I'm working on a project to integrate play silhouette with reactivemongo
When I compile my project shows me an error like this:
[error] /reactivemongo-silhouette-rest/app/models/daos/PasswordInfoDAO.scala:83: value getAsTry is not a member of com.mohiva.play.silhouette.api.util.PasswordInfo
[error] Future(Some(fullDoc.getAsTryBSONString.get))
mi method is this:
def find(loginInfo: LoginInfo) = {
implicit val userFormat = Macros.handler[PasswordInfo]
val collection = db[BSONCollection]("PasswordInfo")
val query = BSONDocument(
"loginInfo" -> BSONDocument(
"loginInfo" -> loginInfo.providerID,
"loginInfo" -> loginInfo.providerKey
val passwordInfo: Future[Option[PasswordInfo]] = collection.find( query ).one[PasswordInfo]
passwordInfo.flatMap {
case None =>
case Some(fullDoc) =>
The complete versión is here:
And the PasswordInfo is here:
Can someone tell me what am doing wrong or what am i missing?
The repository on github is this:
So by the time you get to your pattern match on passwordInfo its no longer a BSONDocument because of the call to one. You have in scope your userFormat for the type PasswordInfo which provides the implicit reader to the method one and which returns the Future[Option[PasswordInfo]] to your val passwordInfo.
This is why your error appears:
[error] /reactivemongo-silhouette-rest/app/models/daos/PasswordInfoDAO.scala:83: value getAsTry is not a member of com.mohiva.play.silhouette.api.util.PasswordInfo [error]
Because you already have your type [PasswordInfo] and its not a ReactiveMongo type like BSONDocument which has getAsTry defined.
I can't fully determine your return type but hopefully this helps.
Link to ReactiveMongo One method
Link to ReactiveMongo BSONDocument which has getAsTry
I am trying to implement a simple usecase using Guava caching but facing some issues as shown below:
case class Person(x:Int, y:String)
val db = Map(1 -> Person(1,"A"), 2 -> Person(2,"B"), 3 -> Person(3,"C"))
val loader:CacheLoader[Int,Person] = new CacheLoader[Int,Person](){
def load(key: Int): Person = {
lazy val someData = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().expireAfterWrite(60, MINUTES).maximumSize(10).build(loader)
The error I am getting is related to types which I am not able figure out
scala> someData.get(3)
<console>:24: error: type mismatch;
found : Int(3)
required: Int
Can someone advice on what can be the issue.
That's a common issue with Java's use-site covariance annotations.
This here works with scala 2.12.4 and guava 24.1:
import com.google.common.cache._
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit._
object GuavaCacheBuilderTypeProblem {
case class Person(x:Int, y:String)
val db = Map(1 -> Person(1,"A"), 2 -> Person(2,"B"), 3 -> Person(3,"C"))
val loader: CacheLoader[java.lang.Integer, Person] =
new CacheLoader[java.lang.Integer, Person](){
def load(key: java.lang.Integer): Person = {
lazy val someData = CacheBuilder
.expireAfterWrite(60, MINUTES)
.build[java.lang.Integer, Person](loader)
Answers with similar errors:
compiler error when using Google guava from scala code
is there an easy way to use datetime/timestamp in scala? What's best practice? I currently use "date" to persist data, but I'd also like to persist the current time.
I'm struggling to set the date. This is my code:
val now = new java.sql.Timestamp(new java.util.Date().getTime)
I also tried to do this:
val now = new java.sql.Date(new java.util.Date().getTime)
When changing the datatype in my evolutions to "timestamp", I got an error:
case class MyObjectModel(
id: Option[Int],
title: String,
createdat: Timestamp,
updatedat: Timestamp,
object MyObjectModel{
implicit val myObjectFormat = Json.format[MyObjectModel]
app\models\MyObjectModel.scala:31: No implicit format for
java.sql.Timestamp available.
[error] implicit val myObjectFormat = Json.format[MyObjectModel]
[error] ^
[error] one error found
[error] (compile:compileIncremental) Compilation failed
object ProcessStepTemplatesModel {
implicit lazy val timestampFormat: Format[Timestamp] = new Format[Timestamp] {
override def reads(json: JsValue): JsResult[Timestamp] = json.validate[Long].map(l => Timestamp.from(Instant.ofEpochMilli(l)))
override def writes(o: Timestamp): JsValue = JsNumber(o.getTime)
implicit val processStepFormat = Json.format[ProcessStepTemplatesModel]
try using this in your code
implicit object timestampFormat extends Format[Timestamp] {
val format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SS'Z'")
def reads(json: JsValue) = {
val str = json.as[String]
JsSuccess(new Timestamp(format.parse(str).getTime))
def writes(ts: Timestamp) = JsString(format.format(ts))
it is (de)serialized in a JS compatible format like the following "2018-01-06T18:31:29.436Z"
please note: the implicit object shall be decleared in the code before it is used
I guess your question is handled in What's the standard way to work with dates and times in Scala? Should I use Java types or there are native Scala alternatives?.
Go with Java 8 "java.time".
In the subject you mention Slick (Scala Database Library) but the error you got comes from a Json library and it says that you don't have a converter for java.sql.Timestamp to Json. Without knowing which Json library you are using it's hard to help you with a working example.
I am trying to construct a JSON object from a list where key is "products" and value is List[Product] where Product is a case class.But I am getting error that says "type mismatch; found : (String, List[com.mycompnay.ws.client.Product]) required: net.liftweb.json.JObject (which expands to) net.liftweb.json.JsonAST.JObject".
What I have done so far is as below:
val resultJson:JObject = "products" -> resultList
You're looking for decompose (doc). See this answer.
I tested the following code and it worked fine:
import net.liftweb.json._
import net.liftweb.json.JsonDSL._
import net.liftweb.json.Extraction._
implicit val formats = net.liftweb.json.DefaultFormats
case class Product(foo: String)
val resultList: List[Product] = List(Product("bar"), Product("baz"))
val resultJson: JObject = ("products" -> decompose(resultList))
The following working code from Slick 2.1 returns a single integer (which in this example, happens to be the result of running a function called "foobar"):
def getFoobar(): Int = DB.withSession {
val query = Q.queryNA[Int]("select foobar()")
How would one port this to Slick 3.0? According to the Slick 3.0 docs, the query would have to be converted to an DBIOAction. So this is what I've tried:
import driver.api._
def getFoobar(): Future[Int] = {
val query = sql"select foobar()".as[Int]
but this results in the following compilation error:
[error] found : slick.profile.SqlStreamingAction[Vector[Int],Int,slick.dbio.Effect]#ResultAction [Int,slick.dbio.NoStream,slick.dbio.Effect]
[error] required: MyDAO.this.driver.api.DBIO[Seq[Int]]
It appears that the sql interpolator is yielding a SqlStreamingAction rather than a DBIO, as db.run is expecting.
What would be the correct way to write this in the new Slick 3 API?
I used something similar and it worked for me
import slick.driver.MySQLDriver.api._
def get(id : String) : Future[Channel] = {
implicit val getChannelResult = GetResult(r => Channel(r.<<, r.<<, r.<<, r.<<, r.<<))
val query = sql"select * from Channel where id = $id".as[Channel]
The db.run(DBIOAction[T,NoStream,Nothing]) command would accept all types of actions like sqlstreamingaction , StreamingDriverAction , DriverAction etc.
I guess the problem lies with the driver or db configuration. So the error
[error] required: MyDAO.this.driver.api.DBIO[Seq[Int]]
Can you just paste the driver and db configuration steps, so that we can get a deeper look into the code to identify the actual error step
I have a trait that I want to mock and use that mocked Trait in another Service during testing. The problem is, that I receive a Nullpointerexception when I try to mock the return value of the indexDocuments function.
"createDemand must return None if writing to es fails" in new WithApplication {
val demandDraft = DemandDraft(UserId("1"), "socken bekleidung wolle", Location(Longitude(52.468562), Latitude(13.534212)), Distance(30), Price(25.0), Price(77.0))
val es = mock[ElasticsearchClient]
val sphere = mock[SphereClient]
val productTypes = mock[ProductTypes]
sphere.execute(any[ProductCreateCommand]) returns Future.successful(product)
productTypes.demand returns ProductTypeBuilder.of("demand", ProductTypeDrafts.demand).build()
// this line throws the nullpointer exception
es.indexDocument(any[IndexName], any[TypeName], any[JsValue]) returns Future.failed(new RuntimeException("test exception"))
val demandService = new DemandService(es, sphere, productTypes)
demandService.createDemand(demandDraft) must be (Option.empty[Demand]).await
sealed trait ElasticsearchClient {
implicit def convertListenableActionFutureToScalaFuture[T](x: ListenableActionFuture[T]): Future[T] = {
val p = Promise[T]()
x.addListener(new ActionListener[T] {
def onFailure(e: Throwable) = p.failure(e)
def onResponse(response: T) = p.success(response)
lazy val client = createElasticsearchClient()
def close(): Unit
def createElasticsearchClient(): Client
def indexDocument(esIndex: IndexName, esType: TypeName, doc: JsValue): Future[IndexResponse] =
client.prepareIndex(esIndex.value, esType.value).setSource(doc.toString()).execute()
def search(esIndex: IndexName, esType: TypeName, query: QueryBuilder): Future[SearchResponse] =
[error] NullPointerException: (DemandServiceSpec.scala:89)
[error] services.DemandServiceSpec$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$8$$anon$2$$anonfun$8.apply(DemandServiceSpec.scala:89)
[error] services.DemandServiceSpec$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$8$$anon$2$$anonfun$8.apply(DemandServiceSpec.scala:89)
[error] services.DemandServiceSpec$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$8$$anon$2.delayedEndpoint$services$DemandServiceSpec$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$8$$anon$2$1(DemandServiceSpec.scala:89)
[error] services.DemandServiceSpec$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$8$$anon$2$delayedInit$body.apply(DemandServiceSpec.scala:81)
[error] play.api.test.WithApplication$$anonfun$around$1.apply(Specs.scala:23)
[error] play.api.test.WithApplication$$anonfun$around$1.apply(Specs.scala:23)
[error] play.api.test.PlayRunners$class.running(Helpers.scala:49)
[error] play.api.test.Helpers$.running(Helpers.scala:403)
[error] play.api.test.WithApplication.around(Specs.scala:23)
[error] play.api.test.WithApplication.delayedInit(Specs.scala:20)
[error] services.DemandServiceSpec$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$8$$anon$2.<init>(DemandServiceSpec.scala:81)
[error] services.DemandServiceSpec$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$8.apply(DemandServiceSpec.scala:81)
[error] services.DemandServiceSpec$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$8.apply(DemandServiceSpec.scala:81)
Please let me know if you need additional information.
I found out that the any[] Matchers in the indexDocuments call are the problem. When I replace them with the actual values it works:
"createDemand must return None if writing to es fails and deleteDemand should be called once with correct parameters" in new WithApplication {
val demandDraft = DemandDraft(UserId("1"), "socken bekleidung wolle", Location(Longitude(52.468562), Latitude(13.534212)), Distance(30), Price(25.0), Price(77.0))
val es = mock[ElasticsearchClient]
val sphere = mock[SphereClient]
val productTypes = mock[ProductTypes]
sphere.execute(any[ProductCreateCommand]) returns Future.successful(product)
sphere.execute(any[ProductDeleteByIdCommand]) returns Future.successful(product)
productTypes.demand returns ProductTypeBuilder.of("demand", ProductTypeDrafts.demand).build()
es.indexDocument(IndexName("demands"), TypeName("demands"), Json.toJson(demand)) returns Future.failed(new RuntimeException("test exception"))
val demandService = new DemandService(es, sphere, productTypes)
demandService.createDemand(demandDraft) must be (Option.empty[Demand]).await
I've had this happen a whole bunch and work around it by creating a class (rather than a trait) to feed to mock:
trait SomeTraitYouWantToMock {
class MockableSomeTraitYouWantToMock extends SomeTraitYouWantToMock
val whatever = mock[MockableSomeTraitYouWantToMock]