Missing NamedQueries annotation in WAS Liberty environment - eclipse

I'm using WAS Liberty under Java 7 (tried under Oracle java 7-8 and IBM java 7 as well).
When I create one NamedQuery, the code compiles, deployes, and runs fine.
However, If I try to use the NamedQueries annotation I get the following excpetion:
java.lang.ArrayStoreException: com.sun.proxy.$Proxy29
at sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotationParser.parseAnnotationArray(AnnotationParser.java:765)
at sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotationParser.parseArray(AnnotationParser.java:537)
at sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotationParser.parseMemberValue(AnnotationParser.java:355)
at sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotationParser.parseAnnotation2(AnnotationParser.java:286)
at sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotationParser.parseAnnotations2(AnnotationParser.java:120)
at sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotationParser.parseAnnotations(AnnotationParser.java:72)
at java.lang.Class.createAnnotationData(Class.java:3521)
at java.lang.Class.annotationData(Class.java:3510)
at java.lang.Class.getAnnotation(Class.java:3415)
After some investigation, I found the following two bugs:
ArrayStoreException in Jboss: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBAS-9392
ArrayStoreException when annotation declaring class missing: http://bugs.java.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=7183985
It seems that the javax.persistence.NamedQueries inteface is missing in the enviroment (stangely the javax.persinstence.NameQuery is present ...)
I use Eclipse Kepler for development, the deployment is also handled by the IDE.
On more thing; other developers using the same code base can successfully deploy and run the application with the afformentioned settings - so I suspect the deployment might be responsible for this issue.
Is there a way to "tell" the WAS to include the missing class runtime?

It took some time, but I found the solution.
We are using Ecliselink as a JPA provider, and load it accordingly:
<classloader commonLibraryRef="EclipseLinkLib" delegation="parentLast"/>
It seems that Eclipselink (version 2.5.2) contains the javax.persistence.NamedQuery interface, but not the javax.persistence.NamedQueries interface - this way WAS does not load the missing interface.
By changing delegation="parentFirst" the app works fine.


Error when creating an Eclipse product configuration: org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource cannot be found by org.eclipse.net4j.db

I have created a CDO server using a Run Configuration which runs org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.product.tcp_h2 as a product. This works absolutely fine without any errors.
However, I have tried to create a product configuration which is based on this existing product which causes a:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource cannot be found by org.eclipse.net4j.db_4.3.0.v20140114-0640
I haven't made any changes between the run configuration and the product configuration.
Does anyone know the likely cause of the issue and why then product configuration isn't acting in the same way as the existing run configuration?
As Calon had commented, the problem was due to missing plugins. I updated the meta-inf dependencies and it worked fine.

java.lang.NoSuchFieldError returns when trying to create a stateless session to the Rules Execution Server

I am using Ilog JRules Studio 7.1.1 for the rules development. I am using JUnit test cases to test the developed rules.
When i am trying to create a stateless session to the RES, it's returning with the below error.
IlrStatelessSession session = factory.createStatelessSession();
Anyone is having any idea?
java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: ilog/rules/res/decisionservice/plugin/IlrWsdlGenerationInteractionSpec.FUNCTION_NAME_BACKPORT_GENERATE_WSDL
at ilog.rules.res.decisionservice.plugin.IlrWsdlGeneratorInteractionExtension.getSupportedFunctionNames(IlrWsdlGeneratorInteractionExtension.java:418)
at ilog.rules.res.xu.plugin.impl.IlrPluginManager.createPlugins(IlrPluginManager.java:222)
at ilog.rules.res.xu.plugin.impl.IlrPluginManager.changePlugins(IlrPluginManager.java:173)
at ilog.rules.res.xu.plugin.impl.IlrPluginManager.start(IlrPluginManager.java:135)
at ilog.rules.res.xu.spi.IlrManagedXUConnectionFactory.createConnectionFactory(IlrManagedXUConnectionFactory.java:648)
at ilog.rules.res.xu.spi.IlrManagedXUConnectionFactory.createConnectionFactory(IlrManagedXUConnectionFactory.java:668)
at ilog.rules.res.session.util.IlrJ2SEConnectionFactoryFinder.findConnectionFactory(IlrJ2SEConnectionFactoryFinder.java:23)
at ilog.rules.res.session.IlrJ2SESessionFactory.createClientFactory(IlrJ2SESessionFactory.java:93)
at ilog.rules.res.session.IlrJ2SESessionFactory.getClientFactory(IlrJ2SESessionFactory.java:129)
at ilog.rules.res.session.IlrJ2SESessionFactory.createStatelessSession(IlrJ2SESessionFactory.java:62)
Nothing to do with the session.
JRules is crashing because it is not able to generate the WSDL, meaning there is something wrong with your project at first.
Try to run it locally first.
The thing is a web service is automatically provided if the XOM is based on XSD
There is an error somewhere in your project. If you use XSD (which I guess) then have a look to your rule project.
If you use JAVA XOM then there is an error in your web service server (which I doubt) because I cannot see why JRules would complain for your own code.
Verify your in/output parameters
Make it simple first then complicate the process.If simple then redeploy...
Hope it helps

How to run GWT RequestFactory Validation Tool on Eclipse project

I've got a Android AppEngine Connected Project I'm trying to build using GWT2.4 RequestFactory and Objectify on my Eclipse IDE.
Apparently I need to run the RequestFactory Validation Tool because I'm using ServiceName and ProxyForName annotations (these are required especially when working on the Android client side). My problem is the Eclipse can't validate it and the solution provided at http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/wiki/RequestFactoryInterfaceValidation#IDE_configuration is enough to make me rip my eyes out.
Since I'm working on a Windows machine, the shell script provided is not very useful. Trying to run Validation Tool from a cmd propt returns the error message:"This tool must be run with a JDK, not a JRE"
Can someone explain how this Tool is supposed to be run? Is there a way to use it as an External Tool in eclipse?
Normally if you follow carefully the instructions in the link you show, and run the GWT Development Mode from Eclipse, the Validation should be done automatically at the time you access the development URL with your browser.
For the record, I've actually had some problems with it, but launching the application several times maked it work.
Well, I ran into the same problem as well. When I tried annotation processing (under Java Compiler-> Annotation processing )was being disabled. So RequestFactoryDeobfuscatorBuilder was not being generated. Try enabling that and rebuilding your project.
I've just recovered from two days of hunting this bug down in a project that used to run validation properly but stopped.
In my case I had a new-ish generic BaseRequestContext and a specific sub-interface that extended it. My parent interface declared a method that didn't match the Locator's exactly (e.g. getThing(T) vs get(T)) and this wasn't reported as an error but did stop the validation tool from completing.
Apt is also removed in Java 8 : http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/117 . So beware.
Switching back to Java 7 will fix the issue if you are using Java 8.
I understood why the error happens sometimes in a project: the compiler was complaining it cannot find the directory .apt . But when I tried to create it manually it was not possible (under windows). I think the validation tool mutes the exception of not being able to create the directory: try renaming .apt in your validation tool calls (do a text search in your project)

Enterprise lib 5.0 not detecting app.config

I have a Solution which contains a Web project and a Class Library project. The Class library project contains Enterprise library 5.0 and app.config. When I try to perform a Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Logging.Logger.Write, I get the following exception:
Resolution of the dependency failed,
type =
name = "(none)". Exception occurred
while: while resolving. Exception is:
InvalidOperationException - The type
LogWriter cannot be constructed. You
must configure the container to supply
this value.
----------------------------------------------- At the time of the exception, the
container was: Resolving
If I move all the class files to the web project and have the Enterprise library configuration in the Web.config, everything works fine. I guess the issue is that the Enterprise library is not detecting the app.config which contains all the configuration.
Kindly help me with this regard.
Thanks in advance.
.NET dlls don't have config files. AppDomains do. You cannot put any configuration in a dll's "app.config" file and expect it to get automatically picked up. This is the way .NET config files work; it's not that "entlib is not automatically detecting" it, it's doing what the .NET framework defines the behavior of config files to be.
The answer is to leave the code in the library, but put the configuration in the web app's web.config file. Then everything will just work.
There are more advanced things you can do like manually loading the config file, but they're fairly advanced and, particularly with logging, can cause admin headaches later.

Play framework weblogic deployment

I built a Play app and tried to deploy on weblogic using the following commands:
play war -o myApp myApp
Later I just deployed the exploded war directory to weblogic, everything worked fine but everytime I try to access a route. I get the following error:
Not found
GET /myApp/params
This is a rest service not an application with UI's. I tried to deploy on tomcat and everything worked fine but I had to make the application context root to be /. I tried the same thing with weblogic but it did not work.
Here is my route file:
GET / Application.index
GET /sectorinformer/{telephone} Application.show
GET /sectorinformer/public/ staticDir:public
* /{controller}/{action} {controller}.{action}
And here is my controller code:
package controllers;
import models.InstalAddress;
import models.SectorInfo;
import play.Logger;
import play.mvc.Controller;
public class Application extends Controller {
public static void index() {
public static void show(String telephone) {
Logger.debug("Starting request");
Logger.debug("domain: '%s'", request.domain);
String instalAddressId = InstalAddress.getInstalAddressId(telephone);
SectorInfo si = new SectorInfo();
Thanks in advance for any help.
Weblogic 10 is a fully compliant J2EE 5 application server, as a consequence it is bundled with JPA 1.0.
There are two little issues to get Play running on weblogic.
Applying an Oracle patch to have weblogic support JPA 2.0
Adding a deployment descriptor property to prioritize class resolution from web-inf
Both are trivial and the Play documentation should probably mark weblogic 10 as a working deployment target.
To fix #1, open to following oracle link.
For the lazy readers, add this declaration at the top of wlserver/common/bin/commEnv.sh
export PRE_CLASSPATH=$MW_HOME/modules/javax.persistence_1.0.0.0_2-0-0.jar:$MW_HOME/modules/com.oracle.jpa2support_1.0.0.0_2-0.jar
for windows, the file is wlserver/common/bin/commEnv.bat
set PRE_CLASSPATH=%MW_HOME%/modules/javax.persistence_1.0.0.0_2-0-0.jar;%MW_HOME%/modules/com.oracle.jpa2support_1.0.0.0_2-0.jar
To fix #2, create the file weblogic.xml at the following location myplayapp/war/WEB-INF/weblogic.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
The war folder is automatically picked up by play war when the web archive is built.
That's it!
I personally believe Play should create weblogic.xml itself, but that's not how it works as of 1.2.1
Unfortunately I don't have either weblogic know nor time to investigate in you interesting problem. I can only can give you some hints what I would do:
Try to connect the app with a debugger or if this doesn't work checkout the Code and build your own version, with a lot of log-statements.
As far as I know every request will handled by ActionInvoker. invoke. Look how the argument comes in. The other point is the Router, which has still a lot of trace-logs. So perhaps you start first and let the whole stuff run on trace-level. Perhaps that give you some hint's where to look in more detail.
To do this start with a clean app and make no configuration tricks, specially don't run it in ROOT-Context. Just create play war myapp -o myapp.war --zip and deploy it (Don't forget --zip). Then analyze the log.
Good look.
I deployed my Play app (play 1.1.1) to Websphere 6.1 and I encountered some issues. Not sure you have the same issues but here there are (hope it can help you):
1- JDK version: My "play war xxxx --zip" use a JDK 1.6, and Websphere 6.1 uses a JDK 1.5. When I tried to launch my webapp an UnsupportedClassVersionException was thrown. I regenerated my war file using the correct JDK et voilĂ  !
2- When you deploy a war aplication to Websphere, you can specify the context's name. I don't know how to do it with Weblogic, but did you set the correct value ?
As Niels said, analyze logs files: you should find what happens !
Unfortunately, Play! doesn't support Weblogic.
See: http://www.playframework.org/documentation/1.2/deployment