What is the status of the MongoDB extension for PHP7? - mongodb

PHP7 is gaining a lot of attention lately, promising great performance and a more mature language. Version 7.0.0-alpha is out. We are just starting to rework our core application, which uses MongoDB as data source.
I am wondering if there is any development underway for a PHP7 compatible MongoDB extension? How far is it? Is there any alternative?

Version 1.1.1 of the new "mongodb" extension supports PHP 7, as does the complementary userland library.

AFAIK, there's no compatible extension yet, but I think Hannes '#bjori' Magnusson - who works at MongoDB - wanted to work on it.

The old Mongo extension for PHP is not going to be supported in PHP7. Instead, there is a new MongoDB extension which is using libmongo under the hood and is a more "bare bones" approach that has the goal of being easy to maintain and easy to port to other environments such as HHVM. It also aims to work with any version down to PHP 5.4.
To make the new extension easier to work with, there is an official php library available on Packagist. This library does not aim to be a drop-in replacement for the old Mongo extension. It should be noted that at the time of writing, the library doesn't implement all the features available in the old Mongo extension, such as GridFS. Hopefully we'll see a non-beta release of the extension and library soon with all the available features.

Should be relapse today with version: 1.1.0
If somebody don't have enough time to play with new extension, you can always try php library compatible with old API.

Here it is a beta Version:
pecl install mongodb-beta
You need some software to compile and install:
yum -y install php-devel cyrus-sasl-devel openssl-devel gcc
echo extension=mongodb.so >/etc/php.d/mongodb.ini
composer require mongodb/mongodb
everything ok
I use CentOS 7 with PHP 7.0.1 und nginx 1.8 und Mongodb 3.2
for Windows:

pecl install mongodb
That should do it.

Php 7 mongo db driver installtion
pecl install mongodb
adding extension on "php.ini"
Install the mongodb driver using composer on public_html directory
$ composer require alcaeus/mongo-php-adapter
$ php composer.phar require alcaeus/mongo-php-adapter
add at the top of index.php
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';


FreeBSD: upgrade MongoDB server from 2.6 to 3.0

Running MongoDB v2.6 Server on FreeBSD operating system, I am looking for a way to upgrade the MongoDB version to at least v3.0. According to MongoDB website, I need to replace the binaries but I am not able to find appropriate download binaries for FreeBSD there MongoDB download website. Alternatively I had hoped, I could upgrade the binaries using pkg package manager but I don't know which command to use to upgrade to a specific version. I am looking for something like:
sudo pkg upgrade mongod v3.03
I've been crawling the web for days now to find a download link for Freebsd binaries for Version 3.0x or right upgrade command using pkg package manager.
Solution is: using the command "pkg install mongodb36-3.6.6_2" as suggested in the link by Valijon will first deinstall a previous version and then install v3.6 of MongoDB Server. Just what I was looking for.

sync elasticsearch and mongodb

Hi I am trying to transport data from mongodb to elasticsearch. I have done it by following this tutorial. It is working for elasticsearch version 1.X. But when I tried to do it with version 5.X. plug-ins can't be installed. Can someone help me to figure out a way to do it with version 5.X.
These are the two plugins.
$ES_HOME/bin/plugin -install elasticsearch/elasticsearch-mapper-attachments/1.6.0
plugin --install com.github.richardwilly98.elasticsearch/elasticsearch-river-mongodb/2.0.9
In elastic 5.x+ the installation commands are different. The mapper attachment library you're trying to install has an example here
bin/plugin install elasticsearch/elasticsearch-mapper-attachments/3.1.2
The other library does not mention support of Elastic > 2.x, and its last commit was well before 5.x existed.
If you need to use that exact library, I don't believe you will be able to use anything > 2.x

Want to install SOAP on PHP5.5

I am working on ubuntu 16.04 with PHP version 5.5 now I want to use SOAP library in it.
I have already installed php-soap package(with ref. How do I enable --enable-soap in php on linux?) and tried to enable it. but it won't works for me anyway.
By searching I found php soap package are available for PHP version 5.6, 7.0, 7.1.but am working on PHP version 5.5 and in situation that I can't change PHP version of my system.
Any way or suggestion to install soap for PHP5.5 would be great help.
The SOAP package is available for all versions of PHP since at least 4 something. There are two options on how to install/enable it depending on the way your PHP was installed initially.
If your PHP was installed via the distribution's package manager you just have to install the package php-soap. On your Ubuntu this should be:
sudo apt-get install php-soap
If your PHP was compiled on your machine you will have to compile it again passing in the switch --enable-soap .This switch could differ depending on your PHP verison. Check the documentation of make in PHP's source if this is the case.

wrong zend framework installation on ubuntu

I have installed the zend framework on ubuntu 8.04 by this article. and found that it is the 1.5 version of zf , but i want to install version 1.11. now how can i do that .
I think first i need to uninstall the old version. and then install new version.
oops i was forget to run command sudo apt-get update
Jeremy Kendall has a great post on his blog about setting up ZF on Ubuntu:
From Zero to Zend Framework Project in 10 Minutes
It discusses file locations, symlinking, virtual hosts, and even gets the ZF command-line tool working with .bash_aliases. Very clear, very straightforward.

Satchmo install on a mac using virtualenv

I have virtualenv set up and working correctly on my mac os (leopard) running python 2.6 & django 1.2.3. I want to install Satchmo but I haven't found solid instructions for a mac install using virtualenv. Can anyone help regarding this? thanks.
If you're using buildout with virtualenv then try this: https://github.com/shywolf9982/satchmo-buildout
Of course installing newest XCode ie. 3.1 or 3.2 is a must..
Unfortunatelly compiniling stuff on Mac can give you the creeps... My collegue and I, were fighting 12h with installation of geodjango on Spatialite database, and we didn't make it after all :)
If you're not using buildout then just use macports for installing modules listed in above repo's buildout.cfg file.
Good luck!
This Satchmo Project post contains the instructions I follow on Snow Leopard. I use Homebrew and/or MacPorts in lieu of the Debian package tools.