Thinking Sphinx indexing performance - sphinx

I have a large index definition that takes too long to index. I suspect the main problem is caused by the many LEFT OUTER JOINs generated.
I saw this question, but can't find documentation about using source: :query, which seems to be part of the solution.
My index definition and the resulting query can be found here:
How can I optimize the generated query to run faster during indexing?

The 'standard' sphinx solution to this would be to use ranged queries.
... splitting up the query into lots of small parts, so the database server has a better chance of being able to run the query (rather than one huge query)
But I have no idea how to actully enable that in Thinking Sphinx. Can't see anything in the documentation. Could help you edit the sphinx.conf, but also not sure how TS will cope with you manually editing the config file.

This is the solution that worked best (from the linked question). Basically, you can remove a piece of the main query sql_query and define it separately as a sql_joined_field in the sphinx.conf file.
It's important to add all relevant sql conditions to each sql_joined_field (such as sharding indexes by modulo on the ID). Here's the new definition:
with: :active_record,
delta?: false,
delta_processor: ThinkingSphinx::Deltas.processor_for(ThinkingSphinx::Deltas::ResqueDelta)
) do
indexes "SELECT * 51 + 7 AS id, AS site FROM incidents LEFT OUTER JOIN sites ON = site_id WHERE incidents.deleted = 0 AND EXISTS (SELECT id FROM accounts WHERE accounts.status = 'enabled' AND incidents.account_id = id) ORDER BY id", as: :site, source: :query
with: :active_record,
delta?: true,
delta_processor: ThinkingSphinx::Deltas.processor_for(ThinkingSphinx::Deltas::ResqueDelta)
) do
indexes "SELECT * 51 + 7 AS id, AS site FROM incidents LEFT OUTER JOIN sites ON = site_id WHERE incidents.deleted = 0 AND = 1 AND EXISTS (SELECT id FROM accounts WHERE accounts.status = 'enabled' AND incidents.account_id = id) ORDER BY id", as: :site, source: :query
The magic that defines the field site as a separate query is the option source: :query at the end of the line.
Notice the core index definition has the parameter delta?: false, while the delta index definition has the parameter delta?: true. That's so I could use the condition WHERE = 1 in the delta index and filter out irrelevant records.
I found sharding didn't perform any better, so I reverted to one unified index.
See the whole index definition here:
Important to remember!
The Sphinx document ID offset must be handled manually. That is, whenever an index for another model is added or removed, my calculated document ID will change. This must be updated.
So, in my example, if I added an index for a different model (not :incident), I would have to run rake ts:configure to find out my new offset and change * 51 + 7 accordingly.


Slow query with order and limit clause but only if there are no records

I am running the following query:
SELECT * FROM foo WHERE name = 'Bob' ORDER BY address DESC LIMIT 25 OFFSET 1
Because I have records in the table with name = 'Bob' the query time is fast on a table of 10M records (<.5 seconds)
However, if I search for name = 'Susan' the query takes over 45 seconds. I have no records in the table where name = 'Susan'.
I have an index on each of name and address. I've vacuumed the table, analyzed it and have even tried to re-write the query:
and can't find any solution. I'm not really sure how to proceed. Please note this is different than this post as my slowness only happens when there are no records.
If I take out the ORDER BY address then it runs quickly. Obviously, I need that there. I've tried re-writing it (with no success):
Examine the execution plan to see which index is being used. In this case, the separate indexes for name and address are not enough. You should create a combined index of name, then address for this query.
Think of an index as a system maintained copy of certain columns, in a different order from the original. In this case, you want to first find matches by name, then tie-break on address, then take until you have enough or run out of name matches.
By making name first in the multi-column index, the index will be sorted by name first. Then address will serve as our tie-breaker.
Under the original indexes, if the address index is the one chosen then the query's speed will vary based on how quickly it can find matches.
The plan (in english) would be: Proceed through all of the rows which happen to already be sorted by address, discard any that do not match the name, keep going until we have enough.
So if you do not get 25 matches, you read the whole table!
With my proposed multi-column index, the plan (in English) would be: Proceed through all of the name matching rows which happen to already be sorted by address. Start with the first one and take them until you have enough. If you run out, stop.
Since the situation is that a query without the Order By is much faster than the one with the Order By clause; I'd make 2 queries:
-One without the order by, limit 1, to know if you have at least one record.
In the case you have at least one, it's safe to run the query with Order by.
-If there's no record, no need to run the second query.
Yes, it's not a solution, but it will let you deliver your project. Just ensure you create a ticket to handle the technical debt after delivery ;) otherwise your lead developer will set you on fire.
Then, to solve the real technical problem, it will be useful to know which indices you have created. Without these it will be very hard to give you a proper solution!

Orientdb query and scheme patterns to speed up the reading phase

I've some performance issue on a quite big data store.
For optimizing the insert phase, we created a document store and not a graph, infact the edge creation performance was too slow.
Essentially now we have a class A (with about 30M documents) with a link (say field fieldL) to a class B (about 500 documents).
The query structure is like:
select from A where field1='field1value' and field2='field2value' and field3>0 ... and fieldL in (select from B where ...)
The first issue i've found is this:
I've created n indexes on the n properties engaged in the where condition, but the explain command showed me orient uses only one...
So I've created a composite index and if I perform a query involving only the index, say
select from A where field1='field1value' and field2='field2value' and field3>0
the result is really fast
The issue is about the second part of the query, involving the fieldL and the links.
I've tried with the [#rid,...] syntax but it seems not perform well.
I've also tried to change the schema using a different approach: class B with multiple links to class A, using a different query pattern (say the field containing the links fieldL1):
select * from (select expand(fieldL1) from B where ...) where field1='field1value' and field2='field2value' and field3>0
In this case the subquery executes a sort of partition of the data, but unfortunatelly we lose the indexes on the result set, so we have really slow performances on the second where clause (field1='field1value' and field2='field2value' and field3>0).
My question is: Does it exist a better query pattern to execute these kind of query faster?
Thank you very much.
By the way during the performance tuning it seems really awkward to perform a count of the documents involved in a query. (
If you use the following query
select * from (select expand(fieldL1) from B where ...) where field1='field1value' and field2='field2value' and field3>0
it doesn't use the index because seems that there are problems when using the subqueries and the indexes
For more information, you can look at this link!topic/orient-database/7jWEGpkIzXQ

Fastest way to update a Postgres table, given a set of unique column values?

I've been running into this same issue repeatedly when trying to execute Postgres updates. First I'll run a SELECT query, like so:
SELECT stock_number
FROM products
WHERE available = true
SELECT stock_number
FROM new_inventory_list;
This selects the stock numbers of all products that indicate that they're available in the current database, but no longer appear in the new list of inventory that's just been downloaded. This command runs very quickly. However, virtually any method I use to update this list seems to take at least ten minutes to run, slowing the server down in the process. For instance:
UPDATE products
SET available = false
WHERE stock_number IN (
SELECT stock_number
FROM products
WHERE available = true
AND stock_number IS NOT NULL
SELECT stock_number
FROM new_inventory_list
There are usually at least 10,000 rows that need to be updated, and often a lot more if a supplier pushes a lot of new inventory at once. Additionally, we need to check for price updates. It's relatively fast and easy to get a list of stock numbers for products that have been changed in price:
WITH overlap AS (
SELECT stock_number
FROM products
SELECT stock_number
FROM new_inventory_list
unchanged AS (
SELECT stock_number, price
FROM products
SELECT stock_number, price
FROM new_inventory_list
SELECT * FROM overlap EXCEPT SELECT stock FROM unchanged;
For this query, I don't even try to use SQL commands to do it, instead I pull the list out into a script, then run UPDATE on each modified value individually. It's slow, but still seems to be faster than any command I've tried that was strictly in SQL. Plus, with an external script, I can output the progress periodically, so I approximate how long it will run for. Stock numbers are unique, although they're occasionally NULL. (Those should be ignored)
I feel like there has to be a much faster way of doing this, but so far I haven't had any luck figuring it out. Any thoughts?
I think I found a better solution to this problem than any that I've tried so far:
WITH removed AS (
SELECT stock_number
FROM products
WHERE available = true
SELECT stock_number
FROM new_inventory_list
UPDATE products AS p
SET available = false
FROM removed
WHERE removed.stock_number = p.stock_number;
I hadn't considered the idea of using UPDATE and WITH together, and didn't even know it was possible until I read the UPDATE documentation for Postgres. Even though it's considerably faster, it still takes a few minutes to run, so to monitor it, I just run the above command in a loop, with LIMIT 1000 at the end of the SELECT clause, printing a message to the console every time it successfully updates another block.
This query:
WITH removed AS (
SELECT stock_number
FROM products
WHERE available = true
SELECT stock_number
FROM new_inventory_list
UPDATE products AS p
SET available = false
FROM removed
WHERE removed.stock_number = p.stock_number;
… will, I trust, do a superfluous join on the entire table with itself. And probably a poorly performing one, at that, because of the except clause in the with statement.
Think of it this way: suppose a products table with a million rows, around 250k marked as available, and 50k of those that don't appear in a 200k-item strong inventory list. The with query runs like this: 1) find the 50k rows in products that need to be updated; 2) then, for each row in products, check if the id is in those 50k rows in order to re-select those same 50k rows; 3) and update the row.
For improved performance, the update query should select the candidate rows from products that need to be updated directly, and use an anti-join to eliminate unwanted rows. The query #wildplasser posted earlier seems fine:
UPDATE products dst
SET available = false
WHERE available
FROM new_inventory_list nx
WHERE nx.stock_number = dst.stock_number
Another point is the "about 50 columns, 20 of which are indexed" you mentioned in the comments: That will slow down updates considerable. Imagine: each row that gets updated needs to be written into not just that table, but in an additional 20 tables. Are you sure this shouldn't be normalized a bit more and that you actually need each of those indexes?
Have you tried
WITH removed AS (
SELECT stock_number
FROM products p1
LEFT JOIN new_inventory_list n1
ON p1.stock_number=n1.stock_number
WHERE p1.available AND n1.stock_number IS NULL
I don't know how the EXCEPT is being done; perhaps this will retain some indexing for use in the UPDATE. Also, if available is usually false, I would add a partial index
CREATE INDEX product_available ON product(stock_number) WHERE available;

COUNT(field) returns correct amount of rows but full SELECT query returns zero rows

I have a UDF in my database which basically tries to get a station (e.g. bus/train) based on some input data (geographic/name/type). Inside this function i try to check if there are any rows matching the given values:
geographic.stations AS s
AND <-> pname < 0.8
s.type ~ stype;
The firsttry variable now contains the value 1. If i use the following (slightly extended) SELECT statement i get no results:
RETURN query SELECT,, s.type, s.the_geom,
)::double precision AS sml,
st_distance(s.the_geom,plocation) As dist from geographic.stations AS s
WHERE ST_DWithin(s.the_geom,plocation,0.0017) and <-> pname < 0.8
AND s.type ~ stype
ORDER BY dist asc,sml desc LIMIT 1;
the parameters are as follows:
stype = '^railway'
pname = 'Amsterdam Science Park'
plocation = ST_GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;POINT(4.9492530 52.3531670)')
the tuple i need to be returned is:
id name type geom (displayed as ST_AsText)
909658;"Amsterdam Sciencepark";"railway_station";"POINT(4.9482893 52.352904)"
The same UDF returns quite well for a lot of other stations, but this is one (of more) which just won't work. Any suggestions?
P.S. The use of the <-> operator is coming from the pg_trgm module.
Some ideas on how to troubleshoot this:
Break your troubleshooting into steps. Start with the simplest query possible. No aggregates, just joins and no filters. Then add filters. Then add order by, then add aggregates. Look at exactly where the change occurs.
Try reindexing the database.
One possibility that occurs to me based on this is that it could be a corrupted index used in the second query but not the first. I have seen corrupted indexes in the past and usually they throw errors but at least in theory they should be able to create a problem like this.
If this is correct, your query will suddenly return rows if you remove the ORDER BY clause.
If you have a corrupted index, then you need to pay close attention to hardware. Is the RAM ECC? Is the processor overheating? How are you disks doing?
A second possibility is that there is a typo on a join condition of filter statement. Normally this is something I would suspect first but it is easy enough to weed out index problems to start there. If removing the ORDER BY doesn't change things, then chances are it is a typo. If you can't find a typo, then try reindexing.

what's the utility of array type?

I'm totally newbie with postgresql but I have a good experience with mysql. I was reading the documentation and I've discovered that postgresql has an array type. I'm quite confused since I can't understand in which context this type can be useful within a rdbms. Why would I have to choose this type instead of using a classical one to many relationship?
Thanks in advance.
I've used them to make working with trees (such as comment threads) easier. You can store the path from the tree's root to a single node in an array, each number in the array is the branch number for that node. Then, you can do things like this:
SELECT id, content
FROM nodes
WHERE tree = X
ORDER BY path -- The array is here.
PostgreSQL will compare arrays element by element in the natural fashion so ORDER BY path will dump the tree in a sensible linear display order; then, you check the length of path to figure out a node's depth and that gives you the indentation to get the rendering right.
The above approach gets you from the database to the rendered page with one pass through the data.
PostgreSQL also has geometric types, simple key/value types, and supports the construction of various other composite types.
Usually it is better to use traditional association tables but there's nothing wrong with having more tools in your toolbox.
One SO user is using it for what appears to be machine-aided translation. The comments to a follow-up question might be helpful in understanding his approach.
I've been using them successfully to aggregate recursive tree references using triggers.
For instance, suppose you've a tree of categories, and you want to find products in any of categories (1,2,3) or any of their subcategories.
One way to do it is to use an ugly with recursive statement. Doing so will output a plan stuffed with merge/hash joins on entire tables and an occasional materialize.
with recursive categories as (
select id
from categories
where id in (1,2,3)
union all
select products.*
from products
join product2category on...
join categories on ...
group by, ...
order by ... limit 10;
Another is to pre-aggregate the needed data:
categories (
id int,
parents int[] -- (array_agg(parent_id) from parents) || id
products (
id int,
categories int[] -- array_agg(category_id) from product2category
index on categories using gin (parents)
index on products using gin (categories)
select products.*
from products
where categories && array(
select id from categories where parents && array[1,2,3]
order by ... limit 10;
One issue with the above approach is that row estimates for the && operator are junk. (The selectivity is a stub function that has yet to be written, and results in something like 1/200 rows irrespective of the values in your aggregates.) Put another way, you may very well end up with an index scan where a seq scan would be correct.
To work around it, I increased the statistics on the gin-indexed column and I periodically look into pg_stats to extract more appropriate stats. When a cursory look at those stats reveal that using && for the specified values will return an incorrect plan, I rewrite applicable occurrences of && with arrayoverlap() (the latter has a stub selectivity of 1/3), e.g.:
select products.*
from products
where arrayoverlap(cat_id, array(
select id from categories where arrayoverlap(parents, array[1,2,3])
order by ... limit 10;
(The same goes for the <# operator...)