...
int relative_offset_of_bar_from_the_second_ldr
... a galaxy far far away ...
int pointer_to_the_actual_syscall
I do not know why the disassembly for syscall() places "foo" between ldr r12,[pc,r12] and bx r12, causing the branch over the non-instruction "foo".
It is also worth mentioning that simply pasting the code shown will almost certainly not work: you don't have the relocation that points to the actual implementation of syscall (in a debugger, step past bx r12 and you should get there); you'll just branch to some randomish address.
The error "cannot use register index with PC-relative addressing" is apparently because you're compiling in Thumb mode (the listing is ARM code). As for cfldrdeq, I believe it's just a conditional cfldrd instruction (the "eq" is a condition code), which Google suggests is related to a the Cirrus Logic "Maverick" processor series.