If else Condition in PostgreSql - postgresql

I have Query which need to be modified like if I pass zone=All then it should display all records else other condition. This query I have to use in SSRS Reports, it works in this condition.
select distinct zone, wardno,deptname,
from cybertec_view_requests
left join cybertec_view_requests_comments on
cybertec_view_requests_comments.reqid = cybertec_view_requests.id_
where zone= ? and deptname=? and
opendate between ? and ? and categoryname=?
group by zone,wardno,deptname, cybertec_view_requests.statusname,
order by zone,wardno,deptname

try this
Hear #zone is your variable to pass in the Query
SELECT DISTINCT zone, wardno,deptname, cybertec_view_requests.statusname, categoryname,opendate,probdesc
FROM cybertec_view_requests
LEFT JOIN cybertec_view_requests_comments ON cybertec_view_requests_comments.reqid = cybertec_view_requests.id_
WHERE zone= CASE WHEN #zone = 'ALL' THEN zone ELSE #zone END and deptname=? and
opendate between ? and ? and categoryname=?
GROUP BY zone,wardno,deptname, cybertec_view_requests.statusname,
ORDER BY zone,wardno,deptname


find the first date after a given date in SQL

I have two tables related to vital signs like below:
enter image description here
and have the second table
enter image description here
I want to show the table below:
enter image description here
My problem is when I used with statement in SQL to join the tables, the date sometimes didn't show the first record after the date of admission, but it showed the second or third one like this:
enter image description here
I want to show the first and last record after the admission date.
Can anyone help me with this?
With admissionCTE AS (SELECT DISTINCT on (id) id, dateofadmission:: date as Date_of_admission
dateofadmission::date is not NULL
and dateofadmission::date < now()),
first_BMI_CTE AS (select id,bmi, date::date as first_assess
from vital_signs
where vital_signs.bmi is not null
order by
last_BMI_CTE AS(SELECT id, bmi,date
from vital_signs
where bmi is not null AND (id,date::DATE) IN (select id,max(date::DATE) as last_date_assessment
from vital_signs
Group by id))
SELECT DISTINCT on (first_BMI_CTE.id) first_BMI_CTE.id as "ID",
first_BMI_CTE.first_assess as "First_assessment_date",
first_BMI_CTE.bmi as "First BMI",
when last_BMI_CTE.obs_datetime::date = first_BMI_CTE.first_assess::date then null
else last_BMI_CTE.obs_datetime
end as "Last_assessment_date",
when last_BMI_CTE.obs_datetime::date = first_BMI_CTE.first_assess::date then null
else last_BMI_CTE.bmi end as "Last BMI"
from first_BMI_CTE
left outer join last_BMI_CTE on
last_BMI_CTE.id = first_BMI_CTE.id
left outer join admissionCTE on
admissionCTE.id = first_BMI_CTE.id
where admissionCTE.id is not null
and first_BMI_CTE.first_assess >= admissionCTE.Date_of_admission

Query returning different number of rows, results in crosstab error

I get this error with my query, but I can't figure out what is wrong with it:
Query-specified return tuple has 135 columns but crosstab returns 295.
And here's my query: (The part highlighted in bold returns same number of rows when run separately in pgAdmin.)
SELECT X.*, pi.productcode, pi.productitemdesc, pi.retailsalesprice, cat.productcategorydesc FROM (
SELECT * FROM crosstab (
'SELECT a.productitem AS productitemid, l.locationcode, (CASE WHEN SUM(a.netamount) IS NOT NULL THEN SUM(a.netamount) ELSE 0 END) || ''#'' || (CASE WHEN SUM(a.quantity) IS NOT NULL THEN SUM(a.quantity) ELSE 0 END) AS sales_qty FROM invoiceitem a INNER JOIN invoiceinfo b ON a.invoice = b.invoiceid INNER JOIN locationinfo l ON b.location = l.locationid WHERE b.status !=2 AND l.locationtype = 1 AND l.status = 1 AND TO_CHAR (b.invoicedate, ''YYYY-MM-DD'')>=''2018-03-01'' AND TO_CHAR (b.invoicedate, ''YYYY-MM-DD'')<=''2018-03-03'' GROUP BY a.productitem, l.locationcode ORDER BY a.productitem',
'SELECT l.locationcode FROM locationinfo l INNER JOIN invoiceinfo b ON b.location = l.locationid
WHERE b.status !=2 AND l.locationtype = 1 AND l.status = 1 AND TO_CHAR (b.invoicedate, ''YYYY-MM-DD'')>=''2018-03-01'' AND TO_CHAR (b.invoicedate, ''YYYY-MM-DD'')<=''2018-03-03'' GROUP BY l.locationcode order by l.locationcode')
AS (productitemid int, "0007" text,"BE101" text,"BE1013" text,"BE1014" text,"BE102" text,"BE103" text,"BE1034" text,"BE104" text,"BE1040" text,"BE1043" text,"BE1044" text,"BE1045" text,"BE1046" text,"BE105" text,"BE106" text,"BE107" text,"BE108" text,"BE109" text,"BE110" text,"BE111" text,"BE112" text,"BE123" text,"BE1265" text,"BE1266" text,"BE1271" text,"BE1272" text,"BE1273" text,"BE1274" text,"BE1279" text,"BE1280" text,"BE1281" text,"BE1282" text,"BE1351" text,"BE1400" text,"BE1401" text,"BE1404" text,"BE141" text,"BE142" text,"BE193" text,"BE194" text,"BE2125" text,"BE2126" text,"BE2127" text,"BE2128" text,"BE3001" text,"BE3002" text,"BE3005" text,"BE3006" text,"BE3009" text,"BE3010" text,"BE3031" text,"BE3032" text,"BE3121" text,"BE3122" text,"BE3123" text,"BE3124" text,"BE3127" text,"BE3128" text,"BE3131" text,"BE3132" text,"BE3203" text,"BE3204" text,"BE325" text,"BE3253" text,"BE3254" text,"BE326" text,"BE332" text,"BE3503" text,"BE3504" text,"BE355" text,"BE356" text,"BE365" text,"BE366" text,"BE381" text,"BE382" text,"BE383" text,"BE384" text,"BE400" text,"BE401" text,"BE402" text,"BE403" text,"BE405" text,"BE406" text,"BE408" text,"BE409" text,"BE411" text,"BE412" text,"BE4311" text,"BE4316" text,"BE4401" text,"BE4402" text,"BE4521" text,"BE4522" text,"BE4551" text,"BE4552" text,"BE470" text,"BE473" text,"BE475" text,"BE481" text,"BE482" text,"BE601" text,"BE604" text,"BE609" text,"BE610" text,"BE7040" text,"BE7043" text,"BE7045" text,"BE7046" text,"BE7048" text,"BE7049" text,"BE708" text,"BE7111" text,"BE7112" text,"BE7127" text,"BE7128" text,"BE7217" text,"BE7218" text,"BE7307" text,"BE7308" text,"BE7351" text,"BE7352" text,"BE801" text,"BE802" text,"BE803" text,"BE804" text,"BE831" text,"BE832" text,"BE860" text,"BE861" text,"BE862" text,"BE863" text,"BE865" text,"BE981" text,"BE982" text
)) X
LEFT JOIN productitem pi ON X.productitemid = pi.productitemid
LEFT JOIN productcategory cat ON pi.productcategory = cat.productcategoryid
The bold part of
productitemid int, "0007" text,"BE101" text,"BE1013" text,"BE1014" text,"BE102" text,"BE103" text,"BE1034" text,"BE104" text,"BE1040" text,"BE1043" text,"BE1044" text,"BE1045" text,"BE1046" text,"BE105" text,"BE106" text,"BE107" text,"BE108" text,"BE109" text,"BE110" text,"BE111" text,"BE112" text,"BE123" text,"BE1265" text,"BE1266" text,"BE1271" text,"BE1272" text,"BE1273" text,"BE1274" text,"BE1279" text,"BE1280" text,"BE1281" text,"BE1282" text,"BE1351" text,"BE1400" text,"BE1401" text,"BE1404" text,"BE141" text,"BE142" text,"BE193" text,"BE194" text,"BE2125" text,"BE2126" text,"BE2127" text,"BE2128" text,"BE3001" text,"BE3002" text,"BE3005" text,"BE3006" text,"BE3009" text,"BE3010" text,"BE3031" text,"BE3032" text,"BE3121" text,"BE3122" text,"BE3123" text,"BE3124" text,"BE3127" text,"BE3128" text,"BE3131" text,"BE3132" text,"BE3203" text,"BE3204" text,"BE325" text,"BE3253" text,"BE3254" text,"BE326" text,"BE332" text,"BE3503" text,"BE3504" text,"BE355" text,"BE356" text,"BE365" text,"BE366" text,"BE381" text,"BE382" text,"BE383" text,"BE384" text,"BE400" text,"BE401" text,"BE402" text,"BE403" text,"BE405" text,"BE406" text,"BE408" text,"BE409" text,"BE411" text,"BE412" text,"BE4311" text,"BE4316" text,"BE4401" text,"BE4402" text,"BE4521" text,"BE4522" text,"BE4551" text,"BE4552" text,"BE470" text,"BE473" text,"BE475" text,"BE481" text,"BE482" text,"BE601" text,"BE604" text,"BE609" text,"BE610" text,"BE7040" text,"BE7043" text,"BE7045" text,"BE7046" text,"BE7048" text,"BE7049" text,"BE708" text,"BE7111" text,"BE7112" text,"BE7127" text,"BE7128" text,"BE7217" text,"BE7218" text,"BE7307" text,"BE7308" text,"BE7351" text,"BE7352" text,"BE801" text,"BE802" text,"BE803" text,"BE804" text,"BE831" text,"BE832" text,"BE860" text,"BE861" text,"BE862" text,"BE863" text,"BE865" text,"BE981" text,"BE982" text
SELECT l.locationcode FROM locationinfo l INNER JOIN invoiceinfo b ON b.location = l.locationid
WHERE b.status !=2 AND l.locationtype = 1 AND l.status = 1 AND TO_CHAR (b.invoicedate, ''YYYY-MM-DD'')>=''2018-03-01'' AND TO_CHAR (b.invoicedate, ''YYYY-MM-DD'')<=''2018-03-03'' GROUP BY l.locationcode order by l.locationcode
When run seperately, I get 295 results which is correct. However putting it together in the whole query gets the error.
The manual:
The remaining output columns must have the type of the last column of the source_sql query's result, and there must be exactly as many of them as there are rows in the category_sql query's result.
crosstab(text, text) with a dynamic (!) SELECT query as 2nd parameter is very error prone, since the output column list is static. You should also generate the output column list dynamically. Example:
Dynamic alternative to pivot with CASE and GROUP BY
That aside, the different number of rows returned from the same query, may very well be due to a different timezone setting in the two different sessions.
You have the expression TO_CHAR(b.invoicedate, 'YYYY-MM-DD') in your predicates. If b.invoicedate is type timestamptz the result depends on the timezone setting. Consider:
SET timezone = '+10';
SELECT TO_CHAR(timestamptz '2018-04-07 23:30+0', 'YYYY-MM-DD');
SET timezone = '-10';
SELECT TO_CHAR(timestamptz '2018-04-07 23:30+0', 'YYYY-MM-DD');
To remove the dependency on the timezone setting, use absolute values.
to_char() is expensive complication in this place to begin with. Drop that and adjust the predicate.
Provide timestamptz values to match your column. This also allows indexes to be used (if applicable).
Return Table Type from A function in PostgreSQL
Use time zone names (not offsets or abbreviations) to avoid more misunderstandings.
Ignoring timezones altogether in Rails and PostgreSQL
Use dollar-quoting to clean up the quote mess.
Insert text with single quotes in PostgreSQL
I suggest this as 2nd parameter:
SELECT l.locationcode
FROM locationinfo l
JOIN invoiceinfo b ON b.location = l.locationid
WHERE b.status <> 2 AND l.locationtype = 1 AND l.status = 1
AND b.invoicedate >= timestamptz '2018-03-01 Europe/Vienna'
AND b.invoicedate < timestamptz '2018-03-04 Europe/Vienna'
Replace Europe/Vienna in my example with the time zone name defining your dates.
Note 2018-03-04 to include all of 2018-03-03 like you intended.

PostgreSql Group By and aggreate function error

My problem is, when I run the following query in MySQL, it looks like this
CONCAT(b.tarih, '#', CONCAT(b.enlem, ',', b.boylam), '#', b.aldigi_yol) AS IlkMesaiEnlemBoylamImei,
CONCAT(tson.max_tarih, '#', CONCAT(tson.max_enlem, ',', tson.max_boylam), '#', tson.max_aldigi_yol) AS SonMesaiEnlemBoylamImei,
Max(CAST(b.hiz AS UNSIGNED)) As EnYuksekHiz,
TIME_FORMAT(Sec_TO_TIME(TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, (b.tarih), (tson.max_tarih))), '%H:%i') AS DurmaSuresi
(Select id as max_id, tarih as max_tarih, enlem as max_enlem, boylam as max_boylam, aldigi_yol as max_aldigi_yol from _213gl2015016424 where id in(
FROM _213gl2015016424 where (tarih between DATE('2016-11-30 05:45:00') AND Date('2017-01-13 14:19:06')) AND CAST(hiz AS UNSIGNED) > 0
) tson
LEFT JOIN _213gl2015016424 a ON a.id = tson.max_id
LEFT JOIN _213gl2015016424 b ON DATE(b.tarih) = DATE(a.tarih)
WHERE b.tarih is not null And (b.tarih between DATE('2016-11-30 05:45:00') AND Date('2017-01-13 14:19:06')) AND b.hiz > 0
GROUP BY tson.max_tarih
Output is order by date;
Result query
When I try to run a query in PostgreSQL, I get group by mistake.
CONCAT(b.tarih, '#', CONCAT(b.enlem, ',', b.boylam), '#', b.toplamyol) AS IlkMesaiEnlemBoylamImei,
CONCAT(tson.max_tarih, '#', CONCAT(tson.max_enlem, ',', tson.max_boylam), '#', tson.max_toplamyol) AS SonMesaiEnlemBoylamImei,
Max(CAST(b.hiz AS OID)) As EnYuksekHiz,
to_char(to_timestamp((extract(epoch from (tson.max_tarih)) - extract(epoch from (b.tarih)))) - interval '2 hour','HH24:MI') AS DurmaSuresi
(Select id as max_id, tarih as max_tarih, enlem as max_enlem, boylam as max_boylam, toplamyol as max_toplamyol from _213GL2016008691 where id in(
FROM _213GL2016008691 where (tarih between DATE('2018-02-01 03:31:54') AND DATE('2018-03-01 03:31:54')) AND CAST(hiz AS OID) > 0
) tson
LEFT JOIN _213GL2016008691 a ON a.id = tson.max_id
LEFT JOIN _213GL2016008691 b ON DATE(b.tarih) = DATE(a.tarih)
WHERE b.tarih is not null And (b.tarih between DATE('2018-02-12 03:31:54') AND DATE('2018-02-13 03:31:54')) AND b.hiz > 0
GROUP BY tson.max_tarih
Group by error is : To use the aggregate function, you must add the column "b.tarih" to the GROUP BY list.
When I add it I get the same error for another column.I'm waiting for your help.
You are using a feature of MySQL that is not standard SQL and you can also deactivate.
You are grouping by tson.max_tarih in your query. That means that for all rows that share the same value in that field, you will get only one row as a result of that group.
If you have several different values in the rest of the fields (enlem, boylam, etc...) which one are you trying to get in as the result of the query? That's the question that PostgreSQL is asking you.
MySQL is just returning any value for those fields among the rows in the group. PostgreSQL requires you to actually specify it.
Two typical solutions would be grouping by the rest of the fields (b.tarih, b.enlem) or specifying the value those fields to something like MAX(b.tarih), etc.

How to match starting date to the closest ending date in order to get the time difference

OUT.DT_TM "DateTimeOut",
IN.DT_TM "DateTimeIn",
cast(timestampdiff( 4, char(timestamp(IN.DT_TM) - timestamp(OUT.DT_TM))) as decimal(30,1))/60 "Duration Out"
hr.timeout e1
and year(e1.DT_TM)=2016
hr.timeout e2
and year(e2.dt_tm)=2016
AND e2.CD='IN'
) IN
on out.EMP_ID=in.EMP_ID
Trying to get the closest DateTimeIn match with the DateTimeOut.
Currently it repeats the same DateTimeOut and DateTimeIn multiple times.
I think its normal because your table dont have constraint unique on emp_id, dt_tm and cd. But if you want unique result try this :
With Period as (
select e1.EMP_ID, e1.DT_TM from hr.timeout e1
WHERE month(e1.DT_TM)=09 and year(e1.DT_TM)=2016
Select distinct OUT.EMP_ID, IN.DT_TM as DateTimeIn, OUT.DT_TM as DateTimeOut,
TIMESTAMPDIFF(2 , CAST(timestamp(IN.DT_TM) - timestamp(ifnull(OUT.DT_TM, current date)) AS CHAR(22)) ) as DurationSecond
from Period in left outer join Period out
on out.EMP_ID=in.EMP_ID and out.CD='OUT' and in.CD='IN'
order by 1, 2, 3
Like you can see, i use timestampdiff with '2' like first parameter for second (you divided by 60), i use ifnull because you do a left outer join (out.DT_TM can be null) and i do a distinct for unique result

Compare results with percentage with PRINT

I've queried the results I'm looking for, now I simply want to compare "OnTime" Y/N for a percentage "OnTime", but I'm having trouble comparing the alias and/or using the column name in the PRINT function. Any suggestions?
shmast.fcnumber AS Customer,
shmast.fcbcompany AS Company,
somast.fsono AS SalesOrder,
somast.fduedate AS DueDate,
shmast.fshipno AS Shipper,
shmast.fshipdate AS ShipDate,
--DATEDIFF(DAY,somast.fduedate,shmast.fshipdate) AS 'Days',
WHEN shmast.fshipdate <= somast.fduedate THEN 'Y'
WHEN shmast.fshipdate > somast.fduedate THEN 'N'
FROM somast
JOIN shmast ON somast.fsono = shmast.fcsono
WHERE shmast.fcnumber = '000111'
PRINT (OnTime = 'Y') / COUNT (*)
Giving it another shot after your description
sum(CASE WHEN shmast.fshipdate<=somast.fduedate THEN 100.0 END)/count(*) AS OnTime
FROM somast
JOIN shmast ON somast.fsono = shmast.fcsono
WHERE shmast.fcnumber = '000111'