Nosql database design for complex querying - mongodb

A nosql question:
Let's say I have this scenario:
A user as a status that change often (let's say every seconds), it also has different characteristics such as country (up to 10k characteristics per user)...
A user can post messages which have different types.
The issue:
The scenario is in my opinion very RDS oriented where JOIN would be used a lot for querying. However, it is not an option (for the sake of the exercise). Therefore, I am not looking for a solution with pseudo RDS like HIVE or other solution where you have pseudo join. I am looking for something like mongodb which can use mapreduce or aggregation.
My solution (using mongodb):
Let's say you have 3 collections:
user => user Characteristics (a large number of differents characteristics such as age/sex..)
message => message specific field
status => status specific field
The possible way to tackle this problem (as far as I know) are:
Denormalize the data by duplicating the user field and embed it in message and status (or putting everything in one collection) => Does not seem optimized as you have a lot of characteristics per user and you will reach the 2MB limit of the documents (you could use GridFS but I am worried about the perf of something like that and you also duplicate tons of not useful data storage).
Use a SQL like solution by adding user_id reference to message and status => Seems like a reasonable solution. However You are then trapped (in terms of query performance) if you actually want to make specific queries such as count the number of message of type X for users that have their last status equal to Z and have characteristic Y equal to E and group them by characteristic W .In SQL it would be SELECT tmp.count(*), user.characteristicW FROM message INNER JOIN status on status.user_id=message.user_id INNER JOIN user ON WHERE status.type=Z and user.characteristicZ=E group by user.characteristicW (this query is actually not totally exact as you want to know if the last status is equal to Z and not if it ever had a status equal to Z, it would require a select within a select but that is not the point of the exercise). It becomes quickly very demanding where you have to make several queries (in this example one for getting the user id that have the last status equal to Z, then another one to filter this user id list to the one who have characteristic Y equal to E, then get all messages from these users and then group them by characteristic W with a map reduce job.
go with double reference user that ref to message and message to user. Also status that ref to user and user that ref to status. => Might seem fine but the user document already being big you come back to potentially issue with solution 1 assuming there will be tons of messages and status.
I went with option 2 but I am unhappy about it as the processing time to query it might not seem optimized.
In a scenario as above, what are the best practices to implement a scalable solution that allow complex querying as the example I gave above.


CQRS projections, joining data from different aggregates via probe commands

In CQRS when we need to create a custom-tailored projections for our read-models, we usually prefer a "denormalized" projections (assume we are talking about projecting onto a DB). It is not uncommon to have the information need by the application/UI come from different aggregates (possibly from different BCs).
Imagine we need a projected table to contain customer's information together with her full address and that Customer and Address are different aggregates in our system (possibly in different BCs). Meaning that, addresses are generated and maintained independently of customers. Or, in other words, when a new customer is created, there is no guarantee that there will be an AddressCreatedEvent subsequently produced by the system, this event may have already been processed prior to the creation of the customer. All we have at the time of CreateCustomerCommand is an UUID of an existing address.
We have several solutions here.
Enrich CreateCustomerCommand and the subsequent CustomerCreatedEvent to contain full address of the customer (looking up this information on the fly from the UI or the controller). This way the projection handler will just update the table directly upon receiving CustomerCreatedEvent.
Use the addrUuid provided in CustomerCreatedEvent to perform an ad-hoc query in the projection handler to get the missing part of the address information before updating the table.
These are commonly discussed solution to this problem. However, as noted by many others, there are problems with each approach. Enriching events can be difficult to justify as well described by Enrico Massone in this question, for example. Querying other views/projections (kind of JOINs) will work but introduces coupling (see the same link).
I would like describe another method here, which, as I believe, nicely addresses these concerns. I apologize beforehand for not giving a proper credit if this is a known technique. Sincerely, I have not seen it described elsewhere (at least not as explicitly).
"A picture speaks a thousand words", as they say:
The idea is that :
We keep CreateCustomerCommand and CustomerCreatedEvent simple with only addrUuid attribute (no enriching).
In API controller we send two commands to the command handler (aggregates): the first one, as usual, - CreateCustomerCommand to create customer and project customer information together with addrUuid to the table leaving other columns (full address, etc.) empty for time being. (Warning: See the update, we may have concurrency issue here and need to issue the probe command from a Saga.)
Right after this, and after we have obtained custUuid of the newly created customer, we issue a special ProbeAddrressCommand to Address aggregate triggering an AddressProbedEvent which will encapsulate the full state of the address together with the special attribute probeInitiatorUuid which is, of course our custUuid from the previous command.
The projection handler will then act upon AddressProbedEvent by simply filling in the missing pieces of the information in the table looking up the required row by matching the provided probeInitiatorUuid (i.e. custUuid) and addrUuid.
So we have two phases: create Customer and probe for the related Address. They are depicted in the diagram with (1) and (2) correspondingly.
Obviously, we can send as many such "probe" commands (in parallel) as needed by our projection: ProbeBillingCommand, ProbePreferencesCommand, etc. effectively populating or "filling in" the denormalized projection with missing data from each handled "probe" event.
The advantages of this method is that we keep the commands/events in the first phase simple (only UUIDs to other aggregates) all the while avoiding synchronous coupling (joining) of the projections. The whole approach has a nice EDA feeling about it.
My question is then: is this a known technique? Seems like I have not seen this... And what can go wrong with this approach?
I would be more then happy to update this question with any references to other sources which describe this method.
There is one significant flaw with this approach that I can see already: command ProbeAddrressCommand cannot be issued before the projection handler had a chance to process CustomerCreatedEvent. But this is impossible to know from the API gateway (or controller).
The solution would probably involve a Saga, say CustomerAddressJoinProjectionSaga with will start upon receiving CustomerCreatedEvent and which will only then issue ProbeAddrressCommand. The Saga will end upon registering AddressProbedEvent. Or, if many other aggregates are involved in probing, when all such events have been received.
So here is the updated diagram.
As noted by Levi Ramsey (see answer below) my example is rather convoluted with respect to the choice of aggregates. Indeed, Customer and Address are often conceptualized as belonging together (same Aggregate Root). So it is a better illustration of the problem to think of something like Student and Course instead, assuming for the sake of simplicity that there is a straightforward relation between the two: a student is taking a course. This way it is more obvious that Student and Course are independent aggregates (students and courses can be created and maintained at different times and different places in the system).
But the question still remains: how can we obtain a projection containing the full information about a student (full name, etc.) and the courses she is registered for (title, credits, the instructor's full name, prerequisites, etc.) all in the same table, if the UI requires it ?
A couple of thoughts:
I question why address needs to be a separate aggregate much less in a different bounded context, in view of the requirement that customers have an address. If in some other bounded context customer addresses are meaningful (e.g. you want to know "which addresses have more customers" etc.), then that context can subscribe to the events from the customer service.
As an alternative, if there's a particularly strong reason to model addresses separately from customers, why not have the read side prospectively listen for events from the address aggregate and store the latest address for a given address UUID in case there's a customer who ends up with that address. The reliability per unit effort of that approach is likely to be somewhat greater, I would expect.

Database schema for a tinder like app

I have a database of million of Objects (simply say lot of objects). Everyday i will present to my users 3 selected objects, and like with tinder they can swipe left to say they don't like or swipe right to say they like it.
I select each objects based on their location (more closest to the user are selected first) and also based on few user settings.
I m under mongoDB.
now the problem, how to implement the database in the way it's can provide fastly everyday a selection of object to show to the end user (and skip all the object he already swipe).
Well, considering you have made your choice of using MongoDB, you will have to maintain multiple collections. One is your main collection, and you will have to maintain user specific collections which hold user data, say the document ids the user has swiped. Then, when you want to fetch data, you might want to do a setDifference aggregation. SetDifference does this:
Takes two sets and returns an array containing the elements that only
exist in the first set; i.e. performs a relative complement of the
second set relative to the first.
Now how performant this is would depend on the size of your sets and the overall scale.
I agree with your comment that this is not a scalable solution.
Solution 2:
One solution I could think of is to use a graph based solution, like Neo4j. You could represent all your 1M objects and all your user objects as nodes and have relationships between users and objects that he has swiped. Your query would be to return a list of all objects the user is not connected to.
You cannot shard a graph, which brings up scaling challenges. Graph based solutions require that the entire graph be in memory. So the feasibility of this solution depends on you.
Solution 3:
Use MySQL. Have 2 tables, one being the objects table and the other being (uid-viewed_object) mapping. A join would solve your problem. Joins work well for the longest time, till you hit a scale. So I don't think is a bad starting point.
Solution 4:
Use Bloom filters. Your problem eventually boils down to a set membership problem. Give a set of ids, check if its part of another set. A Bloom filter is a probabilistic data structure which answers set membership. They are super small and super efficient. But ya, its probabilistic though, false negatives will never happen, but false positives can. So thats a trade off. Check out this for how its used :
Ill update the answer if I can think of something else.

some questions about designing on OrientDB

We were looking for the most suitable database for our innovative “collaboration application”. Sorry, we don’t know how to name it in a way generally understood. In fact, highly complicated relationships among tenants, roles, users, tasks and bills need to be handled effectively.
After reading 5 DBs(Postgrel, Mongo, Couch, Arango and Neo4J), when the words “… relationships among things are more important than things themselves” came to my eyes, I made up my mind to dig into OrientDB. Both the design philosophy and innovative features of OrientDB (multi-models, cluster, OO,native graph, full graph API, SQL-like, LiveQuery, multi-masters, auditing, simple RID and version number ...) keep intensifying my enthusiasm.
OrientDB enlightens me to re-think and try to model from a totally different viewpoint!
We are now designing the data structure based on OrientDB. However, there are some questions puzzling me.
Take a case that a CLIENT may place thousands of ORDERs, how to choose between LINKs and EDGEs to store the relationships? I prefer EDGEs, but they seem like to store thousands of RIDs of ORDERs in the CLIENT record.
Embedded records’ Security
Can an embedded record be authorized independently from it’s container record?
Record-level Security
How does activating Record-level Security affect the query performance?
Hope I express clearly. Any words will be truly appreciated.
If you don't have properties on your arch you can use a link, instead if you have it use edges. You really need edges if you need to traverse the relationship in both directions, while using the linklist you can only in one direction (just like a hyperlink on the web), without the overhead of edges. Edges are the right choice if you need to walk thru a graph.Edges require more storage space than a linklist. Another difference between them it's the fact that if you have two vertices linked each other through a link A --> (link) B if you delete B, the link doesn't disappear it will remain but without pointing something. It is designed this way because when you delete a document, finding all the other documents that link to it would mean doing a full scan of the database, that typically takes ages to complete. The Graph API, with bi-directional links, is specifically designed to resolve this problem, so in general we suggest customers to use that, or to be careful and manage link consistency at application level.
Using 1 Million vertex and an admin user called Luke, doing a query like: select from where title = ? with an NOT_UNIQUE_HASH_INDEX the execution time it has been 0.027 sec.
OrientDB has the concept of users and roles, as well as Record Level Security. It also supports token based authentication, so it's possible to use OrientDB as your primary means of authorizing/authenticating users.
I've made this example for trying to answer to your question
I have this structure:
If I want to access to the embedded data, I have to do this command: select prop from User
Because if I try to access it through the class that contains the type of car I won't have any type of result
select from Car
OrientDB supports that kind of authorization/authentication but it's a little bit different from your example. For example: if an user A, without admin permission, inserts a record, another user B can't see the record inserted by user A without admin permission. An User can see only the records that has inserted.
Hope it helps

Can I use a single DynamoDB table to support these three use cases?

I'm building a DynamoDB table that holds notification messages. Messages are directed from a given user (from_user) to another user (to_user). They're quite simple:
{ "to_user": "e17818ae-104e-11e3-a1d7-080027880ca6", "from_user": "e204ea36-104e-11e3-9b0b-080027880ca6", "notification_id": "e232f73c-104e-11e3-9b30-080027880ca6", "message": "Bob recommended a good read.", "type": "recommended", "isbn": "1844134016" }
These are the Hash/Range keys defined on the table:
HashKey: to_user, RangeKey: notification_id
Case 1: Users regularly phone home to ask for any available notifications.
With these keys, it's easy to fetch the notifications awaiting a given user:
Case 2: Once a user has seen a message, they will explicitly acknowledge it and it will be deleted. This is similarly simple to accomplish with the given Hash/Range keys:
notifications.delete(to_user="e17818ae-104e-11e3-a1d7-080027880ca6", notification_id="e232f73c-104e-11e3-9b30-080027880ca6")
Case 3: It may sometimes be necessary to delete items in this table identified by keys other than the to_user and notification_id. For example, user Bob decides to un-recommnend a book and we would like to pull notifications with from_user=Bob, action=recommended and isbn=isbnval.
I know this can't be done with the Hash/Range keys I've chosen. Local secondary indexes also seem unhelpful here since I don't want to work within the table's chosen HashKey.
So am I stuck doing a full Scan? I can imagine creating a second table to map from_user+action+isbn back to items in the original table but that means I have to manage that additional complexity... and it seems like this hand-rolled index could get out of sync easily.
Any insights would be appreciated. I'm new to DynamoDB and trying to understand how typical data models map to it. Thanks.
Your analysis is correct. For case 3 and this schema, you must do a table scan .
There are a number of options which you've identified, but all of them will add a layer of complexity to your application.
Use a second table as you state. You are effectively creating your own global index and must manage that complexity yourself. This grows in complexity as you require more indices.
Perform a full table scan. Look at DynamoDB's scan segmenting for a method of distributing the scan across multiple worker nodes. Depending on your latency requirements(is it ok if the recommendations don't go away until the next scan?) you may be able to combine this and other future background tasks into a constant background process. This is also simpler than 1.
Both of these seem to be fairly common models.

How to fetch the continuous list with PostgreSQL in web

I am making an API over HTTP that fetches many rows from PostgreSQL with pagination. In ordinary cases, I usually implement such pagination through naive OFFET/LIMIT clause. However, there are some special requirements in this case:
A lot of rows there are so that I believe users cannot reach the end (imagine Twitter timeline).
Pages does not have to be randomly accessible but only sequentially.
API would return a URL which contains a cursor token that directs to the page of continuous chunks.
Cursor tokens have not to exist permanently but for some time.
Its ordering has frequent fluctuating (like Reddit rankings), however continuous cursors should keep their consistent ordering.
How can I achieve the mission? I am ready to change my whole database schema for it!
Assuming it's only the ordering of the results that fluctuates and not the data in the rows, Fredrik's answer makes sense. However, I'd suggest the following additions:
store the id list in a postgresql table using the array type rather than in memory. Doing it in memory, unless you carefully use something like redis with auto expiry and memory limits, is setting yourself up for a DOS memory consumption attack. I imagine it would look something like this:
create table foo_paging_cursor (
cursor_token ..., -- probably a uuid is best or timestamp (see below)
result_ids integer[], -- or text[] if you have non-integer ids
expiry_time TIMESTAMP
You need to decide if the cursor_token and result_ids can be shared between users to reduce your storage needs and the time needed to run the initial query per user. If they can be shared, chose a cache window, say 1 or 5 minute(s), and then upon a new request create the cache_token for that time period and then check to see if the results ids have already been calculated for that token. If not, add a new row for that token. You should probably add a lock around the check/insert code to handle concurrent requests for a new token.
Have a scheduled background job that purges old tokens/results and make sure your client code can handle any errors related to expired/invalid tokens.
Don't even consider using real db cursors for this.
Keeping the result ids in Redis lists is another way to handle this (see the LRANGE command), but be careful with expiry and memory usage if you go down that path. Your Redis key would be the cursor_token and the ids would be the members of the list.
I know absolutely nothing about PostgreSQL, but I'm a pretty decent SQL Server developer, so I'd like to take a shot at this anyway :)
How many rows/pages do you expect a user would maximally browse through per session? For instance, if you expect a user to page through a maximum of 10 pages for each session [each page containing 50 rows], you could make take that max, and setup the webservice so that when the user requests the first page, you cache 10*50 rows (or just the Id:s for the rows, depends on how much memory/simultaneous users you got).
This would certainly help speed up your webservice, in more ways than one. And it's quite easy to implement to. So:
When a user requests data from page #1. Run a query (complete with order by, join checks, etc), store all the id:s into an array (but a maximum of 500 ids). Return datarows that corresponds to id:s in the array at positions 0-9.
When the user requests page #2-10. Return datarows that corresponds to id:s in the array at posisions (page-1)*50 - (page)*50-1.
You could also bump up the numbers, an array of 500 int:s would only occupy 2K of memory, but it also depends on how fast you want your initial query/response.
I've used a similar technique on a live website, and when the user continued past page 10, I just switched to queries. I guess another solution would be to continue to expand/fill the array. (Running the query again, but excluding already included id:s).
Anyway, hope this helps!