Modify TCP/IP packets live - sockets

I wish to be able to be able to make a small modification to all the packets that are being sent from my computer - specifically, TCP packets (though just IP would also be fine, as I'll do the parsing myself).
I've tried looking for existing tools but couldn't find any that would allow me to modify the packets in real-time.
I've thought that a tool that would allow me to create a "fake" adapter so i'll be able to connect to it and it will act as a transparent proxy, but couldn't find any tool that might work for me and allow me to actually change the packets live.
Thanks in advance!


Analyse packets going out of my computer

Whenever I open a website in my browser, I want to see the packet that is going out of my computer. I want to do this to check how the proxy extension on my browser is encrypting the information.
Is there a way to check the packet that is going out of my NIC?
Some sniffer tool like tcpdump or wireshark may help you.
Wireshark is easier, with a good GUI and easy to learn and advanced filtering rules, analyse each packet on all levels of the packet, save packets into external files, load from external files, filter prototyped protocols and more advanced usage.
tcpdump is fast and useful but it will require a little bit more learning than wireshark GUI. But, is a really good solution for command line, ready to use.
A simple step-by-step for wirshark:
Install wireshark
Open it with root/admin permissions
Choose the target NIC
Click on 'Start' for start packet sniffer
On this new window, you will see a list of continous packets passing--through chosen NIC
On the top of this window, you have a filtering field. By example, you can write down on it:
tcp.port == 443 and ip.addr =
Then, only packets matching this rule will be shown
On this example, we are filtering all traffic passing by TCP port 443 (SSL) and have even target (request) and source (response) host under address
It is possible filter by mac-addresses, and a lot of parameters under each packet, protocol specific parameters, and a lot of things.

How to use UDP from a machine with only NAT access

I have a machine, with no external IP address, it will need to send UDP packets to the outside world. Only NAT access.
Will this work?
It is really hard to prototype this in our environment.
It is still really under construction.
Any thoughts on how I can prototype this?
Most of the home network configurations in the world are made of a PC with an internal IP and a router with a public IP that NAT the internal one. (Independently of UDP/TCP or whatever protocol that needs to go out)
I see no troubles with it
It should work.
Ensure that for the socket created, set the TTL (time-to-live) to a value that is sufficiently large to cover the possible number of router hops to reach the destination. Running traceroute to the destination IP will give you a rough idea on the number of hops. Note that this value can change depending on network conditions. So it's best to set this to a larger value. Refer to sockets IOCtl API documentation for the syntax for setting TTL.
Finally, remember that UDP is not a reliable protocol. So even after taking the necessary steps above, the packet may not reach its destination. However, if the entire network, including the intermediary routers, is within a controlled environment, such as a corporate intranet, chances of packet drop are minimal.
If you want to add reliability on top of UDP, you can adopt a NAK based algorithm where packets are stamped with a sequence number. Various resources might advise you that if you need to add reliability over UDP you should consider TCP, but my experience has been that if your app runs in a controlled environment with very minimal chance of packet drops and you need fast connection setup and tear down, adding a lightweight reliability over UDP has its merits. Also TCP connections take up valuable space in the OS kernel whereas UDP don't. This could also be a consideration if you want to support very large number of 'connections' in a constrained environment.
At the end of the day you need to experiment a little to figure out what works best for you.
To prototype, I would set up a NAT server using something like Linux and then start working from there. Real world traffic scenarios that you want to simulate will determine where the client and server are to be located on either side of the NAT. That is, if the traffic should go through an ISP or all within a controlled environment.

Can I send non-IP packets using Winsock?

I'm trying to create a small PPPoE Access Concentrator to learn the inner workings of PPPoE.
This requires me to send non-IP packets, I need to be able to set the ETHER_TYPE and eventualy the destination mac fields in the ethernet frame header, but as far as I can tell, raw WinSock sockets give me the ability to supply my own IP header, but not the ethernet header.
Is this true? And if so, is there any way of circumventing this?
I am well aware of WinPcap, and will use it ONLY as a last resort.
I believe that you are correct. Winsock will allow a raw IP socket but does not allow you to get beneath layer 3 and send non-IP packets. For this I believe you would need to pursue the WinPcap / TDI option . More information.

UDP for multiplayer game

I have no experience with sockets nor multiplayer programming.
I need to code a multiplayer mode for a game I made in c++. It's a puzzle game but the game mode will not be turn-based, it's more like cooperative.
I decided to use UDP, so I've read some tutorials, and all the samples I find decribes how to create a client that sends data and a server that receives it.
My game will be played by two players, and both will send and receive data to/from the other.
Do I need to code a client and a server?
Should I use the same socket to send and receive?
Should I send and receive data in the same port?
Thanks, I'm kind of lost.
Read how the masters did it:
Read the code:
git clone git://
Open one UDP socket and use sendto and recvfrom. The following file contains the functions for the network client.
UDP_OpenSocket calls socket (PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)
NET_SendPacket calls sendto
NET_GetPacket calls recvfrom
Do I need to code a client and a server?
It depends. For a two player game, with both computers on the same LAN, or both on the open Internet, you could simply have the two computers send packets to each other directly.
On the other hand, if you want your game to work across the Internet, when one or both players are behind a NAT and/or firewall, then you have the problem that the NAT and/or firewall will probably filter out the other player's incoming UDP packets, unless the local player goes to the trouble of setting up port-forwarding in their firewall... something that many users are not willing (or able) to do. In that case, you might be better off running a public server that both clients can connect to, which forwards data from one client to another. (You might also consider using TCP instead of UDP in that case, at least as a fallback, since TCP streams are in general likely to have fewer issues with firewalls than UDP packets)
Should I use the same socket to send and receive?
Should I send and receive data in the same port?
You don't have to, but you might as well -- there's no downside to using just a single socket and a single port, and it will simplify your code a bit.
Note that this answer is all about using UDP sockets. If you change your mind to use TCP sockets, it will almost all be irrelevant.
Do I need to code a client and a server?
Since you've chosen to to use UDP (a fair choice if your data isn't really important and benefits more from lower latency than reliable communication), you don't have much of a choice here: a "server" is a piece of code for receiving packets from the network, and your "client" is for sending packets into the network. UDP doesn't provide any mechanism for the server to communicate to the client (unlike TCP which establishes a 2 way socket). In this case, if you want to have two way communication between your two hosts, they'll each need server and client code.
Now, you could choose to use UDP broadcasts, where both clients listen and send on the broadcast address (usually for home networks, but it can be anything and is configurable). This is slightly more complex to code for, but it would eliminate the need for client/server configuration and may be seen as more plug 'n play for your users. However, note that this will not work over the Internet.
Alternatively, you can create a hybrid method where hosts are discovered by broadcasting and listening for broadcasts, but then once the hosts are chosen you use host to host unicast sockets. You could provide fallback to manually specify network settings (remote host/port for each) so that it can work over the Internet.
Finally, you could provide a true "server" role that all clients connect to. The server would then know which clients connected to it and would in turn try to connect back to them. This is a server at a higher level, not at the socket level. Both hosts still need to have packet sending (client) and receiving (server) code.
Should I use the same socket to send and receive?
Well, since you're using UDP, you don't really have a choice. UDP doesn't establish any kind of persistent connection that they can communicate back and forth over. See the above point for more details.
Should I send and receive data in the same port?
In light of the above question, your question may be better phrased "should each host listen on the same port?". I think that would certainly make your coding easier, but it doesn't have to. If you don't and you opt for the 3rd option of the first point, you'll need a "connect back to me on this port" datafield in the "client's" first message to the server.

UDP multicast from specific network card

I'm looking for some networking gurus to help me with a problem. I have many computers running my software which uses UDP multicasting. This works fine if the computers are connected ONLY to one network (network A). My computer (which is also running said software) will listen on port XXXX for the multicasts. This computer has two network cards and when I connect it to another network, network B, my software goes haywire. The problem is that I do not know what network a given multicast came from. And if I send out a multicast, I cannot tell it to use network A instead of network B or vice versa.
My questions:
Is there a way to distinguish packets coming in from different networks??
Is there a way to send a multicast to network A and NOT network B?
I'm using C++ and Win32 sockets. Thanks to anyone that replies.
You should listen for multicast packets on one interface where you joined the group. You should explicitly set the interface used for sending the multicast packets (otherwise they are routed as everything else, default route, etc.). Both are accomplished via setsockopt calls. Here are some links for you:
Multicast programming - talks about setting "send" interface,
IP Multicast Extensions - talks about both "send" and "receive" interfaces.
Disclaimer: the links are admittedly Unix-centric, so your Windows mileage may vary :)
Working on a project with MC UDP on redundant NICs over the last year, we saw a similar problem. After battling it a bit with winsock, our ultimate solution was to prioritize traffic using the DOS command route
route add 224.x.x.x ... [desired gateway] METRIC 1
This ensured that the traffic only went out on the Interface we wanted.
I realize this might not be exactly what you want, but it could at least be a stopgap solution while you implement another fix.
On multihomed hosts you need to join the multicast group via all interfaces sequentially, or via all the ones you care about. If you are interested in network of origin you could use multiple M/C sockets, each bound to a different interface, same port, and each of them joined to the group; then the receiving socket itself tells you which network any incoming traffic comes from.